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This is a transcript for dialogue with Mason.


1-{commanding, but speaking to an equal (has job for player) / Confident} You busy? I got something for ya.
2{sarcastic but friendly (has job for player) / Sarcastic} I could use you. If you know, you aint too busy.
3{Boss trying but failing not be sarcastic (has job for player) / Neutral} Hey Boss. You got a minute?
4{ sarcastic, but friendly (assumes player didn't come by to help) / Sarcastic} So nice of you to drop by and check in. Care to lend a hand?
5{commanding, but to an equal (has job for player) / Friendly} Got a job. Has your name written all over it.
6{commanding, but to an equal (has job for player) / Confident} Boss. I got something that requires your attention.
7{commanding, but to an equal (has job for player) / Confident} The Pack needs ya for something.
8{commanding, but to an equal (has job for player) / Confident} Hey there. You bored? Looking for something to do?
9{commanding, but to an equal (has job for player) / Amused} Heh. Come to slum it with us animals? Or you looking for something to do? 'Cause I got something.
10{commanding, but to an equal (has job for player) / Friendly} Hey, hey! if it ain't the boss-lady herself. Don't 'spose you got some time to help me out with a little something-something?
11{commanding, but to an equal (has job for player) / Friendly} Hey, hey! if it ain't the boss-man his self. Don't 'spose you got some time to help me out with a little something-something?
12{commanding, but speaking to an equal (has job for player) / Confident} You busy? I got another something for ya.
13{sarcastic but friendly (has job for player) / Sarcastic} I could use you again. If you know, you aint too busy.
14{Boss trying but failing not be sarcastic (has job for player) / Confident} Hey Boss. You got any more free time?
15{ sarcastic, but friendly (assumes player didn't come by to help) / Sarcastic} Got something lined up. Don't 'spose you want to lend another hand?
16{commanding, but to an equal (has job for player) / Confident} Got another job. Interested?
17{commanding, but to an equal (has job for player) / Confident} Boss. I got something else that requires your attention.
18{commanding, but to an equal (has job for player) / Confident} The Pack might need you for something else. What do you say?
19{commanding, but to an equal (has job for player) / Confident} Got another thing, if you want it.
20{commanding, but to an equal (has job for player) / Friendly} So. Don't 'spose you want to help me out with another little something-something?
21{commanding, but to an equal (has job for player) / Amused} I got something else. Unless you're done rooting around with us animals.


22-{talking about enslaving someone - explaining a job to the player / Irritated} Dog's out there pissing in their business. You're going to go put a leash on that pup.
23{talking about enslaving someone - explaining a job to the player / SinisterSmile} Got someone harassing them. I want to turn to the tables on that situation.
24{talking about enslaving someone - explaining a job to the player / SinisterSmile} They've made too many enemies. Need you to go make them a friend.
25{talking about enslaving someone - explaining a job to the player / SinisterSmile} They've made what they think is a powerful ally. Turns out their ally is actually working for us... well, almost. Need you to prove me right.
26{talking about enslaving someone - explaining a job to the player / SinisterSmile} They have a special friend out in the wastes. I'm jealous. I want that friend for myself.
27{talking about enslaving someone - explaining a job to the player / Irritated} They've made nice with one of my old friends, a friend that apparently needs to be taught a lesson in loyalty.
28{talking about enslaving someone - explaining a job to the player / SinisterSmile} There's someone who needs to be put in their place... By which I mean, here in Nuka-Town, licking my toes.
29{talking about enslaving someone - explaining a job to the player / Irritated} There's a dog who needs leashing.
30{talking about enslaving someone - explaining a job to the player / SinisterSmile} Need someone tamed.
31{explaining with grim satisfaction how to put a shock collar on someone... the collar explodes if they don't comply with the owners wishes / Conspiratorial} Take this Shock Collar. Sneak up and slap it on when she ain't looking. Or, beat her
32{explaining with grim satisfaction how to put a shock collar on someone... the collar explodes if they don't comply with the owners wishes / Conspiratorial} I want you to collar her. Sneak up on her or beat her into submission. Either way, s
33{explaining with grim satisfaction how to put a shock collar on someone... the collar explodes if they don't comply with the owners wishes / Conspiratorial} Take this Shock Collar. Sneak up and slap it on when he ain't looking. Or, beat him
34{explaining with grim satisfaction how to put a shock collar on someone... the collar explodes if they don't comply with the owners wishes / Conspiratorial} I want you to collar him. Sneak up on him or beat him into submission. Either way, s
35{talking about killing someone - explaining a job to the player / Angry} One of their own turned tail. We don't abandon packmates. Needs to be made an example of.
36{talking about killing someone - explaining a job to the player / Angry} One of theirs turned traitor and needs to be taught a lesson.
37{talking about killing someone - explaining a job to the player / Angry} One of their packmates stole from them and scurried off. We're going to make sure no one thinks of doing that again.
38{slyly asking the player to kill the ally of a rival gang / SinisterSmile} They got a wastelander supplying them. But not for long.
39{slyly asking the player to kill the ally of a rival gang / SinisterSmile} They got an independent fixer setting them up with the good stuff. That ain't seem fair.
40{slyly asking the player to kill the ally of a rival gang / Irritated} They got a patron in the Commonwealth who's been funding them. I'd like to redistribute some wealth. Go fetch me that patron.
41{talking about killing someone - explaining a job to the player / SinisterSmile} Some buck out in the wasteland paid us a ton of caps to take out a trouble maker. Didn't specify needing a corpse. So, I got a better idea.
42{domesticated means fallen in love with. Talking about killing someone - explaining a job to the player / Irritated} One of mine's gone and got domesticated by some cluck and abandoned the Pack. Must of forgot we're packmates for life. One w
43{talking about killing someone - explaining a job to the player / SinisterSmile} I got a loose end out in the Commonwealth. Need you to go help me tie that down.
44{talking about killing someone - explaining a job to the player / Angry} One of their own turned tail. We don't abandon packmates. Needs to be made an example of.
45{talking about killing someone - explaining a job to the player / Angry} One of theirs turned traitor and needs to be removed from the food chain.
46{talking about killing someone - explaining a job to the player / Angry} One of their packmates stole from them and scurried off. Everyone knows - you steal from the Pack, you pay with your life.
47{slyly asking the player to kill the ally of a rival gang} They got a trader working for them, bringing them the good stuff. But not for long. Hard to earn a living as a corpse.
