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This is a transcript for dialogue with Gunners.


1-I'm on him!
2Take him out!
3Take her out!
4Get some!
5God, I hope there's a bounty on you!
6You are really pissing me off!
7You are seriously fucked! You know that?
8We're taking casualties!
9Gunner down!
10Damn it!
11Fall back! Fall back!
12I ain't dying for this!
13Good riddance.
14Another notch for the gun.
15That's why you don't screw with the Gunners.
80{shouting, guarding an area and keeping out trespassers} Area's off limits!
81{shouting, guarding an area and keeping out trespassers} Restricted area! Get lost!
82{shouting, guarding an area and keeping out trespassers} Stop! Turn around! Leave!
83{shouting, guarding an area and keeping out trespassers} Leave! Now!
84{shouting, entering combat / Angry} Get some!
85{shouting, entering combat / Angry} Lock and load!
86{shouting, entering combat / Angry} We're hot!
87{taunting an enemy, shouting during combat / Angry} Last mistake!
88{taunting an enemy, shouting during combat / Angry} You're dead!
89{taunting an enemy, shouting during combat / Angry} Let's rock!
91Take Cover!
92Kill 'em all!
94Keep firing!
95I want this one's head!
96You're dead!
97Engaging hostile!
98Come on, asshole!
99You're out of your league, pal!
100Shoulda stayed in bed, lady!
101I'd kill you for free!


1-{Quick and violent shove, a sharp, short exertion!} Hunh!
2{Quick and violent shove, a sharp, short exertion!} Gah!
3{Quick and violent shove, a sharp, short exertion!} Yah!
4{Quick and violent shove, a sharp, short exertion!} Rargh!
5{A quick grunt or exertion, blocking a heavy blow from your opponent} Gah!
6{A quick grunt or exertion, blocking a heavy blow from your opponent} Nargh!
7{A quick grunt or exertion, blocking a heavy blow from your opponent} Unf!
8{A quick grunt or exertion, blocking a heavy blow from your opponent} Grrh!
9{A quick grunt or exertion, blocking a heavy blow from your opponent} Nnh!
10{A qiuck shriek or scream, you throw down your weapon and run for your life!} Aaaiiee!
11{A qiuck shriek or scream, you throw down your weapon and run for your life!} Agghh!
12{Heavy breathing and coughing, clutching a mortal wound and struggling to stay alive} *heavy breathing* *cough cough*
13{Heavy breathing and coughing, clutching a mortal wound and struggling to stay alive} Oof! *heavy breathing*
14{Heavy breathing and coughing, clutching a mortal wound and struggling to stay alive} Agh! *cough* *wheeze*
15{Quick noise of physical exertion while swinging a weapon. Short and sweet.} Grrargh!
16{Quick noise of physical exertion while swinging a weapon. Short and sweet.} Aggghh!
17{Quick noise of physical exertion while swinging a weapon. Short and sweet.} Nyyarrggh!
18{Quick noise of physical exertion while swinging a weapon. Short and sweet.} Rrarggh!
19{Quick noise of physical exertion while swinging a weapon. Short and sweet.} Yearrgh!
20{Quick noise of physical exertion while swinging a weapon. Short and sweet.} Hyargh!
21{Powerfully swinging a weapon, up over your head and bringing it down hard on your opponent. Quick and violent, not drawn out.} Aaaayyyaarrrrgghh!
22{Powerfully swinging a weapon, up over your head and bringing it down hard on your opponent. Quick and violent, not drawn out.} Nnyyyaarrgghh!
23{Powerfully swinging a weapon, up over your head and bringing it down hard on your opponent. Quick and violent, not drawn out.} Yyyaaaarrgghh!
24{Powerfully swinging a weapon, up over your head and bringing it down hard on your opponent. Quick and violent, not drawn out.} Rrrraaaaarrggghhhh!
25{Powerfully swinging a weapon, up over your head and bringing it down hard on your opponent. Quick and violent, not drawn out.} Hhyyaarargghhhh!
26{A quick impact and death rattle, short and violent.} Gah.
27{A quick impact and death rattle, short and violent.} Nuh.
28{A quick impact and death rattle, short and violent.} Hunh.
29{A quick impact and death rattle, short and violent.} Ugh.
30{A quick impact and death rattle, short and violent.} Agh.
31{Struck by a weapon or bullet, a short, violent grunt of pain.} Argh!
32{Struck by a weapon or bullet, a short, violent grunt of pain.} Weergh!
33{Struck by a weapon or bullet, a short, violent grunt of pain.} Yeagh!
34{Struck by a weapon or bullet, a short, violent grunt of pain.} Nargh!
35{Struck by a weapon or bullet, a short, violent grunt of pain.} Oof!
36{Struck by a weapon or bullet, a short, violent grunt of pain.} Agh!
37{You hear a noise somewhere out in the darkness, mildly alerted.} Hmm?
38{You hear a noise somewhere out in the darkness, and you call out.} Who's there?
39{You hear a noise somewhere out in the darkness, rubbing your chin.} Hmm...
40{You hear a noise somewhere out in the darkness, startled.} Who?
41{You hear a noise somewhere out in the darkness, startled.} What the?
42{You hear a noise somewhere out in the darkness, startled.} Hey...
43{You hear a noise somewhere out in the darkness, startled.} What?
44{You hear a noise somewhere out in the darkness, startled.} Wha?
45{You hear a noise somewhere out in the darkness, startled.} Huh?
46{One or two short coughs}
47{A quick clearing of the throat}
48{Humming softly to yourself for a moment, maybe 6 to 10 seconds or so.}
49{One or two short coughs}
50{A short yawn}
51{One or two quick sniffles}


