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This is a transcript for dialogue with Daphne.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 0061ECCE 0061EDBF Wait! You wouldn't just be getting rid of me. I also have an alter ego!
2 0061ECCF 0061EDD2 Oh! I'd like a pet someday, like a rabbit in a hat, or a cat! But I mean myself and my alter ego.
3 0061ECD5 0061EDE9 Well, that would be an illusion! I'm actually two people. Myself, and my alter ego.
4 0061ECD7 0061EDCB On behalf of both myself and the Inspector, thank you!
5 0061ECD9 0061EDB8 Thanks! I try to read plenty of books. Not all of them have pictures either. Maybe someday I'll show you!
6 0061ECDB 0061EDC6 That's not a "yes," but that doesn't sound like a "no" either! I'll go get my stuff. trying to convince herself the player wants her in camp
7 0061ECDC 0061EDC3 Thanks! Not everyone has room for both me and my alter ego.
8 0061ECDD 0061EDBE That's right. By day, I'm Daphne, a mild-mannered assistant to help you with your camp.
9 By night, I'm someone else! The Wizard of the Wasteland! A seeker of truth and justice!
10 I point the looking glass to your eye, and a magnifying glass to the world!
11 I'm the super, and duper, one of a kind magician detective, The Inspector!
12 0061ECDE 0061EEE9 That sounds about right! The Inspector is super brave. Daphne
13 I really appreciate you helping me learn new stuff.
14 0061EEEA Hm...are you sure? Daphne
15 I think I'll keep investigating if that's okay.
16 0061ECE2 0061EEF4 Our fearless barbarian! I thought I recognized that loin cloth, but I wasn't sure it was you. Inspector, excited that player has decided to role play with her
17 0061EEF5 Our stalwart hero emerges from the shadows! Inspector, excited that player has decided to role play with her
18 How goes the nightly patrol?
19 0061EEF6 Marvelous Mistress! It's rare to see you outside the Den of Mysteries. Inspector, excited that player has decided to role play with her
20 What brings you here?
21 0061EEF7 Manta Man! I was just reading about your fight against the evil Commie-Kazi! Inspector, excited that player has decided to role play with her
22 I didn't realize our oceans were being attacked by Communists!
23 0061ECE4 0061EEE4 Um...Maybe? That might be a question for the Inspector. Daphne
24 0061EEE5 Of course! One of the first things I did as Inspector was search for my Unstoppable comrades. Inspector
25 So I know all about the Order of Mysteries and the fate of my rival, the Mistress.
26 But why don't you tell me about it, so I can compare notes and make sure we're on the same page. Emphasis on "you", she actually has no idea what happened, she's hoping the player will explain it so she doesn't have to
27 0061ECE6 0061EEAF Sometimes. To be honest, there's a lot of pressure to be as smart as the Inspector. Daphne, filled with self-doubt
28 Like the other day, I read something about the Inspector being interpid? Intrepepper?
29 And I wasn't sure what it meant.
30 0061ECE8 0061EECD Hm...but if you were, you'd be evil. Inspector
31 And my magic detects very low levels of evil. At least right now.
32 0061ECEA 0061EEE8 An excellent theory! And using my powers of deduction, I think we're gonna be the best of friends! Inspector
33 0061ECEC 0061EEEF That's right! I inspected your outfit and realized who you were. Inspector
34 But then I double checked with magic, and everyone knows magic's the most reliable science.
35 0061ECEE 0061EEDA True, my brave barbarian! Inspector
36 Dr. Brainwash is pretty sneaky, but I don't think he'd wanna wear that.
37 He likes the big, geeky lab coats.
38 0061ECF0 0061EEF9 He said people scream for ice cream. As a detective, I said it would be hard to scream when you have brain freeze. Inspector
39 Since we didn't have any actual ice cream to solve the mystery, we had to part ways.
40 The divide between us was just too great. light-hearted, saying this in a joking manner
41 0061ECF4 0061EECC Wrong! There's nothing I don't know, using investigation or magic! Inspector
