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This is a transcript for dialogue with Operators.


1-{Searching an area. You thought you saw something. / Angry} Something. I know it was something.
2{Searching an area. You thought you saw something. Somewhat irritated. / Irritated} I swear. If this turns out to be another damn bug...
3{Searching for someone. You think you saw someone. / Concerned} Come out, come out.
4{Searching. You think you saw someone. Calling out to them. / Concerned} Hiding won't save you.
5{Found an opponent you were searching for and attacking them. / Angry} I see you!
6{Found an opponent you were searching for and attacking them. / Angry} There you are!
7{Entering combat after having found someone you were searching for. / Angry} Tear you apart!
8{Entering combat after having found someone you were searching for. / Angry} You're going down.
9{Entering combat after having found someone you were searching for. / Angry} No hope for you now!
10{You thought you heard something. You're now reassuring yourself that it was actually nothing. / Neutral} Nothing, huh? ... nothing.
11{You thought you heard something. You're now reassuring yourself that it was actually nothing. "On edge" is referring to yourself. / Neutral} On edge. Need another bottle.
12{You thought you heard something. You're now reassuring yourself that it was actually nothing. / Neutral} Got all excited for nothing...
13{Calling out into the darkness. You were in combat with someone but they ran off. / Neutral} Aw, come back! Thought we were having fun!
14{Calling out into the darkness. You were in combat with someone but they ran off. / Neutral} Slinked off, huh? Don't worry. I'll be waiting!
15{First line is to yourself. Second is calling out into the darkness. You were in combat with someone but they ran off. / Neutral} Hmm. Don't see 'em. You hiding on me?
16{Just defeated the last enemy in combat. / Question} Now how did you think that was gonna end?
17{Just defeated the last enemy in combat. / Question} What? That it?
18{Just defeated the last enemy in combat. / Question} No one said you could die.
19{Calling out into the darkness. You were fighting someone and they've now run off. / Irritated} We doin' this or not?
20{Calling out into the darkness. You were fighting someone and they've now run off. / Stern} I'd run too if I were you.
21{Calling out into the darkness. You were fighting someone and they've now run off. / Irritated} I find you, you're done for!
22{Calling out into the darkness. You were fighting someone and they've now run off. / Irritated} Come on out. This won't take long.
23{You were fighting someone and they've now run off. Mostly to yourself. / Irritated} Couldn't have gotten far...
24{Just found an opponent you'd been searching for. / Angry} Back for more, huh?
25{Just found an opponent you'd been searching for. / Angry} Oh, you shoulda stayed gone!
26{You lost track of an opponent you were fighting. You haven't been able to find them and presume they've run off. / Irritated} Damn. Thought I had 'em.
27{You lost track of an opponent you were fighting. You haven't been able to find them and presume they've run off. / Neutral} Must've booked it. Good.
28{Thought you saw some a foe. "Hello" is to yourself, not calling out. / Concerned} Hey. Hey. Think I got something.
29{Thought you saw a foe. / Concerned} Woah. Was that...
30{Player has snuck up and is right behind you. You're attacking him. / Surprised} Christ!
31{Player has snuck up and is right behind you. You're attacking him. / Surprised} Holy--!
32{Entering combat. / Angry} Oh, this is gonna hurt.
33{Entering combat. / Angry} I'm ending you. Here. And. Now.
34{Entering combat. / Angry} Don't worry. This won't take long.
35{Entering combat. / Angry} You ain't got a prayer.
36{Caught offguard by an opponent who immediately disappeared. / Angry} I'm coming for you!
37{Caught offguard by an opponent who immediately disappeared. / Angry} Where are you hiding?
38{Caught offguard by an opponent who immediately disappeared. / Angry} Gonna hunt you down.
39{You just stumbled on a dead body of a friend of yours. You're initially surprised, but then concerned. / Concerned} Is that--- shit.
40{You just stumbled on a dead body of one of your friends. Angry and concerned. / Neutral} God damn.
41{You just stumbled on a dead body of one of your allies. You're disdainful. / Neutral} Well, well. Looks like someone should've fought harder...
42{Neutral} You know, without all the candy, this place would be creepy as hell. Actually, it kind of is even with the candy.
43{Normal initially, then getting more paranoid. / Neutral} Galactic Zone's impressive, sure, but you ever feel like that giant Handy's just watching you...