1HoldupDialogue{Player holding gun at you is backing away / Afraid} I'll just stay right here.A2a
2{Relieved, Player holding gun at you is backing away / Afraid} Just leave me alone.A3a
3Player Default: Do what I say and no one gets hurt.{Player holding gun in your face / Afraid} Anything, just don't shoot.Player Default: Do what I say and no one gets hurt.A1a
4Player Default: Do what I say and no one gets hurt.{Rejecting the player holding gun in your face. / Defiant} Screw you.Player Default: Do what I say and no one gets hurt.A3a
5Player Default: Do what I say and no one gets hurt.{Rejecting Player holding gun in your face / Defiant} I'm not taking orders from you.Player Default: Do what I say and no one gets hurt.A5a
6Player Default: Do what I say and no one gets hurt.{Player holding gun in your face / Afraid} I said I'll do anything.Player Default: Do what I say and no one gets hurt.A7a
7Player Default: Stay put and shut up.{Afraid, Player holding gun in your face / Afraid} Whatever you say.Player Default: Do what I say and no one gets hurt.B1a
8Player Default: Get out of my sight.{Player holding gun in your face, told you to leave / Angry} I'm leaving.X1a
9HoldupStartScenePlayer Default: Easy now. Hands up.{The player just pointed a gun at you and held you up. / Afraid} Shit...A1a
10Player Default: Easy now. Hands up.{The player just pointed a gun at you and held you up. / Afraid} Damn it...A2a
11Player Default: Easy now. Hands up.{The player just pointed a gun at you and held you up. / Afraid} You gotta be kidding me.A3a
12Player Default: Easy now. Hands up.{The player just pointed a gun at you and held you up. / Afraid} Whoa, whoa, whoa. Don't Shoot!A4a
13HoldupDialogue{Player holding gun at you is backing away / Afraid} You don't have to worry about me.A1a
14Player Default: Give me your caps.{Player is mugging you / Afraid} Ok, take 'em.Player Default: Do what I say and no one gets hurt.Y1a
15Player Default: Give me your caps.{Player is mugging you / Afraid} You already took everything I have.Player Default: Do what I say and no one gets hurt.Y3a
16Player Default: Give me your caps.{Defiant, Player is mugging you / Defiant} You're not getting anything from me.Player Default: Do what I say and no one gets hurt.Y5a
17Player Default: Give me your caps.{Defiant, Player is mugging you / Defiant} Not even one.Player Default: Do what I say and no one gets hurt.Y7a
18-{Afraid} Whatever you say.
19{ Player holding a gun at you. / Afraid} Alright, alright.
20{Sarcastic. Player holding a gun at you. / Afraid} Yes, sir.
21{Sarcastic. Player holding a gun at you. / Afraid} Yes, ma'am.
22{Afraid. Player holding a gun at you. / Afraid} Fine.
23{Player holding a gun at you. / Afraid} Please... I can't do that. I'm sorry.
24{Player holding a gun at you. / Afraid} I really can't.
25{Player holding a gun at you, asked you do to something you can't do. / Afraid} That's not possible, don't shoot me.
26{Rejecting the Player holding a gun at you. / Defiant} I'd rather die.
27{Player holding a gun at you. / Afraid} Please, let me go.
28What do you want from me?
29{Afraid} Don't shoot me.
30{Player holding gun in your face / Afraid} I heard you. Let's just stay calm.
31HoldupDialogue{Player holding gun in your face / Afraid} You got me. I won't try anything.Player Default: Do what I say and no one gets hurt.A


Dialogue at Swan's Pond.

1DN131_CommonsRetreatScene{Angry, frustrated, to himself. Unwilling to pursue the player further. / Angry} Damn it!RetreatSceneActor: Fall back!A1a
2{Angry, shocked the player would retreat into a dangerous area. / Surprised} The hell?RetreatSceneActor: Fall back!A2a
3{Angry, shocked the player would retreat into a dangerous area. / Surprised} Cease pursuit!RetreatSceneActor: Fall back!A3a
4RetreatSceneActor: Damn it!{Grudgingly, ordering allies to stop pursuit. / Irritated} Let 'im go.A5a
5RetreatSceneActor: Damn it!{Grudgingly, ordering allies to stop pursuit. / Irritated} Let 'er go.A6a
6RetreatSceneActor: Damn it!{Ordering a retreat. / Irritated} Fall back! Fall back!A7a
7RetreatSceneActor: Damn it!{Ordering allies to defend this position. / Angry} Form up! Defensive positions!A8a