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This is a transcript for dialogue with Operators during the "Operator Sows Discord In Rival Gang" encounter.


1DLC04ConvOperatorsRivalGang02Scene{You murdered this person's pet, but you're being coy. / Neutral} Heard what happened to your little pet. Seems you're going to need to be more careful what you feed it.RivalGangMember: It was you?! I catch you alone and I'm gonna rip your guts out.A2a
2{You have dirt on this person and are trying to milk them for caps. / Stern} Still haven't gotten my caps, Pack-hole. You going to pay up, or do you want your Alpha finding out about your little... indiscretion?RivalGangMember: It was you?! I catch you alone and I'm gonna rip your guts out.A3a
3{Asking someone you don't like a question. / Stern} Hey. You. Answer something for me. What color's the Nuka-Cola label?RivalGangMember: It was you?! I catch you alone and I'm gonna rip your guts out.A4a
4{Sternly speaking to someone you don't like. / Stern} Certainly hoping this new Overboss has enough sense to run your ugly mugs out of this town.RivalGangMember: It was you?! I catch you alone and I'm gonna rip your guts out.A5a
5RivalGangMember: It was you?! I catch you alone and I'm gonna rip your guts out.{Someone just threatened your life because you killed your pet. You're not worried. / Neutral} Love to see you try. Now if I ever find their shit on my shoes again, I'm coming for the rest of them.A1a
6RivalGangMember: It was you?! I catch you alone and I'm gonna rip your guts out.{You're shaking someone down for money. / Stern} You've gotten plenty. If I don't hear the clink of caps real soon, there's gonna be problems.A2a
7RivalGangMember: It was you?! I catch you alone and I'm gonna rip your guts out.{Laying a sick burn on a wildly dressed enemy. / Amused} Huh. So you guys aren't colorblind. Could've fooled me.A3a
8RivalGangMember: It was you?! I catch you alone and I'm gonna rip your guts out.{A real threat. You can't stand the person you're talking to and would kill them given the chance. / Stern} Please. The Overboss is the only reason you're still alive, Pack-hole.A4a

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This is a transcript for dialogue with The Pack during the "Operator Sows Discord In Rival Gang" encounter.
9DLC04ConvOperatorsRivalGang02Scene{Angry. This person killed your pet. / Angry} It was you?! I catch you alone and I'm gonna rip your guts out.operator: Love to see you try. Now if I ever find their shit on my shoes again, I'm coming for the rest of them.A1a
10{Trying to hush someone who's threatening to blab about a secret / Conspiratorial} Hey, hey. Leave Mason out of this. Just gimme a couple more days.operator: Love to see you try. Now if I ever find their shit on my shoes again, I'm coming for the rest of them.A2a
11{You're puzzled. Someone just asked you a strange question. / Puzzled} You stupid? It's red. This some kinda trick?operator: Love to see you try. Now if I ever find their shit on my shoes again, I'm coming for the rest of them.A3a
12{Someone threatened you. You're threatening back. / Stern} Can't handle your own dirty work? Need the Overboss taking care of things for you?operator: Love to see you try. Now if I ever find their shit on my shoes again, I'm coming for the rest of them.A4a