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This is a transcript for dialogue with Davison.


DavisonAntlerLookAt nvProNightkinMasterAntlerLookAt Neutral 50 Stop looking at Antler! 1
nvProNightkinMasterAntlerLookAt Neutral 50 No eyes on Antler! You make him nervous! 2
nvProNightkinMasterAntlerLookAt Neutral 50 Eyes to yourself, human! 3
nvProNightkinMasterAntlerLookAt Neutral 50 Your eyes on Antler! Stop looking! 4
DavisonAntlerTouched nvProNightkinMasterAntlerTouched Neutral 50 You touched Antler! 5
nvProNightkinMasterAntlerTouched Neutral 50 Now you pay! 6
nvProNightkinMasterAntlerTouched Neutral 50 Antler is my friend! 7
nvProNightkinMasterAntlerTouched Neutral 50 Antler loves me! Not you! 8
nvProNightkinMasterAntlerTouched Neutral 50 No one touch Antler but ME! 9
DavisonDie Right the first time, ugly. I've come to kill you. Neutral 50 Never! Antler protects! You feel Antler's horns now! 10
DavisonDisagree Okay, looks like I'm going to have to kill you. Neutral 50 Never! Antler protects! You feel Antler's horns now! 11
Player tries to leave conversation.
I need to be going... Neutral 50 No. Antler says you are solution. Plus can't have you skulking around, making trouble. 12
Neutral 50 Do as Antler says, or feel his horns. Up to you. 13
I need to go, but I'll come right back. Neutral 50 No! Antler was clear! Do as Antler says or feel Antler's HORNS! 14
DavisonFoundSBAlready There is no stockpile of Stealth Boys in this building. Neutral 50 Liar! The invoice said Stealth Boys here! Antler read it out loud to me! 15
Player asks why Harland's room can't be searched.
Why can't you search the last room? Neutral 50 A ghoul. But not squishy like others. This ghoul is tough. 16
Neutral 50 I thought Antler said send my kin into that room, but three died. Ghoul is a crack shot and set traps too. 17
Neutral 50 After, I realize I heard Antler wrong. So I lock the door to keep kin out and wait for Antler to tell me what to do. 18
Neutral 50 Then you come along. Antler says you are solution. 19
Tell me again why you can't search the room? Neutral 50 Pay attention when I speak! I said ghoul is a crack shot and sets traps! 20
Neutral 50 Too dangerous for us. Okay for you. 21
DavisonHaveStealthBoys The Stealth Boys were sent here by mistake, then sent back. Neutral 50 But invoice note said Stealth Boys were here! Why can't that note be true? 22
Neutral 50 What, Antler? ...But human could be lying! Stealing the Stealth Boys for itself! 23
Neutral 50 Oh, Antler... You trust so easy... 24
Neutral 50 Your lucky day, human. Antler believe you. Nightkin will follow the new note to find Stealth Boys. Better be there. 25
Player asks how to help.
Maybe I can help. Neutral 50 Good. Antler brought us here for a reason... Why was that, Antler? 26
Neutral 50 Right! A piece of paper. Shipment invoice. Hundreds of Stealth Boys, sent here a long time ago... 27
Neutral 50 But Stealth Boys must be in the one room one we don't search yet - the one we can't search. 28
What do you want me to do? Neutral 50 Told you already. Antler wants Nightkin to have all the Stealth Boys in the bad room. With the ghoul. 29
DavisonMyStealthBoys I have some Stealth Boys. I could give them to you. Neutral 50 Antler bring us here for hundreds of Stealth Boys, human. Antler thinks big. Antler IS big. 30
Neutral 50 Antler don't bring us here for Stealth Boys some puny human carry. Pull head out of your ass. 31
DavisonNoStealthBoysYet Sorry, no signs of the stockpile of Stealth Boys yet. Neutral 50 Keep looking... Antler wants Nightkin to have them. 32
Sorry, no signs of the stockpile of Stealth Boys yet. Neutral 50 Find them or Antler's horns find you. 33
