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This is a transcript for dialogue with Danilo.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 00648281 00648326 There you are. Got some advice to help you survive out here.
2 0064A0BD You made it. Matter of fact. Maybe a little impressed (but only a little).
3 0064A88D Into the Sanctum and back, with your soul intact. Not many can say they've done that.
4 0064ADCE Past here is the cathedral - the Fanatics' favorite prison camp. The captives here... they get beaten down into shells. Then they're sent elsewhere.
6 0064E57C Let's get to it. As usual, we need to prepare the way out for the escaping captives.
7 0064E57D We've got some housekeeping to do. Conditions in the Trench never stop deteriorating. As such, we can't afford to stop preparing.
8 0064E57E No time to lose. I've got another task for you.
9 0064E580 We don't have time to mess around.
10 0064E581 If you're here to mess around, go home.
11 0064E582 Hope you're taking this seriously.
12 0064E6A3 When you're ready, we need to head underground.
13 0064E6A4 Prepare now, while you can. Next we're heading underground.
14 0064E6A5 Prepare now before we head underground. There won't be any more chances to catch your breath.
15 0064E6A7 Seems you're enjoying the fresh Trench air. Disingenuous. That air is NOT fresh
16 0064E6A8 Let me know when you're ready.
17 0064E6A9 Things get dicey from here on out. Make sure you're ready.
18 0064E6AC Past here is the Sanctum. Make sure you're ready.
19 0064E6AD Once I unlock this gate, we'll be knee-deep in Fanatics. Prepare yourself.
20 0064E6AE Frontal assault isn't my specialty, so it'll be all you inside.
21 0064E6B0 It's not smart to linger down here. Finish up and let's move.
22 0064E6B1 The longer we linger down here, the more risk we're inviting.
23 0064E6B2 Don't tell me you're getting cold feet.
24 0064ED7A It's good to have a reliable partner. Thanks.
25 0064ED7B Don't forget what you've done today. Despite what I usually say... every life counts.
26 0064ED7C I take it you're heading back. I would, if I were you.
27 0064ED7E Still here?
28 0064ED7F Your vertibird's waiting.
29 0064ED80 Unfinished business?
30 0064F923 It's good to see you well.
44 006544DE Once we enter the cathedral, just stay at my back and keep me covered. Can you do that?
45 006548D0 I'm counting on you to cover me in there. Ready?
46 006548D1 I can't find anything if I've got a bullet in my back. You ready to cover me?
47 00654C5A Kinda busy here.
48 00654C5B Need to focus.
49 00654C5C Watch my back.
50 00654C5D Need you to cover me.
51 00654C5E Still looking.
52 00654C5F Not done yet.
53 00654C60 Rushing won't help.
54 00654C61 You should be watching our exits.
63 00648282 0064D2B6 Over here.
64 0064D2B7 This way.
68 0064E567 Look over here.
69 0064E568 Right in front of you.
70 0064E56A You look like you've seen a ghost.
71 0064E56B Still alive?
72 0064E56C You found me.
73 0064E56D Saw you coming.
74 0064E56E Quiet down. I could hear your steps from a mile away.
75 0064E56F If anyone asks, you didn't see me.
76 0064E570 I wasn't here. Understand?
94 00648283 0064E555 *quietly clearing throat*
95 0064E556 Shouldn't stay here long.
96 0064E557 *quiet inhale* Smells like trouble.
97 0064E558 Need to get moving soon.
98 0064E559 It's all I can do.
99 0064E55A No way around it.
121 0064A884 0064A88C If you come back, I'll be glad to work with you again. If not, that's probably best for you. Safe travels.
123 0064ADB9 0064ADC8 We've got one more thing on our hit list today: the Foreman. They're in charge of operations around here. Removing them equals chaos for the Fanatics.
124 By this time the Foreman will have no choice but to confront you directly. Get ready.
125 0064EB0A The Fanatics have appointed a new Foreman. Let's keep their time in service as short as possible.
126 0064EB0B There's another Foreman spinning the wheels of this hell house. Take them out of service.
127 0064EB0C The Fanatics' new Foreman is coming for you. Prepare yourself.
128 0064EB0D It's time to finish this hit list. Take down the Foreman, and get out.
129 0064EB0E One more obstacle. You should know this one by now: they're a foul-mouthed fiend with a superiority complex, due for excision.
130 0064EB0F The Foreman is making a move. You'll have to confront them on your way out.
131 0064EB11 The Sanctum's got a new Foreman. Prepare for confrontation.
