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This is a transcript for dialogue with raiders in Back Street Apparel.


Female raider scum[]

1DN159_Scene01RaiderMale: That was a good one. You have any more stories like that?{Confident, good story teller. [Raider telling a funny story to another Raider next to her.] / Happy} How much time you got? Heh, yeah, I have a few. Let me see.RaiderFemale: A couple years back, before I met Clutch, me and a couple friends found a young kid on the north side of the Charles.A1a
2RaiderFemale: How much time you got? Heh, yeah, I have a few. Let me see.{Confident, good story teller. [Raider telling a funny story to another Raider next to her.] / Neutral} A couple years back, before I met Clutch, me and a couple friends found a young kid on the north side of the Charles.A1a
3{Confident, good story teller. [Raider telling a funny story to another Raider next to her.] / Neutral} He wasn't that young, probably around 18 or so. Anyway, after hanging out with him for a while, it started to get dark so I built a fire.A1b
4{Confident, good story teller. [Raider telling a funny story to another Raider next to her.] / Surprised} I kid you not, as soon as I lit the first match, the kid screams, "What are you doing?" and knocks the match out of my hand.RaiderMale: He knocked the match our of your hand? Why'd he do that?A1c
5RaiderMale: He knocked the match our of your hand? Why'd he do that?{Irritated her buddy keeps interrupting her story. Confident, good story teller. [Raider telling a funny story to another Raider next to her.] / Irritated} Shh, I'm telling a story. So yeah, he knocks the match out of my hand.A1a
6{Confident, good story teller. Emphasize and slow on "afraid of fire." [Raider telling a funny story to another Raider next to her.] / Surprised} I was so surprised that I swung and broke his nose. He said he was sorry and, get this, he said he was afraid of fire.RaiderMale: Hah! He was afraid of fire?A1b
7RaiderFemale: I just told you he was afraid of fire. You keep interrupting me, it's irritating.{Confident, good story teller. [Raider telling a funny story to another Raider next to her.] / Happy} As soon as he told me that, I thought of something. I quickly apologized for hitting him and told him it's nothing to be ashamed of.A1a
8{Confident, good story teller. [Raider telling a funny story to another Raider next to her.] / Happy} That night me and the others got this kid so drunk, so fast, he passed out within an hour. We then dragged him to the banks of the Charles.A1b
9{Confident, good story teller. [Raider telling a funny story to another Raider next to her.] / Happy} We also dragged six or seven mattresses and tied them in a circle with one in the middle.RaiderMale: Mattresses? What did you need the mattresses for?A1c
10RaiderFemale: Really? Did you seriously just ask me that question? It's a goddamn story. All you have to do is listen.{Confident, good story teller. [Raider telling a funny story to another Raider next to her.] / Happy} So yeah, we tied all these mattresses together and then we placed one mattress in the middle and put the kid on it.A1a
11{Confident, good story teller. [Raider telling a funny story to another Raider next to her.] / Surprised} We doused all the mattress with gas except his and lit them on fire and pushed them down into the water.A1b
12{Confident, good story teller. [Raider telling a funny story to another Raider next to her.] / Happy} We followed the burning mattresses down the river laughing our asses off waiting for the kid to wake up.A1c
13{Confident, good story teller. [Raider telling a funny story to another Raider next to her.] / Worried} After five minutes we realized the kid wasn't going to wake up so we all started throwing rocks at him. After a couple hits, the kid wakes up.RaiderFemale: At this point the flames were huge! Imagine what it must've been like for him, waking up, not knowing where he was and all he sees is fire.A1d
14RaiderFemale: After five minutes we realized the kid wasn't going to wake up so we all started throwing rocks at him. After a couple hits, the kid wakes up.{Confident, good story teller. [Raider telling a funny story to another Raider next to her.] / Surprised} At this point the flames were huge! Imagine what it must've been like for him, waking up, not knowing where he was and all he sees is fire.A1a
15{Confident, good story teller. [Raider telling a funny story to another Raider next to her.] / Surprised} The kid tries to stand up, but can't get his footing on the soggy mattress. At this point, I am laughing so hard I fall down.RaiderMale: That is crazy! I bet he overcame his fear of fire. Hah! "Trial by Fire."A1b
16RaiderMale: That is crazy! I bet he overcame his fear of fire. Hah! "Trial by Fire."{Confident, good story teller. [Raider telling a funny story to another Raider next to her.] / Concerned} Nah, he never did. Turns out the kid couldn't swim. Anyway, that's that.RaiderMale: Didn't see that coming.A1a
17RaiderMale: Mattresses? What did you need the mattresses for?{Irritated by her buddy that keeps interrupting her. [Raider telling a funny story to another Raider next to her.] / Irritated} Really? Did you seriously just ask me that question? It's a goddamn story. All you have to do is listen.RaiderFemale: So yeah, we tied all these mattresses together and then we placed one mattress in the middle and put the kid on it.A1a
18RaiderMale: Hah! He was afraid of fire?{Irritated by her buddy that keeps interrupting her. [Raider telling a funny story to another Raider next to her.] / Irritated} I just told you he was afraid of fire. You keep interrupting me, it's irritating.RaiderFemale: As soon as he told me that, I thought of something. I quickly apologized for hitting him and told him it's nothing to be ashamed of.A1a

Male raider scum[]

1DN159_Scene01{Excited to hear another story from his Raider buddy next to him. / Happy} That was a good one. You have any more stories like that?RaiderFemale: How much time you got? Heh, yeah, I have a few. Let me see.A1a
2RaiderFemale: I kid you not, as soon as I lit the first match, the kid screams, "What are you doing?" and knocks the match out of my hand.{Excited, can't believe what he's hearing. [He's listening to a story from his buddy standing next to him] / Disbelief} He knocked the match our of your hand? Why'd he do that?RaiderFemale: Shh, I'm telling a story. So yeah, he knocks the match out of my hand.A1a
3RaiderFemale: I was so surprised that I swung and broke his nose. He said he was sorry and, get this, he said he was afraid of fire.{Excited, can't believe what he's hearing. [He's listening to a story from his buddy standing next to him] / Disbelief} Hah! He was afraid of fire?RaiderFemale: I just told you he was afraid of fire. You keep interrupting me, it's irritating.A1a
4RaiderFemale: We also dragged six or seven mattresses and tied them in a circle with one in the middle.{Excited, can't believe what he's hearing. [He's listening to a story from his buddy standing next to him] / Disbelief} Mattresses? What did you need the mattresses for?RaiderFemale: Really? Did you seriously just ask me that question? It's a goddamn story. All you have to do is listen.A1a
5RaiderFemale: The kid tries to stand up, but can't get his footing on the soggy mattress. At this point, I am laughing so hard I fall down.{Excited. Tries to make a joke of his own with "Trial by Fire" [He's listening to a story from his buddy standing next to him] / Surprised} That is crazy! I bet he overcame his fear of fire. Hah! "Trial by Fire."RaiderFemale: Nah, he never did. Turns out the kid couldn't swim. Anyway, that's that.A1a
6RaiderFemale: Nah, he never did. Turns out the kid couldn't swim. Anyway, that's that.{Disbelief, kind of says this to himself. [He's just heard the ending of a story from his buddy] / Puzzled} Didn't see that coming.A1a