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This is a transcript for dialogue with Doctor Carrington.


1CIS_ChatWithNPC_Curie_SceneCompanion: Oh, another physician. Tell me, where did you go to university?University? You're not serious, right?A1a
2Companion: Oh, another physician. Tell me, where did you go to university?Sure there are. Just a couple hundred years old, though.A2a
3Companion: Oh, another physician. Tell me, where did you go to university?My theory is you're a little off your rocker.A3a
4Companion: Oh, another physician. Tell me, where did you go to university?Most people look at medicine as a business these days. Makes no sense to share stuff with your competition.A4a
5Companion: Oh, another physician. Tell me, where did you go to university?We're lucky to even get close to what they knew back then. Well, unless you're the Institute.A5a
6Companion: Oh, another physician. Tell me, where did you go to university?Uh, if it's free, sure. Thanks.A6a
7Companion: Oh, another physician. Tell me, where did you go to university?Hmm. I do have a few notes here. You're welcome to them.A7a
8Companion: Oh, another physician. Tell me, where did you go to university?If you get that hospital up and running, yeah, sign me up.A8a


9ConvRailroadGenericCarrington01_01GenericNPC_One: The latest from Stanwix Safehouse. No change.So the tally's at three MIA and six dead.GenericNPC_One: How'd they find Switchboard, doc?A1a
10GenericNPC_One: How'd they find Switchboard, doc?We tarried overlong. All it takes is one person being careless.GenericNPC_One: We have any leads on the next HQ?A1a
11GenericNPC_One: We have any leads on the next HQ?Never you mind, that. Go along now.A1a
12ConvRailroadGenericCarrington02_01GenericNPC_One: Hollyfeld's down. And the synth is missing. Everything went pear-shaped.And what am I to do with that exactly?GenericNPC_One: You were the one who told Dez the whole plan was bullshit.A1a
13GenericNPC_One: You were the one who told Dez the whole plan was bullshit.Why, yes. Yes, I did. But she makes the calls. Not I.GenericNPC_One: Then why didn't she listen?A1a
14GenericNPC_One: Then why didn't she listen?This is unproductive. Goodbye.A1a


15ConvRailroadGenericDesdemona02_01We still don't know the extent we were compromised after the Switchboard disaster. Our numbers are perilously few.Desdemona: I'm not going back underground.A1a
16Desdemona: I'm not going back underground.Why on earth not? For a few synths? See reason.Desdemona: I swore an oath to save every synth I can.A1a
17Desdemona: I swore an oath to save every synth I can.That'll be a lovely epitaph on our tombstones.Desdemona: Enough, Carrington.A1a
18Desdemona: Enough, Carrington.Just how many mistakes must be made before the others demand a better leader.A1a
19I just hope they realize it before it's too late.A1b


