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This is a transcript for dialogue with Mackenzie Bridgeman.


1DLC04DialogueSettlement_MackenzieFirstScene{startled at first, trying to shmooze the Player who is her jailor / Nervous} Oh! Uh... hello, boss! Congratulations on taking out Colter... I'm, uh... sure you'll do great.Player Default: You're damn right. This is my show now.A
2Player Default: Well, I admit, I didn't like being roped into this "job" in the first place.{Conspiratorial} Then this might be your chance to make some changes around here.MackenzieBridgeman: The gangs that call this place home are already at each other's throats.A1a
3Player Default: How dare you suggest something like that! I should have you shot!{Afraid for your life / Afraid} Okay, okay, I get it boss... just take it easy. There's no need to get angry.B1a
4{transitioning from afraid to nervous / Nervous} Just forget I said anything, okay?MackenzieBridgeman: Anyway, I'm the closest thing to a doctor around here. I treat everyone, Raider, trader and traveler alike.B1b
5Player Default: Are you out of your mind?{Nervous} Just, hear me out.MackenzieBridgeman: The gangs that call this place home are already at each other's throats.Y1a
6Player Default: Then this might be your chance to make some changes around here.{pulling player close for a dangerous chat given the surroundings / Conspiratorial} The gangs that call this place home are already at each other's throats.A1a
7{pulling player close for a dangerous chat given the surroundings / Conspiratorial} Now you could risk your own neck and try to keep them from tearing each other apart or you could do the right thing and put them in the ground.A1b
8{pulling player close for a dangerous chat given the surroundings / Conspiratorial} When it's all said and done, you're still running this place from your fancy house on the mountain over there.A1c
9{pulling player close for a dangerous chat given the surroundings / Conspiratorial} Except now, you won't have to sleep with a gun under your pillow.Player Default: I'm not making any promises, but I'll keep it in mind.A1d
10Player Default: It's your call, boss.{Conspiratorial} If you're serious about this, then you'll have to take down the leaders of the gangs.A1a
11{Conspiratorial} That means putting a bullet into Nisha, Mason, Mags and Mags's brother, William.A1b
12{Conspiratorial} Once you do that, the gangs will collapse and Nuka-Town goes back to being a free-trading post.A1c
13{Nervous} I should uh, probably stop talking about this out here. Just keep what I said in mind.MackenzieBridgeman: Anyway, I'm the closest thing to a doctor around here. I treat everyone, Raider, trader and traveler alike.A1d
14Player Default: Hey! Show some more enthusiasm when you say that.{Sympathetic} No offense intended. I know it's a tough job.MackenzieBridgeman: Sorry I'm so nervous, I don't mean any disrespect, boss. I just don't know where I stand with you and I don't want to end up pissing you off.B1a
15Player Default: I'm still trying to figure out if I even want this gig.That's understandable, but whether you want it or not, the job is yours.MackenzieBridgeman: Sorry I'm so nervous, I don't mean any disrespect, boss. I just don't know where I stand with you and I don't want to end up pissing you off.X1a
16Player Default: Why would you congratulate me? It's not like you're free to go.{Nervous} Well, to be honest, I don't know you yet, boss.MackenzieBridgeman: Sorry I'm so nervous, I don't mean any disrespect, boss. I just don't know where I stand with you and I don't want to end up pissing you off.Y1a
17Player Default: No offense intended. I know it's a tough job.{Nervous / Nervous} Sorry I'm so nervous, I don't mean any disrespect, boss. I just don't know where I stand with you and I don't want to end up pissing you off.A1a
18{Nervous} That, and, well... I'd be lying if I said we weren't all wondering how you plan to run the place.A1b
19{starting to get nervous at end as you broach a subject that could get you killed / Nervous} I mean, this is your show now, you can do anything you want. You could run Nuka-World just like Colter... business as usual. Or...A1c
20{Take the player aside. This is a really dangerous thing to say, given that you're surrounded by raiders. Nervous. / Nervous} You could uh, well, you know... get rid of the Raiders if you don't exactly agree with how they're running the place.Player Default: Well, I admit, I didn't like being roped into this "job" in the first place.A1d
21Player Default: I'm not making any promises, but I'll keep it in mind.{Confident} It's your call, boss.MackenzieBridgeman: If you're serious about this, then you'll have to take down the leaders of the gangs.A1a
22Player Default: I don't really know what I want to do yet.{Trying to be friendly, but still nervous / Neutral} Of course, I understand. Still taking it all in.MackenzieBridgeman: If you're serious about this, then you'll have to take down the leaders of the gangs.X1a
23Player Default: I'd have to kill... all of them?{Irritated} No, of course not.MackenzieBridgeman: If you're serious about this, then you'll have to take down the leaders of the gangs.Y1a
