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This is a transcript for dialogue with Daniel Finch.


1DialogueFinchAbigailDaniel2Abigail: One of these days, we need to find you a good woman, Daniel.{A little annoyed, mom is nagging you} Even if I had time for something like that, which I don't, who'd be interested?A1a
2{Defeated, down} The women of the Commonwealth ain't exactly lining up to be farmer's wives.Abigail: Then you need a farm girl. There's plenty out there, you know.A1b
3Abigail: That Abernathy girl is nice enough, even if her mother's a witch. And there's that girl at Warwick... What's her name? Joanie?{Annoyed, dismissive, leave me alone} Janey. And she's too young for me. And Lucy Abernathy's only got eyes for Hawthorne in Diamond City.Abigail: Well don't you worry, son. There's someone out there for you.A1a
4Abigail: Well don't you worry, son. There's someone out there for you.{Annoyed, dismissive} You're the one who's worried. I can't think past all the weeds I got to pull.A1a


5DialogueFinchAbrahamDanielSceneAbraham: I saw something down by the waterline. Looked big, too.{Contempt} Mirelurk. Got to be.A1a
6{Concern} They've been getting closer lately. Probably scoping us out.Abraham: Well, they get too close, they're going to get a taste of hot lead.A1b
7Abraham: Well, they get too close, they're going to get a taste of hot lead.{Confident} Yes sir.A1a


8DialogueFinchAbigailDanielSceneWe got enough caps to get me a new pair of boots?Abigail: Why? The ones you got on don't look so bad.A1a
9Abigail: I'm sure they've got another couple of months on 'em at least.{Annoyed} Easy for you to say, you ain't wearin' 'em.A1a
10{Annoyed} The soles are coming off. Sometimes they flap so bad when I walk, it sounds like someone's clapping at me.Abigail: Well maybe they're just showin' their appreciation for all the hard work you do.A1b
11Abigail: Well maybe they're just showin' their appreciation for all the hard work you do.{Unamused} That's very funny, but I'm being serious here. I might as well go barefoot for all the trouble these things cause me.Abigail: Well, I'll see what we've got. It ain't much, but it might be enough.A1a
12Abigail: Well, I'll see what we've got. It ain't much, but it might be enough.{Relieved} That's all I need to hear.A1a


13DialogueFinchDanielAbrahamSceneAbraham: You just need to dig around a little. It's there somewhere.{Annoyed} Yeah... I think it'd be faster to shovel dirt with my hands.A1a
14{Matter of fact} We got an extra shovel anywhere in the scrap?Abraham: Pretty sure we do, yeah.A1a
15Abraham: Pretty sure we do, yeah.Know where it is?Abraham: Not a clue.A1a
16Abraham: Not a clue.{Annoyed} Doesn't it ever occur to you that all this junk isn't doing us any good if we can't find something when we need it?Abraham: You just need to dig around a little. It's there somewhere.A1a


17DialogueFinchDanielJakeScene{Tentative} There's something I've been wanting to ask you.Jake: Yeah, well, I've kind of been expecting that.A1a
18Jake: Go on, then.{Angry, betrayed} Why'd you do it? Why'd you turn your back on us. on your family?Jake: I guess it was because I was angry.A1a
19Jake: It was wrong. I know that now, and I'm sorry.{Angry} Yeah, well, don't expect everything to be the same as it was. I can't forget what you did. None of us can.Jake: I know. One way or another, I'll earn your trust again. I swear it.A1a
20Jake: I know. One way or another, I'll earn your trust again. I swear it.{Angry but coming out of it} Yeah, well... we'll see.A1a