48{slyly asking the player to kill the ally of a rival gang} They got a fixer hooking them up with goodies. Need you rip a hole in that supply train.
49{slyly asking the player to kill the ally of a rival gang / SinisterSmile} Turned one of my spies against us. Can't have people walking around thinking they can back stab me. Not without getting stabbed themselves.
50{talking about killing someone - explaining a job to the player / SinisterSmile} Some buck out in the wasteland paid us a ton of caps to take out a trouble maker. Need someone to make us good on that contract.
51{domesticated means fallen in love with. Talking about killing someone - explaining a job to the player / Irritated} One of mine's gone and got domesticated by some cluck and abandoned the Pack. Must of forgot we're packmates for life. Need
52{talking about killing someone - explaining a job to the player / Stern} I got some unfinished business in the Commonwealth. The kind best handled by a bullet to the brains.
53{explaining to player you want him to go help defend a cache of supplies destined for one of your outposts / Stern} They scraped together a cache of goodies, but they ain't in a friendly neighborhood. They could use some help with the neighb
54{explaining to player you want him to go help defend a cache of supplies destined for one of your outposts / Stern} They scored some supplies but lost their caravan. They've come under fire and need support. Normally I'd let 'em rot, but I'm
55{explaining to player you want him to go help defend a cache of supplies destined for one of your outposts / Stern} Their supply caravan got ambushed. They're hunkered down and want help. I'm feeling generous at the moment, so I'm sending gu
56{explaining to player you want him to go help defend a cache of supplies destined for one of your outposts / Irritated} Some cubs nosed up some goodies in the wastes. They also stirred up some trouble. Go bail their stupid asses out.
57{explaining to player you want him to go help defend a cache of supplies destined for one of your outposts / Irritated} One of our caravans got ambushed. They're holed up and licking their wounds, but trouble's close. Go help 'em, if they're
58{explaining to player you want him to go help defend a cache of supplies destined for one of your outposts / Stern} A trade deal went to shit - like they do. Our boys are hold up and taking fire. Go help them secure the goods.
59{slyly asking the player to go steal supplies from a rival group (and to kill any defenders) / SinisterSmile} They're having a little trouble convincing some new friends to share their stash of goodies. So we're just going to go and take it
60{slyly asking the player to go steal supplies from a rival group (and to kill any defenders) / Stern} They ran out of supplies. Normally I'd let 'em wallow in their stupidity. But I'm in a good mood today. I also know where we can borrow som
61{slyly asking the player to go steal supplies from a rival group (and to kill any defenders) / SinisterSmile} They got a sweet new cache of supplies. Trouble is, it's in the hands of someone else at the moment. Want to help 'em deal with tha
62{slyly asking the player to go steal supplies from a rival group (and to kill any defenders) / Stern} There's a cache of stuff that belongs to the Pack. The current owners think otherwise. We're going to put them in their place.
63{slyly asking the player to go steal supplies from a rival group (and to kill any defenders) / SinisterSmile} There's supplies the Pack wants that others have. What the Pack wants, the Pack goes and gets.
64{slyly asking the player to go steal supplies from a rival group (and to kill any defenders) / SinisterSmile} There's an outpost in the wastes that won't trade with us. So, we'll just go take what we want from them.
65{slyly asking the player to go steal supplies from a rival group (and to kill any defenders) / SinisterSmile} Got some rats nesting on a cache of supplies that belongs to the Pack. Care to help clean out the vermin?
66{answering question about mission: "who am I up against?" / Confident} Some Supermutants. Nothing you can't handle.
67{answering question about mission: "who am I up against?" / Confident} Supermutants.
68{answering question about mission: "who am I up against?" / Confident} Just some raider shit stains.
69{answering question about mission: "who am I up against?" / Confident} Raiders.
70{answering question about mission: "who am I up against?" / SinisterSmile} Couple Brotherhood of Steel aholes. You'll be doing the world a favor.
71{answering question about mission: "who am I up against?" / Confident} Brotherhood of Steel.
72{answering question about mission: "who am I up against?" / SinisterSmile} A handful of Minutemen. Anyone who thinks those wankers can protect them ain't never met a Pack member.
73{answering question about mission: "who am I up against?" / Confident} Minutemen.
74{answering question about mission: "who am I up against?" / SinisterSmile} Gunners. Those guys don't play nice. But neither do we.
75{answering question about mission: "who am I up against?" / Confident} Gunners.
76{answering question about mission: "who am I up against?" / Irritated} Railroad "agents." Who do those guys think they are anyway?
77{answering question about mission: "who am I up against?" / Irritated} The Railroad.
78{answering question about mission: "who am I up against?" / Sarcastic} The Institute. A bunch of scared hens hiding behind their robots.
79{answering question about mission: "who am I up against?" / Sarcastic} The Institute.
80{answering question about mission: "who am I up against?" / SinisterSmile} A nobody. Should be easy for you.
81{answering question about mission: "who am I up against?" / SinisterSmile} Just a fool. Should be easy pickin's.
82{trying to not sound annoyed. Player is coming back before finishing what you told him to do. / Stern} How's that job going? You're still doing it, right?
83{trying to not sound annoyed. Player is coming back before finishing what you told him to do. / Stern} You're still up to that little task I gave you, yeah?
84{trying to not sound annoyed. Player is coming back before finishing what you told him to do. / Stern} Don't you have something you were doing for me?
85{commanding, but to an equal - player told him he's still working on the quest. / Confident} Alright.
86{commanding, but to an equal - telling player he better hurry up and finish his part of the deal / Stern} Don't keep me waiting forever.
87{commanding, but to an equal - telling player he better hurry up and finish his part of the deal / Stern} I trust you'll get it done. Eventually.
88{commanding, but to an equal - telling player he better hurry up and finish his part of the deal / Stern} You could be out there busting heads instead of here yapping with me.
89{commanding, but to an equal l - player told him he's still working on the quest. / Confident} Good to hear.
90{setting up the explanation of a job -- one of the gang's hideouts has a problem he wants the player to solve / Neutral} Got word from one of our burrows.
91{setting up the explanation of a job -- one of the gang's hideouts has a problem he wants the player to solve / Neutral} One of our den's put out a call for aid.
92{setting up the explanation of a job -- one of the gang's hideouts has a problem he wants the player to solve / Neutral} Got a lair that need's assistance.
93{setting up the explanation of a job -- one of the gang's hideouts has a problem he wants the player to solve / Neutral} A nest out in the wastes put a call out.