20DoctorGreetSceneI suppose you're here for my medical services. Let's see what's wrong with you today.Player Default: Patch me up, doc.A
21Are you injured? It's a wonder you and Glory don't set off metal detectors.Player Default: Patch me up, doc.A
22I'm very busy, unless you need my medical expertise - please bother someone else.Player Default: Patch me up, doc.A
23Not many doctors around these days. Should let me take a look at you.Player Default: Patch me up, doc.A
24If you need fixing up, let's get a look at you.Player Default: Patch me up, doc.A
25I can patch you up if you need it. For a small fee, of course.Player Default: Patch me up, doc.A
26Player Default: Not interested.Very well.B1a
27Player Default: Not interested.Fine.B2a
28Player Default: Not interested.All right. Excuse me.B3a
29Player Default: Not interested.Let me know if that changes.B4a
30Player Default: Patch me up, doc.Now, go over your symptoms for me. One at a time.A5a
31Player Default: Patch me up, doc.Tell me your symptoms.A6a
32Player Default: Patch me up, doc.What's feeling off today? What can you tell me?A7a
33Player Default: Patch me up, doc.Go over your symptoms with me.A8a
34Player Default: Could use some supplies, actually.I suppose I could spare some Stimpaks.X10a
35Player Default: Could use some supplies, actually.All right, but go easy on the Chems.X11a
36Player Default: Could use some supplies, actually.Let's see what I can spare...X12a
37Got nothing, sorry. Just trying to practice medicine.Player Default: Patch me up, doc.Y18a
38Nothing that would interest you. Now, let's talk about you and your health.Player Default: Patch me up, doc.Y19a
39Been out of the loop. Lot of sick and injured taking up my time. Now, if you need treatment, let me know.Player Default: Patch me up, doc.Y20a
40DoctorMedicineScene02_Exam{patient just told you they aren't in pain} Glad to hear it. Anything else?A2a
41{patient just told you they aren't in pain} Good. Hope it stays that way. Anything else?A3a
42{patient just told you they aren't in pain} Good. Anything else?A4a
43{medical examination / Puzzled} Huh, you look fine, but... oh wait... yep, that's gonna need to be set back in place. Let's get started.A6a
44{medical examination} Eh, I've seen worse. Better stitch you up before infection sets in, though.A7a
45{medical examination} Scrapes and bruises, but it's probably a good idea to get them fixed up.A8a
46{examining a patient / Thinking} Severe lacerations, puncture wounds, muscle spasms in the eyes from high levels of stress... Yeah, let's patch you up.A12a
47{medical examination / Thinking} Hmm... gonna need to brace those fractures, apply some cream for the burns, a few sets of stitches. Better get to it...A13a
48{medical examination / Surprised} Oh wow, that's a lot of blood. We'll need to operate right away.A14a
49{Apologetic} Well, I'd patch you up, but I have costs to cover, and you're short on caps. What else is bothering you?A18a
50{Apologetic} You're hurt, all right, but you're also dead broke. Sorry. Anything else?A19a
51{Apologetic} I'd like to help you, but I got costs to cover, and you're low on caps. Was there anything else?A20a
52All right. Don't ruin my hard work by dying out there.B5a
53Take better care of yourself in the future, okay?B6a
54Off you go, then.B7a
55Then stop wasting my time.B8a
56{played asked for help, then changed his mind} On your way, then.B11a
57{played asked for help, then changed his mind} Fine. Come back later.B12a
58{played asked for help, then changed his mind} Very well, then.B13a
59{examining a patient, they just told you their radiation levels are normal} Good. Keep an eye on it, though. What else?X1a
60{seeing signs of radiation sickness} Blood pooling in the gums. Signs of anemia. Yeah. We better clean you up.X3a
61{seeing signs of radiation sickness} All right. Let's flush your system.X4a
62{seeing signs of radiation sickness} We'll clean you up, don't worry.X5a
63You're short on caps. We can begin treatment when you have the money. Is there anything else?A18a
64{Apologetic} You don't have enough caps for the fee. Sorry. Anything else?X8a
65{Apologetic} We can clean you up, but you don't have enough money to cover the costs. Anything else?X9a
66{Apologetic} You're definitely sick, but you don't have enough money to cover my fee. Sorry. Was there something else?X10a
67Player Default: Yeah, see what's wrong with me, doctor.{examining a patient, who says they are not addicted to any chems} Glad to hear it. Anything else?Y1a
68Player Default: Yeah, see what's wrong with me, doctor.As a rule the Railroad severely frowns on all of... this, but we can help you. Next time stay sober.Y4a
69Player Default: Yeah, see what's wrong with me, doctor.{curing patient's chem addiction} You're strung out all right. I got something that can clean you up.Y7a
70Player Default: Yeah, see what's wrong with me, doctor.{curing patient's chem addiction} Yeah, you got it bad. Let's flush your system. It's gonna burn like crazy, afterwards, all right?Y8a
71Player Default: Yeah, see what's wrong with me, doctor.{curing patient's chem addiction} Let's clean you up. Not gonna be pleasant...Y9a
72Player Default: Yeah, see what's wrong with me, doctor.{Apologetic} I'm sorry. Cleaning up addiction costs money, and you're short on caps. Was there anything else?Y11a
73Player Default: Yeah, see what's wrong with me, doctor.{Apologetic} I can help, but not for free. You'll need to come back when you have the caps. You need anything else?Y12a
74Player Default: Yeah, see what's wrong with me, doctor.{Apologetic} We can help you when you have enough money. Addiction isn't cheap to cure. Anything else?Y13a
75DoctorMedicineScene03_AllDoneDone. Now, was there anything else bothering you?A2a
76And that's that. Anything else bothering you?A3a
77All done. Any other complaints?A4a


