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This is a transcript for dialogue with Neighborhood Watch.


1-{Angry} Hey, whoa whoa whoa. No sneakin'. Sneakin' makes me nervous. End up with a knife in my kidney...
2{billboard "big" / Angry} Now come on, none of that. Sneakin' means stealin'. And if shit starts going missing, we're going to have a big problem...
3{billboard "even" / Angry} Oh, don't even tell me you're doing what I think you're doing...
4{a nuclear bomb went off at the old CIT campus / Happy} So the big kaboom hits old CIT. I hope the stories are true, and the Institute got what was comin' to 'em.
5{Brotherhood of Steel airship just showed up and announced themselves} Brotherhood of Steel better stay out of Goodneighbor. All I'm sayin'.
6{The brotherhood and Institute had a big shoot out / Confident} Big shitstorm at Bunkerhill huh? As long as the Institute took a licking I'm happy.
7{Liberty Prime was activated and sent to the Institute / Happy} Am I the only person who thinks it's kinda funny the Institute is destroyed by a giant robot...I mean, there's a joke there somewhere forsure.
8{Prydwen has been destroyed / Worried} I don't know who had the guts to attack the Brotherhood's blimp but I hope I don't piss them off.
9{The Institute sent a broadcast to the Commonwealth. Character is defiant / Defiant} I heard the Institute broadcast. I ain't scared of some underground nerds.
10{Angry} I heard you walked that Freedom Trail. What, you some kind of, what do they call it... History buff?
11{Surprised} Been talk about Vault 81. Some problem there you were caught up in? Quarantine or some such? Damn, you get around.
12{Happy} Hey. Nice work, taking care of McDonough, over in Diamond City. Could be they start lettin' in Ghouls again...
13{billboard "good" / Angry} In case you're wonderin', the Diamond City Radio signal comes in loud and clear here in Goodneighbor. And that Travis? Man, he got good.
14{Angry} Heard what you did. Saved that Rex Goodman from the Super Mutants? Guess not everyone appreciates the Bard, am I right.
15{Angry} Now, I seen a lot of crazy stuff in my time, but a flying ship? Yowza.
16{Angry} Wait wait wait. So let me get this straight. There was an old Chinese submarine? In the harbor? Geez, now I heard everything.
17{Surprised} Holy skamoley! It ain't true, is it? You ripped off Hancock? What, you got a death wish or something?
18Happy Halloween. You scared yet? Ha ha ha ha ha.
19{player has committed crimes against Goodneighbor but is now free to walk around} You've caused a lot of trouble in this town. I can respect that.
20{player was caught stealing in Goodneighbor but is now free to walk around} Heard you got caught with your hands in someone else's pockets. We've all been there.
21{player was caught assaulting someone in Goodneighbor but is now free to walk around} I like you. Ain't afraid to hurt people.
22{player was caught murdering someone in Goodneighbor but is now free to walk around} It's the man with the body count. Just watch that trigger finger, all right?
23{player was caught murdering someone in Goodneighbor but is now free to walk around} It's the dame with the body count. Just watch that trigger finger, all right?
24{Happy} Look, I, ah... I don't want no trouble from your pal. I know a stone cold killer when I see one...
25{Happy} Your buddy MacCready's got a rep here in Goodneighbor. Bad attitude. Good aim.
26{Happy} Oh, look at Mister Fancy Pants and his robot valet. I am SO impressed.
27{Happy} Well well. Look at Her Ladyship with the robot valet. Ain't you fancy.
28{player is with a redheaded woman, you approve, reminds you of your girlfriend / Happy} Who's the redhead? She's got that "stab your eye with a screwdriver" look. Just like my old lady.
29{Happy} Your lady friend, there. She's the dame who writes Publick Occurrences, right? Good stuff. I always did appreciate good investigative journalism.
30{Angry} Your Brotherhood of Steel friend looks nervous. What's the matter? He ain't never seen Ghouls before?
31{sarcastic, mocking the Silver Shroud's catch phrase "Death has come for you, and I am its Shroud...."} Holy moly. The Silver Shroud. In the flesh. Oh no! Death is coming for me! He he he he...
32Vault suit, huh? Classy.
33{sarcastic} Jeez Louise. That's some tin can.
34{clue for finding the Railroad} Hate the Institute? "Follow the Freedom Trail", sister.
35{clue for finding the Railroad} Hate the Institute? "Follow the Freedom Trail", brother.
36{messing with the player, you know something frightening happened up in Salem recently} Hey, you? You like scary stories? Head up to Salem sometime. Take the scenic tour. *chuckle*
37{Angry} Hey, you heard of University Point? No? Ain't surprising. The Institute wiped the place off the map.
