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This is a transcript for dialogue with Disciples during the "Rival Gang Yells At Operator Thieves" encounter.


1DLC04ConvOperatorsRivalGang01Scene{Pissed at the person you're speaking to. / Stern} You. Listen up.A2a
2{Pissed at the person you're speaking to. / Stern} Hey. You.A3a
3{Stern} You. Operator.A4a
4{Pissed at the person you're speaking to. / Stern} One of ours is dead. You're the last person who she was seen with. And you've got the stones to claim you had nothing to do with it? Do you think we're idiots?operator: You really want me to answer that? How about you piss off?A2a
5{Pissed at the person you're speaking to. / Stern} Those stacks of Cram. Colter promised them to us.operator: You really want me to answer that? How about you piss off?A3a
6{Stern} You think we wouldn't realize it was you who walked off with those Stims?operator: You really want me to answer that? How about you piss off?A4a
7{Stern} A caravan got hit. That caravan was supposed to be ours. Rumor is the attackers were all wearing the same ugly suits.operator: You really want me to answer that? How about you piss off?A5a
8operator: You really want me to answer that? How about you piss off?{Pissed at the person you're speaking to. Start off with an angry grunt. / Stern} Hrmph. You will not live to regret this.A2a
9operator: You really want me to answer that? How about you piss off?{Pissed at the person you're speaking to. / Stern} You're messing with the wrong gang.A3a
10operator: You really want me to answer that? How about you piss off?{Stern} You will not get away with this.A4a

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This is a transcript for dialogue with Operators during the "Rival Gang Yells At Operator Thieves" encounter.
11DLC04ConvOperatorsRivalGang01Scene{Someone's threatening you because they suspect you killed their friend. You're not concerned. / Amused} You really want me to answer that? How about you piss off?A1a
12{Someone's threatening you for something you stole. You're daring them. / Amused} New Overboss, new rules.A2a
13{Someone's threatening you for something you stole. You're playing dumb. You know exactly what they're talking about. / Amused} No idea what you're talking about.A3a
14{Someone's threatening you for something you stole. They suggested the thieves were dressed terribly. You're cracking a joke about that. / Amused} Ugly suits? Couldn't have been us then.A4a