94{setting up the explanation of a job -- one of the gang's hideouts has a problem he wants the player to solve / Neutral} One of the roosts got some trouble.
95{slyly, about to explain how the player can help cause trouble for the rival gangs / SinisterSmile} I want to cause a little ruckus for our so-called friends, the Operators.
96{slyly, about to explain how the player can help cause trouble for the rival gangs / Stern} I want to put those Operators in their place.
97{slyly, about to explain how the player can help cause trouble for the rival gangs / SinisterSmile} I want to cause a little ruckus for our so-called friends, the Disciples.
98{slyly, about to explain how the player can help cause trouble for the rival gangs / Stern} I want to put those Disciples in their place.
99{sarcastic, but friendly (player agrees to do the job) / Sarcastic} Well, ain't that sweet of you.
100{sarcastic, but friendly (player agrees to do the job) / Sarcastic} And here I thought I'd have to soften you up more.
101{sarcastic, but friendly (player agrees to do the job) / Sarcastic} No kiddin'? Alright then.
102{sarcastic, but friendly (player agrees to do the job) "zoo" meaning his gang members and their animals and slaves, etc. all his responsibilities / Sarcastic} I'd a done it myself, but I got my hands full with the zoo.
103{sarcastic, but friendly (player agrees to do the job) / Happy} Good! All I got on hand are pups. I need someone I can trust on this.
104{annoyed, sarcastic - but to someone who is an equal (player refuses to do the job) / Irritated} Pffft. Whatever, boss-man.
105{annoyed, sarcastic - but to someone who is an equal (player refuses to do the job) / Sarcastic} I'll root around for some other jerkoff to run my errands then.
106{annoyed, sarcastic - but to someone who is an equal (player refuses to do the job) / Sarcastic} Big boss-man has big boss-man things to do. I got ya.
107{annoyed, sarcastic - but to someone who is an equal (player refuses to do the job) / Sarcastic} Big boss-lady has big boss-lady things to do. I got ya.
108{annoyed, sarcastic - but to someone who is an equal (player refuses to do the job) / Sarcastic} Sure, boss. Ain't no fur off my ass.
109{annoyed- but to someone who is an equal (player refuses to do the job) / Irritated} Fine. I got plenty of wolves that want to earn their meat.
110{annoyed, sarcastic - but to someone who is an equal (player refuses to do the job) / Irritated} Pffft. Whatever, boss-lady.
111{annoyed, sarcastic - to someone who SUPPOSEDLY is an equal (player refuses to do the job) / Irritated} Can't find the balls to give a straight answer? I'll find someone else.
112{annoyed, sarcastic - to someone who SUPPOSEDLY is an equal (player refuses to do the job) / Irritated} Don't want to disappoint the Alpha. Alright. But I'm still taking that as a "no."
113{annoyed, sarcastic - to someone who SUPPOSEDLY is an equal (player refuses to do the job) / Irritated} Letting me down easy? Not to worry. I got plenty of other wolves who want to earn their meat.
114{annoyed, sarcastic - to someone who SUPPOSEDLY is an equal (player refuses to do the job) "Huh" to himself thinking "this guy aint so tough afterall" / Irritated} Can't bear to look me in the eye and tell me, no? Huh.
115{annoyed, sarcastic - to someone who SUPPOSEDLY is an equal (player refuses to do the job) / Irritated} Way to burrow your way outa things. Could have just said, "no."
116{talking about killing someone - explaining a job to the player / Stern} Cock's out there kicking up dust in their business. Need that bird's feather's plucked.
117{talking about killing someone - explaining a job to the player / Stern} Got someone pissing in their watering hole. Needs to be taught a lesson. A permanent one.
118{talking about killing someone - explaining a job to the player / Stern} They made enemies they shouldn't have. Normally I let fools nest in their own filth. But I'm feeling generous. Care to help take out the trash?
119{slyly asking the player to kill the ally of a rival gang / SinisterSmile} They made what they think is a powerful ally. Little do they know, alliances with corpses don't last long. If you catch my meaning.
120{slyly asking the player to kill the ally of a rival gang / SinisterSmile} They have a special friend out in the wastes. Would sure be a shame if something happened to that friend of theirs.
121{slyly asking the player to kill the ally of a rival gang / SinisterSmile} They made nice with one of my friends. I'm not feeling so friendly any more. Care to permanently end that friendship for me?
122{talking about killing someone - explaining a job to the player / Somber} Got someone who needs to be put in their place... By which I mean "put in the ground."
123{talking about killing someone - explaining a job to the player / Stern} There's a buck whose throat needs tearing out.
124{talking about killing someone - explaining a job to the player / Somber} Need someone removed from the food chain.
125{pleased - player agrees to do what you asked him (kill someone, etc.), boosting your status among your peers as an equal / better than player / Happy} Go get 'em!
126{pleased - player agrees to do what you asked him (kill someone, etc.), boosting your status among your peers as an equal / better than player / Happy} I was hoping you'd say that.
127{pleased - player agrees to do what you asked him (kill someone, etc.), boosting your status among your peers as an equal / better than player / Happy} That's what I like to hear.
128{pleased - player agrees to do what you asked him (kill someone, etc.), boosting your status among your peers as an equal / better than player / Amused} Yeah. I thought you might like that.
129{pleased - player agrees to do what you asked him (kill someone, etc.), boosting your status among your peers as an equal / better than player / Happy} Wish everyone had your thirst for the chase!
130{friendly, sarcastically nonchalantly impressed (but you are). player just told you he completed the mission (to kill someone, ambush a caravan, etc.) / Friendly} Well that didn't take long.
131{friendly, sarcastically nonchalantly impressed (but you are). player just told you he completed the mission (to kill someone, ambush a caravan, etc.) / Surprised} Back already?
132{friendly, sarcastically nonchalantly impressed (but you are). player just told you he completed the mission. "big ones" as in balls / Amused} Ain't you got the big ones.
133{friendly, sarcastically nonchalantly impressed (but you are). player just told you he completed the mission. / Friendly} Welcome back bucko.
134{friendly, impressed. player just told you he completed the mission. / Impressed} You certainly can handle your shit, can't you?
135{to underlings that could learn a thing or two from the player who just told you he completed the mission. / Confident} See people. That right there is how it's done.
136{friendly, impressed. player just told you he completed the mission. "Alpha" means "cool, the best, top dog" / Impressed} You're Alpha, alright.
137{dead pan. player just told you he completed the mission (to kill someone, ambush a caravan, etc.) / Somber} Some said you couldn't do it. I had those assholes shot... No really.
