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Deathclaws are creatures in Fallout: The Roleplaying Game.


Well known throughout the wasteland, the deathclaw is a creature feared by many, and for good reason. Created through the genetic engineering and gene splicing of the Jackson's chameleon, the pre-War U.S. government created these monstrosities to replace soldiers on the battlefield. Sporting vicious claws and horns, and a stature that towers over most humans, these creatures are killing machines with a speed faster than most creatures of their size. Female deathclaws are often larger than the males and are deeply protective of their eggs and young. Encountering a lone deathclaw is dangerous, but to stumble upon a nest is almost guaranteed to end in a swift, painful death.[1]


  • Claws: Body + Melee (TN 14), 6Combat Dice damage, Piercing, Physical Damage
  • Slam: Body + Melee (TN 14), 6Combat Dice damage, Stun, Physical Damage
  • Heavy Object: Body + Guns (TN 9), 6Combat Dice damage, Stun, Physical Damage, Throwing, Range Medium

Special abilities[]

  • Immune to Radiation: The deathclaw reduces all Radiation damage suffered to 0 and cannot suffer any damage or effects from radiation.
  • Big: The deathclaw is bigger than most characters, towering over them. The creature receives an additional +1 health point per Level, but its Defense decreases by 1, to a minimum of 1. Further, it only suffers a Critical Hit if an attack inflicts 7+ damage (after damage resistance) in a single hit, rather than the normal 5+.
  • Keen Senses: One or more of Dogmeat’s senses are especially keen; they can attempt to detect creatures or objects, which characters normally cannot, and they reduce the difficulty of all other Perception tests by 1 (to a minimum of 0).
  • Rend: A deathclaw may choose to make a deadlier Claw attack by increasing the difficulty of the attack by +1. If it succeeds, the attack's damage increases by +2d6.
  • Weak spot: If an attacker chooses to target the deathclaw's torso, it ignores the creature's DR. This does not apply against hits which hit the torso due to random chance.
  • Massive Strength: A deathclaw is capable of lifting and throwing objects as large as a standard car.


Scavengers can butcher a dead deathclaw with a successful Endurance + Survival test with a difficulty of 1. This yields 2Combat Dice portions of deathclaw meat.


  1. Fallout: The Roleplaying Game core rulebook, p. 342