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This is a transcript for dialogue with Del Walsh.


Nuka-World paramedic report[]

Scene SceneDialogue Custom This is Del Walsh. I'm a paramedic at Nuka-World's Infirmary Center. This report is dated July 14th, 2077. Confident DLC04Holotapes_DelWalsh
Scene SceneDialogue Custom I'd like to officially go on record to express my dismay at the current safety conditions of some of Nuka-World's rides. Irritated DLC04Holotapes_DelWalsh
Scene SceneDialogue Custom I have just completed treating a patient who suffered multiple cuts and bruises after riding Mad Mulligan's Mine Cart Ride. Irritated DLC04Holotapes_DelWalsh
Scene SceneDialogue Custom In the last year alone, I've treated: 7 broken bones, 9 major lacerations, 78 muscle injuries and 166 minor lacerations all due to ride malfunctions. Irritated DLC04Holotapes_DelWalsh
Scene SceneDialogue Custom This does not include the two fatalities that have occurred... both of which have been in the last six months. Irritated DLC04Holotapes_DelWalsh
Scene SceneDialogue Custom I understand that Project Cobalt has diverted some of our park's maintenance and security personnel, and how important it is to the war effort. Irritated DLC04Holotapes_DelWalsh
Scene SceneDialogue Custom But we can't ignore the fact that safety has fallen off the radar at Nuka-World, and something must be done about it immediately. Irritated DLC04Holotapes_DelWalsh
Scene SceneDialogue Custom Since my supervisors have chosen to ignore my concerns, I'll be forwarding this recording to Mr. Bradberton's Office personally. Irritated DLC04Holotapes_DelWalsh

Nuka-World on Tour[]


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 So why are you still traveling then? 0066F9E6 ...well I have responsibilities to keep up with here...
2 The carnival staff needs me! Just look at Pete, he'd practically be dead without me, even if Pat likes to think otherwise.
3 ...Besides that... there is nothing to return to... they'll all be dead back home...
4 Where is home? 0066F9C0 ...does it matter now? It's all gone. The Carnival is my home now... Anyway... is there anything else you wanted?
5 Yeah, I can imagine your colleagues were VERY excited to ship you off. 0066F9C4 Hmph! That's... Wait, is that why...? Nevermind, what else did you want?
6 0066F939 0066F968 Well... She's kind to strangers... Anything else you need to know?
7 0066F969 I ain't got the time to list you all my stock. If you're interested just browse the shop. Visibly upset over "silly" questions
8 0066F976 Remember sharing is caring.
9 0066F977 Finally.
10 0066F978 Bye now.
11 0066F93A 0066F981 I'm Del. Medic. Busy. Let's keep this short
12 0066F982 I've got Chems to treat pretty much anything... 'Cept stupidity. You're on your own with that one.
13 0066F983 I'm stocked up on Rad Away, Stimpaks, Chems, etcetera, but I'm short on time... So make it quick.
14 0066F984 Need a restock of Chems?
15 0066F985 Ran out of Chems already?
16 0066F93B 0066F997 *Grumbles* In annoyance. Like something disappointing just happened.
17 0066F998 I'm too old for this...
18 0066F999 Don't bother me unless you're buyin'...
19 0066F99A Oh, you again...
20 0066F99B Whaddya want?
21 0066F93C 0066F9A8 Gotta get Pete's prescription ready...
22 0066F9A9 Incompetent...*mumbles*... lucky they got me to help out around here. Indistinctively sweares/uses insults when mumbling. Cleary upset over someone getting something wrong
23 0066F9AA Gotta do everything myself around here.
24 0066F9AB Hope Pat leaves me alone today...
25 0066F9AC Another day of my genius... wasted.
37 Sorry, I got somewhere else to be. 0066F99E Remember sharing is caring.
38 0066F99F Finally.
39 0066F9A0 Bye now.
40 How long you've been with the Carnival? 0066F9AD Well, not that it's really any of your business, but I worked at the Nuka-World theme park prior to the war.
41 Clearly, they saw great potential in me and promoted me to Senior Off-Site Physician. Naturally, I ended up on tour.
42 I hate traveling, but... I couldn't decline such a prestigious offer. Especially since my peers were so eager for me to accept.
43 Got any recommendations for the Carnival? 0066F973 Well my stall of course! Betty has got some okay stuff too I guess...
44 But definitely stay away from Pat... Every day she complains about my Chems!
45 What have you got for sale on your stall then? 0067F0C7 I ain't got the time to list you all my stock. If you're interested just browse the shop. Visibly upset over "silly" questions
46 Why should I stay away from Pat? 0066F96A Eh... she can be a grump. Not overly fond of my side business... I guess she can be okay to others though...
49 What's your side business? 0066F98A Like any of these?
50 Guess I gotta see for myself what I think of Pat then 0066F96F I wouldn't bother... Anyway, do you need anything else from me?