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This is a transcript for dialogue with Jimson.


DLC04AboutLeader Who leads this tribe? Surprise 50 Leader? That would be Jackson, a man of great wisdom. He has withdrawn to his Cavern of Communion, the better to contemplate the unknowable! 1
Neutral 50 Only the righteous are trusted to know where this nexus of understanding lies. And alas, I am not so blessed. 2
Who leads this tribe? Surprise 50 That would be Jackson. He's normally in here, leading sermons, tending to our needs, and speaking to us of his journeys in the realm of pure thought. 3
Surprise 25 I guess he went off on one of his meditations again. He's always off praying for guidance, especially these days. 4
Who leads this tribe? Neutral 50 You mean Jackson? I thought he was inside. I guess you could check there. 5
DLC04AboutMansion Why did you attack the mansion? Neutral 50 Our most enlightened one divined that the fates themselves did decree the mansion must be burnt to the ground! 6
Why did you attack the mansion? Surprise 50 Honestly? I got no idea. Word came down on high that the place had to come down. 7
Neutral 50 I probably should have joined the war party, but... well, I'm not really comfortable with violence. 8
DLC04AboutPunga How do you get so much Punga Fruit to grow here? Happy 50 It is a gift from the earth itself, in acknowledgement of our perfect balance with nature and the higher planes. 9
Neutral 50 She recognizes that we seek to leave behind the corrupt physical, and she nurtures us in our quest. 10
How do you get so much Punga Fruit to grow here? Surprise 50 Tell the truth, I got no idea. Ground's probably pretty fertile here, on account of the graveyard. 11
Neutral 50 Plus, we got lots of people tending the gardens. Especially the big man, Croatoa. 12
Neutral 50 Guy's got a knack for plants. Makes sense - mentally, they're on the same level. 13
DLC04AboutTribals What does this tribe believe in? Happy 50 We espouse the expansion of the perfect mind, and the rejection of the corrupt physical! 14
Happy 75 The material world is destroyed and imperfect. We seek to release our minds from their tainted cages, so as to find a better world. 15
What does this tribe believe in? Neutral 50 We're all about expansion of the mind, denying the physical, all that good stuff. 16
Neutral 50 I mean, have you looked around? This world sucks the big fat one, so we're ditching it and going off to fantasyland. 17
Neutral 50 Only, not imaginary fantasyland. Real fantasyland, right? A world of perfect thought. Anywhere but this shithole, at least. 18
DLC04JacksonLocation Where can I find Jackson? Anger 50 Couldn't tell you where he goes for his meditations. I swear, nobody tells me nothing. Maybe ask one of the others? 19
Where can I find Jackson? Sad 50 Alas, only the worthy may enter his nexus of meditation. He has not seen fit to enlighten me! 20
DLC04WakeUp1A What happened to me? Why does my head hurt so much? Happy 75 That is merely the sensation of your consciousness rushing to embrace its true potential. It is the feeling of having no boundaries. No limits! 21
Happy 50 Yea, though your body will bear the scars of the ritual, your soul shall be forever strengthened by the experience! 22
Happy 50 You are now welcomed in our cathedral. Enter, enlightened sister! 23
What happened to me? Why does my head hurt so much? Happy 75 That is merely the sensation of your consciousness rushing to embrace its true potential. It is the feeling of having no boundaries. No limits! 24
Happy 50 Yea, though your body will bear the scars of the ritual, your soul shall be forever strengthened by the experience! 25
Happy 50 You are now welcomed in our cathedral. Enter, enlightened brother! 26
DLC04WakeUp1B Did it work? Is the ritual complete? Happy 75 For a time, we feared your mind had journeyed too far from your body, and you had departed our world. But you returned to us again, at long last! 27
Happy 50 Yea, though your body will bear the scars of the ritual, your soul shall be forever strengthened by the experience! 28
Happy 50 You are now welcomed in our cathedral. Enter, enlightened sister! 29
Did it work? Is the ritual complete? Happy 75 For a time, we feared your mind had journeyed too far from your body, and you had departed our world. But you returned to us again, at long last! 30
Happy 50 Yea, though your body will bear the scars of the ritual, your soul shall be forever strengthened by the experience! 31
Happy 50 You are now welcomed in our cathedral. Enter, enlightened brother! 32
You again? Why couldn't I hallucinate someone who's not a moron? Anger 50 You're still going to be like that, huh? I suppose it was too much to hope that transcendental enlightenment had taught you some manners. 33
Neutral 50 Oh well, you'll learn some humility eventually, even if Woodrose has to beat it into you. 34
Happy 50 Just get inside the sacred cathedral. You're enlightened now, so try to act like it, okay? 35
GREETING Neutral 50 Please wait until my meditations are complete. 36
Neutral 50 A moment, please. 37
Neutral 50 Pardon me while I commune with the higher planes. 38
Anger 25 Something troubles you? 39
Happy 50 Be at peace. 40
Happy 50 Rest awhile, friend. 41
Happy 50 Unburden your mind. 42
Happy 50 Relax. 43
Happy 50 Truly, the Mother Punga has bestowed her wisdom upon you, and your mind has been expanded! 44
DLC04TribalEntry1A I seek the wisdom of your people. May I join your tribe? Neutral 50 What's this? A humble traveler, seeking the guidance of our awakened minds? Truly, this is a glorious day! 1
DLC04TribalEntry1B Seriously? "The threshold of transcendence"? Just let me in, already. Neutral 50 What? No, you're doing it wrong! If you want to join, you're supposed to get into the right mindset, you know?{Frustrated at the mocking player's attitude} 1
DLC04TribalEntry2A I have no fear. I will take your test, and I will be victorious! Neutral 50 You may not be so brave when you face the Ritual of the Mother Seed. Stronger souls than you have attempted it and lost their minds. 1
DLC04TribalEntry2B I'm not so sure about this. Tell me more. Neutral 50 Your caution is a credit to your wisdom - only a fool eats before he knows the meal. You are worthy to attempt the Ritual of the Mother Seed! 1
DLC04TribalEntry3A Oh, okay. Verily, I shall taketh your test. And I shall, um, succeedeth! Neutral 50 Seed! 1
DLC04TribalEntry3B Sure. Do some crazy ritual. Whatever. Neutral 50 Okay, be that way. It's called the Ritual of the Mother Seed. Laugh if you want, but it will open your mind to the world!{Frustrated at the mocking player's attitude} 1


HELLO HELLO Neutral 50 Let your earthly cares slip away, like a pebble in the sea. 45
HELLO Neutral 50 The physical world holds nothing for us. Release any lingering connections to it. 46
HELLO Neutral 50 Be at peace. {mumbled, as if half awake} 47
HELLO Neutral 50 Go past the flesh. {mumbled, as if half awake} 48
HELLO Neutral 50 Transcend. {mumbled, as if half awake} 49
HELLO Neutral 50 Mind at ease. {mumbled, as if half awake} 50
HELLO Neutral 50 Escape to the mind. {mumbled, as if half awake} 51
HELLO Neutral 50 <sigh> {quiet, long sigh like someone almost asleep} 52
HELLO Happy 50 Ah, I see you have returned to our world once more! 53
DLC04IntercomBark DLC04IntercomBark Neutral 50 Hark! Who goes there? 1


AcceptYield AcceptYield Neutral 50 Be at peace. 54
Attack Attack Anger 50 Sleep forever! 55
Attack Anger 50 Return to dust! 56
Attack Anger 50 Death to the unenlightened! 57
Attack Anger 50 Impure! 58
Attack Anger 50 You will feed the Punga! 59
Death Death Neutral 50 At last... 60
Death Neutral 50 To dream... 61