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This is a transcript for dialogue with Julianna Riggs.


1DLC03_V118_QuestIntroJuliannaBertWaitBert: Just let me have a look at the neural interface matrix and I'm sure I can clear that-{Forceful on the first no, but don't over do it.} No! No it's not that, I've just caught another cold. Probably something that got in when they sent Pearl out.Bert: Oh god, not this again. Last month you were convinced you had the measles...A1a
2Julianna: Mr. Scruffy and I are going to rewrite the will, so he will get everything when I die because horrible Bert didn't believe me.Have fun, dear!A1a
3Hello Mr. Whiskers. Who's a pretty kitty?Bert: Julianna... Mr. Whiskers died last month. This is Scruffy, remember?A1a
4Bert: Julianna... Mr. Whiskers died last month. This is Scruffy, remember?Oh... of course. Silly me.Bert: Just let me have a look at the neural interface matrix and I'm sure I can clear that-A1a
5Bert: Oh god, not this again. Last month you were convinced you had the measles...You're not a doctor, what would you even know about it. And besides, I think it may be malaria.Bert: First of all, I am a doctor.A1a
6Bert: First of all, I am a doctor.Yes, but not a real doctor. Robotics isn't an actual medical degree.Bert: Secondly, I've told you time and again, you can't get sick inside the suit. It's not physically possible.A1a
7Bert: Secondly, I've told you time and again, you can't get sick inside the suit. It's not physically possible.I know when I'm getting sick, Bert. Now why don't you just wander off and play in your lab.Julianna: Mr. Scruffy and I are going to rewrite the will, so he will get everything when I die because horrible Bert didn't believe me.A1a
8Julianna: I know when I'm getting sick, Bert. Now why don't you just wander off and play in your lab.{talking to your cat again, knowing full well that bert is standing right there.} Mr. Scruffy and I are going to rewrite the will, so he will get everything when I die because horrible Bert didn't believe me.Bert: Oh, god Julianna. Whatever. I'm going to the lab.A1a
9DLC03_V118_QuestJuliannaMainHello Detective. Did you have a question about the heinous murder?Player Default: I think you're the real murderer.A
10Oh it's you again. What do you want?Player Default: I think you're the real murderer.A
11Player Default: Give it up, I know your secret Julianna. Or should I say, Ezra?Well, Detective, that's quite the claim.A1a
12Player Default: Ezra was embezzling your money. That's why you killed him and framed Keith.You were so close, Detective.A2a
13Player Default: Never mind.Good. Perhaps you should rethink your investigation.B1a
14Player Default: I'm not sure yet.It's not me, Detective. Clearly you should be looking at that actor.X1a
15Player Default: Maybe you can give me a reason it couldn't be you.I'm sick all the time, Detective. I don't have the strength to do such a thing.Player Default: Give it up, I know your secret Julianna.Y1a
16Player Default: I think you're the real murderer.That's just silly, Detective. Why would I want to kill Mr. Parker?Player Default: Give it up, I know your secret Julianna.A1a
17Player Default: Tell me about yourself.I'm Julianna Riggs. Heiress to the Riggs fortune and wife of Bert Riggs. I'm not sure what else you expected, Detective.Player Default: Give it up, I know your secret Julianna.A3a
18Player Default: Never mind.Good luck catching the murderer, Detective.Player Default: Give it up, I know your secret Julianna.B1a
19Player Default: I heard you had a big fight with Ezra a few days ago. Care to explain?Oh well, it wasn't that big a deal really. He wanted more money to pay for repairs on the hotel.X1a
20I wasn't feeling well that day and lashed out a bit at the poor man. I really should have listened to him more.Player Default: Give it up, I know your secret Julianna.X1b
21Player Default: I found some evidence that Ezra was embezzling from you and the other investors...Oh, well I don't really believe that. Mr. Parker wouldn't do such a thing, I'm sure.Player Default: Give it up, I know your secret Julianna.X2a
22Player Default: What's with all the junk in here?These are our things. We're just waiting till the war blows over so we can bring them back to the mansion.Player Default: Give it up, I know your secret Julianna.X3a
23Player Default: Did you have any thoughts about the murder?If you ask me, it's one of those actors. Or that horrible painter. Their type is always the cause of violence.Player Default: Give it up, I know your secret Julianna.Y1a


