Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki
(Det. Perry's holotape)
{Corrupt Detective Perry leaving a message for his cousin} Jack this is Perry. What's taking you so long, coz? You should have moved more than half of this stuff by now!A1a
2I've got that sanctimonious prick McDonnell breathing down my neck. Partner my ass...A1b
3We gotta get this stuff out of here and skip town before Reise catches on.A1c
4We'll let his dumbass take the fall for this, then come back in a week or so and say our grandma was having health problems down in New York.A1d
5{You are getting caught by Reise who overhead you plan to betray him. You both then kill each other.} Just make sure you're ready tonight and- who's there? You better show yourself asshole!A1e