24MackenzieBridgeman: I should uh, probably stop talking about this out here. Just keep what I said in mind.Anyway, I'm the closest thing to a doctor around here. I treat everyone, Raider, trader and traveler alike.A1a
25Got some medical supplies, too, if you're looking for those.A1b
26DLC04DialogueSettlement_MackenzieFreeScene{Stunned / Disbelief} Boss... I... I can't believe it. You killed the Raiders. All of them. I have to ask... why?Player Default: You and the other traders were being treated like slaves. I had to put an end to it.A
27Player Default: You and the other traders were being treated like slaves. I had to put an end to it.{Disbelief} Well, you certainly did that.MackenzieBridgeman: I've thought about this day for a long time. Dreamed about it, really, though I never thought I'd see that dream come true.A1a
28Player Default: Raiders steal and kill without remorse. They don't deserve to live.{Relief, approval / Relieved} Can't argue with that. If you ask me, they've had it coming for a long time.MackenzieBridgeman: I've thought about this day for a long time. Dreamed about it, really, though I never thought I'd see that dream come true.B1a
29Player Default: Not sure, really. I guess I just felt like killing a lot of people.{Nervous, dealing wiht a psychotic / Nervous} Oh... okay, boss. I, uh... really hope you've scratched that itch now.MackenzieBridgeman: I've thought about this day for a long time. Dreamed about it, really, though I never thought I'd see that dream come true.X1a
30Player Default: Does it really matter? You're free now.I guess not. I'm sure you had your reasons.MackenzieBridgeman: I've thought about this day for a long time. Dreamed about it, really, though I never thought I'd see that dream come true.Y1a
31Player Default: Well, you certainly did that.{Slowly accepting new reality (a better reality) / Grateful} I've thought about this day for a long time. Dreamed about it, really, though I never thought I'd see that dream come true.A1a
32{Grateful but uncertain / Grateful} Now that it has, I'm left with a question that I don't know the answer to: What happens next?Player Default: You're free now. You can do anything you want.A1b
33Player Default: You know, I think we should keep this market open. Bring it back to what it used to be, a place where everyone feels welcome.{Grateful} Before you go, there's one last thing I need to say. Thank you. Sincerely, from all of us. Thank you.A1a
34{Grateful} Wherever the road takes you, know that you'll always be welcomed back here in Nuka-World.A1b
35{Neutral} Now if you'll excuse me, I've got to figure out a way to safely remove these collars.A1c
36Player Default: You're free now. You can do anything you want.{Grateful} Freedom... I never appreciated that word as much as I do right now.A1a
37{Grateful} You know, I think we should keep this market open. Bring it back to what it used to be, a place where everyone feels welcome.MackenzieBridgeman: Before you go, there's one last thing I need to say. Thank you. Sincerely, from all of us. Thank you.A1b
38Player Default: That's not my problem.{Hopeful, but a bit nervous / Friendly} You're right. We need to make that decision for ourselves.MackenzieBridgeman: Before you go, there's one last thing I need to say. Thank you. Sincerely, from all of us. Thank you.B1a
39Player Default: What do you want to happen?I think we should keep this place going, like the way it used to be.Y1a
40Only now, we can use the money we bring in to make our lives better.MackenzieBridgeman: Before you go, there's one last thing I need to say. Thank you. Sincerely, from all of us. Thank you.Y1b
46What the?!
49{Curious why the player has stopped talking} Feeling alright?


50DLC04HubConversation03_RaiderMackenzie_SceneRaider: Doc, you've got to help me. I've got this itch, and now it's starting to burn. Hurts like hell.{Professional curiosity / Question} Where do you feel this burning sensation?Raider: I'll show you. Just let me undo this buckle...A1a
51Raider: I'll show you. Just let me undo this buckle...{Telling a guy not to take his pants off / Surprised} Whoa, just stop there. I think I know what's wrong.A1a
52{Being a doctor} Here, take these, two every morning. Stop back in a week and we'll see how you're doing.Raider: Thanks, doc. I owe you one.A1b


53DLC04SettlementDoctor_EndSceneDone. Now, was there anything else bothering you?A1a
54And that's that. Anything else bothering you?A2a
55All done. Any other complaints?A3a
56DLC04SettlementDoctor_ExamScenePlayer Default: Yeah, see what's wrong with me, doctor.{curing patient's chem addiction} Let's clean you up. Not gonna be pleasant...Y1a
57Player Default: Yeah, see what's wrong with me, doctor.{examining a patient, who says they are not addicted to any chems} Glad to hear it. Anything else?Y2a
58Player Default: Yeah, see what's wrong with me, doctor.{curing patient's chem addiction} You're strung out all right. I got something that can clean you up.Y4a
