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This is a transcript for dialogue with raiders in the Parsons State Insane Asylum.


1-{Happy} You can't hurt me!
2{Happy} I'm invincible!
3{Happy} I'll tear you limb from limb!
4{Angry} We've got to hold them off until Lefty finishes downstairs!
5{Angry} This is our score.
6{SinisterSmile} We already killed everybody else. Why not you, too?
7{muttering to yourself / Afraid} ...this is bullshit... stuck here in creepsville while everyone else gets the good loot...
8{muttering to yourself / Nervous} ...don't even know what we're doing here... rest of 'em probably already bugged out, didn't even bother to tell us...
9{muttering to yourself / Nervous} ...What's taking them so long? I hate this place...
10{muttering to yourself / Disgust} ...Lefty better share out fair like he said...
11{muttering to yourself / Nervous} ...ghosts aren't real... everybody knows that...
12{muttering to yourself / Nervous} ...Lefty's gotten awful twitchy since he's been on that new juice... up and killed Joe the other day, for no reason... laughin' about it, too...
13{Angry} How'd you get in here?
14{Angry} What, did those morons out front just let you walk right in?
15{Disgust} Where do you assholes keep coming from?
16{Afraid} I'm coming to see what that was! So if you're like a ghost or whatever just leave me alone!
17{Nervous} If I find you, I'm putting a fucking bullet in your head! I don't care if you're already dead!
18{Nervous} I'm sure I heard something this time.
19{Nervous} I guess I'll go check that out.
20{Nervous} I'm starting to think I'm just hearing things.
21{Nervous} Shit, not again.