132 0064ADBA 0064ADBF Only the worst of the Fanatics are confident enough to traverse the underground freely: the Harrowers.
133 They're in charge of pain and punishment. I'm sending you to take them down before they can inflict any more.
134 0064E698 You're going to deliver freedom to some captives.
135 First, get the key from a Fanatic Warden. They'll be set up at a checkpoint, well defended against the trogs. The prisoners aren't so lucky.
136 Trogs roam outside their cells, tormenting them. Clear the way for them, and send them to me. I'll take care of things from there.
137 0064E699 The trogs are a major threat to anyone who gets sent down there.
138 Even those protected by cage bars are tormented by the screams of less fortunate victims.
139 I developed an explosive that's effective against trog nests. I call it "Troglocide". Pick up a canister, throw it in, kaboom. Lots of dead trogs.
140 0064ADBC 0064ADC6 Well done. Head to the cathedral entrance so we can finish this.
141 0064E6B4 It's not over yet. Make your way to the cathedral entrance. I'll be waiting.
142 0064E6B5 I'll be at the entrance to the cathedral. Meet me there.
143 0064ADBD 0064ADC1 So far so good. Now let's see if you can survive until the outpost.
144 There aren't many safe places for survivors in the Trench, but this is one of them. I'm sending you the coordinates. Look for a waterfall.
145 Make it here alive, and we'll talk about bringing hell to the Sanctum.
146 0064D0E2 Let's meet at the outpost. This'll be your last break before you enter the halls of perdition.
147 0064D0E3 Check in with me at the outpost before you head underground. Once you enter those tunnels, there's no turning back.
148 0064D0E4 Let's meet up before heading to the Sanctum. You'll find me at the outpost.
149 0064ADBE 0064ADC3 Don't underestimate the Harrowers. They're the worst of the Fanatics... The worst of humanity. They feed on fear and pain.
150 They have torture rooms down here. That's where you'll find them.
151 0064C674 0064C67C Listen up. I'm your contact in the Trench. That means you follow my instructions, or you end up worse than dead inside the radpits.
152 I'm sending you a location to meet me at. If you can make it there without dying, you'll do just fine. Probably.
153 0064C67E You know who it is. Meet me on the ground as usual. I'll send you a new location.
154 0064C67F Sending you my coordinates. Don't pass them along, and don't bring any unwanted company.
155 0064C680 Awaiting you on the ground. New location. Can't have us becoming predictable.
156 0064C675 0064C678 The warden will be well defended. Insurance against the trogs.
157 Once you get the key from the warden, free the captives and send them outside. I'll make sure they're taken care of.
158 0064C676 0064C67A I've hidden Troglocide around the tunnels. They're a bit hefty, so you won't be able to do any hundred-meter sprints while you're carrying one.
159 One more warning: the trogs have come to recognize the scent of the bombs. Once you have one, they'll come running. So make use of it quick.
160 0064D2B2 0064D2B3 If you go straight ahead, you'll emerge right in the middle of the cathedral. Instead, I recommend sneaking in through the catacombs on the right.
161 It's your call. I'll unlock the gate now. Just don't die.
162 0064FE19 Remember, suicide path straight ahead. Stealth route to the right. You know the rest.
163 I'm unlocking the gate. See you again topside.
177 0064D9C8 0064D9CA I've got bad news for you. The sun has set, and everything in the Trench is worse after sundown.
178 Anyone caught out during this time isn't likely to survive. If you really wanted to be a hero... you could take stock of the area and offer help.
179 But the smart move is to book it straight back to the landing pad. Your choice.
180 0064EAFB Sundown storm has rolled in. You've survived it before, but there are people out there who won't. Take 'em or leave 'em.
181 0064EAFC You're acquainted with nighttime in the Trench. It will take casualties. Meet me at the landing pad when you've done what you want to do about it.
182 0064EAFD Likely there's a few people caught out in the storm. My recommendation: leave them and get back to the LZ.
183 0064EAFE Vertibird's waiting, but you've got a storm to wade through first. There's other survivors out there too. Proceed as you will.
184 0064EAFF Storm's heavy. Most people won't survive the night. Save them if you want, but you should get to the vertibird as soon as possible.
187 0064DE6E 0064DE70 I'm sure the survivors appreciate your help. Without you they'd be dead, or close to it.
188 0064DE71 Some folks out in the storm won't be so lucky. That's just the way of it here.
189 0064ED73 Noticed you picked up some civilians on your way here. It's more than you needed to do. I'm sure they're appreciative.