21DialogueFinchFarmDanielBranchPlayer Default: I miss the past. I'd go back in a second if I could.{Surprised, disbelief} Then you must not be from the Commonwealth.B1a
22{Relief... the past was bad, but things are better} We've got it pretty good now, at least compared to how it used to be.Player Default: I'm glad to hear that things are better for you.B1b
23Player Default: What makes you say that?{Certain, confident you're right} Because things used to be so much worse.Player Default: I'm glad to hear that things are better for you.Y1a
24Daniel: At least that's how my father tells it.{Friendly / Friendly} I'm sure you're bored to death by now. Still, it was good talking to you. I hope I'll see you again.A1a
25Player Default: Your father's pretty fearless.{Sarcastic / Sarcastic} That's one way to put it.Daniel: He says he collects all the scrap because he likes to tinker, but I think it's more than that.A1a
26Player Default: I think your father's got a death wish.{Concerned / Concerned} He knows that salvage yard pretty well, but yeah, it's dangerous.Daniel: He says he collects all the scrap because he likes to tinker, but I think it's more than that.B1a
27Player Default: That's one way to put it.{Thoughtful} He says he collects all the scrap because he likes to tinker, but I think it's more than that.A1a
28{Thoughtful} I think he's curious about the past, and he wants to hold on to it.A1b
29{Disapproving} If you ask me, living in the past is a waste of time.Player Default: It's hard enough just dealing with the present.A1c
30Player Default: It's hard enough just dealing with the present.{Reflecting on a difficult past} That's part of it, sure, but it's also true that things were pretty bad for awhile out here.A1a
31{Relieved} We've got it pretty good compared to those days.Player Default: I'm glad to hear that things are better for you.A1b
32Player Default: I'm glad to hear that things are better for you.{Friendly, amused... start with a chuckle / Friendly} That makes two of us.A1a
33{Friendly / Friendly} Well, it's been good talking to you. I'll see you around.Daniel: My dad says there was a time when you couldn't grow much of anything out here. A farm like ours would have been impossible.A1b
34Player Default: There's no way things could be any worse than this.{Trying to convince someone that does not believe you} No, it's true.Daniel: My dad says there was a time when you couldn't grow much of anything out here. A farm like ours would have been impossible.B1a
35Player Default: Well, it's been good talking to you. I'll see you around.{Reminiscing a bit} My dad says there was a time when you couldn't grow much of anything out here. A farm like ours would have been impossible.A1a
36It was more dangerous, too. There were some big raider gangs back then, and a lot more Feral Ghouls and Super Mutants than there are now.A1b
37If you wanted to be safe, you had to live near one of the bigger settlements, like Diamond City.A1c
38{Hint of pride} So, the people banded together and fought hard to make the Commonwealth a safer place.A1d
39{Unsure if it's true, but you like the story anyway} At least that's how my father tells it.Daniel: I'm sure you're bored to death by now. Still, it was good talking to you. I hope I'll see you again.A1e
40DialogueFinchFarmDanielDN121IntroPlayer Default: There's still time for them to work things out.Maybe. Jake's in pretty deep this time.Daniel: The Forged moved into the ironworks not long ago and started recruiting. At first things were fine, but recently they've started raiding.A1a
41Player Default: That's not my problem.Sure, sorry. Just worried about my brother. If you end up at that old Ironworks, maybe try to keep an eye out for him?B1a
42I'll be around if you are looking to trade.Daniel: The Forged moved into the ironworks not long ago and started recruiting. At first things were fine, but recently they've started raiding.B1b
43Player Default: She's gotta try, family is important.Yeah, I know. I'm just not sure Dad can forgive him this time.Daniel: The Forged moved into the ironworks not long ago and started recruiting. At first things were fine, but recently they've started raiding.X1a
44Player Default: What happened between them?They've been at it for years, but this last time may have been the breaking point.Daniel: The Forged moved into the ironworks not long ago and started recruiting. At first things were fine, but recently they've started raiding.Y1a
45Player Default: Maybe. Jake's in pretty deep this time.The Forged moved into the ironworks not long ago and started recruiting. At first things were fine, but recently they've started raiding.A1a
46Jake told us he was thinking about joining them. Said he'd send back supplies to us so Dad and Mom wouldn't have to work so hard.A1b
47You can probably guess how well that went over with my Pa.A1c
48Sorry, I know this isn't really your problem. I'll be around if you're looking to trade.A1d
49DialogueFinchFarmVendor{A little exasperated, your dad is a hoarder} Yeah, that's my dad's stuff.X2a
50{Friendly conversation} Some of it he found out in the wastes, but most of it comes from the salvage yard across the river.X2b
51{Concerned for your Father's safety} Ever since the Gunners moved in, he's been sneaking over there at night to steal from them.Player Default: Your father's pretty fearless.X2c
52{Rattling off a list of supplies you sell.} Well, not much, but I've got a few spare guns and some ammunition. Maybe a few meds and other general supplies.Y1a
53{Friendly, helpful} What do you say?Player Default: All right.Y1b


54DN121_AbrahamJakeReconcileAbigail: Abraham, what's going on? Is that my boy come home?{Relieved} What? Jake's back? Oh thank god.Jake: Papa, please. I- I know I screwed up pretty big.A1a