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This is a transcript for dialogue with Phil Roller.


1PhilAlignmentAHS-1{AHS-1 is said "AHS one" without the dash. / Question} Our newest member. Welcome AHS-1. Are you ready to do battle with your neurodynes?Phil: We ask for a modest commitment of 100 caps for this alignment.A
2Player Default: No, not yet. I'll come back later.{Happy} You have just begun your journey toward enlightenment and true happiness.B1a
3{Stern} Don't give up on it now. Come back soon.B1b
4Player Default: I thought we were friends? You wouldn't charge a friend, would you?{Puzzled} I suppose we are friends. Okay, but this is the last time.X1a
5{Confident} Sit in the zeta aligner.X1b
6Player Default: I thought we were friends? You wouldn't charge a friend, would you?{Apologetic} I'm afraid I must insist.X2a
7{Question} You do want to free your mind and find greater happiness, don't you?Player Default: I am ready.X2b
8Player Default: What exactly do neurodynes do?{Confident} The human mind has unlimited potential.Y1a
9{Apologetic} But neurodynes prevent us from reaching it.Y1b
10{Confident} The zeta radiation we administer in an alignment will destroy some of them.Player Default: I am ready.Y1c
11Player Default: What exactly do neurodynes do?{Friendly} The spirits of the dead are constantly trying to influence us.Y2a
12{Friendly} They reach into our brains and alter our chemistry to create neurodynes.Y2b
13{Friendly} Zeta radiation destroys some of the neurodynes and drives the spirits away, but only for a short time.Player Default: I am ready.Y2c
14MaleEvenToned: Our newest member. Welcome AHS-1. Are you ready to do battle with your neurodynes?{Apologetic} We ask for a modest commitment of 100 caps for this alignment.A1a
15{Apologetic} You'll take a bit more rads than last time, so make sure you are healthy before taking this alignment.Player Default: I am ready.A1b
16PhilAlignmentAHS-2{AHS-2 is said "AHS two" without the dash. / Impressed} You are doing well AHS-2. In your last alignment I saw unhealthy attachments to suppressors.Phil: Very difficult to treat. However, you'll only need to donate 250 caps.A
17MaleEvenToned: You are doing well AHS-2. In your last alignment I saw unhealthy attachments to suppressors.{Concerned} Very difficult to treat. However, you'll only need to donate 250 caps.A1a
18{Apologetic} Of course the rad dosage is a bit higher too.Player Default: I am ready.A1b
19Player Default: No, not yet. I'll come back later.{Confident} I worry about the influence of those suppressors. Don't wait too long.B1a
20Player Default: What are suppressors?{Concerned} Those are the people in your life that are suppressing your talents and abilities.Y1a
21{Apologetic} They are riddled with neurodynes like you used to be.Y1b
22{Concerned} Their brain waves can trigger excess neurodyne activity in you.Y1c
23{Concerned} I strongly recommend you avoid them.Player Default: I am ready.Y1d
24Player Default: What are suppressors?{Concerned} Almost everyone in the Commonwealth is a suppressor, but some are worse than others.Y2a
25{Worried} Anyone that tried to convince you of the rightness of their cause is almost certainly a suppressor.Y2b
26{Concerned} We usually recommend limiting your contact with people who are not hubologists.Player Default: I am ready.Y2c
27PhilAlignmentAHS-3{AHS-3 is said "AHS three" without the dash. / Stern} Welcome back AHS-3. It is time for a fresh alignment.Phil: We'll be treating more deeply rooted neurodynes. You'll need to donate 500 caps.A
28MaleEvenToned: Welcome back AHS-3. It is time for a fresh alignment.{Concerned} We'll be treating more deeply rooted neurodynes. You'll need to donate 500 caps.A1a
29{Apologetic} The radiation is also strong, so make sure your rads are low.Player Default: I am ready.A1b
30Player Default: No, not yet. I'll come back later.{Worried} You are only an AHS-3. You are still highly susceptible to suppressors. Please be careful out there.B1a
31Player Default: How many more alignments do I need?{Concerned} It's hard to say. Probably until The Hub's grand plan begins.Player Default: I am ready.Y1a
32Player Default: How many more alignments do I need?{Apologetic} The details are restricted to AHS-6 and above.Y2a
33{Awed} But I can tell you that it will end the need for alignments. We will be forever protected from the neurodynes of malignant spirits.Player Default: I am ready.Y2b
34PhilAlignmentAHS-4{AHS-4 is said "AHS four" without the dash. / Impressed} It's good to see you AHS-4. You are progressing quickly.Phil: I'm sure the Star Father is impressed.A
35MaleEvenToned: It's good to see you AHS-4. You are progressing quickly.{Happy} I'm sure the Star Father is impressed.A1a
36{Apologetic} We need to probe deeper, and you will have to take more rads.A1b
37{Confident} It will take a donation of 1000 caps for this alignment.Player Default: I am ready.A1c
38Player Default: No, not yet. I'll come back later.{Worried} You are doing so well! It breaks my heart to see you so close to true enlightenment only to be distracted. Come back soon.B1a
39Player Default: Who is this Star Father?{Awed} Our founder, The Hub, made contact with the Star Father long ago.Y1a