138{friendly, sarcastically nonchalantly impressed (but you are). player just told you he completed the mission (to kill someone, ambush a caravan, etc.) / Sarcastic} Back so soon? That's too bad. I didn't have time to arrange the party.
139{friendly, sarcastically nonchalantly impressed (but you are). player just told you he completed the mission (to kill someone, ambush a caravan, etc.) / Sarcastic} Welcome back. You just missed the parade we threw in your honor.
140{friendly, sarcastic. You don't think the player needs any money. He's the overboss. But fair is fair. He did do the job you asked him to. / Sarcastic} You probably expect some kind of reward? Fine. Here.
141{friendly, sarcastic. You don't think the player needs any money. He's the overboss. But fair is fair. He did do the job you asked him to. / Sarcastic} Don't spend this all in one place.
142{friendly, sarcastic. You don't think the player needs any money. He's the overboss. But fair is fair. He did do the job you asked him to. / Sarcastic} Here's a cut of the kill. I suppose you deserve it.
143{friendly, sarcastic. You don't think the player needs any money. He's the overboss. But fair is fair. He did do the job you asked him to. / Sarcastic} I don't 'spose you do things out of the kindness of your heart. So, take this and we'll c
144{friendly, sarcastic. You don't think the player needs any money. He's the overboss. But fair is fair. He did do the job you asked him to. / Amused} I can see the caps in your eyes. Here you go, you greedy mongrel.
145{friendly, sarcastic. You don't think the player needs any money. He's the overboss. But fair is fair. He did do the job you asked him to. / Sarcastic} Not sure the big boss-man needs a piddley reward. But fair's fair. Here you go.
146{friendly, sarcastic. You don't think the player needs any money. He's the overboss. But fair is fair. He did do the job you asked him to. / Sarcastic} Not sure the big boss-lady needs a piddley reward. But fair's fair. Here you go.
147{friendly, sarcastic. You don't think the player needs any money. He's the overboss. But fair is fair. He did do the job you asked him to. / Sarcastic} I hate to part with this. But, you earned it.
148{friendly, sarcastic. You don't think the player needs any money. He's the overboss. But fair is fair. He did do the job you asked him to. / Friendly} It's my job as Pack Alpha to render up the spoils. Here, consider yourself spoiled.
149{friendly, sarcastic. You don't think the player needs any money. He's the overboss. But fair is fair. He did do the job you asked him to. / Sarcastic} Add this to your pile of caps.
150{friendly, sarcastic. You don't think the player needs any money. He's the overboss. But fair is fair. He did do the job you asked him to. / Confident} Your cut.
151{annoyed, but trying to stay cool. Player is asking for a reward for helping you. "some" as in "yours" like "you'll get yours" / Confident} The rules of the Pack - you help chase down the prey, you share in the
152{annoyed, but trying to stay cool. Player is asking for a reward for helping you. He probably doesn't need the money. But whatever, he's your boss. / Confident} Of course. I'll send a little scratch your way.
153{annoyed, but trying to stay cool. Player is asking for a reward for helping you. He probably doesn't need the money. But whatever, he's your boss. / Confident} That goes without saying.
154{annoyed, but trying to stay cool. Player is asking for a reward for helping you. He probably doesn't need the money. But whatever, he's your boss. / Irritated} You hurting for caps? I find that hard to believe. But yeah. No problem. You'll


155-{arrogant and cruel / Confident} Do you know what it means to be Alpha? I do.
156{arrogant and cruel / Neutral} Am I my brother's keeper? You better believe it. You mess with one of us, you mess with all of us.
157{arrogant and cruel / Amused} The key to sitting on top is following the rules when you have to and breaking 'em when you can get away with it.
158{Neutral} I'da killed Colter myself. But wasn't sure how the other gangs would take that. Guess I should've.
159{arrogant and cruel / SinisterSmile} A piece of friendly advice. If you can't find your place quickly, someone else will put you in it for you.
160{appreciative, and also bragging a little / Happy} Nuka-World's looking good. And we're looking good in it.
161{appreciative, and also bragging a little / SinisterSmile} You ain't so bad. I was going to have you killed, but I changed my mind. You can thank me some other time.
162{appreciative, and also bragging a little / Neutral} Welcome into our nest, boss. You earned a place in it.
163{Neutral} I trust you're not an idiot and see how the Pack is the only gang to put your faith in.
164{(rhetorical) testing boundaries with the new overboss / Neutral} So. You gonna to turn this place around? You plan on doing that all by yourself?
165{testing boundaries with the new overboss / SinisterSmile} Everyone needs friends. Question is are my friends going to be your friends?
166{Confident} The Disciples are crazy and the Operators can't be trusted.
167{threatening - upset at player, who as overboss, has been favoring other gangs. / Stern} You're either very stupid or very brave, and we ain't spent enough time together for me to know which.
168{threatening - upset at player, who as overboss, has been favoring other gangs. / Stern} It ain't smart, you being here. You ain't exactly my favorite person right now.
169{threatening - upset at player, who as overboss, has been favoring other gangs. / Stern} You think I give a shit about you when you clearly don't give a shit about the Pack? Get out of here.
170{Entering combat. / Angry} You're gonna wish you hadn't done that.
171{Entering combat. This is wry. You're not afraid of your opponent. / SinisterSmile} I think I'm going to enjoy this.
172{Entering combat. This is wry. You're not afraid of your opponent. / Neutral} Time to die.
173{You've been killed. / Neutral} I... uhh... uuuggghhhnn.
174{You just took damage in combat. / InPain} Okay. I won't lie. That hurt a little.
175{You just took damage in combat. / InPain} You're gonna pay for that.
176{You just took damage in combat. / InPain} Okay. I'm mad now.
177{Threatening an opponent in the heat of combat. / Happy} If I look like I'm enjoying this, it's because I am!
178{Threatening an opponent in the heat of combat. / SinisterSmile} I think I'll wear you as a coat.
179{Threatening an opponent in the heat of combat. / Sarcastic} Well ain't you the stubborn one. You really want to drag this out?
180{Threatening an opponent in the heat of combat. / Angry} That's a lot of blood. Don't you think that oughta be on your inside?


