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This is a transcript for dialogue with Dara Hubbell.


1DaraAlignmentAHS-7{Question} I assume you are here for your next alignment.Dara: You have advanced more quickly than any follower, even Cleansed.A
2DLC04NPCFDaraHubbell: I assume you are here for your next alignment.{Impressed} You have advanced more quickly than any follower, even Cleansed.A1a
3{Awed} This is the last mystery for you to learn. The last alignment.A1b
4{Apologetic} There can be only one AHS-9, the highest you can be promoted is AHS-8.A1c
5{Concerned} The donation is 10,000 caps. The radiation dose will be severe.Player Default: I am ready.A1d
6Player Default: I am ready.{Confident} Sit in the aligner.A1a
7Player Default: I am ready.{Irritated} Your donation is... lacking. Come back when you have the full amount.A2a
8Player Default: No, not yet. I'll come back later.{Apologetic} It's understandable that you would be nervous.B1a
9{Concerned} Come back to me with a clear mind and healthy body.B1b
10Player Default: To hell with all of you. Hubology is a fraud and you're all insane.{Angry} What?! We've revealed our deepest mysteries and this is how you repay us?X1a
11{Angry} I had such hopes for you. Now I have to kill you.X1b
12Player Default: What is this final mystery?{Awed} The Star Father can free our minds of all restraints.Y1a
13{Awed} We will be like gods, able to do unimaginable things.Y1b
14{Awed} Then we will return to Earth to rule over mankind.Y1c
15{Awed} It is a glorious task the Star Father has given us.Player Default: I am ready.Y1d
16Player Default: What is this final mystery?{Awed} Yes. We will end the scourge of neurodynes once and for all.Y2a
17{Awed} The human race will reach it's full potential under our benevolent guidance.Player Default: I am ready.Y2b
18DaraDoAlignment{Confident} I'll warm up the zeta ray projector.Dara: Next step is to find the neurodynes and lock onto them.A1a
19Dara: I'll warm up the zeta ray projector.{Confident} Next step is to find the neurodynes and lock onto them.Dara: It appears to be working. The neurodynes are fleeing or dying.A1a
20Dara: Next step is to find the neurodynes and lock onto them.{Happy} It appears to be working. The neurodynes are fleeing or dying.Dara: And it's done. You are now officially an AHS-8. The first one our group has ever had.A1a
21Dara: It appears to be working. The neurodynes are fleeing or dying.{Happy} And it's done. You are now officially an AHS-8. The first one our group has ever had.A1a
22{Apologetic} We cannot take you any further in Hubology.A1b
23{Confident} Go forth and spread the word of Hubology throughout the Commonwealth.A1c
24-{Angry} For the Hub!
25{Angry} The rim will grind you down!
26{Angry} The wheel will roll over you!
27{Grateful} We are forever in your debt. Without you, we would not be on the path to redemption. The path of our destiny.


28MS02DaraAtJunkyard{Question} You're more experienced at fighting than we are. How should we do this?Player Default: When you hear me start shooting, you join the fight.A
29Player Default: When you hear me start shooting, you join the fight.{Relieved} We'll wait for that signal. Good luck.A1a
30Player Default: What are you waiting for? Let's just charge in there now. Follow me!{Nervous} Really? Sounds dangerous, but we'll follow your plan.B1a
31{Confident} For the Hub! Charge!B1b
32Player Default: You just wait here. I'll do it all.{Relieved} You must be very confident in your skills.X1a
33{Relieved} It's your decision. We'll wait until you've killed most of them.X1b
34Player Default: I'll just take Cleansed with me. The rest of you stay here.{Concerned} He is our best fighter, so I suppose that makes sense. Good luck.Y1a
35MS02DaraGotSuits{Question} Have you changed your mind about helping us capture the spaceship?DaraHubbell: Just sitting in that damned junkyard. So close. So tantalizing.A
36{Awed} I can see the spaceship from here, just like he promised.DaraHubbell: Just sitting in that damned junkyard. So close. So tantalizing.A
37{Question} Do you have my spacesuits?Player Default: All five. Here they are.A
38Player Default: Together we can capture that spaceship.{Relieved} I knew I could count on you. Let's go tell the others.DaraHubbell: Everyone gather! Form the wheel.A1a
39Player Default: Together we can capture that spaceship.{Awed} Amazing! You truly were sent by the Hub. Let's go tell the others.DaraHubbell: Everyone gather! Form the wheel.A2a
40Player Default: Hey, I didn't sign on for that. Go do it yourself.{Disgust} You mercenary types are all the same.B1a
41{Disgust} Go on. Leave. We'll find someone else to help us.B1b
