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This is a transcript for dialogue with Mags Black.


1-{commanding, but speaking to an equal (has job for player) / Confident} Overboss. Operators could use your skills if you've got some time.
2{Respectful. Has job for player / Confident} Boss. Think you might be interested in taking on a task for us?
3{A little distant, but respectful (has job for player) / Confident} Hmm... you know, I've got a job set aside that I think you might find... stimulating... if you're interested.
4{Respectful / Neutral} Intriguing job came our way. It's yours if you want it.
5{commanding, but to an equal (has job for player). Honor the pause before "strengths." This woman lives on making people doubt what she's saying / Confident} You've got good timing. There's a job I think might benefit from someone
6{commanding, but to an equal (has job for player) / Confident} If you're here looking to wreak a little havoc, I think I can provide. Up for some work?
7{commanding, but to an equal (has job for player) / Confident} Looking to get your hands dirty? You're in the right place. Job came across my lap. Yours if you want it.
8{commanding, but to an equal (has job for player) / Confident} You here to work? I've got something I think you might be able to handle.
9{commanding, but to an equal (has job for player) / Confident} Overboss. Got a task I think you might be a good fit for. Any chance you'd be up for some work?
10{commanding, but to an equal (has job for player) / Confident} Have some work, Overboss, that I think may be up your alley. Interested?
11{commanding, but speaking to an equal (has job for player) / Confident} You know, boss, there is another task I think might pique your interest.
12{commanding, but speaking to an equal (has job for player) / Confident} There's another job that could use your skills, boss. Would you want in?
13{commanding, but speaking to an equal (has job for player) / Confident} Fresh opportunity for intrigue's become available, Overboss. Yours if you want it.
14{commanding, but speaking to an equal (has job for player) / Confident} If you think you've got it in you, I've got another job available.
15{commanding, but to an equal (has job for player) / Confident} There is some more work available, if you're looking to take something on.
16{commanding, but to an equal (has job for player) / Confident} You know, the Operators could use you expertise again, if you're up for it.
17{commanding, but to an equal (has job for player) / Confident} There a chance you'd be interested in doing some more for us?
18{commanding, but to an equal (has job for player) / Confident} There is another job available, if you're interested, Overboss.
19{commanding, but to an equal (has job for player) / Confident} I did have another task set aside. Up for another round?
20{commanding, but to an equal (has job for player) / Confident} Operators have another... opportunity to offer, Overboss. Interested?


21-{talking about enslaving someone - explaining a job to the player / Stern} There's a local irritant they'd like to see dealt with. I want this irritant convinced to support our cause.
22{talking about enslaving someone - explaining a job to the player / Confident} Someone's been leveling threats at them. I don't believe they pose any real danger, but I'd still like them to be taught the error of their ways.
23{talking about enslaving someone - explaining a job to the player / Stern} Someone has been harrying our people. I'd like them to know what it feels likes.
24{talking about enslaving someone - explaining a job to the player / Stern} Sounds like they're trying to make a new ally out in the wastes. I'd like the chance to present our case.
25{talking about enslaving someone - explaining a job to the player / Stern} We've learned the identity of an... interesting party they've reached out to. Someone we'd like to have some words with.
26{talking about enslaving someone - explaining a job to the player / Stern} Seems they've swayed themselves a dangerous ally. But if they could be swayed once...
27{talking about enslaving someone - explaining a job to the player / Confident} There's a party I'd like to have a... frank discussion with.
28{talking about enslaving someone - explaining a job to the player / Stern} We received a request to help someone learn some respect.
29{talking about enslaving someone - explaining a job to the player / Stern} There's a favor I need done. An... old friend would like a rival taught a lesson.
30{explaining with grim satisfaction how to put a shock collar on someone... the collar explodes if they don't comply with the owners wishes / Confident} Make her wear this Shock Collar. You can either sneak up to her and attach it or beat her
31{explaining with grim satisfaction how to put a shock collar on someone... the collar explodes if they don't comply with the owners wishes / Stern} Apply this shock collar to her. If you can do it without being detected, wonderful. Otherwise
32{explaining with grim satisfaction how to put a shock collar on someone... the collar explodes if they don't comply with the owners wishes / Confident} Make him wear this Shock Collar. You can either sneak up to him and attach it or beat him
33{explaining with grim satisfaction how to put a shock collar on someone... the collar explodes if they don't comply with the owners wishes / Stern} Apply this shock collar to him. If you can do it without being detected, wonderful. Otherwise
34{Explaining a job to the player. / Confident} Apparently one of them lost their nerve on a run, then fled without punishment. We can't permit that.
35{Explaining a job to the player. / Confident} One of their own has decided to abandon our little family without permission. And I'm not one to ignore an opportunity to make an example.
36{Explaining a job to the player. / Confident} Apparently one among them botched a job, fleeing the scene in shame. They can't be allowed to get away with that.
37{Explaining a job to the player. "Convinced" here means brutally abused. / Confident} We've turned up the name of one of their fixers. I want them convinced we'd make better allies.