181DLC04MQ01_800_GagePostFightAddressDLC04Gage: Colter's dead. We've got ourselves a new Overboss.{Projected. Loudly complaining. / Suspicious} This guy? Are you sure Gage?DLC04Nisha_TA: You better know what the hell you're doing.A1a
182DLC04Gage: Colter's dead. We've got ourselves a new Overboss.{Projected. Loudly complaining. / Suspicious} This girl? Are you sure Gage?DLC04Nisha_TA: You better know what the hell you're doing.A2a


183DLC04MQ02PackScene01{playing tough-guy, hard to get with your new boss. / Stern} Now that I get a closer look at you... not sure I'm buying this new Overboss thing.Player Default: We're all in this together. This can be good for everyone.A
184PackLeader: I want you to have this. Consider it a token of our mutual understanding - and respect.{Surprised} One last thing before I let you go.A1a
185{the zoo meaning all his responsibilities: animals, slaves, murder, etc. gang stuff / Amused} There's always work to do around here keeping the Zoo in order.A1b
186{Friendly} If you're ever able to lend a hand. Drop by.A1c
187{Confident} Loyalty's a two way street.A1d
188Player Default: You got enough to worry about without a dominance struggle inside the Pack to deal with.{going to make peace with someone who demonstrated they are equal to you / Thinking} You know what? ...I think we're not so different me and you.A1a
189{emphasis on "mutual" - making it clear that you consider the other guy of equal not greater status / Friendly} I want you to have this. Consider it a token of our mutual understanding - and respect.PackLeader: One last thing before I let you go.A1b
190Player Default: No shit. We've all seen it worse.{on an angry soap box / Angry} Sure, this place beats living in the shit holes we had out there. But it ain't the palace of caps we signed on for.A1a
191{Puzzled} Ain't none of us happy - not even the Disciples. And they're normally a chipper bunch so long as they're drenched in blood.A1b
192{Neutral} Things were going to hell fast, but Gage put the brakes on that. Got us together and promised he'd find someone to deal with Colter.Player Default: You can trust me. I'll be a good leader.A1c
193Player Default: Things could be worse. Trust me. I've seen it.{no duh. - "seen it" is repeated phrase from previous line for effect / Irritated} No shit. We've all seen it worse.PackLeader: Sure, this place beats living in the shit holes we had out there. But it ain't the palace of caps we signed on for.A1a
194Player Default: I think you're a bunch of ungrateful children.{irritated, but brushing off a rude remark / Irritated} Careful there, boss.B1a
195{moving back to the topic at hand / Defiant} We ain't ungrateful. Just fed up.PackLeader: Sure, this place beats living in the shit holes we had out there. But it ain't the palace of caps we signed on for.B1b
196Player Default: So what is it you want?{getting on angry soap box / Angry} Caps. Action. Something!Y1a
197{frustrated / Irritated} Anything that's more than the sitting around we been doing for the last year.Player Default: Things could be worse. Trust me. I've seen it.Y1b
198Player Default: We're all in this together. This can be good for everyone.{dismissive / Irritated} Yeah, yeah. Sure, boss.A1a
199{sarcastic / Sarcastic} We're gonna be one big happy family.PackLeader: Name's Mason. The Pack's Alpha.A1b
200Player Default: As long as you care about yourself, you'll do what I tell you.{impressed and amused by the show of confidence / Amused} Ha! You might make it out of here alive after all.PackLeader: Name's Mason. The Pack's Alpha.B1a
201Player Default: I'll send you my resume and references.{are you for real asshole? / Puzzled} The fuck's a resume?X1a
202{moving on to more important things / Irritated} Whatever. Don't matter.PackLeader: Name's Mason. The Pack's Alpha.X1b
203Player Default: You gonna be a problem I need to solve?{backing down, diffusing, but still holding your ground / Apologetic} Slow down there, boss-man. We're just getting to know each other.PackLeader: Name's Mason. The Pack's Alpha.Y1a
204Player Default: You gonna be a problem I need to solve?{backing down, diffusing, but still holding your ground / Apologetic} Slow down there, boss-lady. We're just getting to know each other.PackLeader: Name's Mason. The Pack's Alpha.Y2a
205Player Default: I have big plans for this place, you'll see.{maybe this guy aint so bad / Surprised} Maybe you're the real deal.A1a
206{you'd spit on his corpse / Defiant} But we thought Colter was the real deal, too. And he's laying in a pool of his own blood.PackLeader: Don't get me wrong. Colter was definitely Overboss. Not a man to mess with.A1b
207Player Default: Colter was weak. Why'd you follow him at all?{Puzzled} Been wondering that ourselves.PackLeader: Don't get me wrong. Colter was definitely Overboss. Not a man to mess with.B1a
208Player Default: Don't worry. Gage knew what he was doing.{doubtful, asserting your status / Stern} Jury's still out on that.X1a
209{SinisterSmile} But ain't likely you're gonna be any worse than Colter.PackLeader: Don't get me wrong. Colter was definitely Overboss. Not a man to mess with.X1b
210Player Default: You don't want to be Overboss?{of course i would you dumby, but it's complicated -- "might have to" meaning if the player (who you are talking to) isn't a strong leader / Disbelief} If I thought the other gangs would go along, yeah, I'd run this place in a hearY1a
211{Defiant} At least it ain't Mags Black or that freak Nisha.Y1b
212{riiight? / Question} Besides, you can't possibly be worse than Colter.Player Default: I have big plans for this place, you'll see.Y1c
213Player Default: You don't want to be Overboss?{(hiding the truth that you do want the job) "short-lived" pun for, you'll get killed by someone who wants your job / Amused} Me? Overboss? Nah. Seems to be a short-lived position.Player Default: I have big plans for this place, you'll see.Y2a
214Player Default: But we thought Colter was the real deal, too. And he's laying in a pool of his own blood.{Thinking} Don't get me wrong. Colter was definitely Overboss. Not a man to mess with.A1a
215{reminiscing on the good old days / Happy} And things were good in the beginning. Real good.A1b
216{grumble cakes, "take stock..." said in mocking tone / Disgust} But that was a year ago. Then Colter went soft. Wanted to "take stock in what we achieved."Player Default: Things could be worse. Trust me. I've seen it.A1c
217Player Default: You can trust me. I'll be a good leader.{telling it like it is / Neutral} No offense, but you just got here. We'll see what you can do.PackLeader: Look. Let's cut to the chase. You going to do right by the Pack?A1a
218Player Default: I'm not Colter, so that better not happen to me.{trying to calm someone done. / Worried} Yeah, sure. Boss. I get it. I do.B1a