40{Awed} He lives on the distant planet Quetzal in the constellation of Zyphus.Y1b
41{Awed} He is the source of all enlightenment through the alignments he taught The Hub.Player Default: I am ready.Y1c
42Player Default: Who is this Star Father?{Confident} The tools are manmade, but the process is a gift from the Star Father through his prophet, The Hub.Player Default: I am ready.Y2a
43PhilAlignmentAHS-5{AHS-5 is said "AHS five" without the dash. / Surprised} Is it time for another alignment already AHS-5?Phil: You are about to be blessed by the Star Father.A
44MaleEvenToned: Is it time for another alignment already AHS-5?{Awed} You are about to be blessed by the Star Father.A1a
45{Irritated} Although if it were up to me, you would wait. You are rising too quickly.A1b
46{Stern} This is an even deeper probe with even more rads than last time. A donation of 2500 caps will cover it.Player Default: I am ready.A1c
47Player Default: No, not yet. I'll come back later.{Worried} If you must wait, wait here with us.B1a
48{Worried} The outside world will bring you into contact with suppressive influences.B1b
49{Worried} I'd hate to undo all the work we've accomplished so far.B1c
50Player Default: Can you tell me more about the Star Father?{Awed} He is the source of life on Earth. We are all his descendants.Y1a
51{Sad} But we have lost our way, led astray by the neurodynes.Y1b
52{Awed} But that will all end with The Hub's grand plan.Y1c
53Player Default: Can you tell me more about the Star Father?{Apologetic} You are not ready for that mystery yet AHS-5. Maybe next time.Y2a
54{Awed} But rest assured, The Hub received guidance from the Star Father.Y2b
55{Confident} We all have a place in his grand plan.Player Default: I am ready.Y2c
56PhilAlignmentAHS-6{AHS-6 is said "AHS six" without the dash. / Surprised} Back already AHS-6?Phil: I've told Dara that you are rising too quickly. Even Cleansed didn't promote this quickly.A
57MaleEvenToned: Back already AHS-6?{Irritated} I've told Dara that you are rising too quickly. Even Cleansed didn't promote this quickly.A1a
58{Irritated} He's been working for months to save enough caps for his next alignment.A1b
59{Confident} But I'm sure you won't have any problems donating 5000 caps.Player Default: I am ready.A1c
60Player Default: I am ready.{Neutral} Then please sit in the Zeta Aligner.A1a
61Player Default: I am ready.{Apologetic} This isn't enough. Come back when you have the caps.A2a
62Player Default: No, not yet. I'll come back later.{Worried} You risk undoing all of your hard work so far.B1a
63{Worried} Just stay away from suppressors and don't wait too long for your next alignment.B1b
64Player Default: More caps? You're all a bunch of nutjobs if you think I'm paying that. I quit.{Disgust} You are no better than the other tainted minds. You are destined to be nothing but rim meat.X1a
65Player Default: Can you tell me about The Hub's plan now?{Happy} Now that you are AHS-6, you are ready.Y1a
66{Awed} The Hub persuaded the Star Father to let the true faithful live with him on the planet Quetzal.Y1b
67{Awed} We need to show our devotion by constantly fighting the influences of the neurodynes and suppressors.Player Default: I am ready.Y1c
68Player Default: Can you tell me about The Hub's plan now?{Awed} In a spaceship of course.Y2a
69{Awed} The Star Father provided the co-ordinates of Quetzal to The Hub.Y2b
70{Confident} But it's up to us to provide the means. Our hard work shows our commitment to him and our worthiness to sit by his side.Player Default: I am ready.Y2c
71PhilAlignmentAHS-7MaleEvenToned: I cannot help you.{Apologetic} Dara has said your treatment must wait until we have achieved our goal.A1a
72{Apologetic} Once we have control of the junkyard you can receive another alignment.A1b
73MaleEvenToned: I cannot help you.{Irritated} It's taken me years to master the rank of AHS-7.A2a
74{Angry} Yet Dara refuses to promote me. Me! Her most loyal follower.A2b
75{Disgust} But you. You come in here and she fawns all over you.A2c
76{Depressed} She's going to replace me, I know it. Go on. Go to Dara. Only she can promote you to AHS-8.A2d
77PhilAlignmentUnitiated{Question} Are you ready to throw off the shackles of your neurodynes?Phil: Hubology takes commitment. A small donation of 50 caps shows your commitment to self-improvement.A
78Player Default: No, not yet. I'll come back later.{Big sigh before speaking. / Worried} If you let it go on too long, the neurodynes will just build up in you mind, clouding your abilities.B1a
79Player Default: Isn't the first one supposed to be free?{Thinking} I suppose I can do that.X1a
80{Confident} Have a seat in the Zeta Aligner.X1b
81Player Default: Isn't the first one supposed to be free?{Irritated} That would not show the proper commitment on your part.Player Default: I am ready.X2a
82Player Default: What are neurodynes?{Concerned} Neurodynes build up in your brain, clouding your ability to think.Y1a
83{Happy} After an alignment, you will think more clearly and be happier.Player Default: I am ready.Y1b