38{Explaining a job to the player. / Stern} Someone has been passing them information. That information should be ours.
39{Explaining a job to the player. / Irritated} An independent party doing some work for us has accepted a job from them. I won't have that.
40{Explaining a job to the player. / Confident} A contact of ours is looking to have someone punished. Publicly.
41{Explaining a job to the player / Confident} A request was made to break someone's spirits. No killing, though.
42{Explaining a job to the player. / Stern} A mouthy trader out in the Commonwealth has been slandering the Operators. I'd like to see them shamed.
43{talking about killing someone - explaining a job to the player / Stern} Seems they exposed a turncoat among them who fled before they could be apprehended. I want the traitor's head.
44{talking about killing someone - explaining a job to the player / Stern} One of them was caught skimming from the gang's stores, then fled without punishment. No one steals from the Operators and lives.
45{talking about killing someone - explaining a job to the player / Stern} Apparently one among them disobeyed an order, fleeing the scene to avoid the consequences of their actions. They need to be put down.
46{Asking the player to kill the ally of a rival gang / Stern} There's a trader who's been providing them with support. I want this toadie stopped. Permanently. Willing to do the deed?
47{Asking the player to kill the ally of a rival gang / Stern} They've managed to turn one of our fixers. I won't tolerate such betrayal. Eliminate them.
48{Asking the player to kill the ally of a rival gang / Stern} We've turned up information on one their dealers. I'd like this person put out of business. You'd be the one taking care of them.
49{talking about killing someone - explaining a job to the player / Confident} A contact of ours is looking to have someone disposed of. You'd be the one putting them down.
50{Talking about killing someone - explaining a job to the player / Confident} Request came in that we remove a nuisance for a friend. They want them dealt with for good.
51{talking about killing someone - explaining a job to the player / Stern} There's a loose end I'd like tied up out in the Commonwealth. I was hoping you could make sure no one ever hears from them again.
52{explaining to player you want him to go help defend a cache of supplies destined for one of your outposts. "Acquired" means stole. / Stern} They've acquired a decent haul of supplies. Decent enough, unfortunately, to attract atten
53{explaining to player you want him to go help defend a cache of supplies destined for one of your outposts / Stern} Sounds like they've come into something of a windfall. Their good fortune, though, hasn't gone unnoticed. These would be thie
54{explaining to player you want him to go help defend a cache of supplies destined for one of your outposts / Confident} A caravan supplying them was hit. They're in need of help securing the stock.
55{explaining to player you want him to go help defend a cache of supplies destined for one of your outposts / Stern} Couple of our members uncovered a cache, but word has gotten out about their find. You'd head in to make sure we're the ones
56{explaining to player you want him to go help defend a cache of supplies destined for one of your outposts / Confident} A supply train of ours was hit, forced to dig in to protect the goods. I'd have you go in to ensure their survival.
57{explaining to player you want him to go help defend a cache of supplies destined for one of your outposts. / Stern} Seems an exchange of goods hasn't gone over as planned. You'd be there to ensure our people come out on top.
58{Asking the player to go steal supplies from a rival group (and to kill any defenders) / Confident} They've collected information about a significant store of goods. Goods that should be ours. You'd help them collect.
59{Asking the player to go steal supplies from a rival group (and to kill any defenders) / Confident} They've turned up an opportunity to lay claim to a decent-sized cache. You'd make sure the prize ends up in our hands.
60{Asking the player to go steal supplies from a rival group (and to kill any defenders) / Stern} There's a collection of provisions they'd like to lay claim to. Unfortunately, someone else beat them to it. I want you to take it from its curre
61{Asking the player to go steal supplies from a rival group (and to kill any defenders) / Confident} There's a cache of supplies that would to better in our hands than its current owners. I'd like you to take care of it.
62{Asking the player to go steal supplies from a rival group (and to kill any defenders). Bit of smirk on the second line. / Confident} Group of scavengers stumbled upon a rich cache. Lucky for us, they blabbed about it. I want to make it ours
63{Asking the player to go steal supplies from a rival group (and to kill any defenders) / Stern} There's some traders that refuse to sell to our people. I won't tolerate such disrespect. So you're going to take their goods.
64{Asking the player to go steal supplies from a rival group (and to kill any defenders) / Question} We've become aware of a cache of supplies that I'd like to lay claim to... and it's current owners dealt with. Up to the task?
65{answering question about mission: "who am I up against?" / Confident} Some Super Mutants. Shouldn't be challenging.
66{answering question about mission: "who am I up against?" / Confident} A Super Mutant gang. Effectively target practice.
67{answering question about mission: "who am I up against?" / Confident} Raiders. Nothing but pushovers, really.
68{answering question about mission: "who am I up against?" / Confident} Some Raiders. Nothing more.
69{answering question about mission: "who am I up against?" / Confident} Brotherhood of Steel contingent. Certainly has the potential to be interesting.
