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This is a transcript for dialogue with Dixie.


1DLC04ConvDiscipleDixieScene{Amused} Well, well, look who it is.Disciple: Yeah, yeah. Savoy said he'd rather skin himself alive than listen to another one of my ideas. He can kiss my ass.A2a
2{Concerned} Someone's looking glum. Why the long face?Disciple: Yeah, yeah. Savoy said he'd rather skin himself alive than listen to another one of my ideas. He can kiss my ass.A3a
3{Amused} Did you figure it out yet?Disciple: Yeah, yeah. Savoy said he'd rather skin himself alive than listen to another one of my ideas. He can kiss my ass.A4a
4Disciple: Yeah, yeah. Savoy said he'd rather skin himself alive than listen to another one of my ideas. He can kiss my ass.{Start with an amused laugh. / Amused} Told you that dog won't hunt. But you can still run your pretty, little idea by me tomorrow. You know where to find me.A1a
5Disciple: Yeah, yeah. Savoy said he'd rather skin himself alive than listen to another one of my ideas. He can kiss my ass.{Scolding. / Concerned} That's 'cause we want to run this place someday, dummy, so until we do, I suggest you wise up. And only a mile? I'm disappointed.A2a
6Disciple: Yeah, yeah. Savoy said he'd rather skin himself alive than listen to another one of my ideas. He can kiss my ass.{Half joking, half serious / Amused} Aw, if you can't figure it out soon, come see me. A Disciple that can't do a simple knife trick? I'll put you out of your misery myself.A3a


7-{Friendly} The new OB, eh? I reckon you're here to talk to Nisha. She's in charge.
8{Amused} So this is what it feels like to be on top of the world. Not bad, OB, not bad.
9{Amused} A girl could definitely get used to this!
10{Impressed} You sure put a shine on this place. I knew you liked it here.
11{Impressed} You got good taste, OB. I knew I liked you.
12{Happy} This is the most fun I've had since we got here.
13{Impressed} Are all ya'll vault dwellers this talented?
14{SinisterSmile} Stick with us, OB. Those other gangs ain't nearly as fun.
15{SinisterSmile} Don't tell me you're afraid to get a little blood on your hands.
16{SinisterSmile} I'm not feeling the love here, OB. We ain't scaring you away, are we?
17{Irritated} I'm fixin' to toss your head on a pike if you don't walk away right now.
18{Irritated} If you ain't here to make things right, you may want to turn tail and get before I forget my manners.
19{Irritated} Watch your back, OB. You sure ain't making any friends 'round here.
20{SinisterSmile} If I hear them Pack animals talkin' trash one more time, they're gonna wake up short a few body parts.
21{Amused} All that time in front of a mirror and the Operators still don't know they look like fools. Bless their little hearts.
22{Thinking} Never understood the Power Armor thing. Takes half the thrill out of a fight.
23{Amused} I love it when the traders try to escape and the collar triggers. Nothing like watching a head go pop!
24{Amused} I'm surprised Colter lasted as long as he did. Pretty sure we all wanted him dead.
25{Player just killed you, but you're at peace with your death, being united with the dark entity you believe in. / InPain} Finally...
26{Player hit you in combat. Coy taunting. / SinisterSmile} That all you got?
27{Player hit you in combat. Coy taunting. / SinisterSmile} Do your worst.
28{Player hit you in combat. Coy taunting. / SinisterSmile} You're not even trying.
29{Taunting the player in combat and loving it. / SinisterSmile} Don't hold out on me. I can take it.
30{Taunting the player in combat and loving it. / SinisterSmile} I just want to carve a new smile on that face.
31{Taunting the player in combat and loving it. Intentional rhyming. / SinisterSmile} If you're not going to try, you might as well die.
32{Starting combat. Excited. / SinisterSmile} Time for some fun.
33{Starting combat. Excited. / SinisterSmile} Oh, the things I'm going to show you.
34{Starting combat. Excited. / SinisterSmile} You just made my day.