78CarringtonGreetScene{Irritated} I still can't believe Dez assigned you to our HQ.Player Default: I'm just here to help the cause.A
79Player Default: Doesn't seem like that concerns you.{Irritated} Who we let into our inner circle affects us all.Carrington: Put simply, you shouldn't be here. It isn't a question of competence, it's a simple matter of security.B1a
80Player Default: Is it really that unusual?{Irritated} In my years of service, no one's ever just joined HQ straight away. True, you finding us in the first place was...singular. But...Carrington: Put simply, you shouldn't be here. It isn't a question of competence, it's a simple matter of security.Y1a
81Player Default: Be that as it may.{Irritated} Put simply, you shouldn't be here. It isn't a question of competence, it's a simple matter of security.Player Default: Letting me join is a risk. But in time you'll be glad you did.A1a
82Player Default: Letting me join is a risk. But in time you'll be glad you did.We'll see.Carrington: Since you're one of us now, might as well try to keep you alive. If you need patching up, see me.A1a
83Player Default: So you must be the head of the unwelcoming committee.{Sarcastic} Charming.Carrington: Since you're one of us now, might as well try to keep you alive. If you need patching up, see me.B1a
84Player Default: And I'm going to compromise your security how?Deacon's assurances aside, we don't know you. So your trustworthiness is up for discussion.Y1a
85Brushing that aside, before anyone joins HQ they've usually spent years in the field. But you, you're dangerously ignorant of our procedures. Our protocols.Carrington: Since you're one of us now, might as well try to keep you alive. If you need patching up, see me.Y1b
86Player Default: We'll see.{Tired} Since you're one of us now, might as well try to keep you alive. If you need patching up, see me.Player Default: I'll probably have to take you up on that more than I'd like.A1a
87Player Default: I'll probably have to take you up on that more than I'd like.{Sarcastic} With you and Glory both, I'm sure I'll be kept gainfully employed.Carrington: Word to the wise, be prepared to improvise. You may find your operational orders... lacking.A1a
88Player Default: So kind of you to do your job.{Irritated} I can see we'll be fast friends.Carrington: Word to the wise, be prepared to improvise. You may find your operational orders... lacking.B1a
89Player Default: What type of doctor are you?My specialty is "Need to Know" and all that. However, I assure you I can treat any ailments or wounds you're likely to encounter.Carrington: Word to the wise, be prepared to improvise. You may find your operational orders... lacking.Y1a
90Player Default: With you and Glory both, I'm sure I'll be kept gainfully employed.Word to the wise, be prepared to improvise. You may find your operational orders... lacking.Player Default: Thanks. I always appreciate good advice.A1a
91Player Default: You can confide in me.{Neutral} I hesitated to bring it up, but you will be risking your life on our behalf.Carrington: When planning a mission a certain degree of clinical detachment can be invaluable.A1a
92Player Default: And I'm sure badmouthing her is good for the Railroad.{Irritated} Feel free to live in cheerful ignorance, if you like. Good day.Carrington: When planning a mission a certain degree of clinical detachment can be invaluable.B1a
93Player Default: Is Desdemona really a problem, then?Not so much that, as there are perhaps better solutions.Carrington: When planning a mission a certain degree of clinical detachment can be invaluable.Y1a
94Player Default: I hesitated to bring it up, but you will be risking your life on our behalf.{Conspiratorial} When planning a mission a certain degree of clinical detachment can be invaluable.Player Default: Maybe people should learn to take their doctor's advice.A1a
95Player Default: Maybe people should learn to take their doctor's advice.{Friendly} I may have misjudged you. Focus on your objectives, ignore all the distractions. Stay safe out there.Carrington: Focus on the objective. Everything else is just a distraction. Good luck.A1a
96Player Default: I've heard enough of your bullshit.{Angry} And I of yours.Carrington: Focus on the objective. Everything else is just a distraction. Good luck.B1a
97Player Default: Provided by someone like you?As the third senior-most member of our organization, I do have the honor of participating in the planning of our missions.Y1a
98But my counsel is not always heeded.Carrington: Focus on the objective. Everything else is just a distraction. Good luck.Y1b
99Player Default: I may have misjudged you. Focus on your objectives, ignore all the distractions. Stay safe out there.Focus on the objective. Everything else is just a distraction. Good luck.A1a
100Player Default: I'm just here to help the cause.Be that as it may.Carrington: Put simply, you shouldn't be here. It isn't a question of competence, it's a simple matter of security.A1a