70{answering question about mission: "who am I up against?" / Confident} Just some Brotherhood irritants.
71{answering question about mission: "who am I up against?" / Confident} A Minutemen contingent. No real danger.
72{answering question about mission: "who am I up against?" / Confident} A squad of Minutemen.
73{answering question about mission: "who am I up against?" / Confident} Gunners. You'll want to watch yourself.
74{answering question about mission: "who am I up against?" / Confident} Gunner contingent. Chance for some real action.
75{answering question about mission: "who am I up against?" / Confident} Collection of Railroad agents. Should be easy pickings.
76{answering question about mission: "who am I up against?" / Confident} Some Railroad agents come up for air.
77{answering question about mission: "who am I up against?" / Confident} The Institute and some of their toy soldiers.
78{answering question about mission: "who am I up against?" / Confident} Some Institute forces.
79{answering question about mission: "who am I up against?" / Confident} No one of consequence. I wouldn't overthink it.
80{answering question about mission: "who am I up against?" / Confident} Someone who's earned it. I wouldn't worry yourself much beyond that.
81{trying to not sound annoyed. Player is coming back before finishing what you told him to do. / Confident} Overboss. Still game to close out that job for us?
82{trying to not sound annoyed. Player is coming back before finishing what you told him to do. / Irritated} Hope the task isn't giving you too much trouble, Overboss. You're still willing to take care of it?
83{trying to not sound annoyed. Player is coming back before finishing what you told him to do. / Irritated} Things proceeding with the job, Overboss? I can count on you taking care of it?
84{Reminding the player to return to their current task. / Confident} Then I'll let you get back to it.
85{Reminding the player to return to their current task. / Confident} Try not to delay too long. Makes us look... unfocused.
86{Reminding the player to return to their current task. / Confident} I'll be waiting.
87{Reminding the player to return to their current task. / Confident} I guess you ought to get going then.
88{Reminding the player to return to their current task. / Confident} Good. The sooner it's done, the better.
89{setting up the explanation of a job -- one of the gang's hideouts has a problem she wants the player to solve / Confident} One of our outposts could use some assistance.
90{setting up the explanation of a job -- one of the gang's hideouts has a problem she wants the player to solve / Confident} An issue has arisen among the members of one of our outposts.
91{setting up the explanation of a job -- one of the gang's hideouts has a problem he wants the player to solve / Irritated} A request for support has come in from an outpost.
92{setting up the explanation of a job -- one of the gang's hideouts has a problem he wants the player to solve / Confident} Populace at one of our outposts has reached out to us.
93{setting up the explanation of a job -- one of the gang's hideouts has a problem he wants the player to solve / Confident} An outpost of ours is in need.
94{slyly, about to explain how the player can help cause trouble for the rival gangs. You hate the Pack. / Confident} The Pack have managed to make themselves more irritating than usual.
95{slyly, about to explain how the player can help cause trouble for the rival gangs / Stern} The Pack continue to be a thorn in our side.
96{slyly, about to explain how the player can help cause trouble for the rival gangs / Confident} We have an issue with the Disciples.
97{slyly, about to explain how the player can help cause trouble for the rival gangs / Confident} The Disciples have made an annoyance of themselves yet again.
98{Player agreed to do a job. / Confident} Then I won't waste any more of your time than I have to.
99{Player agreed to do a job. / Confident} Glad to hear it.
100{Player agreed to do a job. / Confident} Good.
101{Confident} Well, then, let me get to the point.
102{Player agreed to do a job. / Confident} All right then.
103{A bit annoyed. Someone just turned you down for a job - but to someone who is an equal (player refuses to do the job) / Irritated} Very well. Only thought you might value an opportunity to display your support.
104{A bit annoyed. Someone just turned you down for a job - but to someone who is an equal (player refuses to do the job) / Irritated} Up to you, Overboss. I understand if it's all too much for you to handle.
105{A bit annoyed. Someone just turned you down for a job - but to someone who is an equal (player refuses to do the job) / Irritated} Fine. Perhaps I'll find someone else, then.
106{A bit annoyed. Someone just turned you down for a job - but to someone who is an equal (player refuses to do the job) / Irritated} Hmm. If that's what you'd prefer.
107{A bit annoyed. Someone just turned you down for a job - but to someone who is an equal (player refuses to do the job) / Irritated} Then I guess we don't need to take up any more of each other's time.
108{A bit annoyed. Someone just turned you down for a job - but to someone who is an equal (player refuses to do the job) / Irritated} I wouldn't want to burden you with something you're not equipped for.
109{trying to quietly express your irritation / Irritated} Hmm. A shame. Thought I might be able to count on you.
110{trying to quietly express your irritation / Irritated} If you're nervous, Overboss, I understand. Maybe someone else would be a better fit.
111{trying to quietly express your irritation / Irritated} Inaction. I believe there was another Overboss who preferred that as well.
112{trying to quietly express your irritation / Irritated} Your decision to make. Though I don't appreciate being left in the lurch.
