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This is a transcript for dialogue with Ness.


6REAssaultSC01_Stage010_NessForcegreet{[Relieved] There ya' are. Beginnin' ta think you wouldn't show. / Relieved} There you are. Beginning to think you wouldn't show.Player Default: Sorry to keep you waiting.A
1Player Default: Sorry to keep you waiting.{Evenly / Neutral} Well, you're here. Let's get started.Ness: All right, gather 'round.A1a
2Player Default: I've been busy. Let's get on with it.{*Hmph* / Irritated} *Hmph*Ness: All right, gather 'round.B1a
3Player Default: Well, I'm here now.{[Evenly.] Let's get started. / Stern} Let's get started.Ness: All right, gather 'round.X1a
4Player Default: Who are these people?{Smoothly. She's up to something... / Stern} Mercs I hired, same as you. I'll take all the help I can get.Y1a
5{Impatient / Neutral} Now, let's get started.Ness: All right, gather 'round.Y1b
7REAssaultSC01_Stage020_NessSpeech1Ness: Looks like we're up against ten Raiders. Five in the plane, five on patrol.{Addressing a group of mercenaries. / Somber} Expect the others to come running once the shooting starts.Ness: Stick together, keep your heads down, and clear that plane.A1a
8{Calling out to a group. / Neutral} All right, gather 'round.Ness: Looks like we're up against ten Raiders. Five in the plane, five on patrol.A1a
9Ness: All right, gather 'round.{Addressing a group of mercenaries. / Somber} Looks like we're up against ten Raiders. Five in the plane, five on patrol.Ness: Expect the others to come running once the shooting starts.A1a
10Ness: Expect the others to come running once the shooting starts.{Addressing a group of mercenaries. / Stern} Stick together, keep your heads down, and clear that plane.Ness: Now move! Move! Move!A1a
11REAssaultSC01_Stage025_NessSpeech2{Giving orders to a group of mercenaries. / Defiant} Now move! Move! Move!A1a
12REAssaultSC01_Stage075_NessSecondWave{Yelling during combat. A second wave of enemies is attacking. / Defiant} Here's their backup! Take cover! Defend the plane!A1a
13REAssaultSC01_Stage100_NessSecurePlane{Barking orders / Stern} Secure the plane! Make sure there aren't any stragglers!Ness: Here we go...A1a
14REAssaultSC01_Stage110A_NessApproach{Conspiratorially, to herself. She's found what she's *really* looking for. / Conspiratorial} Here we go...Ness: Looks like it's still intact. Whaddya know...A1a
15Ness: Here we go...{Conspiratorially, to herself. She's found what she's *really* looking for. / Conspiratorial} Looks like it's still intact. Whaddya know...A1a
22REAssaultSC01_Stage110B_NessReward{Startled, irritated / Irritated} Huh? What is it?Ness: Oh, right, your pay. Here, just like we agreed.A
23{[Coldly] Thought I told you to leave. / Angry} I thought I told you to leave.Ness: Oh, right, your pay. Here, just like we agreed.A
16Player Default: All right, thanks.{Now get out. I got work to do. / Irritated} Now get out. I've got work to do.A1a
17Player Default: All right, thanks.{Angry} You've wasted enough of my time already. Get out of here.A2a
18Player Default: All right, thanks.{Irritated / Irritated} Hmph.A3a
19Player Default: Fine.{Maybe ya hadn't noticed, but you're not the only one with a gun around here. Now get outta my way. / Angry} Maybe you didn't notice, but you're not the only one with a gun around here. Now get out of my way.B2a
20Player Default: Is that a secret compartment? All right, Ness. What's really going on here?{Look, you got yer pay. Now scram. This doesn't concern you. / Irritated} Look, you got your pay. Now scram. This doesn't concern you.Y1a
21Player Default: Is that a secret compartment? All right, Ness. What's really going on here?{Irritated, hushing the player. / Afraid} Keep your voice down!Ness: All right, look. Skylanes was a smuggling operation.Y3a
24NPCFNess: Huh? What is it?{Grudgingly / Irritated} Oh, right, your pay. Here, just like we agreed.Player Default: All right, thanks.A1a
25NPCFNess: Huh? What is it?{Angry with the player. / Angry} You didn't do a damn thing to help against those Raiders. And you still expect to get paid? Forget it.Player Default: All right, thanks.A2a