101Player Default: Thanks. I always appreciate good advice.{Neutral} Our intelligence apparatus isn't infinite. So be careful out there.Player Default: You can confide in me.A1a
102Player Default: So now you have a problem with the way things are run? That's a shocker.{Angry} With an attitude like that, I'll be surprised if you last a fortnight. Good day.Player Default: You can confide in me.B1a
103Player Default: You're obviously one of the smartest people here. What do you really mean by that?{Conspiratorial} No one doubts Desdemona is inspirational. But let's just say strategy may not be her forte.Player Default: You can confide in me.X1a
104Player Default: You're obviously one of the smartest people here. What do you really mean by that?{Tired} Let's just say our intelligence apparatus isn't infinite. So be careful out there.Player Default: You can confide in me.X2a
105Player Default: What's wrong with our orders?The Institute is a tricky adversary. Some missions are planned with very little actionable intelligence.Y1a
106So a certain amount of thinking on your feet is required. It's good you're running with Deacon, he certainly understands this. Still, be careful.Player Default: You can confide in me.Y1b
107CarringtonPostGameGreeting{Blown away, impressed by the player / Awed} What you accomplished. What we accomplished. Well, it's just extraordinary.Carrington: But, our work continues...A
108NPCMDoctorCarrington: What you accomplished. What we accomplished. Well, it's just extraordinary.{Then grouchy} But, our work continues...A1a
109TinkerTomGreetSceneTinkerTom: The Institute has these tiny microscopic robots in the food, man. And they report back.Tom, that's rubbish.TinkerTom: You just don't get it, Carrington. The Institute is in your blood!A1a
110Player Default: If true that's terrifying.If he had a shred of evidence for any of it, agreed. Quite terrifying.TinkerTom: OK, OK. If you want to really be safe, let me give you a little shot. Dez - Desdemona - says no one has to, but it will kill those little robots.A1a
111Player Default: Why's this lunatic even here?{Sarcastic} A question oft asked. Tinker Tom is a genius when it comes to engineering. But about everything else...TinkerTom: OK, OK. If you want to really be safe, let me give you a little shot. Dez - Desdemona - says no one has to, but it will kill those little robots.B1a
112Player Default: That's a lot to process.Please, don't believe a word of this bollocks.TinkerTom: OK, OK. If you want to really be safe, let me give you a little shot. Dez - Desdemona - says no one has to, but it will kill those little robots.X1a
113Player Default: They're in my blood?{Confident} Absolutely not. Tom, we ran your tests. Extensively. We found red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets. Everything you'd expect.TinkerTom: And that doesn't get you the least bit suspicious? The results were too perfect. Too expected. And that's how they fool you.Y1a
114TinkerTom: OK, OK. If you want to really be safe, let me give you a little shot. Dez - Desdemona - says no one has to, but it will kill those little robots.{Disbelief} There's battery acid in that serum of yours.TinkerTom: You can't nuke an omelet without irradiating some eggs. You ready to shoot up?A1a
115Player Default: Yeah, now you're talking.Now you're encouraging him?TinkerTom: You, you get it, man. I make things around here. You go and do - do whatever - and come back and I will set you up.A1a
116-Great... now this.
117God damn you.
118If you want healing, keep them off me.
119Remember your training.
120Don't do anything stupid and we can still win this.
121What's the butcher's bill, then?
122Great. Just great.
123Please, I do have important duties to attend to.
124Delightful. Let's waste more of my time, shall we?
125I have no earthly idea how you turned the Minutemen of all people into... whatever it is now.
126Maybe I misjudged the Minutemen. Working with them was not... unpleasant.
127We all owe you our thanks. But that doesn't mean there isn't more to do.
128I've learned not to underestimate you.
129One day soon I can rest easy.
130Many agents presented signs of post-traumatic stress disorder. But now they can heal.
131Letting you live is a mistake.
132I thought this was a secret base. Not a bloody tourist attraction.
133Ahh... it's our newest agent.
134Your Signal Interceptor actually worked. I really... don't know what to say.
135I read the report. Did you really take out the Prydwen? Remarkable.
136It appears your longshot paid off. And now we may... Well, let's not get ahead of ourselves.
137All hands lost at Augusta Safehouse. When it rains it pours.
138Surely Tinker could've found a better HQ than... this.
139I'm so bloody tired.
140Ah, you again.
141If you're not injured, please bother someone else.
142If you'll excuse me, I'm quite busy.


