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This is a transcript for dialogue with Drummer Boy.


1DrummerBoyMeetingMaleEvenToned: Hey, rook, the name's Drummer Boy.{sarcasm / Irritated} It's my envious job to keep track of all the dead drops and grab incoming agents and tell them where they're needed.A1a
2{sarcastic, humor / Irritated} I don't suppose you want to switch places?Player Default: That can be an important job.A1b
3Player Default: That can be an important job.{Not taking the comfort / Irritated} Yeah, right. I could be replaced by a stupid chalk board.DrummerBoy: We'll be seeing each other. A lot.A1a
4Player Default: So I can order you around.{Annoyed / Irritated} Sure, why not. Everyone else does. But you can get your own coffee, all right?DrummerBoy: We'll be seeing each other. A lot.B1a
5Player Default: Sure. Hope you know how to use a minigun. Oh, and soak up bullets.{Laughing in tone / Amused} You heavies need a lot of punctuality and attention to detail, right? If so, I'm golden. Heh.DrummerBoy: We'll be seeing each other. A lot.X1a
6Player Default: Why's that a bad job?{slightly bitter} Runners are the bottom of the totem pole in the Railroad, just a hair above tourists.Y1a
7{some resolve} Being HQ's runner is a cut above field work, I suppose. Eh. Someone's got to do it.DrummerBoy: We'll be seeing each other. A lot.Y1b
8Player Default: Yeah, right. I could be replaced by a stupid chalk board.{friendly-ish} We'll be seeing each other. A lot.A1a
9DrummerBoyPostgameVertibirdMaleEvenToned: You know that vertibird from Red Glare?Well, Tom and the boys fueled it up and it's ready for you. Just throw this and it'll pick you up.A1a
10Tom will start stocking signal grenades, too.A1b
11DrummerBoyRandolphIntroMaleEvenToned: Hey you.{Serious} Randolph Safehouse has been MIA since Switchboard. But now we got one of their dead drops tagged.A1a
12{Passing along the order} Dez wants you to check it out.Player Default: I hope this means Randolph is safe after all.A1b
13Player Default: I hope this means Randolph is safe after all.{Agree} It'd be nice to get some good news for a change.DrummerBoy: Once you take care of the dead drop report in to Dez.A1a
14Player Default: Checking out dead drops is your job.{pleased he can pass this shit work to the player} Not when it could be a big old trap from the Institute.DrummerBoy: Once you take care of the dead drop report in to Dez.B1a
15Player Default: It took this long to make contact? Sounds suspicious.{Concerned for his compatriots} Yeah, it smells fishy. But if some of our boys need help - we got to do what we got to do, right?DrummerBoy: Once you take care of the dead drop report in to Dez.X1a
16Player Default: What's the story about Randolph?{Grim - a lot of friends died} Everyone that knew the actual location of Randolph died during the last Courser blitz.Y1a
17{a little excited} So this dead drop is our first chance to re-establish contact.Player Default: I hope this means Randolph is safe after all.Y1b
18Player Default: It'd be nice to get some good news for a change.Once you take care of the dead drop report in to Dez.A1a


19RR303_Ambient_PostInitialAssaultDesdemona: Drummer?{Bleak / Afraid} Brotherhood's in the catacombs. Glory's holding them off.A1a
20{Even bleaker / Afraid} Don't know how long she can hold out, though.A1b