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This is a transcript for dialogue with Minuteman at The Castle and Warwick homestead.


1-{Confident} Hold the line!
2{Afraid} There's too many of them!
3{Confident} Steady!
4{Confident} For the Minutemen!
5{Confident} For the Commonwealth and freedom!
6{Angry} You murdering scum!
7{Angry} Goddamn raiders. Killing's too good for the likes of you.
8{Angry} None of you are walking away from here.
9{Disgust} You bastards don't even count as people in my book.
10{Angry} The Minutemen are going to kill every last one of you!
11{Angry} Kill the uglies!
12{Angry} I'm not scared of you, you big ugly bastard!
13{Disgust} No mercy for you cannibals!
14{Afraid} What should we do?
15{Disgust} Why does it always have to be bugs?
16{Disgust} I hate these things.
17{Disgust} Get this thing away from me!
18{Disgust} Yuck.
19{Confident} Take down those synths!
20{Defiant} I'm done being scared of the Institute.
21{Defiant} We can handle anything the Institute can throw at us!
22{Angry} We're going to teach you not to mess with the Minutemen.
23{Angry} Die, you synth bastards!
24{Confident} There they are!
25{Confident} You're going to be sorry you messed with the Minutemen.
26{Confident} I knew it.
27{Confident} We've got company, Minutemen!
28{Worried} Okay, here we go.
29{Suspicious} Anybody see them?
30{Suspicious} Where'd they go?
31{Worried} I've lost contact.
32{Suspicious} We've got to find those bastards, now!
33{Confident} Spread out and search. We don't want any of them getting away.
34{Worried} I don't see them.
35{Happy} Minutemen, hell yeah!
36{Tired} I'm glad that's over.
37{Confident} Another one for the Minutemen.
38{Confident} That's what happens when you tangle with the Minutemen.
39{relieved to still be alive / Surprised} Is that it? Is it over?
40{Worried} Is everybody okay?
41{Suspicious} You hear that?
42{Suspicious} I think something's out there.
43{Suspicious} What was that?
44{Confident} Here they come!
45{Confident} The Minutemen aren't afraid of you.
46{Confident} All right, here we go.
47{RE-RECORD FOR FEMALE EVEN TONED / Confident} Make every shot count!
48{Confident} Give 'em hell, Minutemen!
49{Relieved} Maybe with the Institute gone, we can finally start to make the Commonwealth a decent place to live.
50{Puzzled} I'll never understand why the Institute didn't just leave us alone.
51{Grateful} It's such a relief not to have to worry about the Institute any more.
52{Impressed} It was you Minutemen that finally did for the Institute, huh? That was some overdue payback.
53{Defiant} I guess we showed those Brotherhood bastards how we do things in the Commonwealth.
54{Awed} I heard you blew that Brotherhood airship right out of the sky. Amazing.
55{Defiant} I guess the Brotherhood will think twice before messing around with the Commonwealth again.
56{Flat, military. / Neutral} Area secured, General.
57{Flat, military / Neutral} All quiet, General.
58{Flat, military / Neutral} Got the area covered.
59{Flat, military / Neutral} Nothing's getting by me, sir.
60{Flat, military / Neutral} This site's in good hands.
61Hello, sir.
62Hello, ma'am.
63{Confident} Hey, General.
64{Impressed} Heard about you Minutemen taking down that Brotherhood airship. Nice job.
65Oh, well... thanks. We really are grateful for the help.
66Oh, that's great. We know where they're coming from, but we can't stand up to them ourselves.
67{grimly / Angry} Yeah, pretty sure I do. You'll know what to do when you find them.
68Oh, well... thanks. We really are grateful for the help.
69Oh, that's great. We know where they're coming from, but we can't stand up to them ourselves.
70{grimly / Angry} Yeah, pretty sure I do. You'll know what to do when you find them.
71{Impressed} I never thought the Railroad could pull off something like taking down the Institute.
72{Impressed} Whatever you think of the Brotherhood, they sure didn't mess around with the Institute.
73{Relieved} I'm just glad the Institute is finally gone.
74{Somber} The Institute should have just kept to themselves down in their little underground paradise.
75{Defiant} We sure showed those Institute bastards, didn't we, General?
76{Defiant} You didn't have any choice in dealing with the Institute, you know. It was us or them, and you made the right choice.
77{Grateful} Now that the Institute is gone, we can finally start to work on making the Commonwealth a better place for our kids.
78{Awed} I can still hardly believe we took out that airship.
79{Impressed} The Brotherhood never saw it coming, huh General?
80{Impressed} Heard about you Minutemen taking down that Brotherhood airship. Nice job.
81{Flat, military. / Neutral} Nothing new to report, General.
82{A little bit proud of what you've accomplished. / Neutral} This site belongs to the Minutemen.
83{A little bit proud of what you've accomplished. / Neutral} They're gonna have to pry this checkpoint from my cold, dead hands.
84{Flat, military / Neutral} Nothing's getting by me, ma'am.
85{Confident} General.
86{Grateful} It's such a relief not to have to worry about the Institute any more.
87{Grateful} Now that the Institute is gone, we can finally start to work on making the Commonwealth a better place for our kids.
88{Impressed} It was you Minutemen that finally did for the Institute, huh? That was some overdue payback.
89{Awed} I heard you blew that Brotherhood airship right out of the sky. Amazing.
90{Defiant} I guess the Brotherhood will think twice before messing around with the Commonwealth again.