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This is a transcript for dialogue with Disciples.


1-{In an area with a river filled with soda. / Disgust} Is it just me, or is everything sticky around here?
2{Impressed} Nothing to do around here but drink... My kinda place.
3{Savoring a victory over a rival gang. / SinisterSmile} I bet it just kills the Pack to see us run this place.
4{The outfit only has a helmet and exposed chest and waist. 100% unfeasible in outer space. / Amused} Hope Nuka-Girl wasn't planning on getting in any real fights in that outfit. Useless.
5{In a rusted out, old Candyland section of the park. / Disgust} Looking at all this candy makes me sick. People actually ate this crap?
6{Excited about future Gauntlet victims. / Conspiratorial} With this place all lit up, we're going to be in serious business.
7{Sarcastically sentimental. Ryker is long dead. / SinisterSmile} I'd love to see the look on Colter's face after what you've done. We should have kept his head.
8{Cocky. The Pack is defeated. / SinisterSmile} You'd think the Pack would know better than to bite the hand that feeds them.
9{Cocky. Operators are dead. / SinisterSmile} Stupid Operators, always learning the hard way. Should've cared more about their lives than their looks.
10{Positive comment to the player. / SinisterSmile} You're smarter than the last boss. Not like it's some big challenge.
11{Positive comment to the player. / Impressed} It's about time someone with half a brain ran this show. Just don't mess it up.
12{Positive comment to the player. / Amused} Nisha was right about you. To think I wanted to slit your throat.
13{Positive comment to the player. / Amused} The Disciples are finally where we belong.
14{Positive comment to the player. / Amused} Nice to see you know what side to take.
15{Neutral feelings toward the player. / SinisterSmile} Nisha seems to think you could make a difference... but for better? or worse...
16{Neutral feelings toward the player. "Boss" said sarcastically, stress on the word "we". / SinisterSmile} So boss, will we be reaping any rewards from your new reign?
17{Neutral feelings toward the player. / Irritated} Leaving us hanging? It ain't exactly encouraging.
18{Neutral feelings toward the player. / SinisterSmile} Wouldn't hurt to tip the scales a little in our favor, you know.
19{Neutral feelings toward the player. / Amused} Come on, you know our side has the most fun.
20{Disapproves of the player. / Disgust} Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse, you had to turn up.
21{Disapproves of the player. / SinisterSmile} You're lucky Nisha's in charge. If it were up to me, you'd be dead.
22{Disapproves of the player. / SinisterSmile} I'm sorry, did you mistake me for a friend?
23{Disapproves of the player. / SinisterSmile} You know, in a lot of instances, poor life choices will get you killed.
24{Disapproves of the player. / SinisterSmile} You really should rethink where you stand, unless you're a fan of watching your back.
25{Neutral comment, more to self than to player. / Neutral} Things are boring as hell since Nisha made us team up. I ain't no fan of playing nice with others.
26{Neutral comment, more to self than to player. / Amused} Sure we carry guns, but knives are where it's at. It's not fun unless you're up close and personal.
27{Neutral comment, more to self than to player. / Amused} Nisha really only has one rule around here: don't get caught.
28{Neutral comment, more to self than to player. / Irritated} Damn Nuka-Cola song stuck in my head again.
29{Neutral comment, more to self than to player. / Depressed} That last one died too fast. I'm losing my touch.
30You may run Nuka-World, but this is Disciple territory. We're in charge here.
31{Just beginning to be suspicious. / Suspicious} Someone there?
32{Just beginning to be suspicious. / Suspicious} Hello?
33{Just beginning to be suspicious. / Suspicious} This better be a joke.
34{Going into combat. / SinisterSmile} Let's play.
35{Going into combat. / SinisterSmile} This is gonna be fun.
36{About to attack a sneaking player. / Happy} There you are.
37{About to attack a sneaking player. / Happy} Found you.
38{Going into combat. / SinisterSmile} You're mine.
