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This is a transcript for dialogue with Crocker.


1CIS_ChatWithNPC_Curie_SceneCompanion: Oh, another physician. Tell me, where did you go to university?University? You're not serious, right?A1a
2Companion: Oh, another physician. Tell me, where did you go to university?Sure there are. Just a couple hundred years old, though.A2a
3Companion: Oh, another physician. Tell me, where did you go to university?My theory is you're a little off your rocker.A3a
4Companion: Oh, another physician. Tell me, where did you go to university?Most people look at medicine as a business these days. Makes no sense to share stuff with your competition.A4a
5Companion: Oh, another physician. Tell me, where did you go to university?We're lucky to even get close to what they knew back then. Well, unless you're the Institute.A5a
6Companion: Oh, another physician. Tell me, where did you go to university?Uh, if it's free, sure. Thanks.A6a
7Companion: Oh, another physician. Tell me, where did you go to university?Hmm. I do have a few notes here. You're welcome to them.A7a
8Companion: Oh, another physician. Tell me, where did you go to university?If you get that hospital up and running, yeah, sign me up.A8a


9ConvDiamondCityDockCrockerDoctorSun01Scene{pronounced Doctor SUHN (rhymes with fun)} Doctor Sun, I've noticed our supplies of chems are running low.DoctorSun: You just noticed? Where have you been? I nearly had to perform my last surgery without any anaesthetic.A1a
10DoctorSun: You just noticed? Where have you been? I nearly had to perform my last surgery without any anaesthetic.{Surprised} You did? Oh...A1a
11{secretly a chem addict / Nervous} It's just... I have an urgent need for more chems. A complicated procedure for later in the week...DoctorSun: What procedure? I didn't see anything scheduled.A1b
12DoctorSun: What procedure? I didn't see anything scheduled.{laughing} Oh my dear Doctor. This one isn't on the books! Some people don't want everyone to know they've had a facial reconstruction.DoctorSun: All right. Well, I already put in an order anyway, so you'll get your chems soon enough. Don't worry.A1a
13ConvDiamondCityDockCrockerDoctorSun02SceneDoctorSun: Doctor Crocker, my last three appointments all canceled. Do you know anything about that?{pronounced Doctor SUHN} What? Oh, I told them I'd handle their care personally. I'm sorry, Doctor Sun, but you just don't treat people correctly.DoctorSun: Oh yeah? When's the last time you set a bone or cleaned the Rads out of someone's bloodstream?A1a
14DoctorSun: And it's Doctor Sun! We've been working together for a decade. Get my damn name right!You see this is your problem, Doctor. Your bedside manner. If I was in your position, I would've stopped correcting people on the name ten years ago.A1a
15Let it go. No one cares.A1b


16ConvDiamondCityGenericDocCrocker01SceneGenericNPC: Hi Doc, could you take a look at something? I think I have an infection.{pronounced Doctor SUHN (rhymes with Fun) / Nervous} Oh... Um... Well, infections are more Doctor Sun's field of expertise. Now, if you had a scar or something you'd like me to remove?GenericNPC: You sure you can't take a look? I just want to know I'm being treated by the best.A1a
17GenericNPC: You sure you can't take a look? I just want to know I'm being treated by the best.{pronounced Doctor SUHN (rhymes with Fun)} Now now, Doctor Sun is a very... competent physician. But... all right. Why don't you see me tomorrow?GenericNPC: Thanks Doc.A1a
18ConvDiamondCityGenericDocCrocker02SceneWould you look at that nose! Suits you so perfectly you'd think you were born with it.GenericNPC: You did a great job, Doc. You're the best.A1a
19GenericNPC: You did a great job, Doc. You're the best.Oh go on...A1a
20No, please, go on... I love hearing about myself. *laughs*GenericNPC: *chuckle* How do you stay so upbeat, doctor? Solomon drip-feeding you Mentats or something?A1b
21GenericNPC: *chuckle* How do you stay so upbeat, doctor? Solomon drip-feeding you Mentats or something?{secretly a drug addict} Never touch the stuff! Drug addiction is very serious. I wish they'd just ban the sale, and let a trained professional be the judge of their use.A1a