190 0064ED74 You looked out for more than just yourself, despite the risks. That's far more than can be said for most.
191 0064ED76 You made the smart choice, getting here as soon as possible. No use taking unnecessary risks.
192 0064ED77 The storm will claim some lives tonight, but not yours. Consider it a win.
193 0064E53E 0064E54D I'll get in contact when you're finished. Don't mess up. Mistakes carry a heavy price here.
194 0065F216 You're on your own now, so tread carefully. I'll contact you once you're done.
195 0065F217 That should cover it. Hope you paid attention. It's the only thing that will keep you alive out there.
196 0065F218 I'm heading out. I'll be in contact over the radio.
197 0065F219 Keep your eyes peeled out there. Paying attention to your environment will be the difference between life and death.
198 0064E53F 0064E571 Anyone navigating the Trench needs gear. Most importantly, masks and meds.
199 The Fanatics are the best-equipped people in the Trench. They have a labor yard nearby you can raid for supplies.
200 There's a hidden dropbox in the yard as well. Deposit the supplies there, and I'll redistribute them to escapees.
201 0064E572 There's runoff waste constantly sinking into the chasm. It piles up and makes the paths dangerous. Even falls and traps people.
202 In short, you're on sewage duty today. Get in there and destroy any blockages you come across. And don't be surprised if something comes out of them.
203 0064E573 I need you to deal with a few radpits that have cropped up. It'll keep the Trench just barely traversable for us.
204 Take these stakes. They're filled with a chemical compound that neutralizes radiation hazards.
205 I only have enough to spare for the worst of the worst. So gear up, track the rads to their source, then place the stake before your gear melts off.
206 0064E540 0064E550 We're hitting the Sanctum, a former Union safehouse taken over by Fanatics.
207 But we need to make some preparations out here in the Trench before we head inside. I hope that's enough information for you to go on.
208 I'm not used to working with others. And in my experience, the less people know, the better.
209 0064E541 0064E54A It's a radioactive wasteland that eats up anyone stupid enough to wander in. Safe spots are few and far between.
210 It's near impossible to get out alive if you don't know what you're doing. Makes it a perfect prison.
211 The Fanatics realized that, and they're taking full advantage of it.
212 0064E542 0064E553 You know everything you need to know.
213 (sigh) Listen. Everyone has parts of their past they'd rather leave behind. It's better that I just stay a shadow here.
214 I know the Trench. I'll be a guide for anyone who needs out.
215 0064E544 0064E54E I do. But next time, don't come to the Trench unprepared.
216 0064E54F Very clever. You already got what you need. Don't mooch for extra handouts.
217 0064E545 0064E54C We're hitting the Sanctum today, but we need to make some preparations first. You ready for instructions?
218 0064E546 0064E551 I see you've got some radiation gear. If that was a precaution where you come from, here it's your saving grace. Wear it like a second skin.
219 0064E552 Wear some radiation gear.
220 If you didn't need it where you come from, you'll need it here, unless you want to look like a Picasso portrait in a couple of hours.
221 0064E547 0064E55C It's over.
222 0064E55D You know how this ends.
223 0064E55E It's your time. Not mine.
224 0064E55F Waste of effort.
225 0064E560 Lay down and die.
226 0064E548 0064E562 Tch!
227 0064E563 Ugh!
228 0064E564 Grah!
229 0064E565 Damn!
230 0064E566 Shit!
231 0064E549 0064E575 (sharp inhale)
232 0064E576 Ugh...
233 0064E577 I can't...
234 0064E578 This is... pathetic...
235 0064E579 Is it my time?
236 0065561E Ungh! I need you...to cover me better.
237 0065561F Need you to handle these Fanatics...
238 00655620 Damn! I can't work like this...
239 00655621 Shit... Gonna need you to stim me.
240 00655622 Get us out of danger... Then I'll need some meds.
241 0064E688 0064E69E All the captives wear tracking collars. As if escaping without them wasn't already hard enough.
242 I've got a program to destroy the tracking data, but it's spread across multiple terminals, so you'll need to run the program on each one.
243 0064E69F There's a pipe organ on the upper floor of the cathedral. It has some prerecorded hymns.
244 Playing that music suddenly should create chaos. Enough to give some captives an opportunity to escape.
245 Once you start the music, hold the floor for as long as you can, keeping it clear of Fanatics.
246 0064E6A0 I'm coming with you this time, and I need you to cover me.
247 This place holds valuable information about the Fanatics and their hostages. Plans, correspondence, lists of names.
248 Knowledge is power. We're here to claim it. Defend me while I gather the documents. When I say the word, we'll scram.
