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This is a transcript for dialogue with raiders in the Corvega assembly plant.


Male raider 1[]

1DN024_RaiderSittingScene{Concerned} Hey, you got a second?RaiderTalkToSit: Everything all right?A1a
2RaiderTalkToSit: Everything all right?{Concerned} The turret downstairs has been firing on and off. I sent the new recruit down there to check it out, but that was 10 minutes ago.RaiderTalkToSit: Why don't you go down there yourself? I have orders to stay here.A1a
3RaiderTalkToSit: Why don't you go down there yourself? I have orders to stay here.{Stern} Stay here and do what? Get your ass down there and see what's going on. The last thing we need is to lose another turret.A1a
4DN024_StairwellScene{Worried} It's getting worse, another recruit died last night. A feral got him good.RaiderStairwell02: The turrets didn't stop them?A1a
5RaiderStairwell02: The turrets didn't stop them?{Worried} No, the feral didn't come from the pipe access down below. Nobody knows how it got in.RaiderStairwell02: Think someone let it in?A1a
6RaiderStairwell02: Think someone let it in?{Concerned} Nah, don't think so. I swear, someone needs to go through and board up every crack and opening they find in this place.A1a
7{Concerned} Anyway, gotta get going. Good luck and be safe.RaiderStairwell02: You too. See you around.A1b

Male raider 2[]

8DN024_RaiderSittingSceneRaiderSitting: Hey, you got a second?{Puzzled} Everything all right?RaiderSitting: The turret downstairs has been firing on and off. I sent the new recruit down there to check it out, but that was 10 minutes ago.A1a
9RaiderSitting: The turret downstairs has been firing on and off. I sent the new recruit down there to check it out, but that was 10 minutes ago.{Irritated} Why don't you go down there yourself? I have orders to stay here.RaiderSitting: Stay here and do what? Get your ass down there and see what's going on. The last thing we need is to lose another turret.A1a
10DN024_StairwellSceneRaiderStairwell01: It's getting worse, another recruit died last night. A feral got him good.{Concerned} The turrets didn't stop them?RaiderStairwell01: No, the feral didn't come from the pipe access down below. Nobody knows how it got in.A1a
11RaiderStairwell01: No, the feral didn't come from the pipe access down below. Nobody knows how it got in.{Question} Think someone let it in?RaiderStairwell01: Nah, don't think so. I swear, someone needs to go through and board up every crack and opening they find in this place.A1a
12RaiderStairwell01: Anyway, gotta get going. Good luck and be safe.{Concerned} You too. See you around.A1a