22CrockerGreetScene{generic "coming from another conversation and getting back to business" line} Getting back to business, however. Let's talk about a new face for a new you.A
23{generic "coming from another conversation and getting back to business" line} Where were we? Oh, yes! Your new face is waiting for you on the surgery table.A
24{generic "coming from another conversation and getting back to business" line} Now I really must insist that we talk about that face of yours. So many fantastic modifications available...A
25{intense, charismatic / Surprised} A new face? Strong, but... not perfect. For a nominal fee, Doc Crocker can give you the looks you've only dreamed about before.A
26{intense, charismatic / Surprised} A new face? Beautiful, but... not perfect. For a nominal fee, Doc Crocker can give you the looks you've only dreamed about before.A
27{you helped patch up Danny Sullivan when he was wounded} Danny Sullivan's friend, yes? He's fine. Full recovery, thanks to me. Now, how can I help you?A
28{intense, charismatic, offering cosmetic surgery services} I could re-sculpt that face of yours into... perfection.A
29{intense, charismatic} Change your nose? Your ears? The shape of your eyes, perhaps? Anything is possible.A
30{intense, charismatic} No one will be able to resist you with a new face.A
31{intense, charismatic, talking to a customer about cosmetic surgery} Your lips. Maybe make them fuller? Softer? Shrink your nose? Taper your ears? Simple surgery. Quick and painless.A
32{intense, charismatic} A bit of a nip, a bit of a tuck, and small payment is all you need for a new face. A new you.A
33{about to perform surgery} Excellent! Just sit down in the chair, there.A1a
34{about to perform surgery} Thank you for taking this journey with me. Just sit down in the chair.A2a
35{about to perform surgery} You won't regret it. Just sit down in the chair.A3a
36{about to perform surgery} Every face I sculpt is a masterpiece. We'll begin as soon as you sit down.A4a
37{about to perform surgery} A new you. Just sit down in the chair.A5a
38{player doesn't have enough money} Well, I'm glad you stopped by anyway. Come back whenever you're ready.A6a
39{player doesn't have enough money} That's unfortunate. I'll be here if your circumstances ever change.A7a
40{player doesn't have enough money} Money is so boring, isn't it? But a surgeon must recover his costs...A8a
41Player Default: Not interested.{disappointed / Depressed} *sigh* I see.B1a
42Player Default: Not interested.{disappointed / Depressed} Oh. All right, then.B2a
43Player Default: Not interested.{disappointed / Depressed} Too bad. So much potential.B3a
44Player Default: Not interested.{disappointed / Depressed} No? All right.B4a
45Player Default: Not interested.{disappointed / Depressed} Ah. What a shame.B5a
46Player Default: I'll think about it.Of course, of course.X1a
47Player Default: I'll think about it.I'll keep the scalpels warm.X2a
48Player Default: I'll think about it.Just remember. I can make you beautiful.X3a
49Player Default: I'll think about it.I'll wait for you, then.X4a
50Player Default: You take this charge card?{player is trying to pay with a "charge card" - it looks like a worthless piece of plastic / Puzzled} What? Oh, uh.. No. No we don't.Y1a
51Player Default: Wait. What are you going to do to me?{intense, charismatic} I'm proposing surgery. Not just any surgery. Facial Reconstruction surgery. Safe and instantaneous.Y2a
52{intense, charismatic} New jaw-line, new eye color, remove scars, add scars. A new you. A more perfect you.Y2b
53-{player just purchased surgery} Ready for surgery? Just sit down in the chair.A
54{player just purchased surgery} We'll begin as soon as you sit down.A
55{player just purchased surgery} Just sit down. We'll get to work immediately.A
56Huh? What? Did you say something?
57Sorry, I was busy staring... did you say something?
58I'm afraid I didn't catch whatever you said...
59{relaxing after work} You have marvelous bone structure. Stop by the Mega Surgery sometime.
60{relaxing after work} Even though I'm a doctor, I admit I have a small vice. A quick drink, after work.
61{relaxing after work, the Taphouse is the snobby bar, while Dugout Inn is the more popular bar} I prefer going to the Dugout Inn. Sure, I can afford the Taphouse, but the way those people stare at you...


62FFDiamondCity10_004_DocCrockerDannySullivan: It's bad, doc...Nonsense! There's nothing these magic hands can't cure.A1a
63PlayerVoiceFemale01: Doctor, I need your help. Someone's been shot.{player has told you that Danny Sullivan is mortally wounded / Surprised} Dear god... I'm on my way!DoctorCrocker: No need to worry anymore, folks. Doc Crocker is here!A1a
64DoctorCrocker: Dear god... I'm on my way!No need to worry anymore, folks. Doc Crocker is here!DannySullivan: It's bad, doc...A1a
65-{patching up Danny Sullivan} Doc Crocker can fix anything. Just stand back.A
66{patching up Danny Sullivan} I have everything under control. Don't worry.A
67{patching up Danny Sullivan} He'll be fine. I guarantee it.A