143-{Introspective, a rare show of his humanity} I still can't believe he was so... young. Such a waste.


144-{Solemn, awed} I'm not ashamed to admit it. I was wrong about you.
145{Awed} This is the actual Institute.


146RR102_Ambient_208_OutsideVaultDeacon: Where's that play button...{This is the key to a vocal lock, said precisely.} Carrington. Stanley. Salus aegroti suprema lex.Deacon: Open says me.A1a


147-{Know-it-all, bitter} I told them this location wasn't safe.A
148{Know-it-all, bitter} Keep yourself in one piece.A
149{Bitter, bitter} Blast it all. Not again.


150-I knew you'd do this. I knew it.
151We should've killed you the moment you came here.


152RRM01_0100_Start{Impressed despite himself / Impressed} An extraordinary feat to recover this. But that's hardly the point.DrCarrington: Without a lick of training and us knowing hardly anything about you, Dez has invited you to join HQ.A
153DrCarrington: Stockton is a prominent businessman at Bunker Hill. The dead drop will be near there.Use the escape tunnel in the back to get there quicker.A1a
154DrCarrington: Without a lick of training and us knowing hardly anything about you, Dez has invited you to join HQ.{Annoyed} It would've been nice if she had consulted with her second-in-command, but what's done is done.A1a
155{Resignation (and a little desperate) / Irritated} *sigh* Since you're here now we might as well put you to work.Player Default: Tell me what you need, Doc.A1b
156Player Default: You guys recruited me, I don't need your attitude.{Ironic, annoyed} Charming. I'm sure you and Glory will be fast friends.DrCarrington: One of our field agents, Old Man Stockton, needs help with a runaway synth, H2-22.B1a
157Player Default: What, you don't think I can handle a dangerous job?{Grudging concession} The danger doesn't concern me. Your work at the Switchboard proves you can deal with that.Y1a
158{Edge to his tone at the end} I just hope the mission doesn't require knowledge about synths and our procedures. Something you've had scant opportunity to learn.Player Default: Tell me what you need, Doc.Y1b
159Player Default: Charming. I'm sure you and Glory will be fast friends.{A hint of urgency, he cares about synths} One of our field agents, Old Man Stockton, needs help with a runaway synth, H2-22.A1a
160{Disdain / Irritated} So headquarters, as always, puts out the fires that others can't be bothered to put out themselves.A1b
161{Annoyed} The paranoid old bat won't even tell us the problem, he insists we get our intel from a dead drop.Player Default: Sounds like an important mission.A1c
162Player Default: Sounds like an important mission.{Grim} It is. After Switchboard, we're so short-handed I have little choice but to throw you into the deep end.A1a
163{Instructor} The dead drop is a mailbox with a railsign on it.DrCarrington: It's a common means of communication for us, so keep an eye out for them.A1b
164Player Default: You can trust me with this, I'll get it done.{Thoughtful, may have misjudged the player / Neutral} You sound rather convincing, actually.DrCarrington: Stockton is a prominent businessman at Bunker Hill. The dead drop will be near there.A1a
165Player Default: You can trust me with this, I'll get it done.{Not convinced by the player's speech challenge, still barbed / Irritated} Just don't bollocks it up too badly. If things go wrong, I'm the one who has to patch everyone back together.DrCarrington: Stockton is a prominent businessman at Bunker Hill. The dead drop will be near there.A2a
166Player Default: He taught me what I need to know, including that.{Barb at Deacon / Irritated} It appears our resident pathological liar didn't completely neglect your training.DrCarrington: Stockton is a prominent businessman at Bunker Hill. The dead drop will be near there.B1a
167Player Default: Is all the security necessary?{Grim} Often we're dealing with strangers, so we need to establish trust quickly. And despite our precautions the Institute always manages to track us down.DrCarrington: Stockton is a prominent businessman at Bunker Hill. The dead drop will be near there.Y1a
168NPCMDoctorCarrington: An extraordinary feat to recover this. But that's hardly the point.{Irritated} Without a lick of training and us knowing hardly anything about you, Dez has invited you to join HQ.DrCarrington: It would've been nice if she had consulted with her second-in-command, but what's done is done.A1a
169Player Default: So, is there anyone you like?{Barbed sarcasm} Oh, I wasn't aware we were competing for Congeniality awards. I thought we were rescuing synths. My mistake.B1a
170{Instructor} The dead drop is a mailbox with a railsign on it.DrCarrington: It's a common means of communication for us, so keep an eye out for them.B1b
171Player Default: He may have a good reason to be paranoid.{Exasperated} Perhaps he does. And maybe he did the other dozen times he's made our agents jump through these unnecessary hoops.X1a
172{Instructor} The dead drop is a mailbox with a railsign on it.DrCarrington: It's a common means of communication for us, so keep an eye out for them.X1b
173Player Default: What's a dead drop?{Can't believe how ignorant the PC is, then teaching as if to a kid / Irritated} Oh, dear lord. A dead drop is a mailbox with a railsign on it.DrCarrington: It's a common means of communication for us, so keep an eye out for them.Y1a
174DrCarrington: The dead drop is a mailbox with a railsign on it.{Terse, serious} It's a common means of communication for us, so keep an eye out for them.DrCarrington: When you make contact with Stockton he won't give you the time of day unless you give him the proper countersign.A1a
175DrCarrington: It's a common means of communication for us, so keep an eye out for them.{Instructor} When you make contact with Stockton he won't give you the time of day unless you give him the proper countersign.DrCarrington: The current sign is, "Do you have a geiger counter?" And the counter is, "Mine is in the shop." Please tell me Deacon taught you that, at least?A1a
176DrCarrington: When you make contact with Stockton he won't give you the time of day unless you give him the proper countersign.{Instructor-y, then some venom directed at Deacon / Irritated} The current sign is, "Do you have a geiger counter?" And the counter is, "Mine is in the shop." Please tell me Deacon taught you that, at least?Player Default: You can trust me with this, I'll get it done.A1a
177Player Default: You sound rather convincing, actually.{Neutral, then some urgency} Stockton is a prominent businessman at Bunker Hill. The dead drop will be near there.DrCarrington: Use the escape tunnel in the back to get there quicker.A1a
178-{Stern, worried} On your mission, do you utmost to protect any synths involved. We have precious few opportunities to save them.