39{Found nothing, back to normal. / Neutral} Nothing? What a shame.
40{Found nothing, back to normal. / Neutral} Hmm, I wonder what it was.
41{Found nothing, back to normal. / Irritated} Damn it, I need something to do.
42{Lost the player during combat. / Concerned} Damn it. Lost him.
43{Lost the player during combat. / Concerned} Damn it. Lost her.
44{Lost the player during combat. / Amused} Aww, you're not scared are you?
45{Player was killed. / Amused} A pity she didn't last longer.
46{Player was killed. / Amused} A pity he didn't last longer.
47{Player was killed. / Amused} Gone already? A shame.
48{Actively searching for the player. / SinisterSmile} I thought you wanted to die? Isn't that why you're here?
49{Actively searching for the player. / Amused} You know we'll find you. Why not get it over with?
50{Actively searching for the player. / Amused} Aw don't hide. It'll all be over soon.
51{Actively searching for the player. / Amused} Can't finish what you started?
52{Actively searching for the player. / SinisterSmile} It's time to see how nicely you bleed.
53{Found the player and attacking.} Let's finish this.
54{Found the player and attacking.} Finally.
55{Stopped searching for the player. / Thinking} How easily they slip away.
56{Stopped searching for the player. / Amused} Hmm, you'll be back. And I'll be ready.
57{Heard something (not in combat yet). / Puzzled} What the hell?
58{Heard something (not in combat yet). / Concerned} Something's up.
59{player has snuck up and is RIGHT BEHIND YOU / Surprised} Damn it.
60{player has snuck up and is RIGHT BEHIND YOU / Surprised} Shit!
61{Starting combat with the player. / SinisterSmile} Yes.
62{Starting combat with the player. / SinisterSmile} You're mine.
63{Starting combat with the player. / SinisterSmile} I've been waiting for this.
64{Just lost the player in combat. / SinisterSmile} Trying to hide?
65{Just lost the player in combat. / SinisterSmile} I always get what I want!
66{Just lost the player in combat. / SinisterSmile} You're not getting out of this!
67{Finding the corpse of an ally. / Suspicious} Damn it.
68{Finding the corpse of an ally. / Suspicious} Shit. Not good.
69{Finding the corpse of an ally. / Suspicious} Hmm. Things just got interesting.
70{Avoiding a grenade. / Concerned} Take cover!
71{Avoiding a grenade. / Concerned} Incoming!
72{Got hit by the player. / SinisterSmile} A scratch.
73{Got hit by the player. / SinisterSmile} Now it's my turn.
74{Got hit by the player. / SinisterSmile} Hah! Do your worst.
75{Pushing forward. / Confident} Time to move!
76{Pushing forward. / Confident} We're closing in!
77{Ordering to take cover during combat. / Angry} Get behind something, damn it!
78{Ordering to take cover during combat. / Angry} Are you crazy? Get down!
79{Grappling in combat. / Angry} Get off of me!
80{Grappling in combat. / Angry} Don't touch me!
81{Taunt during combat. / SinisterSmile} Aw, did you wear that tin suit just for me?
82{Taunt during combat. / Confident} No mercy!
83{Taunt during combat. / SinisterSmile} I just want to see how nice you bleed.
84{Taunt during combat. / SinisterSmile} The more you resist, the more fun for me.
85{Taunt during combat. / SinisterSmile} You're going to make the perfect corpse.
86{Taunt during combat. / SinisterSmile} Still alive? Don't fight it.
87{Taunt during combat. / Confident} Consider your death a done deal.
88{Taunt during combat. / SinisterSmile} Let's see you bleed a bit more before you die.
89{In combat. An ally was killed. / SinisterSmile} You'll pay for that.
90{In combat. An ally was killed. / Angry} Damn it! We lost one.
91{In combat. An ally was killed. / SinisterSmile} Blood for blood.
92{Starting to attack. / SinisterSmile} Time to die.