249 0064E689 0064E696 Don't make me say it. There's only one way to know these parts as well as I do. Only one group with that much freedom in the Pitt.
250 I can never change my past. But I can use it for better means.
251 0064E68A 0064E69C This isn't a heroic rescue mission. It's reality. We do what's viable, and leave the rest.
252 I know it's cruel. But if we're going to do anything at all, we have to work within our limitations.
253 0064E68B 0064E697 Fanatics. Lots of them. And the captives: human husks who'll hardly react if you throw a grenade at their feet.
254 Best to ignore them for now. We've done what we can for the folks underground. And we'll come back.
255 0064E68C 0064E6B3 This is the reality of the Pitt, for ordinary people. If you're not strong or cruel enough, everything but your life is stripped from you.
256 0064E68D 0064E69D One last thing. There's a survivor here: Ava Rose. I wouldn't normally recommend getting involved with anyone, but...
257 Ava has something important to say. Consider being an audience before you head out.
258 0065F21F Before you leave, I'm sure Ava would appreciate hearing from you.
259 0065F220 Remember to talk to Ava if you want to do extra.
260 0065F221 Ava could still use help, if you're willing.
261 0064E68E 0064E693 It's the only thing left for me to do.
262 I sold my soul to the winning side. Told myself it was for survival. But really, it was just the easier route.
263 This is my price. And the debt might never be repaid.
264 0064E68F 0064E69A Not unless you're already a ghoul and don't mind swimming through a sea of chemical waste.
265 I know the Trench. It's impossible.
266 0064E690 0064E695 Not beside you, no. I don't work like that. But I'll be nearby.
267 Someone has to keep an eye on what's happening in the area. While you're knee deep in gunfire, I'm ensuring you still have a path in, and a way out.
268 0064E691 0064E69B Darkness. Trogs. Fear. Death.
269 It's quiet down there. Until it's not. My best advice to you is to keep your head on straight.
270 Tread carefully, keep track of where you are. And when you hear the screams? Remember...that they're not yours. Not yet.
271 0064E692 0064E694 When you're ready, we need to head underground. It's the only way in or out of the Sanctum. Everything else is untraversable.
272 The Sanctum itself - the cathedral - it's crawling with Fanatics. Them, and the unfortunate victims they're holding hostage.
273 Sorry to say it's not going to be any more pleasant down there than it is up here. Let me know when you've steeled yourself.
274 0064EAF9 0064EB01 I unlocked a shortcut for you. It's time to get out before you lose your chance.
275 0064EB02 You've caused quite a fuss in there. Better get out now, before any surprises come along.
276 0064EB03 Now's your chance to get out. I opened a shortcut for you. Don't waste it.
277 0064EB04 Your exit's secure. Might be some leftover cruft in the way, but it seems you can handle that.
278 0064EB05 I've secured your exit. Make your way back out to the Trench. The faster the better.
279 0064EB06 We're done here. Make your way out and I'll meet you at the landing pad.
280 0064EB07 That's it for today. The Trench is waiting, and with any luck, your home sweet Appalachia.
281 0064EB08 As a reminder, your only way in or out of the Sanctum is underground. I opened a shortcut for you. The rest is up to you.
282 0064ED6A 0064ED6F Looks like it. It's dangerous to gather like this. Attracts attention. If these people knew better, they'd disperse.
283 But I guess... sometimes safety isn't the most important thing. Emphasis on "isn't". This is a reluctant admission; normally he would say the opposite.
284 0064ED6B 0064ED71 Like clockwork. I don't exactly know the physics behind it. Why it happens doesn't matter so much as preparing for it.
285 It's like some kind of divine reckoning. Every night this place is stripped bare. Only the worthy emerge from the ashes.
286 Or maybe just those with a little extra luck. I'm not sure what I believe anymore.
287 0064ED6C 0064ED70 Don't you know it's bad manners to ask a shadow where it's going? Shadows appear where the light can't reach.
288 They give people a place to hide. A place to grieve. Sometimes, a place to conceal their blade and wait for an opportunity.
289 0064ED6D 0064ED6E If you're expecting sentimentality, talk to Ava. You won't find it here.
290 Doesn't mean I don't appreciate your work. You put your life on the line to help. That's more than most can say for themselves.
344 006502A5 006502B5 Still... hope? Do you really mean it? I didn't think anyone cared... especially not some stranger...
345 00652ED7 00652ED8 Hardly. It's more of a dysfunctional parasitic relationship.