DavisonOK Are you all right? You sound... strange. Anger 50 I am in command of my faculties! In command of my troops! 34
Neutral 50 Antler guides me in all things! As I in turn guide my kin! 35
Player says why he or she is here.
I came here on behalf of the ghouls upstairs. Neutral 50 A human who is friend to ghouls? Suspicious. 36
Neutral 50 You mean the ones upstairs. Antler used intercom, told them stay put. But they want to come down in basement anyways? 37
Neutral 50 I cannot allow. My kin are... not right in head like I am. They attack you on sight. Ghouls too. They crazy. 38
Neutral 50 Your ghoul friends have to wait until you find what Antler brought us to get. 39
I just wandered in here, okay? I don't want trouble. Neutral 50 No trouble wanted? Too bad. Trouble finds you! 40
Neutral 50 You come here for a reason, human! Antler say so! 41
Neutral 50 You do as Antler says, or you feel Antler's horns! 42
Player agrees to find Stealth Boy stockpile.
Sorry, but I've got some bad news for you. Neutral 50 What you saying, human? 43
I'll find the StealthBoy stockpile for you if your kin will leave this place. Neutral 50 Yes, Antler says we leave here as soon as we get Stealth Boys. 44
Neutral 50 Let me give you key. Antler had me lock the door. The ghoul inside not expecting a human. Maybe he don't shoot you. Maybe he will. 45
I can find the stockpile of Stealth Boys for you. Neutral 50 Yes, Antler says we leave here as soon as we get Stealth Boys. {Here - a key. Antler had me lock door. Ghoul inside not expecting a human. Maybe Antler right about your chances.} 46
Neutral 50 Let me give you key. Antler had me lock the door. The ghoul inside not expecting a human. Maybe he don't shoot you. Maybe he will. 47
DavisonWhoAreYou And who are you, exactly? Neutral 50 Me? I am devoted to Antler. But before Antler? Hmm... 48
Neutral 50 Captain, once. Last name, Davison. First name... don't remember. 49
Neutral 50 I commanded a troop of Nightkin. The Master's elite. A great honor, very proud. 50
Neutral 50 Something happened. We wandered the desert. Life without Master was... hard. The others' minds going strange, going crazy. 51
Neutral 50 But then I found us new master. I find us Antler! 52
Neutral 50 Since then, everything's been going really well. 53
Player asks about Antler.
Who is "Antler"? Neutral 50 Who is Antler? WHO IS ANTLER? 54
Neutral 50 Antler, the human asks about you! What do I tell it? All right. 55
Neutral 50 All right... Yes, yes, of course. 56
Neutral 50 Who Antler is, not important to you. Antler wants that you deal with me. 57
Is "Antler" the Brahmin skull over there? Neutral 50 Cut it out, human. Serious. Final warning. 58
You're taking orders from a hunk of bone! Neutral 50 You did it now! Antler's horns stabbing! Antler MAD! 59
GREETING GREETING Neutral 50 Antler says you are the one killing my kin. Antler says you must die! 60
GREETING Neutral 50 What's that, Antler? We have a visitor? {What have we here, besides a resourceful human? That much is obvious.} 61
Neutral 50 An assassin, more like! I say kill it, Antler. For safe's sake! 62
Neutral 50 Huh? ...Okay, Antler. I'll ask. 63
Neutral 50 Hi, human. Why you come here? 64
GREETING Neutral 50 Antler sings for Stealth Boys. Have you found them? 65
GREETING Neutral 50 Where did rest of my kin go? All alone now... 66
GREETING Neutral 50 Antler is sad. We Nightkin go now, but there is fewer than when we came here... 67
GREETING Neutral 50 Antler is sad, human. Nightkin go now, find Stealth Boys in other places. 68


Attack Attack Neutral 50 You touched Antler! Now you DIE! 69
Attack Neutral 50 You will pay, human! 70
Death Death Neutral 50 Antler... I have failed you. 71


AlertToCombat AlertToCombat Neutral 50 ANTLER!!! 72