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This is a transcript for dialogue with Maxwell.


1DLC03_V118_FrontDeskInvestigatorWell, it's about time the police sent someone out to investigate.Receptionist: We have many important residents and they are very worried.A
2RobotMrHandy: Well, it's about time the police sent someone out to investigate.We have many important residents and they are very worried.Player Default: I'm here now, we'll get to the bottom of this.A1a
3Player Default: I'm here now, we'll get to the bottom of this.I cannot tell you what a relief it is, detective. I've learned the moods of our patrons well enough to tell you that tensions are high.A1a
4Player Default: If this place is closed off, one of them is the murderer.Dreadful to think it, but I suppose logically you must be correct.B1a
5Player Default: Let's talk about my compensation first.Well I can assure you, our patrons have an amount set aside for such contingencies as this.X1a
6Player Default: Let's talk about my compensation first.Very well, consider this a retainer.X2a
7Player Default: What happened? Who died?It's Mr. Parker, the primary owner and financier for the hotel. This is just a disaster!Y1a
8DLC03_V118_FrontDeskMurderMessenger: **Beep... click... chirp**They're at the crime scene again? Don't they realize that they're going to disturb the evidence?Messenger: **Beep... click... chirp**A1a
9Messenger: **Beep... click... chirp**You'd better come with me Detective.A1a
10V118_IntercomInitialWelcome back sir.Intercom: Greetings! Welcome to Vault 118. Your home away from home, underground.A
11Welcome back ma'am.Intercom: Greetings! Welcome to Vault 118. Your home away from home, underground.A
12RobotMrHandy: Welcome back sir.Greetings! Welcome to Vault 118. Your home away from home, underground.Intercom: Are you the detective we sent for?A1a
13RobotMrHandy: Welcome back sir.Did you change your mind about helping us investigate? We really could use some help.Intercom: Are you the detective we sent for?A2a
14Player Default: Yes, I'm the detective.Oh thank goodness. Let me just open the door for you.A1a
15Player Default: No, I'm not a Detective.{cheerfully dismissive} Ah, well I'm sorry to say we aren't accepting new patrons at this time. Good day!B1a
16Player Default: Maybe. Tell me what's going on.There's been a suspicious death. We sent someone for help, but no one has come to help us yet.Intercom: Are you the detective we sent for?X1a
17Player Default: Why do you need a detective?Well, there's been a suspicious death in the hotel. We need someone to investigate.Intercom: Are you the detective we sent for?Y1a
18Intercom: Greetings! Welcome to Vault 118. Your home away from home, underground.Are you the detective we sent for?Player Default: Yes, I'm the detective.A1a
19Intercom: Greetings! Welcome to Vault 118. Your home away from home, underground.Are you going to help us?Player Default: Yes, I'm the detective.A2a
20V118_IntercomInitialInvestigatorPearl: It's me, Pearl. I've returned with the investigator!Let me just get the door for you.A1a