42 I just ... left my wand at the wand shop. Yep. That's what I did.
43 0061ECF6 0061EEE7 Egos and politics, I bet. It's not the first time it's messed up a superhero team. Inspector
44 I had the same problem with Sherman, my imaginary friend and former apprentice.
45 0061ECF8 0061EED5 Wow, really! I mean... of course! Briefly breaks character and becomes Daphne before recovering
46 Everyone knows that orphan girls are the strongest, smartest, most magical people in the universe!
47 0061ECFA 0061EEF2 And she didn't invite the Inspector? How mean! Inspector
48 Not that I wanted to be part of their team anyway. The Inspector doesn't make mysteries. She solves them! Sour grapes
49 0061ECFC 0061EEDD Because at the end of the day, I don't want to disappoint the Inspector, or myself. Daphne
50 0061ECFD 0061EEFC Oh wow. I'm still struggling with American words, I haven't even started on all the foreign ones. Daphne
51 I guess all I can do is keep reading and learning.
52 0061ECFF 0061EEE1 But the Inspector knows every single one, from aardvark to zebra. Daphne
53 Which means I have a lot of work to do.
54 0061ED02 0061EDC8 I guess so. I think most kids have a mommy, a daddy, one teddy bear, and one imaginary friend. Daphne
55 Franklin I lost, running in the woods. He was my bear. I don't know about the rest.
56 0061ED04 0061EDBB Three things! A good heart, a strong will, and most important of all, alliteration! Inspector, could struggle maybe to enunciate alliteration, sounding out each syllable, i.e. A...liter...ation!
57 0061ED06 0061EDDB Why yes! Just the other day I solved a particularly troublesome mystery. Inspector
58 I call it, "The Inspector and the Case of the Growling Stomach!"
59 It was a tough nut to crack, until I found a can of mixed nuts. At which point, the case was closed!
60 0061EDDC Oh, I've got plenty in the files. One of the hardest to solve was the "Mystery of the Poor Sleep." Inspector
61 It all started when I had a bad dream, about being really cold.
62 But in my investigation, I discovered a powerful artifact. The Blanket of Warmth.
63 Wrapping it around me, I was able to close the case, and finally sleep!
64 0061EDDD I just solved a very tough case recently. "The Case of the Cold Feet!" Inspector, cold feet here is a pun
65 Using my detective skills, I found the culprit. It wasn't shaky nerves, but a hole in my sock!
66 Then, using my magical sewing wand, I patched the hole up! Case and socks closed!
67 0061ED08 0061EDF2 Good question, my fellow detective. There are two kinds of magicians, after all. Inspector
68 The kind that tricks you, and the kind that casts spells.
69 The Inspector is the third kind, the one that casts a spell to trick you into revealing the truth!
70 0061ED0A 0061EDCA Of course it does! For the Inspector, everything is! Inspector
71 But really, it's super duper hard. Especially the last part. Breaks character and admits she's got a long way to go at allilteration
72 0061ED0C 0061EDBD That's okay, that just means you have nowhere to go but up!
73 I'm the same when it comes to super hero talk. Breaks character and admits she has a long way to go
74 0061ED0E 0061EDCE Indeed, for the impressive imagination of the Inspector knows no bounds!
75 Well, that's a lie hehe. I haven't been able to come up with a new sentence since. Breaks character and admits she only knows 1 or 2 allilterative sentences.
76 0061ED10 0061EDC2 Wow, you're really good at super hero talk! I've still got a lot of work to catch up. Breaks character a little to respond as Daphne, even though dressed as Inspector here
77 0061ED12 0061EDB9 Yeah! But first, we're going to need to conjure you an outfit. Not one with a cape though. Inspector
78 I don't have a cape, so you can't have one either. The rules for sidekicks are strict but fair.
79 0061ED14 0061EDCC Good plan! Even though the Inspector is a leader, she leads from behind, where no one will suspect her!