42Player Default: You do know it's not a real spaceship, right?{Awed} Your mind is limited by neurodynes.X1a
43{Awed} If you had my expanded mental powers, you would see the truth about the spaceship.Player Default: Together we can capture that spaceship.X1b
44Player Default: Why do you want to capture the spaceship?{Awed} The Star Father left instructions with The Hub for us to find the ship and repair it.Y1a
45{Awed} The Star Father will guide us to our new home on the planet Quetzal, where we will live with him.Y1b
46{Awed} Praise be to the Star Father.Player Default: Together we can capture that spaceship.Y1c
47Player Default: Why do you want to capture the spaceship?{Awed} It is central to Hubology. We are destined to make it fly.Y2a
48{Apologetic} More than that I cannot tell you. It is secret knowledge reserved for AHS-7 members.Player Default: Together we can capture that spaceship.Y2b
49DLC04NPCFDaraHubbell: Have you changed your mind about helping us capture the spaceship?{Irritated} Just sitting in that damned junkyard. So close. So tantalizing.A1a
50{Question} But I digress. Do you have the spacesuits?Player Default: All five. Here they are.A1b
51Player Default: All five. Here they are.{Grateful} Perfect! Here is your payment.A1a
52{Conspiratorial} We can proceed with the next step in the plan. I'm counting on you to help us with it.A1b
53{Awed} We need to take control of the spaceship in the Junkyard.A1c
54{Pleading} I know it's a lot to ask, so I'm willing to give you one of Hubology's great treasures if we succeed.Player Default: Together we can capture that spaceship.A1d
55Player Default: Not yet.{Irritated} Then why are you wasting my time?Player Default: Together we can capture that spaceship.B1a
56Player Default: I'd like to become a Hubologist.{Irritated} I guess that means you don't have the suits yet.X1a
57{Friendly} But I'm glad you want to join us.X1b
58{Friendly} Go see Phil. He'll give you your first alignment.Player Default: Together we can capture that spaceship.X1c
59Player Default: I'd like to become a Hubologist.{Concerned} So no suits then? How disappointing.X2a
60{Worried} It sounds like you can feel the repression of your neurodynes building up.X2b
61{Friendly} Go see Phil for an alignment.Player Default: Together we can capture that spaceship.X2c
62Player Default: What's that about a spaceship and a junkyard?{Concerned} It's the reason I need those suits.Y1a
63{Worried} Without them we don't have a chance to capture the ship.Y1b
64{Question} But enough of that for now. Do you have the spacesuits or not?Player Default: All five. Here they are.Y1c
65MS02DaraGreet{Grateful} I see you brought me a new recruit. Thank you Cleansed.Cleansed: The wheel turns.A
66{Friendly} Welcome stranger. We are hubologists. You may have heard of us. No? Ah, well.Cleansed: The wheel turns.A
67{Confident} The wheel turns and you return to us.Cleansed: The wheel turns.A
68Cleansed: The wheel turns.{Question} Have you changed your mind about helping us?Player Default: I'm always for hire if the price is right.A1a
69Cleansed: The wheel turns.{Apologetic} Normally new initiates go to Phil for alignment.A2a
70{Apologetic} But I asked Cleansed to bring any mercenary types to me first.A2b
71{Conspiratorial} I'd like to hire you to help us.Player Default: I'm always for hire if the price is right.A2c
72Cleansed: The wheel turns.{Awed} If you've come seeking answers to life's great questions, Hubology has them.A3a
73{Friendly} While I sincerely hope you'll join us, even if you don't I'm in need of a person of action.Player Default: I'm always for hire if the price is right.A3b
74Player Default: I'm always for hire if the price is right.{Relieved} Good. We need spacesuits, like the one I'm wearing. I'll pay you 200 caps for five of them.A1a
75{Friendly} I've learned that there are some in the Galactic Zone of Nuka-World.A1b
76{Concerned} I lost two followers trying to get them ourselves. I'm hoping you'll have more luck.Player Default: I've already got them.A1c
77Player Default: I'm not interested.{Irritated} You haven't even heard my offer.B1a
78{Pleading} I'll pay you 200 caps to bring back five spacesuits from the Vault-Tec display in the Galactic Zone.Player Default: I've already got them.B1b
79Player Default: You're a bunch of religious kooks.{Apologetic} How sad that you aren't open to learning the obvious truths of Hubology.X1a
80{Apologetic} But I don't need you to be a believer. I need you to get me five spacesuits from the Vault-Tec display in the Galactic Zone.X1b
81{Confident} I'll pay you 200 caps if you do.Player Default: I've already got them.X1c
82Player Default: Can you tell me more about this Hubology Cleansed mentioned?{Awed} Before the great war, a brilliant writer named Dick Hubbell invented a process for expanding the human mind.Y1a
