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This is a transcript for dialogue with Gunners in Greenetech Genetics.


Male Gunner[]

1DN009_MQ205_CourserKillPrisoner01Courser: I don't believe you are.{Afraid} Oh God...please, no.GunnerPrisoner01: No, please, you don't have to do this.A1a
2DN009_MQ205_CourserKillPrisoner02Courser: Tell me.{Afraid} Oh God, oh God...GunnerPrisoner02: Okay okay! Just don't shoot. Let me think.A1a
3GunnerPrisoner02: Oh God, oh God...{Afraid} Okay okay! Just don't shoot. Let me think.Courser: You obviously don't know.A1a
4-Please, don't hurt me.
5I don't want to die.
6Don't shoot.

Male Gunner[]

1DN009_IntercomBoss01The Courser's on the second floor. Kill on sight. Send reinforcements to the Lobby in case there are more.A1a
2DN009_IntercomBoss02What's going on down there? How many are we dealing with?A1a
3DN009_IntercomBoss03The Courser is now on the third floor. Reports of the second intruder in the east wing near the courtyard.A1a
4DN009_IntercomBoss04Barricade stairwells and hallways if you haven't already.A1a
5DN009_IntercomBoss05We've lost contact with sectors two and four.A1a
6DN009_IntercomBoss06Fall back to original positions, the Courser's nearing the elevator!A1a
7DN009_IntercomBoss07The Courser's after the girl. Anyone alive needs to get up to the top floor immediately. That's an order!A1a
8DN009_MQ205_CourserGunnerBoss01Courser: Tell me the password.{Afraid} Look, I already told you I don't have it.A1a
9{Nervous} I'll help you find a way in, but listen, we took the girl fair and square. All we want is a little compensation in return.Courser: You are in no position to negotiate.A1b
10Courser: You are in no position to negotiate.{Afraid} Okay, okay, let me think...Courser: Time's running out.A1a
11Courser: Time's running out.{Afraid} No please, wait. You can have the girl, just let me go.A1a
12DN009_MQ205_CourserKillPrisoner01{Afraid} I don't know the password. I'm telling the truth!Courser: I don't believe you are.A1a
13GunnerPrisoner02: Oh God...please, no.{Afraid} No, please, you don't have to do this.A1a
14-Get away from me.
15If you're going to kill me, then do it!
17Please, don't hurt me.
18I don't want to die.
19Don't shoot.