80 Then in the last episode comes the big reveal. I can't wait!
81 0061ED16 0061EDC0 You're a meanie, but the Inspector won't let that stop her! Inspector
82 Besides, she knows you don't mean it! Otherwise you wouldn't keep her around!
83 0061ED18 0061EDD8 You will! Just point me to a mystery, or a tasty treat, and the Inspector will eat it, or solve it! Inspector
84 0061ED1A 0061EDC4 Naturally! You hired me, so you already have a strong third eye. Inspector
85 It's key for any magician/detective. line is read "magician slash detective"
86 0061ED1C 0061EDEA Of course! I am no mere magician! Inspector
87 I am a magical detective! Big difference!
88 0061ED1E 0061EDC9 But flight won't help people find their parents! Or solve the mystery of the missing Teddy Bear! Inspector, but she's talking about herself (daphne) but hasn't revealed she lost her parents at this point
89 There is no more useful magic than the power of investigation!
90 0061ED20 0061EDBC Yeah, catching the bad guys is just the first step! Inspector
91 You have to prove they're baddies or they're back on the streets!
92 0061ED24 0061EEC6 Do you mean Sherman? He's a friend. Also, he's imaginary. Daphne
93 0061ED25 0061EEB7 The Inspector would never give up! So neither will I.
94 0061ED27 0061EEC2 Me too! Hopefully, someday soon! Daphne
95 0061ED29 0061EEB5 Not yet. But that doesn't mean they aren't out there. Daphne
96 We just need to look in the right place, or cast the right spell!
97 0061ED2B 0061EEAD Nothing, really. I just woke up one day with a headache, and I was alone. Daphne
98 There was a backpack next to me. It looked like it belonged to a grownup.
99 Inside was a magnifying glass, some food, and the "Unstoppable Shindig!" board game.
100 I think whoever it belonged to, we used to play together.
101 0061ED2D 0061EEBB Maybe! That and I like finding stuff. Daphne
102 Most of our cases aren't as exciting as in the comics though.
103 But we usually solve them! So that's good.
104 0061ED2F 0061EEB0 Oh, but the Inspector found Franklin. He was alive! Daphne
105 Someone put a cigar in his mouth, which seemed pretty unhealthy, but he looked good!
106 So I think you might be wrong about the others too.
107 0061ED31 0061EEBE That would be great, but I don't even have one. Daphne
108 But I used to have one, I think! So maybe the Inspector can figure out what happened!
109 0061ED33 0061EEB2 It's okay. There isn't really much to talk about, because I don't really remember a whole lot. Daphne
110 But I still have hope! The Inspector is on the case, and she can solve anything!
111 0061ED35 0061EEC5 You could, but it might be too hard, even for you. Daphne
112 But I still have hope the Inspector will solve the case! She can do anything!
113 0061ED37 0061EDC7 Well, I don't want to be mean, but it's important that you know yourself. Daphne
114 Meathead it is!
115 0061ED39 0061EDBA Yeah! What you said! You're really, really good at this! Daphne
116 No wonder you're the hero of the Wasteland!
117 0061ED3B 0061EDCD Is that really your alter ego? I see you more as a butterfly than a moth, but that's just me. Daphne
118 I'm your friend either way!
119 0061ED3D 0061EDC1 Yeah! Friends to the end! Daphne
120 0061ED3F 0061EDD9 I don't think you're that. That would mean I'm married! No thanks. Daphne
121 0061ED41 0061EDC5 Mmmm...that sounds like a bad guy word. Ah well, we'll figure it out. Daphne, doubting the player's answer but not wanting to offend
122 0061ED43 0061EDEB If I'm being honest, my vocabulary is still a work in progress. Daphne, beating herself up a bit
123 It's my greatest weakness. But if I keep studying, I'm going to turn it into my greatest strength! realizing she was beating herself up, tries to channel the Inspector and talk herself up
124 Just you wait, my mighty...uh...
125 0061ED44 0061EEBD But thanks. I guess what I'm saying is, it means a lot to have you as family. Daphne
126 0061ED45 0061EEC3 Maybe more like a big sister? I've always wanted one of those too. Daphne
127 0061EEC4 Maybe more like a big brother? I've always wanted one of those too. Daphne