346 Any captives with the bright idea to sneak past the Fanatics are dissuaded by the trogs. Or not, and they're torn to shreds on their way out.
347 In return for the extra security detail, the Fanatics take on some... occupational hazards.
348 006544CC 006544DD You don't have to tell me twice.
349 006548B9 Out of the frying pan, into the fire.
350 006548BA Remember who we're doing this for.
351 006548B1 006548C5 That's good for today. I'm heading out.
352 006548C6 I'd better scram. You stay here and finish up.
353 006548C7 Time for me to scram. You're not off the hook yet. Await my instructions.
354 006548C8 All done. I'll get out of here and contact you via radio.
355 006548C9 Time for me to make myself scarce. Stay here and wait for instructions.
356 006548CA Time to put this information to good use. I'll head out and compile what I learned.
357 006548CB The Fanatics have some interesting plans. Count on me to make sure they don't happen. I'm heading out.
358 006548DB Good enough for now. I'll find a dark corner to slip out through.
359 006548B2 006548BC Got it. Let's move on.
360 006548BD Done here. Keep moving.
361 006548BE Got what I needed. Let's go.
362 006548BF Let's move on. This reading isn't for the faint of heart.
363 006548C0 Just when I thought the Fanatics couldn't surprise me... Come on. There's more where this comes from.
364 006548C1 I've got a lead. Let's keep searching.
365 006548C2 Found it. Let's move.
366 006548C3 Nothing here. On to the next.
367 006548B3 006548D2 Stop wasting time.
368 006548D3 I don't have all day to wait for you.
369 006548D4 You made it this far already. Don't overthink it.
370 006548B4 006548B8 Maybe, if it would save lives. But I'm not working for anyone again. Not even the Union.
371 006548B5 006548B7 Plans, correspondence, lists of names. Anything that could give the Union an edge against the Fanatics, or a survivor the chance to escape.
372 006548B6 006548CD Here we are. Let me know when you're ready.
373 006548CE Past here it gets tricky. Make sure you're prepared.
374 006548CF The cathedral is just up ahead. Tell me when you're ready to go in.
386 00655E4C 00655E56 It's an old cathedral. Used to belong to the Union. It was a safe haven from the dangers of this place.
387 When the Fanatics discovered it, they... took over. Turned it into a labor camp. Now there's no worse place to be in the Pitt. He's hiding something - namely, the fact that HE was the Fanatic scout who discovered it. He feels guilty about this
393 006593E0 006593E2 A life is a life. You made all the difference for those you did make it to. The opposite can be said for those you didn't.
394 Don't blame yourself. Best thing we can do is move on quickly and prepare for next time.
395 0065D8D9 0065D8DA In case you haven't been acquainted with trogs yet, don't mistake them for humans. Their flesh is like ours, they crawl on all fours and spit acid.
410 0065F203 0065F20F Have it your way, then. I can't stop you from getting yourself killed.
411 0065F204 0065F21C That's not important. I know who you are, you know who I am. What is important is knowing how to survive out here.
412 0065F205 0065F211 That's smart.
413 0065F206 0065F20E I'm not insulting you. Just trying to keep you alive.
414 (sigh) Sorry. I'm not representing the Union. Just working with them to help out. So I think we have that in common.
415 0065F207 0065F21B If you need confirmation I'm the right contact, I'm Danilo. Otherwise, my identity's not important to the mission. Neither are pleasantries.
416 0065F208 0065F210 Quick and direct. Keep responding like that and you may just make it today.
417 0065F209 0065F20B Heh. Not here, it doesn't. I don't know who you are or what organization you're part of, but you're out of your element.
418 This is about intel, not ego. The only way you're surviving the Trench is by following my instructions.
419 0065F20A 0065F212 I appreciate your confidence, but too much of it could get you killed here.
420 I'm sure you've seen a lot in Appalachia. But you haven't seen the Trench.
421 Let's just agree we're both experts in our field. If I ever come to Appalachia, you call the shots.
422 0065F769 0065F76B I'm an independent party. I have knowledge that can help people, so I decided to use it. Made an arrangement with a Union member I knew.
423 They send me go-getters confident enough to risk their lives here, I help them rescue civilians.
424 And no, I'm not getting paid. I have my own reasons for doing this.
425 0065F76A 0065F76C Get back before sundown. Trust me on that, and I'll explain later.
439 0065FF84 0065FF87 That mask is a necessity outside, but it obscures vision. Best to keep my peripherals clear when I can.