68003_MS07aCrockerScene01{Off his rocker. Speaking to the butchered corpse of someone he just murdered. / Irritated} Oh, Earl. You've... you've really been a handful, you know?A1a
69{Off his rocker. Speaking to the butchered corpse of someone he just murdered. / Happy} But I think we're just about done. Our little mistake is finally going to be... corrected.A1b
70004_MS07aCrockerScene02{crazy, completely strung out on chems / Surprised} Oh, naughty, naughty! You're not supposed to be down here! But that's okay. I can fix that. I can fix anything.Player Default: Take it easy, doc. Let's talk. About Earl.A
71{player is walking away, about to start shooting the player / Angry} Oh, you're not going anywhere...A1a
72Player Default: Take it easy, doc. Let's talk. About Earl.{crazy, completely strung out on chems / Apologetic} I didn't mean to do it. You have to believe me. Doc Crocker is a brilliant surgeon. No one dies under his care! No one dies!A1a
73{crazy, completely strung out on chems / Irritated} They just walk away happy. Happy with my work. Happy with their new face. Not screaming. Not bleeding out on the floor.A1b
74{crazy, completely strung out on chems / Happy} Earl he... he just didn't want to be happy. That must have been it.Player Default: You made a mistake, but you can still do the right thing, doctor. Just think this through.A1c
75Player Default: Put down the gun, Crocker! It's over!{crazy, completely strung out on chems / Disbelief} Over? For Doc Crocker? Why would it be over for the brilliant surgeon everyone loves?B1a
76{crazy, completely strung out on chems / Nervous} He never makes mistakes or loses patients. He just makes people happy.Player Default: You made a mistake, but you can still do the right thing, doctor. Just think this through.B1b
77Player Default: Yeah, you've fixed things all right. Fixed yourself for some time in a Diamond City jail cell.{crazy, completely strung out on chems / Disbelief} Jail cell? You don't get it, do you? Doc Crocker isn't going to jail. He's going to go back to his surgery, where people love him.X1a
78{crazy, completely strung out on chems / Nervous} And they love him because Doc Crocker never loses patients. He just makes people happy.Player Default: You made a mistake, but you can still do the right thing, doctor. Just think this through.X1b
79Player Default: What did you do to Earl Sterling, doctor?{crazy, completely strung out on chems / Surprised} What did I do? I didn't do anything. It was Earl who didn't want to be happy.Y1a
80{crazy, completely strung out on chems / Angry} Good patients get a nice, new face. Bad patients bleed all over the floor because they want to screw up their surgeon's life!Player Default: You made a mistake, but you can still do the right thing, doctor. Just think this through.Y1b
81Player Default: You made a mistake, but you can still do the right thing, doctor. Just think this through.{Finally gaining some clarity through his drug haze, then deciding to kill himself. / Sad} You're...you're right. There's one thing I can do. Only one thing's going to make this all better.A1a
82Player Default: You made a mistake, but you can still do the right thing, doctor. Just think this through.{crazy, completely strung out on chems / Angry} I have thought this through. Don't worry. I'll make this quick and painless.A2a
83Player Default: You've killed a man, doctor. You're going to pay for it. Put the gun down, and come with me.{Finally gaining some clarity through his drug haze, then deciding to kill himself. / Disgust} I... I did it, didn't I? I killed a man. Oh god. There's so much blood. So much blood all over me!X1a
84Player Default: You've killed a man, doctor. You're going to pay for it. Put the gun down, and come with me.{crazy, completely strung out on chems / Angry} No... No one can find out. No one can find out!X2a
85Player Default: So you were performing surgery, and Earl didn't make it, is that it?{crazy, completely strung out on chems / Nervous} I might have had just a bit of Jet before operating. So I nipped a few arteries I shouldn't have? Who hasn't?Y1a
86{crazy, completely strung out on chems / Nervous} But I'm a problem solver, you see? I knew if Earl "disappeared" everyone would just think the Institute took him.Player Default: You made a mistake, but you can still do the right thing, doctor. Just think this through.Y1b
87Player Default: So you were performing surgery, and Earl didn't make it, is that it?{crazy, completely strung out on chems / Nervous} That's what they do! That's what they've always done. As long as there's no body, everyone just assumes.Y2a
88{crazy, completely strung out on chems / SinisterSmile} And that's why Earl's body needs to go away.Player Default: You made a mistake, but you can still do the right thing, doctor. Just think this through.Y2b
89Player Default: So you were performing surgery, and Earl didn't make it, is that it?{crazy, completely strung out on chems / Nervous} You can't just get rid 200 pounds of cadavar without attracting attention. Fortunately, the butcher shop is close by.Y3a
90{crazy, completely strung out on chems / Nervous} If their trash pile just happens to have an extra box of rotten meat every week, who would think to look too closely?Player Default: You made a mistake, but you can still do the right thing, doctor. Just think this through.Y3b
91Player Default: So you were performing surgery, and Earl didn't make it, is that it?{crazy, completely strung out on chems / Disbelief} Get away with this? Don't you know who I am? I'm Doc Crocker! Doc Crocker never does anything wrong.Y4a
92{crazy, completely strung out on chems / Nervous} And once this is all over, no one will have any reason to question that.Player Default: You made a mistake, but you can still do the right thing, doctor. Just think this through.Y4b
93004c_CrockerDeathLine{Dying. / InPain} I can fix... anything.A1a
94-{In combat, but crazy on drugs.} Can't have you telling anyone, can we?
95{In combat, but crazy on drugs. / Stern} Should've never come down here.
96{In combat, but crazy on drugs. / Neutral} Just another body to deal with.
97{Taking damage in combat. / InPain} Ugh!
98{Taking damage in combat. / InPain} Ah!
99{Taking damage in combat. / InPain} Ergh!
100{Crocker is aiming a gun at the player's head / Nervous} Relax...it's all going to be over soon...
101{Crocker is aiming a gun at the player's head / Nervous} Just one more loose end to tie up...