128 0061ED46 0061EEB6 Wow, that sounds really mean. Daphne
129 Luckily I don't know what "projecting" means, or I'd feel really bad.
130 I'm going to take it you mean we're the bestest friends in the whole whole whole whole whole wide world! So there! Says this with a defiantly stubborn smile, like she's not going to take no for an answer when it comes to the player's friendship
131 0061ED48 0061EEAE Wow, I didn't think of it that way. But you aren't that old! Daphne
132 0061ED4A 0061EEBC Thanks. You know, you'd make a great Unstoppable! Daphne
133 With you on our side, nothing can stop us!
134 I know the name already says that, but we'd be extra, super duper unstoppable, with sugar on top!
135 0061ED4C 0061EEB1 No. Sherman was the Inspector's former apprentice. Daphne
136 He would give helpful advice and had a British accent. Proud of herself for coming up with his personality
137 But I kind of outgrew him.
138 I figured it was time to find some real friends, you know? Maybe ... you could be that person? Wanting to be friends with the player but insecure about whether that's mutual
139 0061ED4E 0061EEBF It's okay. Sherman and I don't talk anymore. Daphne
140 It was hard to understand him anyway, with that thick British accent of his.
141 But one day, it just hit me that I needed real friends, like you!
142 And poof! Just like that, he was gone.
143 0061ED50 0061F3F5 We could've had a tea party! It would've been great! Sherman loved tea.
144 But I don't think I would've met you if I stayed attached to Sherman.
145 So I'm glad things turned out the way it did!
146 0061ED52 0061EEB3 Erm ... we actually parted ways a long time ago. I kind of needed to, for me. Daphne
147 I thought it was best to connect with real people, like yourself! So that's why I'm here. She realizes parting from Sherman was bittersweet, but necessary
148 0061ED54 0061EEC7 That's kind of why I stopped talking to him. Daphne
149 I figured it was time the Inspector and I found some real friends, like you!
150 He was a good friend though. He was super smart and liked tea.
151 0061ED57 0061EDCF Abracadabra, extra caps-o! Inspector casting a spell
152 0061EDD1 Abracadabra, more-o food-o! Inspector casting a spell, like presto-change-o
153 0061ED58 0061EDFC Looks like you've already got an enchantment, hero. Come back later and I'll recast it! Inspector
154 0061EDFD Okay hold still... Inspector
155 0061EDFE As a master magician, I am no stranger to the arcane. My spell can boost your overall perception, and help you find extra food and money. Inspector
156 0061EDFF I think I've already wished you good luck today. Daphne.
157 0061EE00 Um...I can wish you good luck! Daphne
158 0061ED5A 0061EDEE I got a lot of neat stuff. Daphne
159 0061EDEF Spells and incantations, for the practicing magician. Inspector
160 0061EDF0 The latest in Illusion spells and magical artifacts! Inspector
161 0061EDF1 All the best tools for investigating. Inspector
162 0061ED5E 0061EEED Anyways, I'll leave the ocean Commies to you, Manta Man! Inspector
163 I'm not a very good swimmer, so it's probably best I fight for freedom, justice, and the right to grill hamburgers on land.
164 0061ED5F 0061EEE2 Good idea! Maybe next time, I can use my magic to change their faces too! Insepctor
165 0061ED61 0061EECF Oh no, not seals! Those are the puppies of the ocean! Daphne, breaking character
166 But as superheroes, we've got a job to do, and can't let cuteness stand in our way! Inspector, reverting back to superhero mode
167 0061ED63 0061EEEB But Mirelurks are scary-looking! It's way easier to shoot something if it's gross.
168 0061ED65 0061EED6 As a fellow American superhero, I salute you and your sacrifice. Inspector
169 0061ED67 0061EEF3 Those poor dolphins! I mean...uh...communists deserve no mercy! Daphne, breaking character
170 0061ED69 0061EEDE But yeah, Communists or not, I don't know how you fight dolphins. They're so adorable! Inspector
171 0061ED6A 0061EEC8 The Unstoppables Issue #3! Don't tell me you've forgotten your own history!
172 0061ED6C 0061EEE3 I don't know, that sounds fishy.