83{Awed} Through the process of alignment he was able to give his followers great mental powers.Y1b
84{Confident} I am his direct descendant and keeper of all his secrets, collectively know as Hubology.Y1c
85{Friendly} If you really are interested in joining us, go speak to Phil about having an alignment.Y1d
86{Awed} We can help you find inner peace and happiness. We can help you master the amazing powers of the mind.Player Default: I'm always for hire if the price is right.Y1e
87Player Default: I've already got them.{Awed} Hub's blessing! It was truly fated that we meet.A1a
88{Grateful} Here is your payment.A1b
89{Concerned} There is something else though. We need to take control of the spaceship in the junkyard. Will you help us?Player Default: Together we can capture that spaceship.A1c
90Player Default: I've already got them.{Relieved} Good. If it goes well, I might have more work for you.A2a
91{Confident} For now though, just bring me those spacesuits from the Vault-Tec display in Nuka-World.A2b
92Player Default: Get someone else. I'm not interested.{Concerned} Too bad. If you change your mind, we'll be here.B1a
93Player Default: I'll need more than that for this job.{Irritated} Okay. I'll give you 250 caps.Player Default: I've already got them.X1a
94Player Default: I'll need more than that for this job.{Irritated} Driving a hard bargain I see. Okay. 300 caps.Player Default: I've already got them.X2a
95Player Default: I'll need more than that for this job.{Disgust} Alright, but 350 is my final offer. Now get me those suits.X3a
96Player Default: I'll need more than that for this job.{Disgust} You aren't the only merc in the Commonwealth. 200 caps. Take it or leave it.X4a
97Player Default: What do you need spacesuits for?{Suspicious} I suppose there is no harm in telling you.Y1a
98{Confident} They will protect us in the battle to come.Player Default: I've already got them.Y1b
99Player Default: What do you need spacesuits for?{Irritated} That's not your concern. You just need to get them for me.Player Default: I've already got them.Y2a
100MS02DaraJunkyardCaptured{Happy} What a glorious battle. You were magnificent.DaraHubbell: Too bad about Tula. She died so young, before she could fully realize her true potential through Hubology.A
101DaraHubbell: Too bad about Tula. She died so young, before she could fully realize her true potential through Hubology.{Awed} I promised you a payment. This gun was passed down from the Hub himself. Take great care with it.DaraHubbell: I see the spaceship is already running too.A1a
102DLC04NPCFDaraHubbell: What a glorious battle. You were magnificent.{Sad} Too bad about Tula. She died so young, before she could fully realize her true potential through Hubology.DaraHubbell: I promised you a payment. This gun was passed down from the Hub himself. Take great care with it.A1a
103DaraHubbell: I promised you a payment. This gun was passed down from the Hub himself. Take great care with it.{Grateful} I see the spaceship is already running too.DaraHubbell: Into the spaceship everyone!A1a
104DaraHubbell: I promised you a payment. This gun was passed down from the Hub himself. Take great care with it.{Conspiratorial} I need your help for one last thing.A2a
105{Pleading} I need to get that spaceship powered up again, but we don't have any fusion cores.A2b
106{Grateful} I have some extra ammo for The Hub's gun that I can give you if you succeed.Player Default: I'll be glad to help.A2c
107Player Default: I'll be glad to help.{Relieved} Good. Once you get it powered up, we can work on making it space worthy.A1a
108Player Default: I've done enough. I'm not interested in helping you further.{Concerned} That's disappointing.B1a
109{Confident} But the wheel will turn. You'll change your mind and come back to us.B1b
110Player Default: That's not a real spaceship you know. It's just a carnival ride.{Awed} The Star Father has promised me that it will work.X1a
111{Awed} It may look like a thing of make believe, but we will make it work with the Star Father's blessing.X1b
112{Question} So will you at least get the power running?Player Default: I'll be glad to help.X1c
113Player Default: Why do you want to fix that spaceship?{Awed} It will carry us to our new home.Y1a
114{Apologetic} More than that I cannot tell you. You have not progressed far enough in your treatments.Player Default: I'll be glad to help.Y1b
115Player Default: Why do you want to fix that spaceship?{Awed} We will take it to our new home on Quetzal where we will live with the Star Father.Y2a
116{Awed} It will be the fulfillment of The Hub's grand plan.Player Default: I'll be glad to help.Y2b
