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This is a transcript for dialogue with Cito.


1-Cito glad Cito get to stay home.
2Cito happy family safe now.
3Cito like Pack men. They like family like Cito like family.
4{Laughing to the player} Pack men wear funny clothes. Make Cito laugh.
5Man have scary friends.
6Lady have scary friends.
7{Just learned the word terminal} New friend teach Cito to use ter-mi-nal. Cito get angry and Cito break it.
8I think new friend not teach Cito more things.
9{Just learned the word operators} Cito like Oper-ate-ors. They have lots of shiny things.
10Cito not meet many people before. Cito get shy.
11{Commanding} You tell friends not hurt family.
12{Sad / Sad} Cito make new home for family.
13Cito not know where to go. But Cito go.
14{Sad, accusatory / Sad} Cito thought man make home safe.
15{Sad, accusatory / Sad} Cito thought lady make home safe.
16{Cito just leanred the word Disciples} Cito not sure about Dis-eye-poles. But if they your friend, they Cito friend.


17DLC04CitoAngryAnacondaScenePlayer Default: Yes! Cito know!{Thinking} It big... what word? "Ride."A1a
18{Confident} Ride like big snake. Cito see from everywhere. Very big. Very snakey.A1b
19{Question} It up hill behind zoo. Maybe Doctor Man there?Player Default: Good job, Cito. I knew you'd be helpful.A1c
20Player Default: Good job, Cito. I knew you'd be helpful.{Confident} Cito help! Cito like help new friend.A1a
21Player Default: This had better not be a wild goose chase, Cito.{Irritated} Not goose, snake. New friend talk good but not listen good.B1a
22{Confident} Hope new friend find Doctor Man.B1b
23Player Default: Right, the giant roller coaster. I get it now.{Puzzled} Roll-er coast-er? New friend say strange words.X1a
24{Concerned} Hope Cito help new friend find Doctor Man.X1b
25Player Default: How did you know an Anaconda was a kind of snake, Cito?{proud / Impressed} Cito try learn words from zoo. Lots of words in zoo. Words and pictures.Y1a
26{Confident} Cito see "An-a-con-da" in house with snakes.Y1b
27{Happy} Pictures in house with snakes look like big metal snake on hill. Cito smart!Player Default: Good job, Cito. I knew you'd be helpful.Y1c
28PlayerVoiceFemale01: We find that and we can find his passcode to get into the cloning facility.{Thinking trailing off / Thinking} Sound like name of snake from old zoo.A1a
29{Eureka moment / Surprised} Oh! Maybe doctor under giant metal snake!Player Default: I'm sure you know exactly where that is, Cito.A1b
30Player Default: I'm sure you know exactly where that is, Cito.{Excited you gave information that helped the player / Happy} Yes! Cito know!CitoAlias: It big... what word? "Ride."A1a
31Player Default: You're talking nonsense. Snakes aren't made of metal.{Irritated} Not REAL snake. New friend listen to Cito. Maybe learn something.CitoAlias: It big... what word? "Ride."B1a
32Player Default: The, uh... giant metal snake. Of course.{Amused} New friend funny. How not see giant metal snake?CitoAlias: It big... what word? "Ride."X1a
33Player Default: Giant metal snake? That doesn't make much sense.{Confident} New friend not worry. Cito know.CitoAlias: It big... what word? "Ride."Y1a
34DLC04CitoBetrayedScene{Player just killed one of Cito's family members. Hurt and angry. / Angry} You kill family! No! Cito kill you!Player Default: I'm sorry Cito, it was an accident.A
35Player Default: I'm sorry Cito, it was an accident.{Sad} Cito angry new friend kill family. Cito sad new friend not friend anymore.A1a
36{Sad and angry, but not violent. Sending player away. / Sad} Leave Cito alone.A1b
37Player Default: I'm sorry Cito, it was an accident.{Leading into combat / Angry} No forgive. Cito kill!A2a
38Player Default: Deal with it, you idiot. You're next.{Leading into combat / Angry} No. Cito kill you!B1a
39Player Default: They're just gorillas, Cito. Get over it.{Leading into combat / Angry} Cito love family. New friend hurt Cito family, Cito hurt new friend!X1a
40Player Default: Is there anything I can say that will make you feel better?{Angry} Cito not know. Cito confused why new friend hurt family!Player Default: I'm sorry Cito, it was an accident.Y1a
41DLC04CitoBigMetalSnakeArrive{Excited you helped} This it! This big metal snake!A1a
42DLC04CitoCloningDoorLockedThis door Cito not know how to open.A1a
43DLC04CitoCloningFacilityScene01{Nervous} Cito never been here.A1a