93{Starting to attack. / SinisterSmile} Let's see what color you bleed.
94{Avoiding a grenade. / Concerned} Look out!
95{Hit in the head. / InPain} My head!
96{Hit in the head. / InPain} Shit. Everything's spinning.
97{Hit in the arm. / InPain} Shit! My arm!
98{Hit in the arm. / InPain} Damn it. Arm's useless.
99{Hit in the leg. / InPain} Damn it! My leg!
100{Hit in the leg. / InPain} My fuckin' leg!
101{Hit in the chest. / InPain} Right in the chest.
102{Hit in the chest, coughing up blood. / InPain} *cough* Great. Blood.
103{In an area with a river filled with soda. / Thinking} I say we drain that river and fill it with blood. Doesn't get more badass than that.
104{NOT impressed. / Neutral} People paid for this crap? Bunch of suckers.
105{Saying the tree house is better than the player's house, in an "I'm better than you" tone. / Amused} That tree house may be a better overlook than your digs, boss.
106{Irritated} If I get lost in that maze one more time, I'm torching it.
107{Comparing the Galactic Zone ideas to the reality of the present. / Amused} Nuka-Cola sure screwed up when it came to the future.
108{In a rusted out, old Candyland section of the park. / Concerned} Those feral clowns better be gone. This place is one big creep show.
109{Approving. / Impressed} This place is going to be packed with warm bodies soon. Think I'll go sharpen my knife.
110{Park is functioning now. / Irritated} If you think I'm doing any upkeep on these rides, think again.
111{Impressed, but not too impressed. / Impressed} About time we had a boss that makes good on promises.
112{Positive comment to the player. "wannabes" = "want to be's" / SinisterSmile} I love seeing those animal freaks and snobby wannabes put in their place.
113{Positive comment to the player. / SinisterSmile} I bet it kills the others to see us on top.
114{Positive comment to the player. / Impressed} As long as you value your life, the Disciples are always the clearest choice.
115{Positive comment to the player. / Impressed} Not bad, boss. Keep it up, and I may start to like you.
116{Positive comment to the player. / SinisterSmile} So we're on your good side, eh? That means you either like us... or fear us.
117{Neutral feelings toward the player. / Amused} Afraid of a little commitment? So was the last boss.
118{Neutral feelings toward the player. / SinisterSmile} It's just a matter of time before you see things our way.
119{Neutral feelings toward the player. / SinisterSmile} You're starting to make me think you don't like us very much.
120{Neutral feelings toward the player. / Suspicious} You're not doing yourself any favors by keeping us on the sidelines.
121{Neutral feelings toward the player. / Suspicious} Not sure what Nisha sees in you. Seems to me you're just here to play it safe.
122{Disapproves of the player. / SinisterSmile} I never realized how much you enjoyed playing with fire... and I can't wait to see you burn.
123{Disapproves of the player. / Disgust} Not sure who's worse, you... or Colter.
124{Disapproves of the player. / SinisterSmile} Keep slumming it with those animals. I'm sure Nisha will be dying to put you down.
125{Disapproves of the player. / SinisterSmile} There's nothing I hate more than seeing you breathe.
126{Disapproves of the player. "Boss" is said sarcastically/disrespectfully. / SinisterSmile} A word of advice, boss. You don't want to be on our bad side.
127{Disapproves of the player. / SinisterSmile} Keep slumming it with those Operators. I'm sure Nisha will be dying to show you the error of your ways.
128{Neutral comment, not rude, kinda joking with the player. / Amused} The best thing about wearing a mask? Not having to look like I care when people talk to me.
129{Neutral comment, more to self than to player. / Confident} Killing beats stealing any day. Nothing beats that rush.
130{Neutral comment, more to self than to player. Poking fun at other gangs. / Amused} I'm not sure what's worse, wearing a tie, or wearing a teddy bear.
131{Neutral comment, more to self than to player. / Thinking} Hope we get more Gauntlet runners soon. Need some excitement around here.
