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Fallout Wiki

Derrick was a synth who was slated to live in Acadia, but never completed the trip there.


After having contacted Chase in Acadia, Derrick fled to the Island and ended up in Far Harbor. There, he met with the merchant Brooks, who described Derrick as a "wreck," and said that Derrick would often look over his shoulder and attract unwanted attention. During their conversation, Derrick became scared and ran away into the Fog.[1] He was eventually found, killed and eaten by several trappers. All that is left of him now is his head.


Derrick is mentioned only in the Fallout 4 add-on Far Harbor. His severed head appears as an in-game item.


  1. The Sole Survivor: "I'm working with Chase. She told me that your designation is L7-92."
    Brooks: "Okay, I believe you, but keep it down, alright? That's real private information. I know the synth you're talking about. He's a younger guy, maybe early twenties, with white hair. Goes by the name Derrick. Thing is, he showed up way earlier than he was supposed to. Thought a Courser was on his tail so he rushed the timetable. To be honest, the guy was a wreck. He was scared shitless, looking over his shoulder every five minutes and attracting unwanted attention. I tried to calm him down, but he panicked and ran off into the Fog. That was the last I saw of him."
    (Brooks' dialogue)