35DLC04DialogueRaiderDiscipleScenes_Intro{Concerned} Come on, girl, you know we should run this place. Not some lil greenie Gage dragged in.Nisha: We're giving him a second chance. Gage screws this up, he knows we'll skin him alive. So shut up and be patient.A1a
36Nisha: We're giving him a second chance. Gage screws this up, he knows we'll skin him alive. So shut up and be patient.{Amused} What about you big guy? Nothing to say on the matter?Savoy: As long as he doesn't get in my way... don't much care.A1a
37Savoy: As long as he doesn't get in my way... don't much care.{Amused} Yeah, figured as much.Nisha: Both of you just get out of here. And make sure the others get the message.A1a


38DLC04Holotapes_DixieSouvenir01Player Default: We're packing up to leave and we're outta here! I wanted to leave this message for you...{Friendly} It's awfully sweet of ya'll to welcome a stranger into your home.Player Default: Oh, you've no idea how happy we are that we ran into you.A1a
39Player Default: Oh, you've no idea how happy we are that we ran into you.{Pulling out your knife to kill someone with enjoyment. / SinisterSmile} Not as happy as I am.Player Default: What are you doing? Wait, I thought you were here to...Argh!A1a
40Player Default: Sam! No! What have you done?{Just killed a husband, now you're going to kill a wife, with enjoyment! / SinisterSmile} Don't worry, honey. I'd never keep two love birds apart.Player Default: No! Argh!A1a
41Player Default: No! Argh!{Satisfied Ah. Very happy with yourself. / Confident} Ah. That went well.A1a
42{Excited to find the holotape still recording. / Amused} What's this? I think I'll keep you as my little souvenir.A1b
43DLC04Holotapes_DixieSouvenir02Player Default: This whole plan was a bust. As it is, we barely got enough to pay for our losses.{Friendly} Hey, are all ya'll traders? If so, I know a pretty good post nearby. Guarantee you'll turn a profit if you want to check it out.Player Default: Yeah? Well, I'm not sure we'd want to trust anything some stranger in a mask told us. Sure you're not some sort of Raider?A1a
44Player Default: Yeah? Well, I'm not sure we'd want to trust anything some stranger in a mask told us. Sure you're not some sort of Raider?{Friendly} I ain't no Raider. And I only wear this mask on account of some yao guai wantin' a piece of me a while back.A1a
45{Friendly} It's up to you folks. If ya'll are interested, Nuka-World's just a short trip north. Can't miss it!A1b
46{Friendly} Just tell 'em Dixie sent ya, and they'll treat you and yours like ya'll are family.Player Default: Hmm, we'll talk about it. Thanks for stopping by.A1c
47DLC04Holotapes_DixieSouvenir03Player Default: I can't wait to see... What the hell? How'd you get in here?{Amused} A girl's got her ways. I'm just here 'cause Anna's big into helping Nisha keep the peace between all us gangs.A1a
48{Amused} Me? Not so much.Player Default: What the...?A1b
49Player Default: What the...?{Amused} That should keep you quiet 'till I get you back to Fizztop.A1a
50{Amused} Aw were you recording this just for lil old me? You Operators are such sweethearts.A1b


