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This is a transcript for dialogue with Library announcer in Boston Public Library.


1DN011EmployeeScenePlayer Default: My ID number is, um...123456?Welcome, Mr. Mayor. Please enjoy your visit.A1a
2Mind the mess. We are currently undergoing maintenance.A1b
3Player Default: My ID number is, um...123456?Employee ID not recognized. Please check your credentials.Player Default: My ID number is, um...123456?A2a
4Player Default: I don't know my ID number.Your employee ID number can be found on your personnel badge.Player Default: My ID number is, um...123456?B1a
5DN011EntranceScenePlayer Default: I work here, let me in.Please provide your six-digit employee ID number.Player Default: My ID number is, um...123456?A1a
6Player Default: I don't have time for this. I'm going in.The Library is currently closed.B1a
7Trespassing is a criminal offense, and could result in personal injury and/or death. You have been advised.B1b
8Player Default: Matter of fact, I do have an appointment. Made it 200 years ago. Asshole.I'm sorry, but there are no appointments scheduled for today. Please call and book an appointment for a later date. Thank you.Player Default: I work here, let me in.X1a
9Player Default: Why is the library closed?{jab in <TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES> as if it's one of several possible problems that may get dubbed into this computerized message.} The Library is experiencing some technical difficulties. Please check our hotline for more details.Player Default: I work here, let me in.Y1a
10The Library is currently closed.Player Default: I work here, let me in.A
11Welcome to the Boston Public Library. The Library is currently closed.A1a
12Only employees and those with a scheduled appointment may enter. All other guests are invited to return during normal business hours.Player Default: I work here, let me in.A1b
13DN011SecurityBreachDoneSceneSecurity breach neutralized. Visitors may now come and go as they please. All employees please return to work.A1a
14DN011SecurityBreachRearEntranceSceneAttention. Security breach near rear entrance. Visitors and employees are advised to seek cover and remain calm.A1a
15DN011SecurityBreachSubwayEntranceSceneAttention. Security breach near subway entrance. Visitors and employees are advised to seek cover and remain calm.A1a
16-You may enter, Mr. Hildenbrand. Have a nice day.A