24DLC03DialogueV118_EzraRevealI'm glad you decided to come back, Detective.Julianna: What's it going to be, Detective. Join me in getting rich or die defending some outdated ideals?A
25A wise choice, Detective.Julianna: It's a shame, I thought I could keep the ruse going a little longer. Ah well, had to end eventually I suppose.A
26What was all that racket?A
27Good job, Detective.A
28What's going on? Did you catch the killer?A
29I'll wait here till you finish carrying things out, Detective.A
30Player Default: Ezra? You're alive?Well, congratulations on catching up, Detective.Y1a
31Yes, I've been masqueraded as Julianna for some time now.Julianna: What's it going to be, Detective. Join me in getting rich or die defending some outdated ideals?Y1b
32Well, how is this going to go down?Player Default: Ok, I'll let you go.A2a

Dialogue after real identity is discovered (as Ezra):

33DLC03DialogueV118_EzraFinalAh, you've got everything. Marvelous.Julianna: I'll take those, thank you. And here is your cut. Been a pleasure working with you, Detective. I hope we never meet again.A
34DLC03MaleEzraParker: Ah, you've got everything. Marvelous.I'll take those, thank you. And here is your cut. Been a pleasure working with you, Detective. I hope we never meet again.A1a
35DLC03DialogueV118_EzraRevealAh, it appears the jig, as they say, is up.Julianna: It's a shame, I thought I could keep the ruse going a little longer. Ah well, had to end eventually I suppose.A
36Player Default: Ok, I'll let you go.Well, I'm glad you've decided to be reasonable. I would've hated for this to come to more bloodshed.Julianna: Alright Detective. Tell Maxwell that it's over and get your reward. Then I'll make my way out when things have died down.A1a
37Player Default: Not a chance. Your murder spree stops here.Then let us end this.Julianna: Alright Detective. Tell Maxwell that it's over and get your reward. Then I'll make my way out when things have died down.B1a
38Player Default: If I'm going to let you go, I want a cut of what you've stolen.Not a chance, Detective. I've invested far too much time into this. If I'm leaving, I'm taking everything with me.Julianna: What's it going to be, Detective. Join me in getting rich or die defending some outdated ideals?X1a
39Player Default: I need time to consider this.Ah, so it's like that, eh? Fine, I'll grease your palm a bit, Detective. Now, am I free to go?Player Default: Ok, I'll let you go.X2a
40Player Default: I need time to consider this.I'm sorry Detective, but I really do need and answer now.Julianna: What's it going to be, Detective. Join me in getting rich or die defending some outdated ideals?X3a
41Player Default: Why did you kill Julianna?I hadn't planned on it, but Julianna figured out what I was doing and had to be dealt with swiftly.Y2a
42I thought I could get a bit more money out of this place before making my escape.Julianna: What's it going to be, Detective. Join me in getting rich or die defending some outdated ideals?Y2b
43What's it going to be, Detective. Join me in getting rich or die defending some outdated ideals?Player Default: Ok, I'll let you go.A1a
44Player Default: Well, I'm glad you've decided to be reasonable. I would've hated for this to come to more bloodshed.Alright Detective. Tell Maxwell that it's over and get your reward. Then I'll make my way out when things have died down.A1a
45Player Default: Well, I'm glad you've decided to be reasonable. I would've hated for this to come to more bloodshed.Give me some time to make my way out and then you can tell Maxwell and get your reward.A2a
46DLC03MaleEzraParker: Ah, it appears the jig, as they say, is up.{With a sigh. you expected it eventually} It's a shame, I thought I could keep the ruse going a little longer. Ah well, had to end eventually I suppose.A1a
47This doesn't have to end in more violence, Detective. Just, walk away. I'll leave and you can tell them I escaped.Player Default: Ok, I'll let you go.A1b
48DLC03DialogueV118_EzraWarnJulianna: If you try to leave, I'll have to assume you are going to report me, and then this turns ugly.I warned you Detective!A1a
49If you try to leave, I'll have to assume you are going to report me, and then this turns ugly.Julianna: I warned you Detective!A1a
50-I see your point. A good con man has to know when the game has run its course.