51DLC04MQ04DixieSceneQuest_Scene{Friendly} Hey, boss.Dixie: Was wondering when you were gonna come see me. Heard you're collecting toys to help you mark us out some new stompin' grounds.A
52{Boss is a greeting to the player here. "The grenades" is referencing a previous conversation the two of you had. / Neutral} Boss. The grenades. I hope you're planning on using them well.Player Default: Sounds like I'll be putting it to good use.A
53DLC04NPCFDixie: Hey, boss.{Amused} Was wondering when you were gonna come see me. Heard you're collecting toys to help you mark us out some new stompin' grounds.Dixie: Well, ours is, without a doubt, the finest little piece of hardware you've ever laid your eyes on.A1a
54Dixie: Was wondering when you were gonna come see me. Heard you're collecting toys to help you mark us out some new stompin' grounds.{Friendly} Well, ours is, without a doubt, the finest little piece of hardware you've ever laid your eyes on.Dixie: Sure, she may be based off some shitty Operator tech. But a little Dixie love and some fine tweaking go a long way.A1a
55Dixie: Well, ours is, without a doubt, the finest little piece of hardware you've ever laid your eyes on.{Conspiratorial} Sure, she may be based off some shitty Operator tech. But a little Dixie love and some fine tweaking go a long way.A1a
56{Conspiratorial} Let's just say, them fever blossoms ain't no joke. Mix 'em with just the right ingredients? Makes people madder than a hornet's nest.A1b
57{Conspiratorial} Perfect for convincing any meddlesome settlers to rip each other apart.Player Default: Sounds like I'll be putting it to good use.A1c
58Player Default: Sounds like I'll be putting it to good use.{Confident} Damn straight you will. I trust she'll make her mama proud.Dixie: Only wish I could watch the show myself.A1a
59Player Default: I think there's already enough violence around here. I don't plan on making any more.{Pretending she didn't hear the player say he was against violence. / Puzzled} What's that? I couldn't hear you just then. Give her a try, boss. My girl's sure to do the trick.Dixie: Only wish I could watch the show myself.B1a
60Player Default: Oh so it's like an instant play date.{Amused} I like how you think, boss.Dixie: Only wish I could watch the show myself.X1a
61Player Default: Is there anything else I should know about this?{Conspiratorial} I mean, she won't work on bots or lower gen Synths, but otherwise, that's it in a nutshell.Y1a
62{Amused} All you got to do is sit back, relax, and enjoy the show!Player Default: Sounds like I'll be putting it to good use.Y1b
63Player Default: Damn straight you will. I trust she'll make her mama proud.{Neutral} Only wish I could watch the show myself.A1a


64DLC04RESceneCT03_Dixie{Coy. / SinisterSmile} Well, well, well, fancy meeting you out here... Overboss.Dixie: We were just debating which of these little lambs to bleed first. But since you're here, maybe you'd like the honor?A
65DLC04NPCFDixie: Well, well, well, fancy meeting you out here... Overboss.{SinisterSmile} We were just debating which of these little lambs to bleed first. But since you're here, maybe you'd like the honor?Player Default: Let them live. We could use more workers in Nuka-World.A1a
66Player Default: Let them live. We could use more workers in Nuka-World.{Over exaggerated... Oh, COOOME On! / Surprised} Oh, come on!A1a
67{SinisterSmile} *sigh* All right. But... That doesn't mean I can't bleed them just a little.A1b
68Player Default: Let them live. We could use more workers in Nuka-World.{SinisterSmile} Didn't anyone ever tell you, "Never come between a gal and her prey?"A2a
69Player Default: Take the ghoul first.{SinisterSmile} I like your style. Save the fresh one for last.B1a
70Player Default: Take the old man first.{SinisterSmile} The weak are always the first to go.X1a
71Player Default: Does it really matter?{Confident} Of course it matters! One of these lucky fellas gets the privilege of watching the other die first.Player Default: Let them live. We could use more workers in Nuka-World.Y1a
72DLC04RESceneCT03_DixieFinal{Confident} You heard the boss. We can't kill 'em, but that doesn't mean we can't have a little fun first.Victim02: No, please! I'll do anything!A1a
73{Confident} All right, ladies. Let's get started, shall we?Victim02: No, please! I'll do anything!A2a
74Victim01: Do it! I've had enough of this world.{SinisterSmile} I love it when they beg.Victim01: Do it! I've had enough of this world.A1a
75Victim01: Do it! I've had enough of this world.{Confident} Ah, that's better. Now, let's get back to Nuka-World.A1a
76-{SinisterSmile} Way to steal a gal's fun, though I can't say I blame you.
77{SinisterSmile} That ought to tide me over for a few days.