21DLC03_V118_Quest_IntroMurderSceneKeith: What the hell is wrong with you?Excuse me...Santiago: Ezra, you've outdone yourself. Oh, this is your finest work! There is more emotion in his death than most have in their entire lives!A1a
22Keith: Our friend is dead Mr. Avida! Have you no respect?Please, if I may...Keith: That's what this is to you? You're sick...A1a
23Keith: That's what this is to you? You're sick...If I could just have your attention!Receptionist: I'm sorry for shouting, but the detective has arrived and shall begin the investigation henceforth.A1a
24Receptionist: If I could just have your attention!I'm sorry for shouting, but the detective has arrived and shall begin the investigation henceforth.Receptionist: Please return to your rooms until the detective has examined the crime scene and had a chance to come speak with you.A1a
25Receptionist: I'm sorry for shouting, but the detective has arrived and shall begin the investigation henceforth.Please return to your rooms until the detective has examined the crime scene and had a chance to come speak with you.A1a
26DLC03_V118_QuestCrimeSceneReceptionistHello again, detective.A
27Hello, detective.Player Default: That's not blood around the body, it's red paint.A
28Have a look at the crime scene for clues and when you are ready we can discuss your findings.A
29You are free to question the residents, but their safety is our priority, so unless you have solid evidence, I would avoid accusations.A
30Player Default: That's not blood around the body, it's red paint.Mr. Santiago would definitely have red paint. But surely he wouldn't have- would he? This is just terrible, Detective!A1a
31Player Default: Tell me about the victim.Mr. Ezra Parker was the primary owner and financier for the hotel. He had vast experience managing venture projects around the world.A2a
32It was his idea to have our premier clients become investors in the vault section of the hotel.A2b
33He worked with Vault-Tec to have this built to their every specification.A2c
34Player Default: Never mind.I'll be here should you need me.B1a
35Player Default: I found Ezra, he killed Julianna and has been impersonating her.Oh my! I'll notify the staff and we can put an end to this once and for all.X1a
36Player Default: The door to the overseer's office is locked.Oh yes, Mr. Parker locked it a while back after finding out that one of the other residents had been inside. Said it wasn't safe.X2a
37If the key isn't on him, it's probably in Mr. Parker's room.X2b
38Player Default: I found the murder weapon.Oh no. That's the bat from Mr. McKinney's movie. You don't think he could be involved do you? I can't imagine him ever doing such a thing!X3a
39Player Default: I'm not sure where I should start...I suppose you should try to figure out how he died, and then who had the means and motive to kill him.X4a
40Once you have enough evidence, then I suppose you'll need to confront the killer.X4b
41Player Default: Your residents are robots?Not robots, Detective. Well not exactly anyway. I believe the term they use is Robobrain.Y1a
42Back before the war, the residents decided the best way to wait it out was to put their brains inside robotic chassis.Y1b
43Player Default: What can you tell me about your residents?Well, Gilda Broscoe and Keith McKinney were our first investors. They are both movie stars with very storied careers.Y2a
44Santiago Avida is a world renowned painter, he joined us shortly after Gilda invested as he was working on a series of paintings of her at the time.Y2b
45Bert and Julianna Riggs are our largest investors in the hotel, holding as large a portion as the other combined.Y2c
46Mrs. Riggs comes from old money, lots of investments in natural resources. Mr. Riggs was a researcher for General Atomics on the Robobrain project.Y2d
47RobotMrHandy: Hello again, detective.Was there anything else?Player Default: That's not blood around the body, it's red paint.A2a


48DLC03DialogueV118_ReceptionistKillerExposedPlayer Default: It was Santiago.That's just terrible. I can't believe it. And after all this time.A1a
49Thank you for your assistance, Detective. The residents pooled this to pay for your services.A1b
50DLC03DialogueV118_ReceptionistOptionsWhat happened with Ezra, Detective?Player Default: He attacked me, but it's over now. Your residents are safe.A
51We got him. It's finally over.Receptionist: I only wish we had managed to catch him sooner. There must have been something we missed.A
52Player Default: He attacked me, but it's over now. Your residents are safe.You did the right thing coming to me, Detective. I've alerted the staff and we shall converge on him. Quickly, let's go!Receptionist: I only wish we had managed to catch him sooner. There must have been something we missed.A1a
53Player Default: I killed him. He had it coming.You did the right thing, Detective.Receptionist: I only wish we had managed to catch him sooner. There must have been something we missed.B1a
54Player Default: He got away before I could catch him.I can't say the residents will be pleased that you let him get away, but I suppose there is nothing to be done about it. At least it's over.Receptionist: I only wish we had managed to catch him sooner. There must have been something we missed.X1a
55Player Default: Turns out robobrains can eat. And I served him up a heaping helping of Justice.Well, bravo I suppose.Receptionist: I only wish we had managed to catch him sooner. There must have been something we missed.X2a
56Player Default: Does it really matter?Yes of course it matters! The man is a murderer, we need to know if he is still at large!Player Default: He attacked me, but it's over now. Your residents are safe.Y1a
57My word! I never thought Mr. Parker was capable of something like this. What happened when you confronted him?Player Default: He attacked me, but it's over now. Your residents are safe.A1a
58Player Default: You did the right thing coming to me, Detective. I've alerted the staff and we shall converge on him. Quickly, let's go!I only wish we had managed to catch him sooner. There must have been something we missed.A1a
59Here. Your payment for returning to uncover the true killer.A1b
60Player Default: You did the right thing coming to me, Detective. I've alerted the staff and we shall converge on him. Quickly, let's go!Here you are, Detective. Payment for your services and a bonus for uncovering such a heinous plot. I don't think we could have done it without you.A2a
61DLC03DialogueV118_ReceptionistReturnSceneThank goodness you're back, Detective!Receptionist: I'm afraid the worst has happened. We must have got the wrong killer, because there has been another disappearance.A
62Thank you for your help, Detective.A
63Well, it seems you were wrong about it being over, Detective.A
64RobotMrHandy: Thank goodness you're back, Detective!I'm afraid the worst has happened. We must have got the wrong killer, because there has been another disappearance.A1a
65Julianna and Bert have gone missing.A1b
66We've locked the residents down in separate rooms for their safety, but we need you to find the Riggs if they are still alive.A1c
67I'll stay here to make sure the killer can't escape.A1d