179RRM02_0100_InitialConversationPAM: Calculating. Institute presence increases odds of detection of all northern routes by 52%.{Grumbly / Concerned} 52%? That's prohibitively dangerous.DoctorCarrington: So let's send a heavy to deal with it.A1a
180Desdemona: In English, PAM.{Annoyed, firm on his point} She means we can't run ops anywhere remotely near Switchboard. The Gen 1s blocking the original route have to go.Player Default: I think the doctor's right.A1a
181Player Default: I think the doctor's right.{Vindicated / Defiant} You see, even he agrees with me.Desdemona: Enough. We do it your way, then.A1a
182Player Default: I think the doctor's right.{Vindicated / Defiant} You see, even she agrees with me.Desdemona: Enough. We do it your way, then.A2a
183Player Default: Desdemona makes the call. Not you, Carrington.{Dripping with annoyance / Irritated} If she chooses to abandon reason, you're right. I can't stop her.Desdemona: Enough. I don't see a way out of this. We do it your way, Carrington.B1a
184Player Default: Why's killing them our Plan B?{Smug / Friendly} Excellent question.Desdemona: Assaulting an entrenched Institute position is always risky. I don't want to put one of our top agents in harm's way unless it's necessary.Y1a
185PAM: That order can only be given by Railroad-Alpha.{Irritated} Desdemona will be here shortly, and even she has to see we have no other choice.Desdemona: Bullseye. How do you feel about getting thrown back into the fire?A1a
186DoctorCarrington: 52%? That's prohibitively dangerous.{Irritated} So let's send a heavy to deal with it.PAM: That order can only be given by Railroad-Alpha.A1a
187RRM02_Ambient_InitialTalkDesdemona: High Road says his route's been burned. Raiders.There's only one logical answer.Desdemona: It's too risky. There has to be a safer alternative.A1a
188Desdemona: It's too risky. There has to be a safer alternative.And around we go again. This is pointless.Desdemona: PAM, will Corby's alternative work?A1a
189PAM: Calculating.I suppose we wait.A1a


190RRR01a_100_CarringtonButcherBill1{Irritated} Heavies bloody traipsing around at all hours.DoctorCarrington: I take it the H2-22 situation has been resolved? Of course.A
191{Grateful} The H2-22 situation appears to have been resolved satisfactorily.DoctorCarrington: But there's yet more to be done.A
192NPCMDoctorCarrington: Heavies bloody traipsing around at all hours.{Irritated} I take it the H2-22 situation has been resolved? Of course.DoctorCarrington: But there's yet more to be done.A1a
193DoctorCarrington: I take it the H2-22 situation has been resolved? Of course.{Tired} But there's yet more to be done.A1a
194{Tired} Since the fall of the Switchboard we've ascertained the fate of all but two safehouses. I want you to check on Augusta.Player Default: I'll get it done.A1b
195Player Default: You're not my boss.{Punch the you, smug / Irritated} Until we know the butcher's bill from the Institute's assault all agents report to me. Including you.DoctorCarrington: Details await at the dead drop. Have a care. Odds are very good you're walking into something nasty.B1a
196Player Default: The safehouses are in trouble, too? I thought only the Switchboard was attacked?{Sad} Ah, the Institute didn't content itself with just destroying our headquarters. No. They launched simultaneous strikes on all we hold dear.Y1a
197{Sad} Herkimer and Allen Safehouses are both confirmed kills. Many fear Augusta will be added to that list.Player Default: I'll get it done.Y1b
198Player Default: The safehouses are in trouble, too? I thought only the Switchboard was attacked?{Tired} Frankly, we're lucky there's a Railroad left at all. I don't remember a time our numbers have been so few. But the mission carries on.Player Default: I'll get it done.Y2a
199Player Default: Until we know the butcher's bill from the Institute's assault all agents report to me. Including you.{Concerned} Details await at the dead drop. Have a care. Odds are very good you're walking into something nasty.A1a
200RRR01a_300_TurnInPlayerVoiceFemale01: Augusta Safehouse was destroyed by the Institute.{Sad} It's as I feared. Three safehouses gone. Hard to imagine.QuestGiver: I have nothing further for you at the moment. I'm sure someone else could use your help, no shortage of fires to be put out.A1a
201QuestGiver: It's as I feared. Three safehouses gone. Hard to imagine.{Tired} I have nothing further for you at the moment. I'm sure someone else could use your help, no shortage of fires to be put out.A1a