44{Neutral} I heard that maze was no joke. Jesus.
45{Bit of smirk. You're planning on murdering people around here. / Amused} Plenty of back alleys and blind corners around here. We'll put 'em to good use.
46{Neutral} Hmm. Was hoping there'd be more caps at a bottling plant...
47{Neutral} Damn. Fixed this place up good, boss.
48{Neutral} Always figured those dolts would turn on us. Better now that they're in the dirt.
49{Neutral} When people see the lights, bound to get all sorts of new scores wandering our way.
50{Happy} Showing the Operators the good life, ain't ya, boss?
51{Happy} Glad to see you're backing the right crew. Knew you had some sense.
52{Friendly. You like the person you're talking to. / Happy} If it ain't the big bad Overboss. Couldn't have shown up a year ago, huh?
53{Happy} Operators on top. Just like it should be.
54{A bit of smirk on the second line. The new boss has put your gang in charge. / Happy} Respect around here, you gotta earn it. Course, handing over new abodes hasn't hurt.
55{Neutral} What're the other gangs going to do with Nuka-World? Turn it into a slaughterhouse? A barn? Only makes sense to give us run of the place.
56{Neutral} You know, I'm not convinced Pack members aren't just Ferals someone threw in stupid outfits. Certainly smell the part. You ain't gonna back them, right?
57{Neutral} Was a bet going to see who could down a Mutie from the longest distance... William made a whole mess of caps that week.
58{Neutral} Sure could use a drink. Gotta be some liquour around here somewhere.
59{Neutral} Mags and William are strict far as bosses go, but if you can do the job, they'll take care of you.
60{Threatening someone. / Stern} Making a lot of enemies around here. Should watch your back.
61{The person in front of you has been favoring other gangs over yours. You're not a fan of them. / Stern} You want something from the Operators? Then you need to start handing over some more territory.
62{The person in front of you has been favoring other gangs over yours. You're not a fan of them. / Stern} Why don't you back off before I do something you'll regret?
63{The person in front of you has been favoring other gangs over yours. You're not a fan of them. / Stern} Think you're going to want to get out of here.
64{Second line is referring to the person you're talking to, who has been favoring other gangs over yours. You're not a fan of them. / Stern} Disciples are a bunch of lunatics. Gotta consider what it says about you if you're handing over terri
65{A bit more irritated than impressed. / Neutral} I'd thought about trying my hand at the Gauntlet, just to see if I could do it. Waste of time now. No one's topping your performance.
66{Neutral} Pack and Disciples. Bunch of amateurs playing dress up.
67{Neutral} Mags, William, and Lizzie, all you have to do is hear them speak to know they weren't born into this life. But they sure as hell were born for it.
68{Bit of a smirk. / Neutral} Not supposed to hurt the other gangs. No rule against tricking 'em into hurting each other, though.
69{Neutral} Overboss. Making trouble? Good.
70{In the heat of combat, you just lost one of your compatriots. / Angry} Down! One of ours is down!
71{In the heat of combat, you just lost one of your compatriots. A little fear in your voice. / Angry} Cutting us to pieces here!
72{In the heat of combat, you just lost one of your compatriots. / Angry} Not gonna get us all!
73{In the heat of combat, striking someone. / Angry} Dead! You are dead!
74{In the heat of combat, striking someone. / Angry} Last thing you'll ever see!
75{In the heat of battle, avoiding a threat (grenade, rocket, etc.). / Concerned} What the! Move! Move!
76{In the heat of battle, avoiding a threat (grenade, rocket, etc.). / Concerned} Clear! Get clear! Now!
77{In the heat of battle, avoiding a threat (grenade, rocket, etc.). / Concerned} Out of the way!
78{Calling for covering fire in the heat of battler. / Angry} Hey hey! Need some cover over here!
79{Calling for covering fire in the heat of battler. / Angry} Someone watch my damn back!
80{Your arm was just severely damaged in the heat of battle. / InPain} Agh! Can't, can't feel my hand.
81{Your arm was just severely damaged in the heat of battle. Through gritted teeth. / InPain} Uph! Fine. Just kill you with the other one.
82{Your leg was just broken in the middle of combat. Comforting yourself through gritted teeth. / InPain} Erg! Ok. It's okay. Leg's still attached.
