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Fallout Wiki

Dialogue for Becky's guard at Becky's Casino Bar in the Den.


#0. Look
{100}{}{You see a guard.}
{101}{}{You see a guard for Becky's Casino Bar.}
{150}{}{He seems to be eyeing the crowd for thieves.}
{151}{}{She seems to be keeping a close eye on everyone in the room.}
#1. Hostile
{200}{}{Now you'll get it.}
{201}{}{You're not getting away this time.}
#2. CF: Generic
{210}{}{Sorry, Becky doesn't want us disturbing the customers.}
{211}{}{Hope you're enjoying yourself.}
{212}{}{Rest assured, we have a zero tolerance policy for thievery.}
{213}{}{You're safe inside these walls.}
{214}{}{Rebecca has the best drinks.}
{215}{}{Rebecca's the best boss I've ever had.}
{216}{}{You feeling lucky tonight? Blackjack's my game.}
{217}{}{Becky's right over there, if you need anything.}
{218}{}{Rebecca's tables are honest, so try your luck.}
#3. Self: Caught Stealing
{230}{}{We don't tolerate that here.}
