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This is a transcript for dialogue with Derek Pacion.


CCDirections Can I get some directions around town? Happy 50 Uncle Roe and I live in the old town hall, and Mr. Porter runs the diner across the street. It's not really a big place, you know? 1
CCFirstMeeting1A Don't sell yourself short. Even the little jobs can be important. Disgust 25 Sounds like you've never spent a day mucking out Brahmin pens with a busted shovel. 2
Anger 10 My uncle says it'll build character. Mostly, it just builds stink. 3
CCFirstMeeting1B Calm down, kid. Can you actually say a whole sentence at once? Fear 50 Sorry. I mean, I'm Derek. Welcome to Canterbury, Miss. Commons. Canterbury Commons. Miss. {Very embarrassed and flustered} 4
CCFirstMeeting1C I already talked to your uncle. I figured I'd talk to you, too. Neutral 50 Huh. Why'd you want to do that? 5
Then why am I wasting my time talking to you? Scram. Disgust 15 Sure, fine, whatever. 6
CCFirstMeeting2A Sometimes people can have hidden depths even they don't know about. Happy 15 I guess, sure. I'll keep an eye out for any hidden depths, okay? 7
CCFirstMeeting2B Now that I think about it, I'm not really sure. Sad 10 Well, if you figure it out, be sure to let me know, okay? I'm kind of busy. 8
CCFirstMeeting2C Because I wanted to talk to the world's biggest pain in the ass, apparently. Anger 25 Well, hope you had fun with that. 9
CCTownHistory1 What can you tell me about Canterbury Commons? Surprise 25 It's okay, I guess. I heard it's safer than most places, because the raiders don't bother us. But I've never been anywhere else, so I don't know. 10
GREETING GREETING Happy 75 Can't talk now. They're fighting! This is awesome! {(quickly) with extreme excited} 11
GREETING Sad 75 I don't wanna talk to you. You killed my Uncle Roe. 12
GREETING Anger 75 Go away! I hate you! 13
GREETING Happy 75 Oh man! Did you see it! Did you see it? The AntAgonizer was all like, "Fear me!" But the Mechanist was all, "Stop, evil-doer!" {(quickly) with extreme excited} 14
GREETING Happy 50 You're my hero, mister. I want to be just like you when I grow up. 15
GREETING Anger 75 Go away! I hate you! 16
GREETING Surprise 25 Oh, um, hey. You're new here, right? I'm Derek. I do odd jobs around town, nothing important. 17
Neutral 50 You'd probably rather talk to my uncle, Ernest Roe. He can give you the official welcome and everything. 18
GREETING Fear 15 Umm, yes? 19
MS02AboutAntAgonizer What can you tell me about the AntAgonizer? Happy 50 I don't know much about her, except she really, really doesn't like people. That's kinda cool. I mean, sometimes people are jerks. 20
Neutral 50 I think her lair is somewhere in the caves to the north of the city. I've seen her ants down there once in a while. 21
Anger 50 Joe Porter said he found out something about her, but my uncle won't let him tell me. He says, "Don't encourage the poor boy." {Mocking a grown-up's voice.} 22
MS02AboutMechanist What can you tell me about the Mechanist? Happy 50 I knew the Mechanist back when he was just a normal-hero. He used to be called Scott, and he fixed up stuff around town! 23
Happy 25 But one day, the AntAgonizer killed his favorite robot, and I told him he ought to fight back against her like a real super-hero! 24
Happy 50 Ever since then, he's been up in his Forge in the back of the robot shop on the hill, working to protect us all from the AntAgonizer! 25
MS02AboutOther Know anything else that could help me stop them? Fear 25 No way! Don't stop them! They're awesome! 26
Surprise 75 Unless maybe you're going to be a super-hero, too! 27
Happy 50 You could be called "Super-Humongous" and fight them with an army of Super-Mutants! 28
Know anything else that could help me stop them? Fear 25 No way! Don't stop them! They're awesome! 29
Surprise 75 Unless maybe you're going to be a super-hero, too! 30