202RRR01b_CompleteQuestPlayerVoiceFemale01: The survivor from Augusta, Blackbird, is dead. I didn't find any evidence of where the synth is.{Sad} As I expected. Well, at least you weren't hurt. Perhaps Desdemona will listen to me next time.QuestGiver: Hopefully this will help in your future missions. Now if you don't mind.A1a
203QuestGiver: As I expected. Well, at least you weren't hurt. Perhaps Desdemona will listen to me next time.{Tired} Hopefully this will help in your future missions. Now if you don't mind.A1a
204RRR01b_ReceiveQuestAh, good, you're here. There's been a development.QuestGiver: A raider gang has captured one of our agents, code-named Blackbird. The twist is we thought he was already killed... at Augusta Safehouse.A
205NPCMDoctorCarrington: Ah, good, you're here. There's been a development.A raider gang has captured one of our agents, code-named Blackbird. The twist is we thought he was already killed... at Augusta Safehouse.QuestGiver: Desdemona clings to the far-fetched hope that (a) Blackbird is alive. And (b) he can tell us what happened to the synths held at Augusta when it fell.A1a
206QuestGiver: A raider gang has captured one of our agents, code-named Blackbird. The twist is we thought he was already killed... at Augusta Safehouse.{Irritated} Desdemona clings to the far-fetched hope that (a) Blackbird is alive. And (b) he can tell us what happened to the synths held at Augusta when it fell.A1a
207{Irritated} So she wants you to tackle this fool's errand.Companion: Ahh, Carrington. Always so classy.A1b
208Player Default: If Blackbird's alive, I want to bring him back.{Irritated} As you see fit.QuestGiver: The dead drop has the full briefing. Raiders aren't known for keeping their captives alive. But, since you're risking your neck, good luck.A1a
209Player Default: I'll pass.Glory said the same. Perhaps Desdemona will let this matter be dropped now.QuestGiver: The dead drop has the full briefing. Raiders aren't known for keeping their captives alive. But, since you're risking your neck, good luck.B1a
210Player Default: Is it really a fool's errand?{Confident} If you chain too many assumptions together, you rarely get what you bargained for. I doubt we'll find more than a dead body.QuestGiver: The dead drop has the full briefing. Raiders aren't known for keeping their captives alive. But, since you're risking your neck, good luck.Y1a
211Player Default: As you see fit.{Tired} The dead drop has the full briefing. Raiders aren't known for keeping their captives alive. But, since you're risking your neck, good luck.A1a