117MS02DaraJunkyardSpeech{Defiant} Form the wheel! I am the hub.Cleansed: I am the rim. The spoke and hub support me.A1a
118Cleansed: I am the rim. The spoke and hub support me.{Grateful} We fought a great battle today.DaraHubbell: A battle we could not have won without our newest member.A1a
119DaraHubbell: We fought a great battle today.{Grateful} A battle we could not have won without our newest member.DaraHubbell: It came with a steep price though.A1a
120DaraHubbell: We fought a great battle today.{Grateful} A battle we could not have won without our friend.DaraHubbell: It came with a steep price though.A2a
121DaraHubbell: We will mourn Tula's passing. May she join us with the Sky Father.{Defiant} But our work is not done yet. Taking the spaceship is not enough.A1a
122{Awed} It must be made to fly again. It must be made ready to take us to our destiny.DaraHubbell: Soon you will earn the greatest reward Hubology has too offer.A1b
123DaraHubbell: It must be made to fly again. It must be made ready to take us to our destiny.{Awed} Soon you will earn the greatest reward Hubology has too offer.A1a
124{Happy} For now, rest and celebrate. You have earned it.A1b
125DaraHubbell: A battle we could not have won without our newest member.{Sad} It came with a steep price though.A1a
126{Sad} We will mourn Tula's passing. May she join us with the Sky Father.DaraHubbell: But our work is not done yet. Taking the spaceship is not enough.A1b
127MS02DaraSpaceshipPowered{Awed} The lights! It's amazing. You've done it.DaraHubbell: Into the spaceship everyone!A
128DLC04NPCFDaraHubbell: The lights! It's amazing. You've done it.{shouted / Happy} Into the spaceship everyone!DaraHubbell: We need to run a test of the system. Come inside with us and turn it on.A1a
129DaraHubbell: Into the spaceship everyone!{Happy} We need to run a test of the system. Come inside with us and turn it on.A1a
130{Confident} You'll see that the Hub's prophecy is true.A1b
131MS02DaraSpeechDaraHubbell: We have a mercenary to lead us into combat!{Apologetic} They may be a bit snug at first, but they'll protect you.A1a
132{Confident} Everyone gather! Form the wheel.Cleansed: I am the rim. The spoke and hub support me.A1a
133Maurice: I am the rim. The spoke and hub support me.{Awed} The time has come. The Hub's grand plan can enter its next, important phase.A1a
134{Happy} All of your hard work has born fruit.DaraHubbell: We can liberate the junkyard and take control of what we need.A1b
135DaraHubbell: All of your hard work has born fruit.{Awed} We can liberate the junkyard and take control of what we need.A1a
136{Grateful} Thanks to our mercenary, we have the spacesuits to protect us from the robot guards.DaraHubbell: So put on these spacesuits and take up your arms.A1b
137DaraHubbell: All of your hard work has born fruit.{Happy} Our new friend has liberated the junkyard.DaraHubbell: So put on these spacesuits and take up your arms.A2a
138DaraHubbell: Thanks to our mercenary, we have the spacesuits to protect us from the robot guards.{Confident} So put on these spacesuits and take up your arms.A1a
139{Confident} We have a mercenary to lead us into combat!DaraHubbell: They may be a bit snug at first, but they'll protect you.A1b
140DaraHubbell: Thanks to our mercenary, we have the spacesuits to protect us from the robot guards.{Confident} It is time for us to take control of it.A2a
141{Happy} But first, here are the spacesuits I promised you.DaraHubbell: They may be a bit snug at first, but they'll protect you.A2b
142MS02RideIsSpinningDaraHubbell: Something's wrong. Shut it down! Shut it down!{Awed} It worked. It actually worked!A1a
143{Grateful} We couldn't have done it without you.DaraHubbell: Here is the ammo I promised you as thanks for helping us to advance The Hub's grand plan.A1b
144DaraHubbell: We couldn't have done it without you.{Grateful} Here is the ammo I promised you as thanks for helping us to advance The Hub's grand plan.A1a
145{Happy} We have a few months of work to do to prepare for our journey, maybe more.DaraHubbell: When the time comes, we'll get a message to you to join us.A1b
146Rolanda: I think I'm going to puke.{Afraid} Something's wrong. Shut it down! Shut it down!DaraHubbell: It worked. It actually worked!A1a
147DaraHubbell: We have a few months of work to do to prepare for our journey, maybe more.{Confident} When the time comes, we'll get a message to you to join us.A1a
148{Happy} By the Hub, it's working!Cleansed: Visions! I'm seeing visions!A1a
149-{Concerned} Don't take too long with those spacesuits.A
150{Confident} We'll talk in a minute. First I must address the faithful.
151{Happy} The Hub would be proud of what we are about to do.
152{Confident} Okay, start it up.