84Player Default: What are neurodynes?{Confident} You are strapped into the chair and your central nervous system is pumped full of zeta radiation.Y2a
85{Confident} This destroys some of the neurodynes. However, over time, they will build up again without further treatment.Player Default: I am ready.Y2b
86MaleEvenToned: Are you ready to throw off the shackles of your neurodynes?{Stern} Hubology takes commitment. A small donation of 50 caps shows your commitment to self-improvement.A1a
87{Stern} You will take some rads during the procedure, so make sure you are healthy before starting.Player Default: I am ready.A1b
88PhilDoAlignment{Confident} Let me start up the zeta rays.Phil: Okay, locking onto the neurodynes.A1a
89Phil: Let me start up the zeta rays.{Confident} Okay, locking onto the neurodynes.A1a
90{Concerned} There are so many of them! What have you been doing?Phil: Good. The zeta rays are withering them.A1b
91Phil: Let me start up the zeta rays.{Confident} Locking onto the neurodynes.A2a
92{Concerned} You seem to have gathered almost as many as I removed before.Phil: Good. The zeta rays are withering them.A2b
93Phil: Let me start up the zeta rays.{Confident} Neurodynes are locked.Phil: Good. The zeta rays are withering them.A3a
94Phil: There are so many of them! What have you been doing?{Happy} Good. The zeta rays are withering them.A1a
95{Apologetic} Well, some of them at least.Phil: And we're done. For now. You'll need many more treatments.A1b
96Phil: There are so many of them! What have you been doing?{Concerned} You really should be more careful about the company you keep.Phil: And we're done. For now. You'll need many more treatments.A2a
97Phil: There are so many of them! What have you been doing?{Happy} The zeta rays are destroying them.Phil: And we're done. For now. You'll need many more treatments.A3a
98Phil: There are so many of them! What have you been doing?{Happy} I like watching them squirm and die.Phil: And we're done. For now. You'll need many more treatments.A4a
99Phil: There are so many of them! What have you been doing?{Concerned} These are more active than normal.A5a
100{Relieved} There they go. All gone now.Phil: And we're done. For now. You'll need many more treatments.A5b
101Phil: There are so many of them! What have you been doing?{Happy} 25 percent... 50 percent... 75 percent... gone.Phil: And we're done. For now. You'll need many more treatments.A6a
102Phil: There are so many of them! What have you been doing?{Happy} They're trying to hide. They know the end is near. There. Gone.Phil: And we're done. For now. You'll need many more treatments.A7a
103Phil: Well, some of them at least.{Happy} And we're done. For now. You'll need many more treatments.Phil: Congratulations! You are now an AHS-1.A1a
104Phil: Well, some of them at least.{Happy} The process is complete. You are doing quite well.Phil: Congratulations! You are now an AHS-1.A2a
105Phil: And we're done. For now. You'll need many more treatments.{Happy} Congratulations! You are now an AHS-1.A1a
106{Conspiratorial} That stands for Aligned Hub Seeker. You have taken the first step in a long journey.A1b
107{Happy} Here are your robes.A1c
108Phil: And we're done. For now. You'll need many more treatments.{Impressed} Well done, AHS-2. Of course you'll need more treatments.A2a
109{Concerned} Neurodynes build up with exposure to infected people.A2b
110{Concerned} That's why we recommend only interacting with other hubologists.A2c
111Phil: And we're done. For now. You'll need many more treatments.{Impressed} You are now officially an AHS-3. Congratulations!A3a
112Phil: And we're done. For now. You'll need many more treatments.{Impressed} A newly minted AHS-4. I remember when I made that rank.A4a
113{Happy} Good times. Good times.A4b
114Phil: And we're done. For now. You'll need many more treatments.{Impressed} You're doing quite well AHS-5. I've rarely seen anyone progress this quickly.A5a
115Phil: And we're done. For now. You'll need many more treatments.{Stern} AHS-6 is a rank with many responsibilities and privileges.A6a
116{Irritated} Someday Dara will let us know what they are.A6b
117Phil: And we're done. For now. You'll need many more treatments.{Impressed} You've made it to AHS-7! Very impressive.A7a
118{Irritated} I am also an AHS-7. Although by now I should be an AHS-8.A7b
119{Irritated} Dara is dragging her feet with my promotion.A7c
120-{Angry} For the Hub!
121{Angry} The rim will grind you down!
122{Angry} The wheel will roll over you!
123{Confident} If you need an alignment, you know where to find me.
124{Apologetic} I cannot help you.


125MS02DaraJunkyardSpeechTula: I am the rim. The spoke and hub support me.{Awed} I am the rim. The spoke and hub support me.DaraHubbell: We fought a great battle today.A1a
126MS02DaraSpeechDaraHubbell: Everyone gather! Form the wheel.I am the rim. The spoke and hub support me.DaraHubbell: The time has come. The Hub's grand plan can enter its next, important phase.A1a
127-{Neutral} Dara is outside. You should really talk to her first.
128{Neutral} Talk to me if you want an alignment.
129{Disgust} I can just feel the neurodynes flooding your system. You really should get an alignment soon.
130{Concerned} Don't fall too far behind.