26REAssaultSC01_Stage110C_NessExplain1Ness: All right, look. Skylanes was a smuggling operation.{Irritated} Get lost.A1a
27Ness: All right, look. Skylanes was a smuggling operation.{Hushed, intense, conspiratorial. / Conspiratorial} Near as I can tell, the whole company was in on it before the war. Used their passenger flights to cover it up.A1a
28{Hushed, intense, conspiratorial. / Conspiratorial} I've been looking for these wrecks for years. Beats selling metal for scrap.Ness: Can I count on you to keep this quiet? You got your cut, I got mine. We're even.A1b
29{Irritated sigh at the beginning of the line. Hushed, intense, conspiratorial. / Conspiratorial} All right, look. Skylanes was a smuggling operation.Ness: Near as I can tell, the whole company was in on it before the war. Used their passenger flights to cover it up.A1a
30REAssaultSC01_Stage110D_NessExplain2Player Default: Yeah, sure.{Grudgingly. Now get outta here before the others start asking questions. / Relieved} Thanks. Now get out of here before the others start asking questions.Ness: Hey, boys! He's trying to steal your cut!A1a
31Player Default: Yeah, sure.{*Hmph* Now get lost. / Irritated} Now get lost.Ness: Hey, boys! He's trying to steal your cut!A2a
32Player Default: And let you walk away with all of this? Not a chance.{*Snort* Glad I brought some insurance. / Irritated} Glad I brought some insurance.Ness: Hey, boys! He's trying to steal your cut!B1a
33Player Default: I want my pay.{Grudgingly / Irritated} All right, fine.Player Default: Yeah, sure.X1a
34Player Default: I want my pay.{[Player is blackmailing her.] *Sigh* Here. / Irritated} Here.Player Default: Yeah, sure.X2a
35Player Default: I want my pay.{[Player is blackmailing her.] Annoyed. / Irritated} Take whatever you want from the plane. But the compartment's mine.Player Default: Yeah, sure.X3a
36Player Default: I want my pay.{Don't push your luck. Just get outta here. / Irritated} Don't push your luck. Just get out of here.Ness: Hey, boys! He's trying to steal your cut!X4a
37Player Default: I want my pay.{Irritated} You do that. In the meantime, get lost.Ness: Hey, boys! He's trying to steal your cut!X5a
38Player Default: What were they smuggling?{Conspiratorial, a little irritated. The player keeps pressing her. / Irritated} Whatever they could turn a profit on. Mostly guns and chems, from what I've seen.Y1a
39{Conspiratorial, proud of her planning. / Irritated} I've already got buyers lined up. Should cover my costs and then some.Y1b
40{Conspiratorial, evenly. / Conspiratorial} Just keep it quiet, and no one gets hurt.Player Default: Yeah, sure.Y1c
41Player Default: Thanks. Now get out of here before the others start asking questions.{[Calling out, making a scene] Hey, boys! He's tryin' to steal your cut! / Angry} Hey, boys! He's trying to steal your cut!A1a
42Player Default: Thanks. Now get out of here before the others start asking questions.{[Calling out, making a scene] Hey, boys! She's tryin' to steal your cut! / Angry} Hey, boys! She's trying to steal your cut!A2a
43NPCFNess: Can I count on you to keep this quiet?{Hushed, intense, conspiratorial. / Conspiratorial} Can I count on you to keep this quiet? You got your cut, I got mine. We're even.Player Default: Yeah, sure.A1a
44NPCFNess: Can I count on you to keep this quiet?{Hushed, intense, conspiratorial. / Conspiratorial} Can I count on you to keep this quiet?Player Default: Yeah, sure.A2a
45REAssaultSC01_Stage150_NessTheft{[Calling for help] Hey! Thief! Get 'im! / Surprised} Hey! Thief! Get him!A1a
46{[Calling for help] / Surprised} Hey! Thief! Get her!A2a
47-{[Busy] Gimme a minute. / Irritated} Give me a minute.
48{Barking orders / Stern} Move it!
49{Barking orders / Stern} What are you waiting for?
50{Barking orders / Stern} Get going!
51{[Busy] You'll get yer pay. Hold on. / Irritated} You'll get your pay. Hold on.
52{Angry} Get out of here.
53{Angry} Scram.
54{Angry} You're in my way.
55{Irritated / Irritated} Well?
56{Irritated / Irritated} Out with it.