113{trying to quietly express your irritation / Irritated} Fine. If you can't decide, I'm sure I can find someone who can.
114{talking about killing someone - explaining a job to the player. / Stern} A threat has been made against one of our members. They need to learn we don't take threats idly. I want them dead.
115{talking about killing someone - explaining a job to the player. / Confident} One of our own has a target they'd like to see removed from amongst the living, but I want to ensure it's not traced back to them. Up for a kill?
116{talking about killing someone - explaining a job to the player / Stern} Someone has been making trouble for our people. I want it to come to an end. For good.
117{talking about killing someone - explaining a job to the player. / Stern} We've acquired the name of a target they appear to value. I want this target put in an early grave.
118{talking about killing someone - explaining a job to the player. / Stern} It appears they've made some... new friends. Time these friends learned the cost of working with the wrong gang. I want them eliminated.
119{talking about killing someone - explaining a job to the player / Stern} There's a new ally they're trying to woo. I want to make sure that doesn't happen. Ever. Put them down for us?
120{talking about killing someone - explaining a job to the player / Confident} There's an old nuisance that I'd like taken out. Up for a bit of wetwork?
121{talking about killing someone - explaining a job to the player / Stern} We received a request to help someone shuffle off this mortal coil. I'd like you to take care of it.
122{talking about killing someone - explaining a job to the player / Stern} An old ally's requested assistance in disposing of someone. I want them in our debt, so, I'd like you to take care of their target.
123{restrained but pleased - player agrees to do what you asked him (kill someone, etc.), boosting your status / Confident} Was hoping that's what you'd say. Watch yourself out there.
124{restrained but pleased - player agrees to do what you asked him (kill someone, etc.), boosting your status / Confident} Excellent. Best of luck.
125{restrained but pleased - player agrees to do what you asked him (kill someone, etc.), boosting your status / Confident} Good to hear. We'll be waiting.
126{restrained but pleased - player agrees to do what you asked him (kill someone, etc.), boosting your status / Confident} Then I'll leave you to it.
127{restrained but pleased - player agrees to do what you asked him (kill someone, etc.), boosting your status / Confident} Superb. Happy hunting.
128{Player just told you they completed a mission you gave. You're a little impressed, but trying to hide it. / Confident} Wrapped up already? Hmm.
129{Player just told you they completed a mission you gave. You're a little impressed, but trying to hide it. / Confident} Made short work of that, it would seem.
130{Player just told you they completed a mission you gave. You're a little impressed, but trying to hide it. / Confident} Overboss. Glad to know things went well.
131{Player just told you they completed a mission you gave. You're a little impressed, but trying to hide it. Bit of smirk to this one. / Confident} Hmm. Suppose I need to give you tougher jobs going forward.
132{Player just told you they completed a mission you gave. You're a little impressed, but trying to hide it. Bit of smirk to "well enough." / Confident} The Overboss returns, alive and... well enough.
133{Player just told you they completed a mission you gave. You're a little impressed, but trying to hide it. / Confident} Well. I suspect things all went according to plan.
134{Player just told you they completed a mission you gave. You're a little impressed, but trying to hide it. / Confident} Well, well. Hadn't been expecting you so soon.
135{Player just told you they completed a mission you gave. You're a little impressed, but trying to hide it. Bit of smirk. / Confident} Back at last. And not... much worse for wear.
136{Player just told you they completed a mission you gave. You're a little impressed, but trying to hide it. / Confident} Job handled with aplomb, no doubt.
137{Player just told you they completed a mission you gave. You're a little impressed, but trying to hide it. / Confident} Hope it wasn't too challenging.
138{Giving the player their reward. / Confident} Here. You've earned this.
139{Giving the player their reward. / Confident} Here. Your cut.
140{Giving the player their reward. / Confident} Here you are. Your piece of the spoils.
141{Giving the player their reward. / Confident} Take it. The proceeds of a hard day's work.
142{Giving the player their reward. / Confident} There. Consider the task complete.
143{Giving the player their reward. / Confident} There you are. Operators pay their debts.
144{Giving the player their reward. / Confident} Here's your piece of the take.
145{Giving the player their reward. / Confident} I believe these are yours.
146{Giving the player their reward. / Confident} Take this. Payment for services rendered.
147{Giving the player their reward. / Confident} There you are. Caps are all yours.
148{Paying the player for a job. / Confident} Spend them as you will.
149{Neutral} We're no charity. Good work will be compensated.
150{Neutral} When it's all said and done, there will be caps.
151{Neutral} Not to worry, Overboss. Successful jobs don't go unpaid among the Operators.
152{Neutral} Of course. This is real work, Overboss. Pays real caps.