38{Angry} I was out by the Cambridge ruins yesterday. Heard this weird distress call. Somebody's in a pickle...
39{Angry} Want to hear something spooky? There's this old insane asylum up north. But it ain't abandoned. Not like it should be...
40{Surprised} What, Goodneighbor ain't good enough for ya? Go check out Covenant. Heard that place is all kinds of fancy.
41{Angry} Look at you clangin' around. A regular knight in shining armor.
42That your Halloween costume, or you just naturally ugly? He he he he.
43{Happy} Pallin' around with MacCready now, huh? I've seen worse mercs.
44{Happy} Geez. Your buddy there's givin' me the heebie jeebies...
45{player was caught committing crimes in Goodneighbor but is now free to walk around} Hey, troublemaker. Try not to kill anyone, okay? It's messy.
46{The Institute has been destroyed / Grateful} Noble thing you did for the folks of the Commonwealth. We owe you an unpayable debt.
47{Happy} So you got a robot butler. Well la tee friggin' da.
48{Happy} Hey look, it's Whitechapel Charlie's long lost cousin. He he he.
49{Happy} That dame you're with is trouble. With a capital T. I can tell.
50{Happy} Keep a leash on your girlfriend. Looks like she bites.
51{Happy} Hey, your friend. Is that Piper? The reporter? I'm a big fan.
52{Angry} And here I thought you was cool. But then you go and make friends with the Brotherhood of Steel...
53{Angry} Your friend better mind his manners. Brotherhood of Steel ain't welcome here...
54{Angry} All you hear these days is Institute this and Institute that. Ain't nobody in Goodneighbor afraid of those pencil necks.
55{Angry} Hancock, he's the mayor around here. Elected by himself, accepted by everyone.
56{Angry} Hancock, he runs things here in Goodneighbor. Good man for the job. Fair and brutal, in equal measure.
57{Surprised} The Hotel Rexford's got rooms for rent, if you want something more comfortable than a bedroll on the floor.
58{Surprised} I think Whitechapel Charlie's got some work, if you're looking. He's down in the Third Rail.
59{billboard "and" / Angry} Look, I don't like to brag, but I'm a lover and a fighter. Know what I'm sayin'?
60{billboard "and"} Oh geez, you ain't one of them Diamond City types, are you?
61{billboard "and"} You been to Diamond City? Good noodles. Bunch of assholes, though.
62You know who kicked the Ghouls out of Diamond City, right? That blowhard, Mayor McDonough. He'll get his one day, you watch.
63So not only is Diamond City's mayor dead... turns out he was a synth all along. And they say Goodneighbor's crazy...
64Hey. Not too close, Mister Tough Guy.
65How's Goodneighbor treatin' ya, toots?
66{sarcastic, mocking} Hey. Crimefighter. I thought I saw someone loitering over there. Better dish out some of that "terrible justice."
67{player has a gun equipped} Pfft. You call that a gun?
68{player has a melee weapon} Watch where you swing that thing.
69{sarcastic} Power Armor? Man, whatchoo plan on fightin'? The Institute? He he he he he.
70Nice Pip-Boy. Who'd you kill to get that, huh?
71{emphasize "real"} Ah, you can keep your lasers and thermo...pulsular..whatchamjiggits. A real gun shoots bullets.
72Keep your nose outta my business.
73I don't know nothin' 'bout nothin'.
74{sarcastic} Tryin' to stay on good behavior, here. Don't make me do somethin' I'll regret.
75{sarcastic} What, I look like a bartender? Take your troubles someplace else.
76What, we pals now? Gonna shoot the breeze? Take a walk.
77You're lucky the mayor likes outsiders.
78You get into trouble, it's your own damn fault. Watch yourself.
79In Goodneighbor, you handle your own problems, or you end up dead.
80Don't ask questions in Goodneighbor. Better for everyone that way.
81Might stop by the Memory Den later. There was this girl, few months ago? Man oh man, wouldn't mind seein' those curves again.
82The Memory Den's great, just don't get hooked like old Kent. Poor bastard's practically stuck in the past.
83Fred Allen at the Hotel Rexford, he can hook you up with chems. Irma at the Memory Den... she offers a whole other class of drug.
84You lookin' to stock up on general equipment, you can hit Daisy's Discounts.
85Need to sell some junk? Head to Daisy's Discounts.
86What, got a starin' problem?
87{emphasize "you"} What're you lookin' at?
88Got a problem?
89How you doin'?
90Whatchoo admirin'? The clothes or the man wearin' 'em?
1-You stickin' around, you'll need to join a crew. I hear Bobbi No-Nose is lookin'. Always a catch with the No-Nose, but she pays...
2Low on cash? I hear Bobbi No-Nose is puttin' together another score. I'd sign up myself, if I wasn't gainfully employed...