59Player Default: Yeah, see what's wrong with me, doctor.{curing patient's chem addiction} Yeah, you got it bad. Let's flush your system. It's gonna burn like crazy, afterwards, all right?Y5a
60Player Default: Yeah, see what's wrong with me, doctor.{Apologetic} I'm sorry. Cleaning up addiction costs money, and you're short on caps. Was there anything else?Y6a
61Player Default: Yeah, see what's wrong with me, doctor.{Apologetic} I can help, but not for free. You'll need to come back when you have the caps. You need anything else?Y7a
62Player Default: Yeah, see what's wrong with me, doctor.{Apologetic} We can help you when you have enough money. Addiction isn't cheap to cure. Anything else?Y8a
63{examining a patient, they just told you their radiation levels are normal} Good. Keep an eye on it, though. What else?X1a
64{seeing signs of radiation sickness} Blood pooling in the gums. Signs of anemia. Yeah. We better clean you up.X3a
65{seeing signs of radiation sickness} All right. Let's flush your system.X4a
66{seeing signs of radiation sickness} We'll clean you up, don't worry.X5a
67{Apologetic} You're definitely sick, but you don't have enough money to cover my fee. Sorry. Was there something else?X6a
68{Apologetic} You don't have enough caps for the fee. Sorry. Anything else?X7a
69{Apologetic} We can clean you up, but you don't have enough money to cover the costs. Anything else?X8a
70{played asked for help, then changed his mind} On your way, then.B2a
71{played asked for help, then changed his mind} Fine. Come back later.B3a
72{played asked for help, then changed his mind} Very well, then.B4a
73All right. Don't ruin my hard work by dying out there.B6a
74Take better care of yourself in the future, okay?B7a
75{Professional} Off you go, then.B8a
76{Professional, even keeled, a doctor talking to a patient} Glad to hear it. Anything else?A2a
77{Professional, even keeled, a doctor talking to a patient} Good, hope it stays that way. Anything else?A3a
78{Professional, even keeled, a doctor talking to a patient} Good. Anything else?A4a
79{Professional, even keeled, a doctor talking to a patient / Concerned} Huh, you look fine, but... oh wait... yep, that's gonna need to be set back in place. Let's get started.A6a
80{Professional, even keeled, a doctor talking to a patient / Concerned} Eh, I've seen worse. Better stitch you up before infection sets in, though.A7a
81{Professional, even keeled, a doctor talking to a patient / Concerned} Scrapes and bruises, but it's probably a good idea to get them fixed up.A8a
82{Professional, even keeled, a doctor talking to a patient / Concerned} Severe lacerations, puncture wounds, muscle spasms in the eyes from high levels of stress... Yeah, let's patch you up.A10a
83{Professional, even keeled, a doctor talking to a patient / Concerned} Hmm... gonna need to brace those fractures, apply some cream for the burns, a few sets of stitches. Better get to it...A11a
84{Professional, even keeled, a doctor talking to a patient / Concerned} Oh wow, that's a lot of blood. We'll need to operate right away.A12a
85{Apologetic} I'd like to help you, but I got costs to cover, and you're low on caps. Was there anything else?A14a
86{Apologetic} You're hurt, all right, but you're also dead broke. Sorry. Anything else?A15a
87DLC04SettlementDoctor_GreetSceneWhat can I do for you? Treatment or supplies?Player Default: Patch me up, doc.A
88How are you feeling? I can take care of any sickness or injuries you might have.Player Default: Patch me up, doc.A
89Need me to look at you? Or just here for supplies?Player Default: Patch me up, doc.A
90Need some stims? Or I can patch you up myself.Player Default: Patch me up, doc.A
91Welcome. Dealing with any injuries or illnesses today?Player Default: Patch me up, doc.A
92Player Default: Patch me up, doc.Of course. What seems to be the trouble?A1a
93Player Default: Patch me up, doc.Alright, let's start with your symptoms. What's wrong, exactly?A2a
94Player Default: Patch me up, doc.Okay. What's troubling you, exactly?A3a
95Player Default: Not interested.Very well.B1a
96Player Default: Not interested.Okay.B2a
97Player Default: Not interested.Alright.B3a
98Player Default: Could use some supplies, actually.Sure, take a look.X1a
99Player Default: Could use some supplies, actually.Here's what I've got.X2a
100Player Default: Could use some supplies, actually.Of course. Here's my current stock.X3a
101Player Default: A doctor? How did you end up in this place?Well, it's a bit of a story. I used to live at a settlement west of here. We got hit by Colter and his gang, back when he had one.Y1a
102It was a tough fight. We killed some of theirs, they killed some of ours. There were wounded on both sides, but nobody could get to them.Y1b
103I called out for a cease fire on the condition that I'd see to their injuries as well as ours. Saved a few lives that day, including Colter's.Y1c
104When he set up this place, he came back for me. Said if I came along, he'd make sure his guys wouldn't hit our settlement again.Y1d
105Now this place is my home.Y1e
106{Question} Anyway, anything can I do for you? Treatment or supplies?Player Default: Patch me up, doc.Y1f