153DLC04ConvOperatorMagsGenericScene{Neutral} Your latest run. Still need the details.A2a
154{Question} So, how did the job go?A3a
155{Question} You. You have some news for me?A4a
156{This person just successfully completed a job for you. You're glad, but you're also not the type of person to show it. / Stern} Good. But, next time, don't keep me waiting.A2a
157{This person just successfully completed a job for you. You're glad, but you're also not the type of person to show it. / Stern} Well, I guess that will do then.A3a
158{This person just successfully completed a job for you. You're glad, but you're also not the type of person to show it. / Neutral} Excellent. I'll make sure your pay reflects your work.A4a
159{Trying to cover that you're pissed. This person dropped the ball on a job. / Stern} That so? Fine. But next time, you do the job I ask you to.A6a
160{Trying to cover that you're pissed. This person dropped the ball on a job. / Stern} I don't care about your excuses. You want to get paid, you get the job done.A7a
161{Trying to cover that you're pissed. This person dropped the ball on a job. / Stern} Hmm. Well, it's up to you to make this right, understand?A8a


162DLC04DialogueMagsPostMQ05Quest_Scene{Neutral} I have to hand it to you, Overboss.MagsBlack: Things have progressed nicely. The park's on its feet again, we're finally set up in the Commonwealth.A
163DLC04NPCFMagsBlack: I have to hand it to you, Overboss.{Neutral} Things have progressed nicely. The park's on its feet again, we're finally set up in the Commonwealth.MagsBlack: The Pack being shown their way out of existence was certainly a pleasant surprise.A1a
164MagsBlack: Things have progressed nicely. The park's on its feet again, we're finally set up in the Commonwealth.{Bit of smirk. / Amused} The Pack being shown their way out of existence was certainly a pleasant surprise.MagsBlack: I suppose Gage wasn't wrong to put so much faith in you. You've certainly earned your place here.A1a
165MagsBlack: Things have progressed nicely. The park's on its feet again, we're finally set up in the Commonwealth.{Bit of smirk. / Amused} The Disciples being shown their way out of existence was certainly a pleasant surprise.MagsBlack: I suppose Gage wasn't wrong to put so much faith in you. You've certainly earned your place here.A2a
166MagsBlack: The Pack being shown their way out of existence was certainly a pleasant surprise.{Impressed} I suppose Gage wasn't wrong to put so much faith in you. You've certainly earned your place here.Player Default: Just making the best of a bad situation, I suppose.A1a
167Player Default: Just making the best of a bad situation, I suppose.{Neutral} I'd say you did an adequate job, considering. You've come a long way, after all.MagsBlack: Because what it took to get where you are now, the burned bridges, the salted earth, there is no going back.A1a
168Player Default: And now you and the Operators better toe the line or else you'll be the next gang removed from existence.{Neutral} You don't need to worry, Overboss. I think we're stuck with each other at this point.MagsBlack: Because what it took to get where you are now, the burned bridges, the salted earth, there is no going back.B1a
169Player Default: Now don't go getting all mushy on me, Mags. I'm not sure I can handle any tears.{Neutral} Rest assured, there will be no tears. I'm merely stating fact.MagsBlack: Because what it took to get where you are now, the burned bridges, the salted earth, there is no going back.X1a
170Player Default: I'm sorry, but was that a compliment?{Neutral} It was meant to be. But it's also a fact.MagsBlack: Because what it took to get where you are now, the burned bridges, the salted earth, there is no going back.Y1a
171Player Default: I'd say you did an adequate job, considering. You've come a long way, after all.{Neutral} Because what it took to get where you are now, the burned bridges, the salted earth, there is no going back.A1a
172{Bit of smirk. / Amused} Like it or not, you're one of us. A cutthroat. A killer. A... Raider.A1b
173{Bit of smirk. / Amused} But, as luck would have it, it would seem that this was the life you were meant for.Player Default: You're right. Living like this... it suits me.A1c
174Player Default: You're right. Living like this... it suits me.{Neutral} Something we all have to come to terms with. I can tell you there's no use in fighting it.MagsBlack: You can only either let your nature consume you, fall to booze and chems like the rabble around this place, or you can embrace it.A1a
175Player Default: I'm nothing like you people.{Neutral} There's no use in denying it, Overboss.MagsBlack: You can only either let your nature consume you, fall to booze and chems like the rabble around this place, or you can embrace it.B1a
176Player Default: Dang. I was hoping I could be a pony.{Amused} Sorry, boss. Take it from experience. There's no use in fighting who you are.MagsBlack: You can only either let your nature consume you, fall to booze and chems like the rabble around this place, or you can embrace it.X1a
177Player Default: You really think I was meant for this?{Neutral} Sincerely? Yes. And I can tell you from experience, there's no use in fighting who you are.MagsBlack: You can only either let your nature consume you, fall to booze and chems like the rabble around this place, or you can embrace it.Y1a
178Player Default: Something we all have to come to terms with. I can tell you there's no use in fighting it.{Neutral} You can only either let your nature consume you, fall to booze and chems like the rabble around this place, or you can embrace it.A1a
179{Neutral} Let it drive you.A1b
180{Neutral} So, with that in mind, I hope you'll appreciate the earnestness with which I mean this.A1c
181{This is the big line of the piece. Add some gravity to it. / Neutral} Welcome home, Overboss. Here is to a bright future.A1d


182-{The person you were having a conversation with just stopped speaking. You're wary, thinking this might be some sort of trick. / Puzzled} You just going to stand there?
