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This is a transcript for dialogue with Slag (leader of the Forged).


1DN121_ForgeSceneJake: You said we'd be raiding outside of the Commonwealth. These people aren't even a threat to us!{Angry} Prove to me that you can kill. It's him or you.Jake: Oh god, what do I do, what do I do?A1a
2Slag: If he tries to leave, kill him.{Thinking} You must be pretty strong to make it here.Slag: See Jake, here's someone who might actually be worth my time. Unlike you.A1a
3Prisoner1: Help!{Confident} If he tries to leave, kill him.Slag: See Jake, here's someone who might actually be worth my time. Unlike you.A1a
4Prisoner1: Help!{Confident} If she tries to leave, kill her.Slag: See Jake, here's someone who might actually be worth my time. Unlike you.A2a
5Player Default: Most of them were never going to be worth forging in the first place.{Conspiratorial} See Jake, here's someone who might actually be worth my time. Unlike you.Jake: But- but I brought everything you asked for.A1a
6Player Default: It was easy.{Irritated} Most of them were never going to be worth forging in the first place.Slag: See Jake, here's someone who might actually be worth my time. Unlike you.A1a
7Player Default: Oh, were those your guys? I thought they were just trying to throw me a barbeque.{Impressed} Ha! I like your style stranger. Been a while since anyone had the guts to talk to me like that.Slag: See Jake, here's someone who might actually be worth my time. Unlike you.X1a
8Player Default: Who are you supposed to be?{Impressed} I'm Slag, and we are the Forged. And you, stranger - you're somebody with some guts. I like that.Slag: See Jake, here's someone who might actually be worth my time. Unlike you.Y1a
9Jake: But- but I brought everything you asked for.{Disgust} Stealing things from your family farm doesn't prove your strength boy.Slag: Though this wonderful sword you brought does put me in the mood to give you one last chance to prove your worth.A1a
10Slag: Stealing things from your family farm doesn't prove your strength boy.{Thinking} Though this wonderful sword you brought does put me in the mood to give you one last chance to prove your worth.A1a
11{SinisterSmile} Kill that prisoner and prove that you aren't completely useless.Jake: You said we'd be raiding outside of the Commonwealth. These people aren't even a threat to us!A1b
12Prisoner1: Please, let me go!{Irritated} What's it gonna be, Jake?Jake: But if I don't they'll kill me.A1a
13Prisoner1: Please, let me go!{Stern} Prove to me you're worth forging.Jake: But if I don't they'll kill me.A2a
14Prisoner1: Please, let me go!{Irritated} This man is nothing to you.Jake: But if I don't they'll kill me.A3a
15Prisoner1: Please, let me go!{Disgust} This is your final warning, Jake. Do it!Jake: But if I don't they'll kill me.A4a
16Prisoner1: Please, let me go!{SinisterSmile} Times up.Jake: But if I don't they'll kill me.A5a
17Jake: He's not even armed!{Disgust} If you aren't strong enough to kill, then you aren't worth our time. Now do it!Player Default: Walk away Jake, you don't have to do this.B1a
18DN121_ForgeSceneFamilyPlayer Default: Just- I don't know. I just can't ever manage to live up to his expectations.{Disgust} You don't need them, they make you weak.Jake: Did he really send you here to find me?Y1a
19DN121_ForgeScenePlayerLeaves{Angry} Kill him!A1a
20{Angry} Kill her!A2a
21DN121_ForgeScenePrisonerKillJake: There, I did what you asked. God I think I'm going to be sick{SinisterSmile} Good. Now - kill the stranger.A1a
22DN121_ForgeScenePrisonerKillPlayerJake: Oh god!{Irritated} Well, at least someone here had the balls.A1a
23{Angry} Unfortunately for you, it wasn't your kill to take, stranger.Slag: Kill him!A1b
24DN121_JakeChangesMindJake: I don't want to join the Forged, I just want to go home.{Stern} Last chance, Jake. If you don't kill the prisoner before I count to three it's over.Slag: One.A1a
25Slag: Last chance, Jake. If you don't kill the prisoner before I count to three it's over.{Irritated} One.Prisoner1: Help!A1a
26Prisoner1: Help!{Angry} Two.Slag: Three.A1a
27Slag: Two.{Disgust} Three.A1a
28-And then Atom said, "There must be a sacrifice!"
29{Angry} Kill the interloper!
30{Conspiratorial} We're your family now Jake. You don't need them.