Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


  • PCPC Xbox 360Xbox 360 If Dead Money has been completed on one save file and a new game has been started with Dead Money on the new save, it is possible that after waking up and speaking to Elijah, the player can can pass through the gate that leads back to the Mojave Wasteland and return to the abandoned BoS bunker. [verified]
  • PCPC Xbox 360Xbox 360 If the player saves the game while inside of a toxic cloud, it is possible to continue taking damage from the cloud even after leaving it, and even after completing the DLC and returning to the Mojave. [verified]
    • To fix this with console, enter "ResetQuest xx00C543" and "ResetQuest xx00E882" replacing the "xx" with the load order number of "DeadMoney.esm". If you do not know the load order of Dead Money, attempt "01" through "09" until it does not return an error. [verified] [1]
  • PCPC Xbox 360Xbox 360 Upon completing Heist of the Centuries and attempting to return to the Mojave Wasteland, the game may crash. A fix for this would be to save before going up the stairs of the bunker and keep loading the save until it works. If using the PC version, a fix would be to use the "tcl" command and clip into the footlocker (to get your belongings) and then clip into the ladder to leave. This must be done before reaching the top of the stairs in the bunker. [verified]
  • PCPC Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Xbox 360Xbox 360When entering the Cantina Madrid kitchen without destroying the speaker outside. The player's collar will continue to beep and explode. [verified]
  • PCPC Xbox 360Xbox 360 Upon returning to the wasteland after completing Dead Money, Veronica may permanently leave the player due to hostilities to the Brotherhood, even if one can convince her to leave them. [verified]

PC only[]

  • PCPC On occasion, the DLC may crash completely disabling the Dead Money add on. All of the perks remain, however any Dead Money items that have been picked up will come up with a giant red and white diamond instead, and cannot be retrieved. [verified]
  • PCPC Although dialogue hints to shoot at ghost seeker's gas bombs, it is not possible to hit them, even with 95% V.A.T.S. attack probability. [verified]
  • PCPC The game may crash right after the initial speech at the Villa. If you have adjusted the timescale, you will need to load a save prior to the Villa and return the timescale to its default of 20. Do not readjust the timescale until after Elijah's initial speech is concluded and the hologram returns to its normal state. Another workaround in preventing crashes is by entering the Divide and then leaving again before traveling to the abandoned BoS bunker. If neither of these solutions works, it may be necessary to disable all Dead Money files, all mods, and delete everything named Dead Money in your F:NV Data folder. Then reinstall the add-on and, before entering the bunker, save three different times. Do not save while in the bunker though. (not even quicksave, autosave is ok.) [verified]
  • PCPC There is a bug where after exiting the villa gates to the Mojave Wasteland and on the last slide of the ending cut scene it may just freeze. [verified]
    • To fix this, reload a previous save before exiting the villa gates.
  • PCPC One may have to complete Safety Deposit Box and Having a Ball multiple times before either achievement is awarded. [verified]

PS3 only[]

  • Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 If you download the DLC and then delete it before reaching level 30 after receiving the "Dead Money loaded" message, installing it again will reset the level-cap to 30. The only workaround is to start a new character or continue playing at level 30. [verified]
  • Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 If you have a large save file consisting of 10MB or more, the game may slow down considerably while the player is near the main fountain in the Villa. This can sometimes be fixed temporarily by saving and reloading but it will get worse as one progresses through the story. [verified]
  • Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 There is a particularly painful problem of localization if you are in Belgium; the download you get is not the FR version but the UK version. This makes it impossible to play the DLC, as the game does not recognize your version. [verified]
  • Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 If you save the game before going to the Sierra Madre, then reloads the save before completing it, The player will not be able to wait when outside of a building or fast travel to any point in the Sierra Madre. If you load a previous save, the effect will carry over and the player will be unable to wait or fast travel from any location [verified]

Xbox 360 only[]

  • Xbox 360Xbox 360 Downloading the DLC from within the game will not register, even when restarting the game or the console. You need to download it from the Xbox Dashboard and wait for the download to complete and then start the game. [verified]
  • Xbox 360Xbox 360 Profiles on the same HDD other than the one who bought the DLC will not be able to access it. The game will show a message about the DLC being corrupt even though it is not. The solution is to sign into the purchaser's profile from the dashboard, then load the game and then switch to your own profile. [verified]
  • Xbox 360Xbox 360 If you finish Dead Money with your internet on, and your internet goes off while you play, you may get the beginning quest offered again. [verified]
    • If you start the DLC while connected to the internet then try to load a save file without an internet connection, it could corrupt the DLC only with that save file and cause the effects above. [verified]
  • Xbox 360Xbox 360 Completing Safety Deposit Box and returning to the Fountain and selecting the radio station, the unique dialogue on the 743.00Hz ULF radio signal won't trigger and instead continues to play the Act 1 loop. [verified]
  • Xbox 360Xbox 360 After completing the DLC, the gate that leads to the Mojave Wasteland is locked and requires a key. However, a reload of a recent save will fix this. [verified]
  • Xbox 360Xbox 360 After completing the DLC, going through the gate to leave may cause the game to freeze. [verified]
  • Xbox 360Xbox 360 If you are playing in Hardcore mode and have a status of 'H2O', 'FOD' or 'SLP' (Sickness) when the player enters the radio room, the game will hang to a black screen. The solution is to deactivate Hardcore mode or to reduce the levels of such needs before entering the radio room. [verified]