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This is a transcript for dialogue with Vault 88 settler, candidate 2.


1DLC06MQ03_600_CandidateTwoOverseer: Hello. Welcome to Vault 88.{SinisterSmile} This is a really nice place you have here. Real nice. And I can go wherever I like, right?Overseer: Within reason, yes. But I have a question for you.A1a
2Overseer: Within reason, yes. But I have a question for you.{SinisterSmile} Sure, sure. What do you want to know?Overseer: A hypothetical. Let's say the reactor core is melting down and you're the only one who could stop it.A1a
3Overseer: A hypothetical. Let's say the reactor core is melting down and you're the only one who could stop it.{Suspicious} Is there something wrong with your reactor?Overseer: No, no, it's fine. It's just pretend.A1a
4Overseer: So you can stop the meltdown, but you'd suffer from extreme radiation exposure. What would you do?{SinisterSmile} Well, whatever you'd like. If you don't mind, I'm anxious to look around.Player Default: Give the Overseer's question some thought and really answer it.A1a
5Player Default: Give the Overseer's question some thought and really answer it.{Thinking} Huh. Fine. You want me to jump in a reactor for you guys? Please.A1a
6{Irritated} Nobody's going to do that.Player Default: Give the Overseer's question some thought and really answer it.A1b
7Player Default: Give the Overseer's question some thought and really answer it.{Thinking} As long as you guys are on the level, I'll give this thing a try. Honest.Overseer: I appreciate your candor. You can stay, but you're not what we're looking for.A2a
8Player Default: That's it. You're out of the Vault.{Disgust} Fine, so that's how it's going to be?Overseer: I suppose we should expect the occasional miscreant. I concur in your assessment.B1a
9Player Default: If you're thinking about ripping us off, don't.{Pleading} Listen, it's hell up there. If you really give me food and a place to stay, I'll be good.X1a
10{Apologetic} Just don't go expecting me to jump in a reactor for you.Player Default: Give the Overseer's question some thought and really answer it.X1b
11Player Default: If you're thinking about ripping us off, don't.{Irritated} I can see the writing on the wall here.Overseer: You won't work for our special assignment, but we can provide you a home.X2a
12Player Default: Why are you here?{Conspiratorial} Just come here to lend a hand, right? I want to... do whatever it takes to help out.Player Default: Give the Overseer's question some thought and really answer it.Y1a
13DLC06MQ03_ReactCandidatesClem: I'll wait as long as I have to, ma'am.{Impressed} Look at all this. Nice.A1a
14-{Thinking} I might give this Vault living a real try. Huh.
15{Thinking} This place might not be so bad.
16{Disgust} I'm going, I'm going.
17{Impressed} I didn't know what to expect. Certainly not this.
18{Impressed} Very nice set up you got here.