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Fallout Wiki

The Death-Hand was the former leader of the Khans and the father of Garl Death-Hand.[1][2]


The Death-Hand was once the leader, and possibly the founder, of the Khans. Originally hailing from Vault 15, not much is known about him, as his son Garl had any image of his father destroyed after his death[3] and forbids any mention of him. However, a male Vault Dweller can be mistaken for the Death-Hand if they wear a leather jacket and have a Luck stat of 8 or more.

The Death-Hand was physically abusive towards his son, Garl, and was later murdered by Garl.[4]


The Death-Hand is mentioned only in Fallout.


  1. Vault Dweller: "{115}{}{I should have killed you when you were a child.}"
    Garl: "{116}{}{Don't tell me what I should have done, father. I rule the Khans now, and you are but worm meat.}"
  2. Khan raider: "{103}{}{Excuse me, Death-Hand. I'm sorry to disturb you.}"
    Khan raider: "{104}{}{Have you come back to kill your son?}"
  3. Garl: "{110}{}{You would if you were my father, but you are not. You look like he did, but act different. No image of him remains to this day. You will just have to be removed.}"
  4. Garl: "{172}{}{Hmm, you fight better then I expected. I haven't had a good beating since my father slapped me around the room. You deserve the Shady Sands woman. Take her and leave. I wouldn't come back.}"