219{sincere / Friendly} We're totally willing to give you a chance. We are.PackLeader: Look. Let's cut to the chase. You going to do right by the Pack?B1b
220Player Default: I trust we're done with the history lesson?{annoyed / Irritated} Yeah, "Boss." Just trying to fill you in on why we're all so pissed off.PackLeader: Look. Let's cut to the chase. You going to do right by the Pack?X1a
221Player Default: So, what's the real story behind Gage and Colter?{confiding / Conspiratorial} Hey, I only know what I've heard.Y1a
222{convincing someone of your conspiracy theory} Story is that Gage talked Colter into becoming Overboss. And he got you in here, didn't he?Y1b
223{telling it like it is / Confident} Maybe he likes people owing him. Maybe it lets him get things done without getting dirt on his hands.Y1c
224{remembering past frustrations / Irritated} After Colter went soft, Gage got us behind closed doors, and promised us he'd get someone to off Colter.Y1d
225{see, even you were a pawn! / Amused} And you did just that.Y1e
226{thinking... maybe he's even more clever than you though / Thinking} Might a been the whole point of the Gauntlet all along.Player Default: You can trust me. I'll be a good leader.Y1f
227Player Default: So, what's the real story behind Gage and Colter?{end of story. not willing to divulge further. / Irritated} Ain't nothing I ain't already told you.Player Default: You can trust me. I'll be a good leader.Y2a
228Player Default: We're gonna be one big happy family.{allow me to... with a saracastic flourish, introducing yourself - Pack is the name of your gang / Confident} Name's Mason. The Pack's Alpha.A1a
229{stress "OUR" - explaining to the new guy what's what / Stern} This here's our side of town.A1b
230{make no mistake about it, bub. / Defiant} You might be Overboss - for now. But I'm the boss of the Pack. And it's going to stay that way.A1c
231{with a smile, but a subtle threat / SinisterSmile} Long as you don't go forgetting that, we're gonna be fine.Player Default: Let's work together, Mason. I'm not interested in ruining your gig.A1d
232Player Default: Let's work together, Mason. I'm not interested in ruining your gig.{probably not but you're willing to give it a shot / Happy} If that aint a lie, then things might end up alright between us.PackLeader: Look. It ain't like anyone's broke up about Colter.A1a
233Player Default: I'm not here to make us friends. I'm here to make us some caps.{smoothing things over / Amused} I think we can all respect caps, if not each other.PackLeader: Look. It ain't like anyone's broke up about Colter.B1a
234Player Default: The Pack? Fitting. You smell like animals.{annoyed at a stupid cut-down you've heard a million times / Sarcastic} Hah. Never heard that one before.PackLeader: Look. It ain't like anyone's broke up about Colter.X1a
235Player Default: Your people aren't going to cause me any problems, are they?{telling it like it is / Stern} The Pack does what I tell them. You don't get in my way, they won't get in yours.Player Default: Let's work together, Mason. I'm not interested in ruining your gig.Y1a
236Player Default: If that aint a lie, then things might end up alright between us.{explaining what's what / Neutral} Look. It ain't like anyone's broke up about Colter.A1a
237{Irritated} Just figured on his replacement being... Well, different.A1b
238{not convinced / Puzzled} But Gage says you're the boss now. So, you're the boss.Player Default: I have big plans for this place, you'll see.A1c
239Player Default: No offense, but you just got here. We'll see what you can do.{sternly, leveling / Stern} Look. Let's cut to the chase. You going to do right by the Pack?A1a
240{concerned you might get cut out of the loop / Suspicious} I hear you've been talking to the other gangs.Player Default: I intend to treat all the gangs equally.A1b
241Player Default: No offense, but you just got here. We'll see what you can do.{sternly, leveling / Stern} Look. Let's cut to the chase. You going to do right by the Pack?Player Default: I intend to treat all the gangs equally.A2a
242Player Default: I intend to treat all the gangs equally.{making it clear / Amused} Ain't no two things in this world that's truly equal, boss. Everything has its place.A1a
243{Confident} One gang is gonna end up on top, and one on the bottom. It's a simple law of nature.PackLeader: One last thing before I let you go.A1b
244Player Default: Be a good dog and do what you're told, or you'll be put down.{trying to stop your boss from chewing you out in front of you underlings / Pleading} Woah there, boss.B1a
245{quietly so as not to be overheard (if the boss emasculates you, it's going to cause people to challenge your authority, and no one wants that) / Conspiratorial} Not in front of my guys, alright?B1b
246{quietly so as not to be overheard (if the boss emasculates you, it's going to cause people to challenge your authority, and no one wants that) / Concerned} You got enough to worry about without a dominance struggle inside the Pack to deal wPackLeader: You know what? ...I think we're not so different me and you.B1c
247Player Default: Be a good dog and do what you're told, or you'll be put down.{half truce, half threat / Stern} Trust me. It definitely won't come to that.PackLeader: One last thing before I let you go.B2a
248Player Default: Don't worry, you'll get your fair share of the caps.{Confident} Sure, fine. But it ain't just about the caps. It's also about respect.X1a
249{Stern} If you want us at your heel, we expect to be top dogs around here.PackLeader: One last thing before I let you go.X1b
250Player Default: What's the Pack got over the other gangs?{proudly, but also a sales pitch / Confident} The Pack are the meanest sons of bitches you'll ever meet. We do whatever it takes. And we're fiercely loyal.Y1a
251{disparaging the competition / Disgust} The Operators will cut your throat as soon as they get what they want out of you.Y1b
252{disparaging the competition / Amused} And the Disciples? Who the fuck knows what those crazy bitches want.Y1c
253{disparaging the competition / Conspiratorial} There's something wrong with them. And you just can't trust someone who ain't willing to show you their face.Player Default: I intend to treat all the gangs equally.Y1d


254DLC04MQ04MasonSceneQuest_Scene{greeting the player (your overboss) you still have mixed feelings about the player being in charge / Neutral} Boss. Let's chat.Mason: Shank says you might need our help vacating the squatters living in our new digs.A
255{Neutral} Boss. So, you gonna tell me what you think of the grenade?Player Default: It's... impressive, Mason.A
256Mason: Shank says you might need our help vacating the squatters living in our new digs.{you'll owe me also bragging / Neutral} And ain't it just your lucky day. Wait 'til you see what I got.Mason: Found some toys a couple Operators left on their corpses in a back alley.A1a
