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This is a transcript for dialogue with Deezer.


1AO_Companion_Bar_DeezerCait: Is that a robot... sellin' drinks? Oi! Tin can. What do ya have on tap?Why, nothing but the most refreshing, delicious lemonade you've ever tasted!Cait: Lemonade? Does it have whisky in it or somethin'?A1a
2Codsworth: Ah, a fellow Mr. Handy. Hello there, ol' chap. Good to see another of General Atomic's finest still eager to serve.{Happy - still proudly/excitedly offering his lemonade. / Happy} And a good day to you too, sir! Can I interest you in a refreshing glass of Deezer's Lemonade?Codsworth: Don't be daft, you know I can't use the stuff.A2a
3Curie: Oh, it is a Mr. Handy. What is your function?Don't be the last person on the block to try fabulous Deezer's Lemonade.Curie: Lemonade, truly? But I see no lemons.A3a
4Danse: That machine appears to be selling something. Unidentified Mr. Handy unit...state your identification and your intention, please.The name is Deezer, and my intention is to provide you with the ultimate refreshment experience, Deezer's Lemonade!Danse: You're obviously malfunctioning. I suggest you report to a maintenance center as soon as possible.A4a
5Deacon: Let me try something. Overide code. Gamma 3 Delta Tango Cinnamon.Psst. Hey, mister. Do you want a cold delicious... lemonade?Deacon: Command override. Vocal audio House, Robert. "Access core programming".A5a
6Hancock: Christ. This thing. Hey robot. You get your liquor license yet?Deezer's lemonade has fewer rads and more flavor!Hancock: Rad intake ain't exactly high on my list of concerns these days. You got any booze?A6a
7MacCready: Another robot drink vendor? Hope this one doesn't just sell noodles. Hey there, what's on the menu?Why, Deezer's Lemonade of course! It's the most thirst-quenching drink in the Commonwealth!MacCready: And?A7a
8Piper: Huh. What's this guy up to? Hey there, buddy. You lost?No way! I'm selling Deezer's lemonade. Best lemonade in Covenant, three years running!Piper: Uh, lemonade? Doesn't that require...lemons?A8a
9Preston Garvey: What's going on here? So, what...you selling drinks?Yes, indeed! Known far and wide as the best lemonade in Covenant!Preston Garvey: Hmm, why not? I'll take one.A9a
10Strong: Humans always drinking. Makes them weak. Metal man? Why is metal man here?Do you like lemonade my dear green goliath? It's the freshest of Deezer's latest batch.Strong: What is lemon aid?A10a
11Nick Valentine: Well, look who it is. Hey Deezer, how's business?Business is booming for the most popular lemonade in Covenant.Nick Valentine: Well, good for you. Still haven't poisoned anyone?A11a
12Cait: Lemonade? Does it have whisky in it or somethin'?There are no alcoholic additives or artifical preservatives of any kind! Only good old-fashioned cold refreshment!Cait: Yuck. You know what, I think I'll pass.A1a
13Codsworth: Don't be daft, you know I can't use the stuff.{Happy and excited - Advertising his owns Lemonade. / Happy} No discrimination here. Everyone benefits from Deezer's Lemonade.A2a
14{Happy and excited - Advertising his own lemonade. / Happy} Get yours today while supplies last.Codsworth: A pity. It appears Deezer's programming is too severe to allow for normal conversation. Ah well.A2b
15Curie: Lemonade, truly? But I see no lemons.The secret recipe is a tightly guarded secret. But here, try a complimentary beverage.Curie: He is very odd, no?A3a
16Danse: You're obviously malfunctioning. I suggest you report to a maintenance center as soon as possible.{Robot is trying to use pre-war knowledge to identify Danse's rank and failing} Pardon me, sergeant/airman/petty officer/insert rank here... but you're mistaken. I'm simply here to quench your thirst!Danse: Oh, never mind.A4a
17Deacon: Command override. Vocal audio House, Robert. "Access core programming".You're really missing out. Enjoy a longer, healthier life with: Deezer's Lemonade.Deacon: Ah, too bad. I won those codes in a poker game once. Hasn't worked yet.A5a
18Hancock: Rad intake ain't exactly high on my list of concerns these days. You got any booze?Your feedback is important to us. Please lodge any complaints with our customer service department. Me!Hancock: Oh, I'm about to lodge something.A6a
19MacCready: And?And... I certainly hope you'll have a glass. It's amazingly refreshing, sir!MacCready: Sigh. Doesn't anyone programm normal robot bartenders anymore?A7a
20Piper: Uh, lemonade? Doesn't that require...lemons?Our secret recipe makes every glass of Deezer's a refreshment to remember.Piper: So I'm gonna take that as a "no."A8a
21Preston Garvey: Hmm, why not? I'll take one.Excellent! Enjoy!Preston Garvey: Hmm, uh...whew. So that's lemonade. Always wondered. Now I know.A9a
22Strong: What is lemon aid?Hmm. A cultural barrier I see.A10a
23Just trust me. It's a marvelous elixir made with Deezer's own secret ingredients.Strong: Looks like piss. Tastes like piss.A10b
24Nick Valentine: Well, good for you. Still haven't poisoned anyone?Any recent illnesses cannot be directly attributed to Deezer's lemonade.Nick Valentine: That's the spirit.A11a


25DialogueCovenant_Deezer{Too cheery} Would you like some free lemonade?Player Default: I'll take some.A
26{Too cheery commercial} Less rads, less mutfruit. Same great taste. Try Deezer's lemonade.Player Default: I'll take some.A
27{Too cheery commercial} 93% of all visitors prefer Deezer's lemonade.Player Default: I'll take some.A
28{Called out like a town crier, cheery} Fresh lemonade here.Player Default: I'll take some.A
29Player Default: I'll take some.{Too cheery} Enjoy.A1a
30Player Default: I'll take some.{Too cheery} Limit one per customer per day.A2a
31Player Default: I'll pass.{Too cheery} You don't know what you're missing.B1a
32Player Default: What's the catch?{Too cheery commercial-like} No tricks, no gimmicks. Just the best lemonade in Covenant. Free to our special guests.Player Default: I'll take some.X1a
33Player Default: I'm looking into a lost caravan. Can you help?{Too cheery commercial. Programming deflects any inquiry into his commercial. Maybe even have "Lost Caravan" said in flatter voice.} You know what would be great for a lost caravan? Deezer's lemonade. Voted [QUOTE]Best Beverage in Covenant[QUOTE] three years straight.Player Default: I'll take some.Y1a
34Player Default: I'm looking into a lost caravan. Can you help?{Too cheery commercial-like} Deezer's lemonade is made of goodness. Four special ingredients from sunny, non-irradiated environments all in one cold glass.Y2a
35{Too cheery commercial-like - maybe a hint on ominous-ness on "Try it". Am I drinking soilent green, thinks the player?} Try it and enjoy. Or take advantage of the money back guarantee.Player Default: I'll take some.Y2b
36-{Angry} That's stealing!
37After a long day, nothing beats Deezer's lemonade.
38Get your lemonade here.