183{The person you were having a conversation with just stopped speaking. / Neutral} Like talking to a wall.
184{The person you were having a conversation with just stopped speaking. / Neutral} Jump in at any point.
185{Neutral} Operators are in the best shape they've been in years. Here's to us all becoming very, very rich.
186{Referring to your previous conversation. Put some gravity behind this. You're implying the player is a monster. / Neutral} Overboss. Welcome home.
187{Neutral} The park's restored. Shame we've got to share it, but I suppose it'll do.
188{Neutral} Don't worry, Overboss. I'll ensure you have all the people you need. You just keep the territory coming.
189{Pleased with the person you're addressing. / Neutral} Now where were you when Colter was feeding us all scraps?
190{Friendly. You like the person you're speaking to. They've been favoring your gang. / Neutral} Colter's death is becoming the most useful murder we've had a hand in. Keep it up, boss.
191{Neutral} The sooner this place gets back to its real purpose, the better.
192{Neutral} Colter kept the peace between the gangs. But you have to ask yourself... is that a tradition worth keeping?
193{Neutral} The Operators were used by one Overboss. I don't plan on that happening again.
194{Stern} Disrespecting the Operators is the last thing you want to do. Understand?
195{Stern} I don't want to hear from you until you start claiming us new ground.
196{This is a threat. / Stern} We are not people to be triffled with. Back the other gangs and see where that gets you.
197{Neutral} There's a lot that can be done with this place. All you need is the will.
198{Neutral} Nuka-World is a trap for fools... and an opportunity for those who recognize it.
199{Irritated} I'll never grasp the allure of the other gangs. Nothing but targets with fur and trashpiles with attitude.
200{Neutral} People who do their job well should get to live well. And no gang does their job better than us.
201{Neutral} Crews lost a lot of purpose when we got here and found it wasn't what Colter promised. Idleness... makes people weak.
202{You've been killed. / Neutral} Uuugh...
203{You just took damage in combat. Through gritted teeth. / InPain} Argh. Oh, you're dead.
204{You just took damage in combat. Through gritted teeth. / InPain} Erg. You'll pay for that.
205{You just took damage in combat. Through gritted teeth. / InPain} Uph! God dammit.
206{Threatening an opponent in the heat of combat. / Stern} Nothing left of you when I'm done.
207{Threatening an opponent in the heat of combat. / Stern} Don't have all day.
208{Threatening an opponent in the heat of combat. This is sarcastic. / Stern} Well, aren't you terrifying.
209{Entering combat. / Angry} I'm going to make this hurt.
210{Entering combat. This is wry. You're not afraid of your opponent. / Neutral} Well, this oughta be fun.
211{Entering combat. This is wry. You're not afraid of your opponent. / Neutral} I'll try not to enjoy this too much.


212DLC04MQ01_800_GagePostFightAddressDLC04Gage: So how about we show some respect for our new leader, eh?{Projected. You haven't made up your mind yet regarding the new boss Nuka-World just got. Try not to be too harsh here. You're stating fact. / Neutral} She'll get respect when she earns respect.DLC04William_TA: Amen.A1a
213DLC04Gage: So how about we show some respect for our new leader, eh?{Projected. You haven't made up your mind yet regarding the new boss Nuka-World just got. Try not to be too harsh here. You're stating fact. / Neutral} He'll get respect when he earns respect.DLC04William_TA: Amen.A2a


214DLC04MQ02OperatorsScene01{You're sizing up you're new boss. You're not yet impressed. / Neutral} Well. I suppose we all owe you for putting down Colter.WilliamBlack: Man was an idiot. Made us all look bad.A
215OperatorsLeader: And if you think you might be interested in running some jobs for us, you just come speak to me.{Neutral} But do take a little time to consider the kind of life we could all have if we put this place back to doing what it does best.A1a
216OperatorsLeader: And if you think you might be interested in running some jobs for us, you just come speak to me.{Neutral} And we'll all be anxiously awaiting getting this place back to doing what it does best.A2a
217WilliamBlack: Great. Another nut--{Sternly, but politely, telling your brother to shut his mouth. / Stern} William.OperatorsLeader: Of course, Overboss.X1a
218WilliamBlack: Man was an idiot. Made us all look bad.{Neutral} Heh. A clown stuck in his own little car.Player Default: Regret, I guess. I didn't want to kill him.A1a
219OperatorsLeader: I'm Mags.{Confident} This is my brother, William.WilliamBlack: Pleasure.A1a
220WilliamBlack: So, we'd like if you answered the question.{Neutral} Yes. What went through you as you crushed the life out of that oaf?Player Default: Regret, I guess. I didn't want to kill him.Y1a
221WilliamBlack: Pleasure.{Neutral} Along with our co-conspirator Lizzie, we run this crew. Call ourselves the Operators.A1a
222{Neutral} You'll come to understand soon enough that we are the only gang you should be backing around here.A1b