44DLC04CitoCloningFacilityScene02{Nervous} Cito no like this place.A1a
45DLC04CitoCorpseTalkScenePlayerVoiceFemale01: Hmm... so it seems like the Gatorclaws, er... the Monsters, are coming from an animal cloning facility somewhere beneath Safari Adventure.{Excited the player found a clue and excited you helped. / Impressed} Shiny thing help new friend?!Player Default: Yes, it was very helpful. I just need to find the cloning facility.A1a
46Player Default: Yes, it was very helpful. I just need to find the cloning facility.{revelation / Surprised} Cito have idea!CitoAlias: Cito see Wrinkly Man come from Big Triangle House long time ago.A1a
47Player Default: This holotape is worthless, it doesn't point me to the cloning facility.{revelation / Surprised} Cito remember something!CitoAlias: Cito see Wrinkly Man come from Big Triangle House long time ago.B1a
48Player Default: Unless this "shiny thing" is about to sprout wings and lead me to the cloning facility, we're out of luck.{Amused} New friend funny. Shiny thing not bird.X1a
49{Confident} No worry, Cito can help. Cito remember something.CitoAlias: Cito see Wrinkly Man come from Big Triangle House long time ago.X1b
50Player Default: Do you know anything about a cloning facility around here?{Puzzled} New friend say strange words.Y1a
51{Confident} Cito not know what new friend want, but Cito know more about Wrinkly Man.CitoAlias: Cito see Wrinkly Man come from Big Triangle House long time ago.Y1b
52Player Default: Cito have idea!{Thinking} Cito see Wrinkly Man come from Big Triangle House long time ago.A1a
53{Struggle a bit with "cloning facility". These are words you just learned. / Concerned} Go to Big Triangle House. Find clo-ning fa-cil-ity. Stop Monsters.A1b
54{Sad} Cito come with new friend. Cito help!Player Default: Okay, I could use the help. Follow me.A1c
55Player Default: Okay, I could use the help. Follow me.{Friendly} Cito strong. Cito help new friend!A1a
56Player Default: No. Stay with your family. I've got this.{Confident} Cito stay. Cito protect family.B1a
57Player Default: If you don't mind being gator bait, sure, tag along.{Cito actually got that joke and tries to joke back / SinisterSmile} Cito not bait. Cito hook.X1a
58Player Default: Can you get your family to help us?{Chris is your biggest strongest gorilla friend. / Confident} Chris big and strong. Chris help new friend and Cito.Y1a
59{Confident} *gorilla sounds*Y1b
60Player Default: Can you get your family to help us?{Irritated} Cito no want family hurt. Cito go with new friend alone.Y2a
61DLC04CitoHeinKeyPickup{Struggle with pronunciation a bit. Excited your info helped. } Doctor man have key! We open clo-ning fa-cil-ity.A1a
62DLC04CitoIntroScenePlayer Default: Cito happy have strong friend.{Confident} You kill Monster alone. Monster strong but you stronger.A1a
63{Angry} Cito happy you kill Monster. Monster hurt Cito and Cito family.Player Default: Well, it can't hurt you anymore, Cito.A1b
64Player Default: Of course I'll help.{Happy} Cito happy you help!CitoAlias: New friend follow Cito.A1a
65Player Default: *Sigh* I knew this would be a pain in the ass.{Cito doesn't get the idiom "Pain in the ass" and took it literally / Thinking} Cito not doctor. Maybe find medicine for ass while help Cito?CitoAlias: New friend follow Cito.B1a
66Player Default: That depends. What are you offering in return?{Confident} New friend make Monster stop. Cito promise shiny thing give new friend.X1a
67{Question} Help Cito?Player Default: Of course I'll help.X1b
68Player Default: Maybe. Do you have any idea where they're coming from?{Irritated} Cito not know.CitoAlias: New friend follow Cito.Y1a
69Player Default: Sure, we can be friends.{Relieved} Cito happy have strong friend.CitoAlias: You kill Monster alone. Monster strong but you stronger.A1a
70Player Default: I don't have time for this, pal. I've got raiding to do.{Angry} You no friend! You bad man! Cito kill you!CitoAlias: You kill Monster alone. Monster strong but you stronger.B1a
71Player Default: I don't have time for this, pal. I've got raiding to do.{Angry} You no friend! You bad lady! Cito kill you!CitoAlias: You kill Monster alone. Monster strong but you stronger.B2a
72Player Default: Oh, god. Let me guess, you were raised by apes.{Puzzled} Not know "ape." Cito only know family.CitoAlias: You kill Monster alone. Monster strong but you stronger.X1a
