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Fallout Wiki

This is a dialogue file for Duc, wandering merchant.


{100}{}{You see a wandering merchant of Asian descent.}
{101}{}{You see Duc, the wandering merchant.}
{102}{}{Well hello, wanderer. My name's Duc, and I'm headed into Shady Sands to do some trading. Perhaps I can interest you in some goods?}
{103}{}{What do you have for sale?}
{104}{}{Do you go to Shady Sands often?}
{106}{}{Let me show you.}
{107}{}{Yes, Shady Sands is part of my normal trade route. You can travel there with us for safety if you like.}
{108}{}{Sure, sounds good.}
{109}{}{No, thanks.}
{110}{}{Oh, sorry -- didn't realize you were that stupid.}
{111}{}{It should only take a day or so. Let's go!}
{113}{}{Not many people brave the wastes alone. Who are you?}
{114}{}{None of your business.}
{115}{}{I'm }
{118}{}{Hello again! What can I do for you?}
{119}{}{May I join your group to Shady Sands?}
{120}{}{What do you have for sale?}
{121}{}{Nothing, thanks.}
{122}{}{What do you want?}
{123}{}{Nothing, sorry.}
{124}{}{What do you have for sale?}
{126}{}{You should be careful if you're traveling alone. Some people went missing from Shady Sands recently.}
{127}{}{Hey, I heard about how you saved that woman from Shady Sands. Good work.}