83{Your leg was just broken in the middle of combat. Comforting yourself through gritted teeth. / InPain} Crap. My leg!
84{Your lungs just collapsed. / InPain} *gasping* Can't. Breathe!
85{Your lungs just collapsed. / InPain} Gotta... catch my breath!
86{You just took severe damage to your head and can't see. / InPain} Who, who turned out the lights?!
87{You just took severe damage to your head. / InPain} Wh-what? Ugh, my head.
88{You were just wounded in the heat of battle. Trying to hide the pain you're in. / InPain} Arg. What? That it?
89{You were just wounded in the heat of battle. Trying to hide the pain you're in. Second part is too yourself. / InPain} Ah! You call that a.... damn that hurt.
90{You were just wounded in the heat of battle. Trying to hide the pain you're in. / InPain} Ah! Try that again!
91{Closing in on an enemy in the heat of combat. / Stern} Someone get up there!
92{Closing in on an enemy in the heat of combat. / Stern} Close on 'em! Make 'em pay!
93{Shouting for your compatriots to get into cover in the heat of battle. / Angry} Cover! Find some cover!
94{Shouting for your compatriots to get into cover in the heat of battle. / Angry} Put something between them and you, moron!
95{Someone is in the process of grappling you during combat. / Angry} Woah! Back the hell off!
96{Someone is in the process of grappling you during combat. / Angry} What the! Get off!
97{Taunting an enemy in the heart of combat. Your opponent is wearing power armor. / Angry} Sealed in your own tin coffin.
98{Taunting an enemy in the heart of combat. / Angry} Barely better than target practice.
99{Taunting an enemy in the heart of combat. / Angry} Just give up now.
100{Taunting an enemy in the heart of combat. / Angry} Tell me when you decide to fight back.
101{Taunting an enemy in the heart of combat. / Angry} Do this the hard way, huh? I'm game.
102{Taunting an enemy in the heart of combat. You're implying that you're going to make this a quick fight by winning. / Angry} Make this quick.
103{Taunting an enemy in the heart of combat. / Angry} Doin' this the hard way? I'm game.
104{Taunting an enemy in the heart of combat. / Angry} Leave a beautiful corpse... or in your case, just a corpse.
105{Taunting an enemy in the heart of combat. / Angry} Don't be scared. This'll be over real soon.
106{Searching an area. You thought you saw something. / Angry} Not gettin' the drop on me...
107{Searching an area. You thought you saw something. / Angry} Something. I know it was something.
108{Thinking you found someone you were looking for, but found nothing. / Angry} Is that.. hmm... where are you?
109{Searching for someone. You think you saw someone. / Concerned} Come out, come out.
110{Found an opponent you were searching for and attacking them. / Angry} There you are!
111{Found an opponent you were searching for and attacking them. / Angry} Damn it. Someone's here!
112{Entering combat after having found someone you were searching for. / Angry} No hope for you now!
113{Entering combat after having found someone you were searching for. / Angry} This. This is gonna hurt.
114{Entering combat after having found someone you were searching for. / Angry} Dug your own grave comin' here.
115{You thought you heard something. You're now reassuring yourself that it was actually nothing. "On edge" is referring to yourself. / Neutral} On edge. Need another bottle.
116{You thought you heard something. You're now reassuring yourself that it was actually nothing. / Neutral} Nothing. Damn.
117{You thought you heard something. You're now reassuring yourself that it was actually nothing. / Neutral} Must've been a roach or something...
118{First line is to yourself. Second is calling out into the darkness. You were in combat with someone but they ran off. / Neutral} Hmm. Don't see 'em. You hiding on me?
119{Calling out into the darkness. You were in combat with someone but they ran off. / Neutral} Hey! Get back here and fight!
120{You were in combat with someone but they ran off. This is more to yourself. / Neutral} Where'd you get to?
121{Just defeated the last enemy in combat. / Question} No one said you could die.
122{Just defeated the last enemy in combat. / Question} Notched another one.
123{Just defeated the last enemy in combat. / Question} Well, that was fun. Should do it again sometime.
124{Calling out into the darkness. You were fighting someone and they've now run off. / Irritated} Come on out. This won't take long.
125{You were fighting someone and they've now run off. Mostly to yourself. / Irritated} Couldn't have gotten far...