223{Try not to get too dramatic with the last part. / Neutral} Because we're the only ones who see this place for what it is. A temple. A testament to the only thing that matters in this world.Player Default: Happiness?A1c
224WilliamBlack: You'd be the only one...{Neutral} Agreed. Not going to make much of a splash around Nuka-World with an attitude like that...OperatorsLeader: Regardless, Gage's decree means that you're the new Overboss.A1a
225WilliamBlack: Sure looked it.{This person might be tougher than you thought. / Thinking} Hmm. Perhaps you're better suited to this than I expected.OperatorsLeader: Regardless, Gage's decree means that you're the new Overboss.B1a
226WilliamBlack: Hey. You don't get to talk to Mags that way.{Neutral} It's all right, William.OperatorsLeader: Regardless, Gage's decree means that you're the new Overboss.X1a
227WilliamBlack: Instead Colter had us sitting on our asses for the better part of a year while he lived large in his damn mountaintop.{Confident} And that means if you're going to be in charge around here, we'd like some assurances that you intend to bring this place back to its true purpose.A1a
228{Building in strength here. This should still be restrained, but this last line should be delivered with some strength. / Confident} And that we're going to get back to robbing folks of their fucking money.Player Default: My goal's to use this place to make all the money I can.A1b
229WilliamBlack: Well, it's about damn time.{Neutral} Hmm. I look forward to seeing your claims put into action.OperatorsLeader: So, you're welcome in the Parlor whenever you like. Make yourself at home.A1a
230WilliamBlack: Hmm. Of course, boss.{Put some subtle hate into this. Someone just told you to shut your mouth and you're planning on cutting their throat. / Neutral} Whatever you say.OperatorsLeader: So, you're welcome in the Parlor whenever you like. Make yourself at home.B1a
231OperatorsLeader: William.{A little too nicely agreeing to comply with your new boss' weird demand. You're thinking about killing them and don't want them to suspect. / Neutral} Of course, Overboss.OperatorsLeader: So, you're welcome in the Parlor whenever you like. Make yourself at home.X1a
232Player Default: Making money?{Neutral} Exactly.OperatorsLeader: Caps. This place was built for the sole purpose of taking caps out of the pockets of fools.B1a
233Player Default: What were you discussing when I walked in?{Neutral} Well... you, Overboss. You're... an unknown quantity. And we're interested in knowing who we're dealing with.WilliamBlack: So, we'd like if you answered the question.Y1a
234OperatorsLeader: Agreed. Not going to make much of a splash around Nuka-World with an attitude like that...{Neutral} Regardless, Gage's decree means that you're the new Overboss.A1a
235{A bit coyly. You're trying to flatter this person a little bit. You know you could kill them if it came to it. / Confident} I suppose we can only hope you work out better than the last one.A1b
236{Confident} I'm Mags.OperatorsLeader: This is my brother, William.A1c
237WilliamBlack: Nope.{Confident} Caps. This place was built for the sole purpose of taking caps out of the pockets of fools.A1a
238{Amused} We only joined Gage and Colter's little menagerie in order to restore it to that goal...A1b
239{A bit of smirk. / Amused} ... though by somewhat more cutthroat methods than I expect its founders intended.WilliamBlack: Instead Colter had us sitting on our asses for the better part of a year while he lived large in his damn mountaintop.A1c
240OperatorsLeader: Heh. A clown stuck in his own little car.{Neutral} I guess we can take some solace in the fact that someone finally gave him what he deserved.A1a
241{Neutral} I want to know. What did you feel as you did it? When you brought that walking pile of human garbage to his knees?Player Default: Regret, I guess. I didn't want to kill him.A1b
242Player Default: And you want to explain to me why exactly I should be backing the Operators?{Neutral} Because we dispense with the bullshit. My people aren't commanded by lunatic bloodlust or animal instincts.Y1a
243{Neutral} We are the only rational players around here and would make valuable allies, so long as we know you intend to get this place back to bringing in caps.WilliamBlack: So, we want to know what your plan is.Y1b
244OperatorsLeader: Hmm. I look forward to seeing your claims put into action.{Neutral} So, you're welcome in the Parlor whenever you like. Make yourself at home.A1a
245{Neutral} And if you think you might be interested in running some jobs for us, you just come speak to me.OperatorsLeader: But do take a little time to consider the kind of life we could all have if we put this place back to doing what it does best.A1b
246DLC04MQ02_OperatorIntroScene_SceneOperators: Sorry, Mags. All anyone's turned up so far is that he's got that Pip-Boy on his arm.{Out loud, thinking to yourself. You're not shocked by this. More intrigued. / Thinking} So our new Overboss is a vault dweller.WilliamBlack: Or iced a vault dweller.A1a