212RRR09_100a_FirstIntro{Blown away} What you accomplished... What we accomplished. Well. Sadly, though, our work isn't done.Carrington: Despite Tom's best efforts, we simply transported too many people out of the Institute too quickly.A
213{Distracted} There you are. I was hoping for your assistance.Carrington: Despite Tom's best efforts, we simply transported too many people out of the Institute too quickly.A
214Carrington: Once you liberate the synth give them this care package. It'll direct them to Bunker Hill for processing.They may wind up at your Mercer Safehouse. That's the only safehouse that isn't well past maximum capacity.Carrington: Good luck.A1a
215Carrington: They may wind up at your Mercer Safehouse. That's the only safehouse that isn't well past maximum capacity.Good luck.A1a
216Carrington: Despite Tom's best efforts, we simply transported too many people out of the Institute too quickly.{Somber / Somber} A sizeable number of synths, and other refugees, were teleported near randomly.Carrington: These poor disoriented souls make easy targets for bigots and others.A1a
217Carrington: A sizeable number of synths, and other refugees, were teleported near randomly.{Stressing dangers / Somber} These poor disoriented souls make easy targets for bigots and others.A1a
218{Ironic, Said in an almost friendly manner / Neutral} Hopefully you can find time from resting on your laurels to help a synth that's been captured.Player Default: Rescuing synths is what I do.A1b
219NPCMDoctorCarrington: What you accomplished... What we accomplished. Well. Sadly, though, our work isn't done.{No blame, just concern / Somber} Despite Tom's best efforts, we simply transported too many people out of the Institute too quickly.Carrington: A sizeable number of synths, and other refugees, were teleported near randomly.A1a
220Player Default: Rescuing synths is what I do.{Appreciative - a touch friendly / Friendly} I figured you'd say something like that.Carrington: Once you liberate the synth give them this care package. It'll direct them to Bunker Hill for processing.A1a
221Player Default: You're such an ass.{barbed retort / Irritated} You do understand irony? Sarcasm? No?B1a
222{Reigning in his negativity, this pains him to say - serious / Apologetic} *sigh* I apologize. If there's anyone in this organization that deserves my respect - it's you.B1b
223Now the mission...Carrington: Once you liberate the synth give them this care package. It'll direct them to Bunker Hill for processing.B1c
224Player Default: Tell me the plan.Cut and dry rescue operation, really.Carrington: Once you liberate the synth give them this care package. It'll direct them to Bunker Hill for processing.X1a
225Player Default: How bad's the situation out there?{Sighing, no blame - just tired / Somber} Unknown. The evacuation was, by necessity, quite chaotic.Y1a
226{Tired, stressed / Somber} We don't even know how many synths were teleported into danger.Y1b
227{A word of warning / Somber} I fully expect this is a problem we'll be dealing with for quite some time.Player Default: Rescuing synths is what I do.Y1c
228Player Default: I figured you'd say something like that.Once you liberate the synth give them this care package. It'll direct them to Bunker Hill for processing.Carrington: They may wind up at your Mercer Safehouse. That's the only safehouse that isn't well past maximum capacity.A1a
229RRR09_100b_IntroRepeatDid Drummer tell you? We have another synth in need of rescue.Player Default: I'm happy to help.A
230Another synth straggler's been found and is in dire need of help. You up for it?Player Default: I'm happy to help.A
231Yet another missing synth has been located and is in dire need of your assistance.Player Default: I'm happy to help.A
232No doubt you have other matters to attend to, but we've got a lead on another synth in danger.Player Default: I'm happy to help.A
233We have the location of another synth that was teleported directly into danger. Your help is needed.Player Default: I'm happy to help.A
234Player Default: Not right now.When you have the time, then.Carrington: I'll mark the location on your map.B1a
235Player Default: I might be able to do that.A synth's life is at stake.Carrington: I'll mark the location on your map.X1a
236Player Default: Any relevant details?The runner's report is threadbare. But hopefully sufficient.Carrington: I'll mark the location on your map.Y1a
237Player Default: When you have the time, then.I'll mark the location on your map.A1a
238Player Default: When you have the time, then.The location's on your Pip-Boy now. Have a care.A2a
239Player Default: When you have the time, then.Just do what you do best. I'm sure it'll be sufficient.A3a
240Player Default: When you have the time, then.Here's the location. Good luck to you.A4a
241Player Default: When you have the time, then.You know how this works. Need I say it - good luck.A5a
242RRR09_300_QuestTurnInPlayerVoiceFemale01: One synth safely out of harm's way.{All these lines are genuinely appreciative / Friendly} I won't bother heaping more praise on you.A2a
243{Amused} I suspect you must tire of all superlatives.A2b
244PlayerVoiceFemale01: One synth safely out of harm's way.{All these lines are genuinely appreciative / Grateful} Remarkable. You really do amaze.A3a
245Here you go.A3b
246PlayerVoiceFemale01: One synth safely out of harm's way.{All these lines are genuinely appreciative} I have no doubt, our runners will find more stray synths.A4a
247It's virtually guaranteed.A4b
248PlayerVoiceFemale01: One synth safely out of harm's way.{All these lines are genuinely appreciative / Apologetic} Sorry your number keeps getting tapped.A5a
249{Some grief / Sad} Without Glory... Well... Thank you.A5b
250PlayerVoiceFemale01: One synth safely out of harm's way.{All these lines are genuinely appreciative} And here is your amply deserved reward.A6a