126{You were fighting someone and they've now run off. Mostly to yourself. / Neutral} Still around here somewhere.
127{Calling out to the darkness. You were fighting someone and they've now run off. You're making a joke here. You plan to kill. / Sarcastic} Hey, come back. Just wanna talk.
128{Calling out to the darkness. You were fighting someone and they've now run off. / Amused} You seriously gonna make me hunt you? All right.
129{Just found an opponent you'd been searching for. / Angry} Was hoping you'd be back!
130{Just found an opponent you'd been searching for. / Angry} Back for more, huh?
131{You lost track of an opponent you were fighting. You haven't been able to find them and presume they've run off. / Irritated} Show your face again. I dare you.
132{You lost track of an opponent you were fighting. You haven't been able to find them and presume they've run off. / Irritated} Gone. Good riddance.
133{You lost track of an opponent you were fighting. You haven't been able to find them and presume they've run off. / Irritated} Damn. Thought I had 'em.
134{Thought you saw a foe. / Concerned} Woah. Was that...
135{Thought you saw a foe. / Concerned} Something out there.
136{Player has snuck up and is right behind you. You're attacking him. / Surprised} Holy--!
137{Player has snuck up and is right behind you. You're attacking him. / Surprised} The hell was--!
138{Entering combat. / Angry} Don't worry. This won't take long.
139{Entering combat. / Angry} You ain't got a prayer.
140{Entering combat. / Angry} Wanna try your luck, huh?
141{Entering combat. / Angry} Well, well. What have we here?
142{Caught offguard by an opponent who immediately disappeared. / Surprised} Woah!
143{Caught offguard by an opponent who immediately disappeared. / Surprised} The hell?!
144{Caught offguard by an opponent who immediately disappeared. / Angry} I'm coming for you!
145{You just stumbled on a dead body of a friend of yours. You're initially surprised, but then concerned. / Concerned} Is that--- shit.
146{You just stumbled on a dead body of one of your friends. Angry and concerned. / Neutral} God damn.
147{You just stumbled on a dead body of one of your allies. You're disdainful. / Neutral} Well, well. Looks like someone should've fought harder...
148{Question} We gonna get some kinda liquor ration for watching this place? Because I'm not sure I can do this sober.
149{You're walking through an retro-future theme park. You're amused because the future turned out very different from their vision. / Amused} So, this is what they thought the future'd look like, huh? Heh. Say they missed the mark.
150{Neutral} That treehouse is gonna make one hell of a sniper's nest.
151{Puzzled} Was coming to places like this fun for folks back in the day? Didn't they have chems?
152{Neutral} Hard to believe that river's still glowing after all these years... and that people are willing to drink that shit.
153{Neutral} If Colter was Overboss, we'd still all be sitting in the dark.
154{Neutral} Park's got a lot fewer places to get the drop on folks now. Still, the World is lookin' good.
155{Trying to cover your own ass. You just let slip a statement that could make you seem less tough. / Neutral} Cannot wait to try out some of these rides... I mean... don't tell anyone I said that, all right?
156{You're talking to your boss, who has decided to favor your gang. / Happy} Supporting the Operators... smartest thing a lot of us have done in our lives.
157{Happy} No need to worry, boss. We've got your back.
158{Happy} Anyone who goes up against us... won't know what hit 'em.
159{Happy} Made some good moves, boss. Guess Gage knew what he was doing for once.
160{Happy} We'll take care of the territory, boss. After all, you put it in good hands.
161{Neutral} Colter said we'd all have more caps than we knew what to do with... glad that bastard's dead.
162{Neutral} Was on sentry duty the other night, spotted a pair of Disciples eating a... god, I hope it was a Radstag.
163{Neutral} Ought to be handing Nuka-World over to the Operators, boss. Place could use some folks with style.
164{Neutral} Huh? Sorry, boss. Got a job coming up. Just thinking through the steps.
165{Neutral} Only one gang you ought to be backing around here. You're looking at 'em.
166{The person in front of you has been favoring other gangs over yours. You're not a fan of them. / Stern} So do you like dressing up like a crazy person or something? Only reason I see not to support us.
167{The person in front of you has been favoring other gangs over yours. You're not a fan of them. / Stern} You know how long the life span of the average Overboss is? Keep backing the other gangs and I expect it'll get a lot shorter.