247WilliamBlack: Or iced a vault dweller.{Politely addressing an underling. / Neutral} Hmm. You can go.A1a


248DLC04MQ05Stage020BossScene01{Concerned} Looks like Nisha's dug in pretty well up there.DLC04MQ05William: I knew that nutjob would turn on us sooner or later. So, are we storming the place or what?A1a
249DLC04MQ05Stage020BossScene03{Concerned} Looks like Mason's dug in pretty well up there.DLC04MQ05William: I knew that nutjob would turn on us sooner or later. So, are we storming the place or what?A1a
250DLC04MQ05Stage025BossScene01{Irritated} It's about time you got here. All hell's breaking loose.Player Default: Just calm down and start at the beginning.A
251{Angry} While you were away, Nisha gathered up her gang and took the Power Plant.A1a
252{Start getting really angry on the last sentence. / Angry} If that bitch thinks she's going to get away with this, she's dead wrong. I'll tuck her in for a dirt nap myself.DLC04MQ05Companion: You gotta be kidding me. She turned on us, after everything we've done for her?A1b
253Player Default: Just calm down and start at the beginning.{deep sigh, obviously irritated time is wasting / Irritated} Story time, huh? Fine.DLC04MQ05Mags: While you were away, word came back from the Commonwealth that you're favoring the Operators and the Pack.A1a
254Player Default: I can't leave this place for five minutes without everything going to hell.{Irritated} If you're looking to blame someone, it better not be us.DLC04MQ05Mags: While you were away, word came back from the Commonwealth that you're favoring the Operators and the Pack.B1a
255Player Default: God damn it... sometimes I swear, this is like taking care of a bunch of children.{Irritated} Careful now. Remember who's been on your side ever since you started planting our flags. Unfortunately, not everyone is so loyal.DLC04MQ05Mags: While you were away, word came back from the Commonwealth that you're favoring the Operators and the Pack.X1a
256Player Default: How could you let this happen?!{I'm sorry not an apology, but a "uh, what?" Get more firm on the final sentence. / Irritated} I'm sorry. Since when am I in charge of the other gangs? I thought that was your job.Player Default: Just calm down and start at the beginning.Y1a
257Player Default: Story time, huh? Fine.{Confident} While you were away, word came back from the Commonwealth that you're favoring the Operators and the Pack.A1a
258{Sarcastic} Which we certainly appreciated. But, surprise, surprise... Nisha wasn't exactly thrilled to hear the news.DLC04MQ05William: Yeah... she and her gang forced their way into the Power Plant. Now they've got the entire place locked down.A1b
259DLC04MQ05Mason: I won't be satisfied until it's my hands wrapped around her scrawny little neck - eyes popping out of her stupid little mask.{Angry} Both of you, shut up!A1a
260{Irritated} Look, boss... this is your play. We'll follow you anywhere, but you have to swear to us that Nisha will be punished for her actions.Player Default: I didn't build all this up just to watch her tear it down.A1b
261Player Default: I didn't build all this up just to watch her tear it down.{Confident} Amen.DLC04MQ05William: Let's do this!A1a
262Player Default: She's as good as dead.{SinisterSmile} Exactly what I was hoping to hear.DLC04MQ05William: Let's do this!B1a
263Player Default: Doesn't sound like she's giving us a choice. We have to take her down.{SinisterSmile} Right behind you, boss.DLC04MQ05William: Let's do this!X1a
264Player Default: I hate to lose the Disciples. Isn't there some other way?{Sarcastic} They're lost already, boss.Y1a
265{Angry} Nisha killed some of our own. She needs to pay for what she's done.Player Default: I didn't build all this up just to watch her tear it down.Y1b
266DLC04MQ05Stage025BossScene03DLC04MQ05Nisha: Well, surprise, surprise... Mason wasn't exactly thrilled to hear the news.{Irritated} He and his gang forced their way into the Power Plant. Now they've got the entire place locked down.A1a
267{Getting angrier as you go on. / Angry} We can't let him get away with this, boss. And we all want a crack at those loonies.DLC04MQ05William: Damn right we do.A1b
268Player Default: My thoughts exactly.{Angry} Time to clean house.DLC04MQ05William: We got your back, boss!A1a
269-{desperate/determined / Irritated} We lose the Power Plant, we lose our edge. But Nisha doesn't seem to care if we all burn.A
270{referring to shooting her enemy / Angry} If I see Nisha, I'll put one in her head myself.A
271{Angry} Wish we'd wiped those Disciples off the map long ago.A
272{desperate/determined / Irritated} We lose the Power Plant, we lose our edge. But Mason doesn't seem to care if we all burn.A
273{desperate/determined / Irritated} Mason is a dead man.A
274{Angry} Wish we'd wiped the Pack off the map long ago.A
275{Confident} Park's quite a sight with the lights on. Now folk will know we mean serious business.A
276{Confident} Glad all that nonsense is over with. Now we can move on to bigger and better things.A
277{Confident} If you need me, I'll meet you back in Nuka-Town.A