257DLC04NPCMMason: Boss. Let's chat.{Neutral} Shank says you might need our help vacating the squatters living in our new digs.Mason: And ain't it just your lucky day. Wait 'til you see what I got.A1a
258DLC04NPCMMason: Boss. Let's chat.{Neutral} A little bird told me you're looking for some tools to help claim us some new outposts.Mason: And ain't it just your lucky day. Wait 'til you see what I got.A2a
259Mason: And ain't it just your lucky day. Wait 'til you see what I got.{Sarcastic} Found some toys a couple Operators left on their corpses in a back alley.A1a
260{you had him killed... that's not kosher. But you can't help hint at it. Makes you feel powerful / SinisterSmile} Not sure how they got themselves dead like that. Tsk. A real shame.A1b
261{Confident} I took 'em apart and made a little something different out of the parts. Was just going to be a toy for my pets. But it's more useful than that.A1c
262{Happy} Beasts find these things irresistible. Toss 'em on the ground and anything nearby and hungry will come a-running, ripping anything in their path to pieces.A1d
263{Amused} But, uh, you're gonna want to be a safe distance away. Because... Well, the thing leaks. A little. Don't want end up becoming a snack yourself.A1e
264{Friendly} Oh, and here. Take this paper. It'll show you how to make more.A1f
265{Amused} Don't look so surprised. We ain't all knuckle-draggers.Player Default: It's... impressive, Mason.A1g
266Player Default: It's... impressive, Mason.{pleased with yourself / Happy} Heh. Ain't it though? Don't forget where you got those.Mason: And when you're putting that to good use claiming new haunts... don't forget us, all right?A1a
267Player Default: Call in a pack of hungry animals? Are you trying to get me killed?{pretending to mean "yeah, yeah, of course i'm trying to kill you." then considering it as an interesting tactic in other situations / SinisterSmile} What? Me? Try to get you replaced so soon? Nah. It would make for a good prank thB1a
268{Amused} Seriously, just try it. Should be fun watching those settlers get torn apart.Mason: And when you're putting that to good use claiming new haunts... don't forget us, all right?B1b
269Player Default: A bag of animal bits. Well, this isn't the worst thing I've ever been given. Thank you, Mason.{Puzzled} You're welcome?Mason: And when you're putting that to good use claiming new haunts... don't forget us, all right?X1a
270Player Default: Can I use it indoors?{Neutral} Nah. Doorknobs. Bane of creatures great and small.Y1a
271{Neutral} Also, the scent's tuned for creatures in the Commonwealth, so if you travel real far, probably not going to work there either.Player Default: It's... impressive, Mason.Y1b
272Player Default: Heh. Ain't it though? Don't forget where you got those.{angling for a reward / Question} And when you're putting that to good use claiming new haunts... don't forget us, all right?A1a


273DLC04MQ05Stage020BossScene01DLC04MQ05William: I knew that nutjob would turn on us sooner or later. So, are we storming the place or what?{Confident} Think we're about to find out... the boss is here.A1a
274DLC04MQ05Stage020BossScene02{Angry} Looks like Mags and William are dug in pretty well up there.A1a
275{Angry} We gonna go up there and pull their asses out?DLC04MQ05Nisha: Or even better, kill them where they stand. Either way, looks like we're about to find out... the boss is here.A1b
276DLC04MQ05Stage025BossScene01DLC04MQ05William: She can't get away with this, boss. And we all want in on the action!{Angry} Hey, now. I already lost men trying to stop her.A1a
277{wrapped around her neck... through clenched teeth imagining how it feels to choke the life out of a hated enemy / Angry} I won't be satisfied until it's my hands wrapped around her scrawny little neck - eyes popping out of her stupid littleDLC04MQ05Mags: Both of you, shut up!A1b
278DLC04MQ05William: Let's do this!{howl like a wolf about to attack / Happy} <Howls>A1a
279DLC04MQ05Stage025BossScene02{Angry} You're a little late to the party, boss. All hell's breaking loose.DLC04MQ05Mason: While you were off doing your thing, Mags and William got all the Operators together and took over the Power Plant.A
280DLC04NPCMMason: You're a little late to the party, boss. All hell's breaking loose.{Angry} While you were off doing your thing, Mags and William got all the Operators together and took over the Power Plant.A1a
281{Angry} If those idiots think they're going to get away with this, they're dead wrong. I'll skin them alive!DLC04MQ05Companion: Those spoiled little shits. Still acting like fucking children.A1b
282Player Default: Just calm down and start at the beginning.{deep sigh, obviously irritated time is wasting / Irritated} You want story time? Fine.A1a
283{Defiant} But I'm way passed calming down.DLC04MQ05Mason: Word came back from the Commonwealth that you're favoring the Pack and the Disciples.A1b
284Player Default: I can't leave this place for five minutes without everything going to hell.{Irritated} Hey now. If you're looking to blame someone, they're up in that god damn Power Plant taking pot shots at us as we speak.DLC04MQ05Mason: Word came back from the Commonwealth that you're favoring the Pack and the Disciples.B1a
285Player Default: God damn it... sometimes I swear, this is like taking care of a bunch of children.{Angry} You want to be mad? Fine. Be mad at that bitch and her brother up there.X1a
286{Defiant} Don't take this out on the rest of us. We've been as loyal as we know how.DLC04MQ05Mason: Word came back from the Commonwealth that you're favoring the Pack and the Disciples.X1b
287Player Default: How could you let this happen?!{Irritated} The hell? Since when was I in charge of the other gangs?Y1a
288{angry, sarcastic, "boss" in huge air quotes / Defiant} Look, boss, if you don't want your job, just say the word I'll be happy take it from you.Player Default: Just calm down and start at the beginning.Y1b
289Player Default: But I'm way passed calming down.{Confident} Word came back from the Commonwealth that you're favoring the Pack and the Disciples.A1a
290{Sarcastic} Well, surprise, surprise... Mags and William didn't take the news so well.DLC04MQ05Mason: They took their gang and muscled into the Power Plant. Now they got the entire place locked down.A1b
291DLC04MQ05Mason: Well, surprise, surprise... Mags and William didn't take the news so well.{Irritated} They took their gang and muscled into the Power Plant. Now they got the entire place locked down.A1a
292{Angry} You better not let them get away with this, boss. We want payback, and we want it now!DLC04MQ05Nisha: And we're not talking about some slap on the wrist here. Mags and William need to pay for what they've done.A1b