73Player Default: Are you okay? Why are you talking like that?{Sad} Cito sorry Cito not talk good. Cito family not talk. Cito not talk to man or lady in long time.CitoAlias: You kill Monster alone. Monster strong but you stronger.Y1a
74Player Default: No. Many more Monster. No stop.{Concerned} Cito kill Monster. New Monster come. Cito kill Monster again. New Monster come again.A1a
75{Question} Monsters not stop. Help Cito stop Monsters?Player Default: Of course I'll help.A1b
76DLC04NPCMCito: Man!{Suspicious} Cito see you kill Monster. You friend?Player Default: Sure, we can be friends.A1a
77Player Default: Well, it can't hurt you anymore, Cito.{Angry} No. Many more Monster. No stop.CitoAlias: Cito kill Monster. New Monster come. Cito kill Monster again. New Monster come again.A1a
78Player Default: I can't believe you couldn't handle that thing yourself.{Irritated} Not one Monster. Many Monsters.CitoAlias: Cito kill Monster. New Monster come. Cito kill Monster again. New Monster come again.B1a
79Player Default: I have a bad feeling you're going to ask me to kill more.{Amused} You good guesser!CitoAlias: Cito kill Monster. New Monster come. Cito kill Monster again. New Monster come again.X1a
80Player Default: What the heck are those things? Are they some sort of a Deathclaw?{Puzzled} Death? Claw?Y1a
81{Nervous} Cito not know. Cito only know "death" bad and Monster bad.Player Default: Well, it can't hurt you anymore, Cito.Y1b
82Player Default: Cito happy you help!{Confident} New friend follow Cito.A1a
83{Confident} Cito show you thing. Thing to help kill Monsters.A1b
84{calling out / Suspicious} Man!CitoAlias: Cito see you kill Monster. You friend?A
85{calling out / Suspicious} Lady!CitoAlias: Cito see you kill Monster. You friend?A
86DLC04CitoMachineOff{Showing the player your home / Happy} This home. This family.CitoAlias: *Gorilla sounds*A
87DLC04CitoPrimateHouseSceneYou stop machine? Now monsters die good!A1a
88Player Default: It's okay Cito, we'll take care of your family.{Friendly} Cito like new friend.CitoAlias: Cito have story. Story help stop Monsters.A1a
89Player Default: Just get to the part where you tell me how to kill them.{Irritated} New friend not talk. New friend listen.CitoAlias: Cito have story. Story help stop Monsters.B1a
90Player Default: I hope you know somewhere to start.Cito maybe know.CitoAlias: Cito have story. Story help stop Monsters.X1a
91Player Default: Why bring me here then?{Confident} Listen to Cito.CitoAlias: Cito have story. Story help stop Monsters.Y1a
92Player Default: You say nice thing. Cito like new friend.{Confident} Now you help Cito.A1a
93{Concerned} Family in danger. Hide here from Monsters. Here only place safe.A1b
94{Concerned} Here have no food. Here have no water. Cito go outside to help family. Monster try to kill Cito.A1c
95{Concerned} Cito kill many. More Monsters come. Never stop. Cito scared Monster hurt family.Player Default: It's okay Cito, we'll take care of your family.A1d
96Player Default: Cito like new friend.{Confident} Cito have story. Story help stop Monsters.A1a
97{Confident} Cito eat with family. Wrinkly Man come inside home. Wrinkly Man hurt. Cito try help.A1b
98{Confident} Wrinkly Man say he make Monsters! Cito mad at Wrinkly Man. Monsters hurt family.A1c
99{Confident} Wrinkly Man sorry Monsters hurt family. He give Cito shiny thing. He say shiny thing help Cito stop Monsters.A1d
100{Sad} Cito try help more but Wrinkly Man die. Cito put Wrinkly Man in ground but keep shiny thing.CitoAlias: Now give shiny thing new friend. Help Cito.A1e
101Player Default: Uh... You have a lovely family, Cito.{Happy} You say nice thing. Cito like new friend.CitoAlias: Now you help Cito.A1a
102Player Default: Are you kidding me? This isn't your family, these are animals.{sounding out word / Puzzled} An-i-mal? Cito not know word.CitoAlias: Now you help Cito.B1a
103Player Default: Great. I always wanted to be best friends with a bunch of gorillas.{Happy} Cito glad new friend like family!CitoAlias: Now you help Cito.X1a
104Player Default: How did you end up being raised by these gorillas?{Sad} Cito very small when first family die. First family look like Cito.Y1a
105{Confident} Cito not die, just walk and walk. Find zoo place. Find new family.Y1b
106{Happy} New family help Cito. Give Cito food, give water. Keep Cito safe.Y1c