168{The person in front of you has been favoring other gangs over yours. You're not a fan of them. / Stern} Get out of my face.
169{The person in front of you has been favoring other gangs over yours. You're not a fan of them. / Stern} People who slight the Operators don't last real long. Remember that.
170{The person in front of you has been favoring other gangs over yours. You're not a fan of them. / Stern} Better Nuka-World burned to the ground than was run by the damn Pack. Though that'll probably be the end result.
171{Neutral} Understanding the Operators ain't hard. We know how to live. The other gangs... dying is more their strong suit.
172{Neutral} Never did get why Colter brought in three gangs to claim Nuka-World. I mean, he had us. Don't need the rest.
173{Neutral} Sometimes you gotta ask yourself... how high were they when they built this place?
174{Neutral} We'd all considered putting a bullet in Colter's back at some point. Suppose you just beat us to it.
175{Neutral} If Lizzie asks you to volunteer for one of her tests... don't.
176{In the heat of combat, you just lost one of your compatriots. First line it lamenting your friend. Second it yelled at their killer. / Angry} No, damn it! Tear you apart!
177{In the heat of combat, you just lost one of your compatriots. Upset at your friend's death. / Angry} You ain't getting me too! You hear me!
178{In the heat of combat, striking someone. / Angry} Good night!
179{In the heat of combat, striking someone. / Angry} Dead! You are dead!
180{In the heat of battle, avoiding a threat (grenade, rocket, etc.). / Concerned} Woah! Woah! Incoming!
181{In the heat of battle, avoiding a threat (grenade, rocket, etc.). / Concerned} Jesus-- Watch out!
182{In the heat of battle, avoiding a threat (grenade, rocket, etc.). / Concerned} What the! Move! Move!
183{Calling for covering fire in the heat of battler. / Angry} Lock 'em down!
184{Calling for covering fire in the heat of battler. / Angry} Can someone cover my ass?
185{Your arm was just severely damaged in the heat of battle. / InPain} God damn it! My arm!
186{Your arm was just severely damaged in the heat of battle. / InPain} Agh! Can't, can't feel my hand.
187{Your leg was just broken in the middle of combat. / InPain} My leg! My leg!
188{Your leg was just broken in the middle of combat. Comforting yourself through gritted teeth. / InPain} Erg! Ok. It's okay. Leg's still attached.
189{Your lungs just collapsed. / InPain} *gasping* Can't. Breathe!
190{Your lungs just collapsed. / InPain} *terrified gasping* My... chest...
191{You just took severe damage to your head. / InPain} Shit. Shit! I-I can't see!
192{You just took severe damage to your head and can't see. / InPain} Who, who turned out the lights?!
193{You were just wounded in the heat of battle. Through clenched teeth. / InPain} Rrg. Have to try harder than that.
194{You were just wounded in the heat of battle. Through clenched teeth. / InPain} Erg! Gonna leave a scar.
195{You were just wounded in the heat of battle. Trying to hide the pain you're in. / InPain} Arg. What? That it?
196{Closing in on an enemy in the heat of combat. / Stern} Close on 'em! Make 'em pay!
197{Closing in on an enemy in the heat of combat. / Stern} Move in! Go!
198{Shouting for your compatriots to get into cover in the heat of battle. / Angry} Put something between them and you, moron!
199{Shouting for your compatriots to get into cover in the heat of battle. / Angry} You gotta deathwish? Get. In. Cover!
200{Someone is in the process of grappling you during combat. / Angry} Hey! Let go!
201{Someone is in the process of grappling you during combat. / Angry} What the! Get off!
202{Taunting an enemy in the heart of combat. Your opponent is wearing power armor. / Angry} Sealed in your own tin coffin.
203{Taunting an enemy in the heart of combat. / Angry} Tell me when you decide to fight back.
204{Taunting an enemy in the heart of combat. You're implying that you're going to make this a quick fight by winning. / Angry} Make this quick.
205{Taunting an enemy in the heart of combat. / Angry} So long, slob!
206{Taunting an enemy in the heart of combat. / Angry} You. Are. Done.
207{Taunting an enemy in the heart of combat. / Angry} No one's gonna know if you just run.
208{Taunting an enemy in the heart of combat. / Angry} Doin' this the hard way? I'm game.
209{Taunting an enemy in the heart of combat. / Angry} Oh, you're gonna regret this.