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This is a transcript for dialogue with DMV bot C1.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 BoS02_1400_QueuedWithC1 001869E8 Mandatory second coffee break in progress. Read all these lines to play up bureaucratic annoyance, should invite a laugh
2 001869F9 Ending in: 5. 4. 3. 2. 1.
3 00186B00 Coffee break terminated.
4 00186B0D Reinitialize query.
5 001D8391 DMV-AT-21C and associated paperwork identified, A3.
6 00186B03 Scanning...
7 001869E4 Scanning...
8 00186B0B ERROR ID: 34B/1. Valid birth certificate required.
9 001570CD Consult the helpful Error Assistance entries on the Application Terminal.
10 0015713D Have a nice day.
11 00186B1A Department C is currently busy.
12 BoS02_1600_FullPaperWork 00157165 Paper work identified. Read all these lines to play up bureaucratic annoyance, should invite a laugh
13 00157138 Scanning...
14 00156144 Scanning...
15 001D8397 Everything is in order. Proceed to the photography station to receive your Government ID card.
16 001D8399 Have a nice day!
17 00186B19 Greetings, A3.
18 001D839A Cannot proceed, A3. Error Code 34B/1.
19 001D839B Please wait for your number to be called. Have a nice day.
20 001D839C J47 detected. Cannot process your request while J47 is present.
21 001E095A Greetings. Department C requires patron to re-queue to be helped.
22 Grab a new number and wait in our well appointed lobby until it is called.
23 Have a nice day.
24 004E4587 Patrons are required to take a number and wait for the Automated Number Terminal to call their number before being serviced.
25 Have a nice day!