293DLC04MQ05Nisha: They were dead the moment they decided to take out some of my crew.{Irritated} Look, boss... this is your play. You've had our back, so we'll watch yours. But you have to swear to us that Mags and William will pay.Player Default: I didn't build all this up just to watch them tear it down.A1a
294Player Default: I didn't build all this up just to watch them tear it down.{SinisterSmile} Then let's tear them apart instead!DLC04MQ05Nisha: The Disciples will make sure no one escapes. I'm going to enjoy this.A1a
295Player Default: They're as good as dead.{Confident} We're with you on this, all the way.DLC04MQ05Nisha: The Disciples will make sure no one escapes. I'm going to enjoy this.B1a
296Player Default: Doesn't sound like they're giving us a choice. We have to take them down.{SinisterSmile} Right behind you, boss. Let's go rip them apart.DLC04MQ05Nisha: The Disciples will make sure no one escapes. I'm going to enjoy this.X1a
297Player Default: I hate to lose the Operators. Isn't there some other way?{Irritated} They're already lost, boss. Ain't a single Operator that's going to submit to you now.Y1a
298{Disgust} Mags and William ain't gonna come back around. Not alive anyway.Player Default: I didn't build all this up just to watch them tear it down.Y1b
299-{Irritated} I thought I smelled the stink of Mole Rat on Nisha.A
300{Angry} Nisha should make a nice snack for the Yao Guai.A
301{Angry} I'm going hunt those Disciples down one-by-one.A
302{Irritated} I thought I smelled the stink of Mole Rat on Mags and her stupid brother.A
303{Irritated} Mags and William should make a nice snack for the Yao Guai.A
304{Angry} I'm going hunt those Operators down one-by-one.A
305{appreciative / Impressed} Things are looking up for Nuka-World. And we got you to thank for that.A
306{appreciative, and cocky / Amused} With all the lights turned on, this place is almost as pretty as me.A
307{appreciative / Impressed} Gotta say, I like this place all lit up.A


308DLC04PackScenes_OpeningMasonPackMember: Can you talk to Mags or something? You said we ain't allowed to kill any of 'em. So...{smiling, sarcastic, keeping your annoyance pent up to release later / SinisterSmile} Tell me. Did you have to wait in a long line to see me?PackMember: No. I walked right up here.A1a
309PackMember: No. I walked right up here.{said threateningly pleasant, you can and will make this worthless underling suffer / SinisterSmile} Exactly. Most can handle their own shit without bothering me about it.A1a
310{a threat. not yelling, but angry - releasing your annoyance. / Angry} Do you need help finding your place here?PackMember: No. No! I can handle it.A1b
311PackMember: No. No! I can handle it.{making a calm and sincere threat to make your underling a slave if he continues in his uselessness / Stern} There's plenty of collars in the kennels if you can't.A1a
312DLC04PackScenes_PostMQ05_Mason{smiling, begrudging respect / Impressed} Got to admit. I didn't think you had it in you.Mason: You gave those Disciples a real blood bath.A
313Player Default: Once they turned, there was no going back. You did what you had to do.{making light of the massacre / Amused} Either way, more spoils for the rest of us, am I right, Boss?A1a
314{leveling / Somber} You know, I had my doubts about you. Big ones.A1b
315{impressed / Impressed} But you pulled it off. Nuka-World is up and running. We're raking it in out in the Commonwealth. Things are good. Better than ever.A1c
316{Happy} You done good, boss. What's next?Player Default: We continue expanding our influence. Bend more settlements to their knees.A1d
317Player Default: We continue expanding our influence. Bend more settlements to their knees.{Happy} Yeah, that's what I was hoping you'd say. The Packs all in!Mason: Oh, and, let me make something clear. I appreciate what you've done. But don't go thinking we're friends. We ain't.A1a
318Player Default: I'm done with all of you. You're on your own now. Good luck.{not sure if you should take that seriously or if it was a joke / Puzzled} Uh... yeah, okay, boss. See you around, I guess?Mason: Oh, and, let me make something clear. I appreciate what you've done. But don't go thinking we're friends. We ain't.B1a
319Player Default: I'm taking my caps and retiring to a desert island. Try not to wreck the place.{amused / Amused} Haha! You can't escape the lure of caps and mayhem. You're in the chase for life. Like the rest of us.Mason: Oh, and, let me make something clear. I appreciate what you've done. But don't go thinking we're friends. We ain't.X1a
320Player Default: I'm still figuring that out. What do you think we should do?{with gusto / Confident} We keep going. We take over more settlements in the Commonwealth. We take what we want, and we keep taking until we own everything.Mason: Oh, and, let me make something clear. I appreciate what you've done. But don't go thinking we're friends. We ain't.Y1a
321Player Default: Yeah, that's what I was hoping you'd say. The Packs all in!{reasserting your status / Confident} Oh, and, let me make something clear. I appreciate what you've done. But don't go thinking we're friends. We ain't.A1a
322{only half joking / SinisterSmile} I'd still happily kill you if enough caps were involved.A1b
323DLC04NPCMMason: Got to admit. I didn't think you had it in you.{glad he killed your rivals / SinisterSmile} You gave those Disciples a real blood bath.Mason: So, how's it feel to get revenge?A1a
324DLC04NPCMMason: Got to admit. I didn't think you had it in you.{glad he killed your rivals / SinisterSmile} You gave those Operators a real blood bath.Mason: So, how's it feel to get revenge?A2a
325Mason: You gave those Disciples a real blood bath.{SinisterSmile} So, how's it feel to get revenge?Player Default: Letting them live would have been a risk to everything we've built.A1a
326Player Default: Letting them live would have been a risk to everything we've built.{very glad you're rivals were killed / SinisterSmile} Once they turned, there was no going back. You did what you had to do.Mason: Either way, more spoils for the rest of us, am I right, Boss?A1a
327Player Default: No one double crosses me and gets away with it.{pleased your rivals were killed / SinisterSmile} I've been waiting for them to get theirs for a very long time.Mason: Either way, more spoils for the rest of us, am I right, Boss?B1a
328Player Default: They meant nothing to me, so I feel nothing about killing them.{mock surprise, glad you're rivals were killed / Amused} Oooh, that's cold. Can't say I blame you though. They won't be missed around here, that's for sure.Mason: Either way, more spoils for the rest of us, am I right, Boss?X1a
329Player Default: What would you have done?{glad your rivals were killed / SinisterSmile} I'd have done the exact same thing... except, maybe I'd a done it sooner, and make them suffer a little more.Mason: Either way, more spoils for the rest of us, am I right, Boss?Y1a