Happy 50 You could be called "Awesome-Claw" and fight them with an army of Deathclaws! 31
Know anything else that could help me stop them? Fear 25 No way! Don't stop them! They're awesome! 32
Surprise 75 Unless maybe you're going to be a super-hero, too! 33
Happy 50 You could be called "The Brilliant Shadow" and undermine all of their plots with an army of Mole Rats! 34
Know anything else that could help me stop them? Fear 25 No way! Don't stop them! They're awesome! 35
Surprise 75 Unless maybe you're going to be a super-hero, too! 36
Happy 50 You could be called "Incredibly Lucky Guy!" And you could fight them with an army of... um... Mirelurks who just happen to do what you tell them! 37
Know anything else that could help me stop them? Fear 25 No way! Don't stop them! They're awesome! 38
Surprise 75 Unless maybe you're going to be a super-hero, too! 39
Happy 50 You could be called "Incredibly Lucky Girl!" And you could fight them with an army of... um... Mirelurks who just happen to do what you tell them! 40
Know anything else that could help me stop them? Fear 25 No way! Don't stop them! They're awesome! 41
Surprise 75 Unless maybe you're going to be a super-hero, too! 42
Fear 10 You could be called... um... err... Well, maybe you wouldn't make a very good super-hero. {Not sure what's interesting about the player.} 43
Fear 25 Just don't fight them, okay? 44
Do you know anything about the AntAgonizer or the Mechanist?
What do you know about the AntAgonizer and the Mechanist? Happy 50 You mean the super-heroes? Yeah, I try to watch all of their fights! 45
MS02AboutSupersExit That's enough about them. Happy 50 Well, okay. 46
MS02AboutWeaknesses What are their super powers? Do they have any weaknesses? Happy 50 That's easy! The AntAgonizer's suit makes her super-agile, but I guess her ants are pretty weak on their own. Just watch out for her royal guard. 47
Happy 50 The Mechanist's robots are a lot tougher, and his suit makes him super-smart. I don't think he has any weaknesses. 48
Neutral 50 Well, maybe one. Since he's a good guy, he's not as ruthless as the AntAgonizer. Like, he'd never hurt an innocent like me... if he could help it. 49
MS02Goodbye Never mind. Anger 50 That's right! Go away! 50
MS02Greeting1a Yeah, I saw it. What can you tell me about them? Surprise 75 The AntAgonizer, she's this evil supervillain who's trying to wipe out humans with her ants. And the Mechanist protects us with his robots! {overly excited} 51
Happy 75 And when they fight in town, it's incredible! There's all these lasers and biting and blood and it's crazy! {overly excited} 52
Anger 25 And then my uncle says I need to stay inside. He says it's dangerous. "This is serious business, Derek." Pft. {Suddenly deflated. Mocking a grown-up voice and making a dismissive noise at the end.} 53
MS02Greeting1b This is serious business. You could get hurt. What do you know about them? Sad 25 You sound like Uncle Roe. He never lets me watch when they fight. {emotionally crushed, was excited, but is now not really interested in talking about it} 54
Disgust 25 They're just about the only exciting thing that ever happens in this town. {emotionally crushed} 55
MS02Greeting1c Are those jokers for real? What's up with the silly costumes? Surprise 100 No way, they're awesome! And their suits are really cool, too! {excited} 56
Happy 100 The AntAgonizer's got this army of ants, and the Mechanist has an army of robots and then they fight! {overly excited} 57
Anger 25 But my uncle never lets me watch them. He says it's dangerous. "This is serious business, Derek." Pft. {Suddenly deflated. Mocking a grown-up voice and making a dismissive noise at the end.} 58
MS02Greeting2a Life around here is pretty hard, huh? Sad 50 Yeah, I guess. There's no one to play with. Everyone is so serious. It really kinda sucks. {awkward} 59