173 Of course, you're Manta Man, so if something's fishy, you would know.
174 0061ED6E 0061EED0 But they aren't comics, they're history books! More importantly, it's our history! We shouldn't forget it so easily. Inspector
175 0061ED70 0061EEEC That's good to know. Pollution isn't just bad, it's un-American! Inspector
176 0061ED72 0061EED8 Oh wow. I didn't know fish could fall victim to evil. Probably something they learned in school. Inspector
177 0061ED76 0061EEC9 That's good to hear! The criminals of Appalachia don't stand a chance against you two! Inspector
178 I only ask because you look kind of lonely. But I'm glad it was nothing!
179 0061ED7A 0061EED1 Ewwww, you guys are in love? Daphne, breaking character
180 I mean...as the Inspector, I should warn you, that's a sure fire way to get cooties. Inspector, gets back in character
181 But you're a grownup, I'm sure you know what you're doing, even if it sounds kinda gross.
182 0061ED7C 0061EEEE Anyways, it's been a while since we got to catch up, my dark detective. Inspector
183 Are you still best friends with the Mistress?
184 0061ED7D 0061EED9 That's too bad. You know what would cheer you up? A team-up, with your Unstoppable friend, the Inspector! Inspector
185 0061ED83 0061EECB Yeah! Bad guys and bright colors, two things that don't stand a chance against the Silver Shroud! Inspector
186 0061ED86 0061EED3 Oh! Is it because I looked through your stuff? Inspector
187 I was just investigating the case of a lost button. But don't worry, I solved it!
188 I won't do it again!
189 0061ED88 0061EEF0 You're a Mistress of Mystery, with tons of secrets to hide. Inspector
190 And as the Inspector, I uncover secrets, and I'm always poking around.
191 0061ED89 0061EEDB Ooh, maybe I can help? Inspector
192 That is, if you don't mind having me for a partner. We're natural rivals, after all.
193 0061ED8B 0061EEFA Oh, so you aren't gonna stay? Sigh, I figured. We're natural rivals, after all. Inspector
194 0061ED8D 0061EED7 Well, I'm glad we get to chat. I was worried you might not like me, given our backgrounds. Inspector
195 0061ED8F 0061EEF8 Really? I always thought we were natural rivals. Inspector, happy surprised
196 0061ED93 0061EEDF I'll try not to, my mysterious um...madam! Inspector
197 Oof, talking like a superhero is hard. I really need to up my vocabulary if I'm gonna be an Unstoppable. Daphne, breaking character
198 0061ED95 0061EECA We should be partners then! Inspector
199 We could solve mysteries, make witty banter, and eat all the snacks!
200 0061ED9A 0061EEF1 Oh, it's okay! No one expects you to be up with the times. Inspector
201 I wonder if the Shroud or Mistress would know?
202 0061ED9C 0061EEDC But the rest of the gang isn't here. Inspector, doubting the player
203 I think your watch might be wrong. Aren't you still using rocks to tell time?
204 0061ED9E 0061EEFB Oh no, are you guys fighting? Daphne, breaks character because she's concerned
205 I really hope not, I want everyone to get along.
206 0061EDA0 0061EEE0 Anyways, when is the next Unstoppables meeting? Inspector
207 Sorry if I've missed the last few.
208 0061EDA1 0061EEE6 But fear not! I'm going to try extra hard to conjure up some cakes and tea, so everyone can make nice and we can have the best meeting ever! Inspector
209 0061EDA2 0061EED4 But you're my most important assistant! Although I guess you've got more of a hands-off management style than I do. Inspector
210 Unless it's time to crush our enemies, then you're pretty hands on!
211 0061EDA5 0061EEC0 I'm just regular old Daphne, but all right. Daphne
212 0061EEC1 The Inspector will be happy to consult with you. What would you like to talk about? Inspector
213 0061EDA7 0061EDF9 Ah, but who can really know anyone? Inspector
214 Especially when that person is a master of illusion and magic!
215 But go ahead, ask away! But I warn you, from one detective to another, you may not like the answers you uncover!
216 0061EDFA Very well, detective. The Inspector shall become the inspected! Inspector
217 0061EDFB Okie-dokie. What do you want to know? Daphne
218 0061EDA9 0061EDE7 Okay. What do you need? Daphne
219 0061EDE8 Ah, another client for the Inspector. What do you need? Inspector
220 0061EDB0 0061EECE Me neither. But I'm trying to get better, I promise!
