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This is a transcript for dialogue with Bert Riggs.


1DLC03_V118_QuestBertMainHello Detective. Did you need something?Player Default: Tell me about yourself.A
2Hello again. Did you need something?Player Default: Tell me about yourself.A
3Was there something else, Detective?Player Default: Tell me about yourself.A1a
4Player Default: Tell me about yourself.{hurried, you are worried you said something that will get you killed} I don't want to talk about this any more. Please just go.A1a
5Player Default: Tell me about your research.Oh uh... well, I'm a scientist. You've probably met my wife, Julianna, already. Not sure what else to say really.A2a
6Player Default: I'd like to hear more about your research.{eager, chipper.} Well, I was one of the leads on the team that created the first robobrains, the precursors to our model.A3a
7{slightly embarrassed, you know most people find you strange} Most people don't find it all that interesting, and I'd rather not bore you..A3b
8Player Default: I'd like to hear more about your research.Oh wonderful! No one else here really wants to talk about it.A4a
9Functionally this model is more or less the same as the previous versions I worked on, but without the neural inhibitor and reconditioning.A4b
10The voice modulator seems to have some minor issues interfacing with the neural matrix, which can add some moodiness.A4c
11But that's easily solved with regular tune ups.A4d
12Player Default: I'd like to hear more about your research.{earnest. You are being totally honest.} I'm afraid that's really all I should say about it. I mean it IS still classified, but I wanted to help with the investigation.A5a
13Player Default: Never mind.Very well, I'll just get back to my work then.B1a
14Player Default: I heard that Julianna and Ezra had an argument a few days before he was found dead. Tell me about that.Well, I was in my lab at the time so I didn't hear it, but Julianna has always been rather critical of Mr. Parker.X1a
15I think she found something in the overseer's office... I wasn't listening when she told me about it. I kind of had my head in my research.X1b
16I don't know really. I try to let her handle all the money stuff.X1c
17Player Default: Robobrains have a voice modulator? Tell me about that.That's what allows us to recreate our original voices. They can mimic any normal human voice, actually.X2a
18{Thinking back on your old research, pause at "hm" to find the correct term. The subjects you were using were not willing, they were convicts.} I've speculated for some time that the issues we had with our hm... recruited subjects are due to the brain attempting to preserve a sense of self.X2b
19Maintaining our original voices helps reinforce the neural network, sort of like playing music for an Alzheimer's patient.X2c
20Player Default: What do you mean, Julianna's not the same person?My wife has always been a very harsh woman, Detective. I don't know who it is in our room, but that is not my wife, Detective.Y1a
21Player Default: Have you noticed Julianna acting strangely lately?I'm sure that's just a glitch in the neurochemical regulator. I'm still working out the kinks that were introduced by the voice modulator interface.Y2a
22If she would just let me give the regulator a tune up I'm sure she would be back to normal.Y2b
23Player Default: Have you noticed Julianna acting strangely lately?Oh, well I'm probably just being paranoid, but... She's been so much more pleasant lately. I mean it's been nice, but also a bit unnerving.Y3a
24Most people don't really understand us, but I always appreciated how she can just take charge of a situation.Y3b
25It's what allowed me to focus on my research. I'm worried something has happened to her. She doesn't seem like the same person.Y3c
26Player Default: Did you have any thoughts about the murder?Oh, well... that's not really my field of expertise, but I'm sure there are probably some clues at the crime scene.Y5a
27Player Default: What do you mean, Julianna's not the same person?I'm sure it's nothing. She's just feeling stressed like the rest of us. I mean, there's still a murderer out there, Detective.Y6a
28DLC03_V118_QuestIntroJuliannaBertWaitJulianna: Hello Mr. Whiskers. Who's a pretty kitty?Julianna... Mr. Whiskers died last month. This is Scruffy, remember?Julianna: Oh... of course. Silly me.A1a
29Julianna: Oh... of course. Silly me.Just let me have a look at the neural interface matrix and I'm sure I can clear that-Julianna: No! No it's not that, I've just caught another cold. Probably something that got in when they sent Pearl out.A1a
30Julianna: No! No it's not that, I've just caught another cold. Probably something that got in when they sent Pearl out.Oh god, not this again. Last month you were convinced you had the measles...Julianna: You're not a doctor, what would you even know about it. And besides, I think it may be malaria.A1a
31Julianna: You're not a doctor, what would you even know about it. And besides, I think it may be malaria.First of all, I am a doctor.Julianna: Yes, but not a real doctor. Robotics isn't an actual medical degree.A1a
32Julianna: Yes, but not a real doctor. Robotics isn't an actual medical degree.Secondly, I've told you time and again, you can't get sick inside the suit. It's not physically possible.Julianna: I know when I'm getting sick, Bert. Now why don't you just wander off and play in your lab.A1a
33Julianna: Have fun, dear!Oh, god Julianna. Whatever. I'm going to the lab.A1a
34-I supposed that would be alright.
35Fine. Ask your questions.
36I don't think I should answer any more of your questions, Detective.


37-What was all that commotion?A
38I can't believe it.A