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Death Valley is a mentioned-only location in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Lonesome Road.


Stretching across the border between the former states of California and Nevada, the so-named "Death Valley" was one of the hottest places in the world before the Great War (enough to be a point of reference for heat).[Non-game 1] Even so, this did not preclude human development in the area: Hopeville and Ashton were a pair of military cities established near the valley before the Great War, together with a network of nuclear missile silos.

Following the nuclear apocalypse, the region continued to be a lethal obstacle, together with the nearby area known as the Big Empty. The emergence of the Divide nearby shortly before the First Battle of Hoover Dam severely complicated the NCR's logistical advantage, as between the scorching heat of Death Valley, the seemingly impassable lands of the Big Empty, and the Divide's lethal storm activity, it prevented the use of California State Route 127 as a supply route[1] and effectively wiped out all supply lines and land routes north of the Mojave Outpost, preventing the NCR from pursuing and totally destroying Caesar's Legion after the battle and giving their enemy a chance to flee back into Arizona to marshal their strength for the future Second Battle of Hoover Dam.[2]


Death Valley is visible on the world map of Fallout and mentioned in the Vault Dweller's Survival Guide and the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Lonesome Road.

Behind the scenes[]

Death Valley is a real-world national park, located in the northern Mojave Desert and renowned for being the site where the highest ambient air temperature on Earth's surface ever recorded, 134°F, had occurred on July 10, 1913 (though this claim has been disputed by modern experts).


  1. The Courier: "The Divide blocked all of their northern land routes?"
    Joshua Graham: "Not all of them. But they couldn't take 127 north to get around the mountains. As if Death Valley weren't enough, they had the Divide and Big Empty to deal with. From what the Legion's explorers reported, the Big Empty may as well have been a wall to any living thing approaching it."
    (Joshua Graham's dialogue)
  2. The Courier: "I'm guessing you don't like Caesar very much."
    Joshua Graham: "Love the sinner, hate the sin. With Caesar, it's often very difficult to see through all of that sin to the person inside. I can say that we were both lucky that NCR's supply lines and land routes north of Mojave Outpost were destroyed before the Battle of Hoover Dam. Something bad happened near Death Valley, at a place called the Divide. NCR couldn't cut across anymore and it slowed down their reinforcements. Terrible storms ripped entire companies apart before they even got to Nevada soil. The aftermath of Hoover Dam could have been even worse for Caesar."
    (Joshua Graham's dialogue)


  1. Vault Dweller's Survival Guide p. 4-23: "We reprogrammed your PIPBoy to keep track of the number of days remaining in the Vault water stores. This note is the only thing you should care about until we are safe and have a restored water processing chip. The note shows the number of days before we croak. If that happens, your adventures on the outside won’t be worth a set of thermal underwear in Death Valley at high noon! We’ll be dead. And we don’t want that. Go to it!"