107{Confident} Now Cito big and strong. Cito help family fight Monsters.Player Default: Uh... You have a lovely family, Cito.Y1d
108Player Default: How did you end up being raised by these gorillas?{Sad} Cito no tell. Story make sad.Player Default: Uh... You have a lovely family, Cito.Y2a
109CitoAlias: Cito try help more but Wrinkly Man die. Cito put Wrinkly Man in ground but keep shiny thing.{Pleading} Now give shiny thing new friend. Help Cito.A1a
110DLC04NPCMCito: This home. This family.{Beckoning your Gorilla family to not attack the player. / Confident} *Gorilla sounds*A1a
111{Friendly} No worry. They not hurt you. You friend Cito mean you friend family.Player Default: Uh... You have a lovely family, Cito.A1b
112DLC04CitoTriangleHouseArriveThis big triangle house. It have door Cito never open.A1a
113DLC04CitoWrapUpScene{Question} New friend done? No more Monsters?Player Default: And they should not be coming back. Your family's safe, Cito.A
114Player Default: And they should not be coming back. Your family's safe, Cito.{Happy} Cito so happy.CitoAlias: How Cito thank new friend?A1a
115Player Default: Apart from your hideous family, yeah. I think the monsters here are gone.{Amused} New friend make bad joke. No worry, Cito think funny.CitoAlias: How Cito thank new friend?B1a
116Player Default: There will always be other Monsters. But you've seen the last of the ones that were here.{Friendly} Cito not worry. New friend teach Cito be strong. Teach Cito be brave.CitoAlias: How Cito thank new friend?X1a
117Player Default: Can't you tell?{Relieved} Cito not see more Monsters.CitoAlias: How Cito thank new friend?Y1a
118Player Default: Cito so happy.{Question} How Cito thank new friend?Player Default: Listen, Cito. You and your family have to get out of here. Mean people are coming and they might hurt you or your family.A1a
119Player Default: Listen, Cito. You and your family have to get out of here. Mean people are coming and they might hurt you or your family.{Sad} Cito sad, but Cito understand. Home too dangerous now. Cito take family and go.A1a
120{Friendly} Here, new friend take. It better shiny thing Cito save. Cito want to give.A1b
121{Friendly} Thank you, new friend. Cito always remember you.A1c
122Player Default: Sorry Cito, I've got other friends moving into the zoo, and you'll just get in the way.{Angry} You betray Cito?! You enemy now!B1a
123Player Default: I have some friends moving in here, but if you play it cool we can all get along. Can you do that?{Happy} Cito trust you. Cito like more new friends!X1a
124{Friendly} Before go, here, new friend take. It better shiny thing Cito save. Cito want to give.X1b
125{Happy} Thank you, new friend. Cito always remember you.X1c
126Player Default: I have some friends moving in here, but if you play it cool we can all get along. Can you do that?{stubborn / Irritated} Cito no trust anyone but new friend. Cito not share home!Player Default: Listen, Cito. You and your family have to get out of here. Mean people are coming and they might hurt you or your family.X2a
127Player Default: What's next for you Cito? You want to stay here, or take your family and head out to the Wasteland?{Thinking} Zoo Cito home since small. Zoo family home since forever.Y1a
128{Concerned} Cito want to stay. Waste-land not safe for Cito family or Cito.Player Default: Listen, Cito. You and your family have to get out of here. Mean people are coming and they might hurt you or your family.Y1b
129-You show Cito something?A
130Dead man have important thing?A
131Follow Cito.A
132Cito need help!
134That hurt!
135{Animal-like roar of pain} *roar*
136{Cry out in pain like a Gorilla} *Gorilla noises*
137{Battle taunt of Gorilla noises, Variation 1} *Gorilla noises*
138{Battle taunt of Gorilla noises, Variation 2} *Gorilla noises*
139{Battle taunt of Gorilla noises, Variation 3} *Gorilla noises*
140Cito crush you!
141Cito strong!
142You dead!
145Cito kill.
146Cito strong.
147Cito do good.
148Leave Cito alone...
149You good fighter.
150Cito strong. Cito protect family.
151You big help Cito. Cito thank you.
152Big metal snake. You no can miss!
153Big triangle house near gate.
154{Struggling with pronunciation} You have key. Now open clo-ning fa-cil-ity.
155Let's finish killing monsters!
156Cito can't wait to meet new friends!
157Cito will miss home.