132{Neutral comment, more to self than to player. / Neutral} Always keep your knife sharp. No one likes sloppy work.
133{Knows someone is out there. / Suspicious} Show yourself.
134{Knows someone is out there. / Suspicious} Get out here.
135{Knows someone is out there. / Suspicious} Quit with the games.
136{About to attack a sneaking player. / Amused} Gotcha.
137{Going into combat. / SinisterSmile} Let the fun begin.
138{Going into combat. / Grateful} Just when I was getting bored.
139{Found nothing, back to normal. / Puzzled} Could've sworn I heard something.
140{Found nothing, back to normal. / Thinking} *sigh* Maybe next time.
141{Lost the player during combat. / Amused} I thought we were having fun.
142{Lost the player during combat. / Amused} I love it when they play hard to get.
143{Lost the player during combat. / Amused} What's wrong? Afraid of a little blood?
144{Player was killed. / Amused} Too bad. I was just getting started.
145{Player was killed. / Confident} Another day, another kill.
146{Player was killed. / Happy} Nothing like the smell of blood.
147{Actively searching for the player. / SinisterSmile} Come out, come out wherever you are.
148{Actively searching for the player. / Amused} You're not afraid, are you?
149{Actively searching for the player. / Amused} Come on. You want to die with SOME dignity.
150{Actively searching for the player. / Amused} Run off? No one likes a quitter.
151{Actively searching for the player. / SinisterSmile} I know you're out there. Show yourself.
152{Found the player and attacking.} Aha!
153{Stopped searching for the player. / Neutral} Next time.
154{Heard something (not in combat yet). / Concerned} What was that?
155{player has snuck up and is RIGHT BEHIND YOU / Surprised} The hell?
156{Starting combat with the player. / SinisterSmile} This must be my lucky day.
157{Starting combat with the player. / SinisterSmile} Let's do this.
158{Just lost the player in combat. / Amused} There's no escaping here!
159{Just lost the player in combat. / SinisterSmile} You're out there somewhere!
160{Finding the corpse of an ally. / Suspicious} Damn it.
161{Finding the corpse of an ally. / Suspicious} Shit. Not good.
162{Finding the corpse of an ally. / Suspicious} Hmm. Things just got interesting.
163{Got hit by the player. / SinisterSmile} Is that all you got?
164{Got hit by the player. / SinisterSmile} Thought this was a real fight.
165{Pushing forward. / Confident} Let's finish this!
166{Ordering to take cover during combat. / Angry} Take cover before you get yourself killed!
167{Grappling in combat. / Angry} Let go of me!
168{Taunt during combat. / SinisterSmile} Everyone dies. Why fight it?
169{Taunt during combat. / SinisterSmile} Hope you're enjoying this as much as I am.
170{Taunt during combat. / SinisterSmile} I love it when they struggle.
171{Taunt during combat. / SinisterSmile} There's nothing like the taste of warm blood.
172{Taunt during combat. / Amused} Fighting back? Like you have a chance.
173{Taunt during combat. / SinisterSmile} Having fun? I'm just warming up.
174{Taunt during combat. / SinisterSmile} Come on, make this worth my time.
175{Taunt during combat. / SinisterSmile} Time to get messy.
176{In combat. An ally was killed. / SinisterSmile} Time for vengeance.
177{In combat. An ally was killed. / Angry} Shit. She's gone.
178{In combat. An ally was killed. / Angry} Shit. He's gone.
179{Starting to attack. / SinisterSmile} This should be fun.
180{Avoiding a grenade. / Concerned} Move it!
181{Avoiding a grenade. / Concerned} Get down!
182{Hit in the arm. / InPain} Right in the arm!
183{Hit in the leg. / InPain} Shit! Can't walk.
184{Hit in the chest. / InPain} *cough* Can't breathe!
185{Hit in the head. / InPain} Damn! Can't see a thing.