60RETravelSC01_Stage10_SkylanesIntro{Hey, buddy! You lookin' to earn some caps? / Friendly} Hey, buddy! You looking to earn some caps?Player Default: Sure.A
61{Hey, sister! You lookin' to earn some caps? / Friendly} Hey, sister! You looking to earn some caps?Player Default: Sure.A
57Player Default: Sure.{Then I got the job for you. / Friendly} Then I've got the job for you.Ness: I've got a lead on a crash site. Big old jet. That much scrap could be worth a lot to the right buyer.A1a
58Player Default: Not interested.{Annoyed, disappointed. / Depressed} Your loss.B1a
59Player Default: Depends on the job.{Friendly} Hear me out.Ness: I've got a lead on a crash site. Big old jet. That much scrap could be worth a lot to the right buyer.X1a
63RETravelSC01_Stage20_SkylanesIntroRestart{Curious, bemused. / Amused} Change your mind?Player Default: Yeah, I'll hear you out.A
62Player Default: Yeah, I'll hear you out.{Ya won't regret it. / Friendly} You won't regret it.Ness: I've got a lead on a crash site. Big old jet. That much scrap could be worth a lot to the right buyer.A1a
64RETravelSC01_Stage20_SkylanesLeadIn{I got a lead on a crash site. Big ol' jet. That much scrap could be worth a lot to the right buyer. / Friendly} I've got a lead on a crash site. Big old jet. That much scrap could be worth a lot to the right buyer.Ness: Trouble is, some Raiders are holed up in it. Help me run them off, and I'll give you a cut of the profit.A1a
65Ness: I think I'd better find another lead. See you around.{Trouble is, some Raiders are holed up in it. Help me run 'em off, and I'll give ya' a cut of the profit. / Neutral} Trouble is, some Raiders are holed up in it. Help me run them off, and I'll give you a cut of the profit.Ness: How about 50 caps? Sound fair?A1a
66{Irritated / Irritated} *Hmph*A1a
67{Annoyed, disappointed. / Depressed} Suit yourself.A3a
68Player Default: The Skylanes wreck? I've been there.{Surprised, cautiously. / Surprised} You have? Well, I think I can still get something out of it.Ness: Trouble is, some Raiders are holed up in it. Help me run them off, and I'll give you a cut of the profit.A1a
69Player Default: Your loss.{[Startled, surprised.] What? Thought I was the only one who... / Surprised} What? I thought I was the only one who...A1a
70{[Chuckles, amused at the coincidence] Of all the luck... well, ya beat me to it, fair and square. Saved me some time chasing an empty plane, too. / Amused} Of all the luck... well, you beat me to it, fair and square. Saved me some time chasA1b
71{[Amused at the coincidence] I think I'd better find another lead. See ya 'round. / Amused} I think I'd better find another lead. See you around.Ness: Trouble is, some Raiders are holed up in it. Help me run them off, and I'll give you a cut of the profit.A1c
72RETravelSC01_Stage30_SkylanesMain{How 'bout fifty caps? Sound fair? [Making a lowball offer] / Question} How about 50 caps? Sound fair?Player Default: Sounds fair.A1a
73Player Default: Sounds fair.{All right. There's a li'l ridge just south of the crash site. Meet me there, and we'll take 'em on together. / Grateful} All right. There's a little ridge just south of the crash site. Meet me there, and we'll take them on together.A1a
74Player Default: Come on. Make it worth my time.{Bargaining / Neutral} 100.Player Default: Sounds fair.X1a
75Player Default: Come on. Make it worth my time.{[Grudgingly] One-fifty. / Irritated} 150.Player Default: Sounds fair.X2a
76Player Default: Come on. Make it worth my time.{Bargaining, Grudgingly / Irritated} You drive a hard bargain, friend. 200. That's my final offer.Player Default: Sounds fair.X3a
77Player Default: Come on. Make it worth my time.{Look, there are other mercs out there. You gonna take the job or not? / Irritated} Look, there are other mercs out there. You going to take the job or not?Player Default: Sounds fair.X4a
78Player Default: Come on. Make it worth my time.{Annoyed / Irritated} Don't think too long, or there won't be anything left to salvage.X5a
79{[Annoyed] You decide you want in, meet me on the ridge just south of the crash site, and we'll take them on together. / Irritated} If you decide you want in, meet me on the ridge just south of the crash site, and we'll take them on togetherX5b
80Player Default: How many Raiders?{Neutral} Not sure. I stopped counting when they started shooting. Maybe eight or ten.Y1a
81{Now, you in or not? / Question} Now, are you in or not?Player Default: Sounds fair.Y1b
82-{Hello? You feelin' all right?} Hello? You feeling all right?
83{Outta my way. [Irritated] / Irritated} Out of my way.
84{See ya' at the crash site. / Friendly} See you at the crash site.
85{Friendly} Don't wait up.
86{Meet ya' there. Don't be late. / Friendly} Meet you there. Don't be late.
87{See ya 'round. / Amused} See you around.