221 0061EDB2 0061EDD0 Abracadabra, presto percept-o! Inspector casting a spell
222 0061EDDE Okie-dokie. Daphne
223 0061EDDF All right. Daphne
224 0061EDE0 Affirmative, hero. Inspector
225 0061EDE1 Understood. Inspector
226 0061EDED Sure! Daphne
227 0061EF03 Oh good! I wouldn't want you to lose your edge. It's something every crime fighter needs, besides a bag full of candy to last the night. Inspector
228 0061EF04 A shame! Well, I hope you two work things out. Inspector
229 Otherwise it's just going to be awkward around headquarters.
230 0061EF05 Oh good! Sometimes my investigating leads me to people's things, and I go through their stuff. Inspector
231 I'm glad you aren't sore about it. It was a really important case!
232 0061EF4E Hiya. Daphne
233 0061EF4F Hey there. Daphne
234 0061EF50 How's it going? Daphne
235 0061EF51 Hey, you look kind of familiar... Daphne
236 0061EF52 Some snacks make me sleepy. Daphne
237 0061EF53 I like bubblegum. Daphne
238 0061EF54 I hear it's never too early to start saving. Lucky for me, I've got a few loose teeth. Daphne
239 0061EF55 I heard the Inspector was here. I wonder if I'll meet her someday. Daphne
240 0061EF56 If you see the Inspector, tell her I said "Hi!" and maybe give her a snack. Daphne
241 0061EF9E For a limited time only, all inspections are half off! Inspector
242 0061EF9F Wanna be my partner in crime-stopping? Inspector
243 0061EFA0 As superhero detectives, we'll leave no stone unturned! No cake uneaten! Inspector
244 0061EFA1 Greetings, citizen! Inspector
245 0061EFA2 The Inspector is on the case! Inspector
246 0061EFA3 Hello, fellow superhero! Inspector
247 0061EFA4 When's the next superhero meeting? I'll bring the snacks! Inspector
248 0061EFA5 The Inspector sees all and knows all! How? Deduction and magic, that's how! Inspector
249 0061EFA6 When you combine the powers of magic and deductive reasoning, nothing can stop you! Inspector
250 0061F6D5 Abracadabra, Inspect-o Change-o! Inspector casting a spell
251 0061EDB3 0061EEAC What happens when an Unstoppable force meets an immovable tummy ache? Well, right now the tummy ache would win. Daphne
252 0061EF46 I try to sleep most of the day. Leaves more time for crime fighting at night. Not that I would know, of course. I'm just a regular old girl. Daphne
253 0061EF47 The Inspector is unlike any other superhero. She fights crime with her brain, not her biceps. Daphne
254 0061EF48 The Inspector tried to cast a spell once to make my imaginary friend real. But I guess there's some things that even superheroes can't do. Daphne
255 0061EF49 Just you wait, the Inspector is coming to save the day, and the night. Me? I'm just here. Daphne
256 0061EF4A I try to take it easy during the day. The nights are gonna be super busy. Daphne
257 0061EF4B Sometimes I wish the Inspector would conjure me up a sandwich. But that would be against the magician's code. Daphne
258 0061EF4C Fighting crime can be exhausting sometimes. But that's why The Unstoppables invented naps. Daphne
259 0061EF4D Every kid needs at least three comfort toys. Maybe four if times are rough. Daphne
260 0061EFA8 A magnifying glass is technically not a toy. But the Inspector doesn't have to know I'm playing with it. Daphne
261 0061EFA9 Rabbits are pretty big. I wonder if I need a bigger hat so it can stay cozy. Daphne
262 0061EFAA Mornings give me the eye crispies. Daphne
263 0061EFAB Rain, rain, go away, come again another day. Daphne
264 0061EFAC I don't like boxed foods. They taste funny. Daphne
265 0061EFAD I wonder what I'll cook today. I guess it just depends on what we catch. Daphne
266 0061EFAE I really like to read books. They're a magic spell that takes you to another place. Daphne
267 0061EFAF Whenever I see a word I don't know, I write down what I think it means. It's like an investigation. Daphne
268 0061EFB0 I like all types of books, not just comic ones. School books, joke books, books on holotape. They're all pretty great. Daphne
269 0061EFB1 I brushed and flossed today. It's important to build good habits, even when you aren't feeling super. Daphne
270 0061EFC8 Abracadabra! Presto change-o! I turn this box of Cram into a brahmin steak dinner! Medium rare! And now we wait. Spells are pretty slow. Inspector
271 0061EFC9 Grognak can be hard to understand sometimes. Especially because he's usually got his mouth full. Inspector
272 0061EFCA If there's a crime afoot, my detective skills will find it! Inspector
273 0061EFD6 I'm part magician, part detective, and all hero! Make way for the Inspector! Inspector
274 0061EFD7 My name? The Inspector! My mission? To uncover my past! Inspector
275 0061EFD8 I should go back to the Ux-Ron galaxy someday, visit some old friends. Inspector
276 0061EFD9 Pterror-Dactyls! Your reign of Pterror is over! Inspector
277 0061EFDA You've given away your last bottlecap, Commie-Kazi! The Inspector is here to restore the free market! Cutting this line, it's way too similar to Maul's
278 0061EFE3 Your villainy ends now, Dr. Brainwash! The Inspector is on the case!