Surprise 50 But the AntAgonizer's strong and forceful, and the Mechanist, he's smart and good. They make things fun. Well, exciting anyway. {talking about his heroes} 60
Surprise 25 I bet it's awesome to be them. Maybe they'll let me be their sidekick? {too himself (thinking in contrast to his own lonely life)} 61
MS02Greeting2b Those guys must really liven the place up, huh? Anyone ever get hurt? Surprise 50 You think they're neat too, huh? It's not like they ever hurt anyone. Well not, like, really badly hurt, or anything. {emphasizing "not, like, really BADLY hurt..."} 62
Surprise 25 Dom and Machete make sure everyone gets inside when they fight like that. Though sometimes I sneak out to watch! {letting a new friend in on secret} 63
Sad 25 The traders and the Slavers and the Raiders, they don't like the AntAgonizer or the Mechanist. They say they're "bad for business." {Mocking grownup voices} 64
Happy 50 But that's dumb. The ants and the robots rip 'em to shreds. That shows them! {Caught up in the moment} 65
MS02Greeting2c You're insane, kid. Anger 25 Oh yeah? Well... well... {Trying to come up with a comeback.} 66
Anger 50 Well, so's your face! {Coming up with a really lame come-back.} 67
MS02Job He promised me money for a job. Pay up, or else. Anger 50 First you took away my uncle, and now you took away them, too? Fine - here! Take it and go away forever! 68
I just finished a job for your late uncle. I hope he told you to pay me. Sad 25 Yeah, he told me. I wish you didn't have to make the super heroes go away, but I guess Uncle Roe knew what the town needed. {like a slick car salesman} 69
Sad 50 He told me to pay you for the work. He always did say, "Money comes and goes, but a contract's forever." At least the town's safe, now. {Sad, but trying to imitate a grown-up's voice.} 70
SpeechChallengeFailure SpeechChallengeFailure Fear 50 Umm. I just remembered something I need to do. Bye. {getting weird vibes and running away} 71


CCMentor1 CCMentor1 Sad 10 It was okay. {Sullen} 72
CCMentor1 Sad 10 I suppose it was fine. {Sullen} 73
CCMentor1 Happy 5 Thanks! {Happy for the compliment} 74
CCMentor1 Happy 5 It wasn't anything much. But thanks! {happy for the compliment} 75
CCMentor3 CCMentor3 Sad 10 I guess. {Sullen} 76
CCMentor3 Sad 10 Dunno. {Sullen} 77
CCMentor3 Happy 5 It's nothing. Just... You think Machete might like me? {A little embarrassed} 78
CCMentor3 Happy 5 Nothing's wrong. It's just... you think there's a chance Machete might think I'm cool? Like, maybe when I'm older? {A little embarrassed} 79
CCMentor5 CCMentor5 Fear 25 No, no, never mind. Pretend I didn't say anything. {Embarrassed and ending the conversation} 80
CCMentor5 Fear 25 Wait, no... I mean, forget I brought it up. {Embarrassed and ending the conversation} 81
GOODBYE I have to go now. Happy 50 Say hi to the Mechanist for me! 82
I guess I'll be going. Sad 10 Sure. {Sullen} 83
I have to go now. Anger 10 I'm fine, okay? {Sullen and a little annoyed} 84
I have to go now. Fear 25 I'll, umm... I'll just be over here. 85
I have to go now. Fear 25 Umm... okay. Bye. 86
I have to go now. Happy 50 Great! I'll see you later, Machete! 87
I have to go now. Happy 25 No problem, Machete. See you later. {Smooth and cool.} 88
I have to go now. Fear 50 Umm... Yes, miss. 89
HELLO HELLO Anger 15 Aw, you made this place get so boring. {bored frustration} 90
HELLO Happy 25 Heya! 91
HELLO Happy 25 'Scuse me! 92
HELLO Fear 50 Go away! {has a crush on her, and a little nervous to talk with her} 93
HELLO Fear 15 Umm... Hi, miss. I mean, Machete. Things okay with the, umm, guarding? {has a crush on her, and a little nervous to talk with her} 94
HELLO Fear 15 Hey, Machete. You on guard? I mean, of course you are. I mean, umm, never mind. {Flustered and nervous to talk to the girl.} 95
HELLO Neutral 50 What's your problem? 96
HELLO Neutral 50 You're funny looking. 97