279 0061EFE4 Some people use magic for evil. Others for fun. But the Inspector uses it for justice!
280 0061EFE5 When you put a magnifying glass to things, they get super big! Especially the criminals!
281 0061EFE6 My wards should keep this place safe, but a few turrets never hurt.
282 0061EFEB The Mistress of Mystery and I have always had a rivalry. Friendly competition, of course.
283 0061EFEC You know what this camp needs? A full inspection! And I'm just the hero to do it.
284 0061EFED Inspection complete! Everything is in working order!
285 0061EDB5 0061EE02 I like cats. They're good at sneaky stuff. But if you need a magician's assistant, it's best to go with a rabbit. Daphne
286 0061EE03 You should talk to the Inspector sometime. She's way more interesting than I am. Daphne
287 0061EE04 Know any good card tricks? If so you should teach the Inspector. She'd really like that. Daphne
288 0061EE05 I like to cook for fun. But right now I can only make teas. Daphne
289 0061EE06 I like making simple fern flower tea. Why? Because it has "simple" right in the name! Daphne
290 0061EE07 I really like tea, and so does the Inspector. But sometimes she drinks a Nuka-Cola, to keep her eyes and spirits up. Daphne
291 0061EE08 I made a pumpkin soup the other day! Minus the pumpkin. I guess it was just soup. Daphne
292 0061EE09 I wonder if you can ask Yasmin to help me with my cooking. I heard she's the greatest chef in the whole whole whole whole whole wide world! Daphne
293 0061EE0A If it gets really hot, we could have a water balloon fight. But I don't throw so good. Daphne
294 0061EE0C Another Inspector? But who is the real one! Find out, on this special Hubris Comics presentation of The Inspector vs. The Inspector! Inspector
295 0061EE0D Grognak is the muscle. The Shroud and the Mistress are the spies. And Manta Man does ... I don't know, fish man stuff. Inspector
296 But only the Inspector can solve the case!
297 0061EE0E I may be a magician detective, but I still have plenty of attack spells. Water balloons, motor oil, paint bombs, the works. Inspector
298 0061EE0F We should have the other Unstoppables over for the holidays. That and making Christmas albums is just what superheroes do. Inspector
299 0061EE10 Wanna play the Unstoppables Board Game? It'd be good to brush up on our crime fighting techniques. Inspector
300 0061EE11 I go by many names. The Enchantress of Appalachia! The Wizard of the Wasteland! The Inspector of the Uninspected! And sometimes Daphne. Inspector until the end, then Daphne
301 0061EEB4 Hi there! My name's Daphne. Would it be okay if we set up shop here?


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
63 005A21AB 0061EDB7 Hark, traveler! You approach the Inspector, one of the five Unstoppables!
64 0061EEA7 Halt, commi-kazis! The Inspector is here to defend the American way!
65 0061EEA8 The De-capitalists have invaded our camp! Only the Inspector has what it takes to stop them!
66 0061EEA9 Hey there. Daphne
67 0061EEAA Are you real, or imaginary? Daphne, responding to other players at camp