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This is a transcript for dialogue with Erickson.


1DLC03_ADV017_BuyDogWhere did you want it to guard?A1a
2Erikson: Where did you want it to guard?Alright. Make sure you give it a good home.A2a
3Erikson: Where did you want it to guard?Treat 'em right, and they'll do the same for you.A3a
4Erikson: Where did you want it to guard?Sounds good. You take care.A4a
5Erikson: Where did you want it to guard?Well, I'm not giving you one of my dogs if you don't have somewhere for it to live.Player Default: You interested in a trade?A5a
6DLC03_ADV017_EriksonBuyDogPlayer Default: I was interested in the dog.That's a shame.A1a
7Player Default: I was interested in the dog.I'm all out at the moment. Give me a week or two and I'll train up another.A2a
8Player Default: I've changed my mind.Whatever.B1a
9Player Default: I've changed my mind.Good luck out there.B2a
10Player Default: I've changed my mind.Fine.B3a
11DLC03_ADV017_EriksonIslandTipsThere's a lighthouse on the south end of the island. Big family of trappers lives there.A2a
12Northwest of Far Harbor there's a big building on a cliff. Full of ghouls.A3a
13But every once in a while I've seen robots come out of there too.A3b
14Overheard a couple trappers saying that lumber yard would be a good place to build a camp.A4a
15Near the center of the island, there's an old military base. The Children of Atom live there.A5a
16Watch your back if you head to the Harbor Grand Hotel, the super mutants there aren't as friendly as me.A6a
17There's a group of humans living at the top of the mountain. Heard someone call them Simps. Maybe you know what that means.A7a
18Nothing right now.A8a
19DLC03_ADV017_EriksonMainAh, hello again. Did you need something?Player Default: You interested in a trade?A
20Looking to trade?Player Default: You interested in a trade?A
21There's probably a bed around if you need a rest.Player Default: You interested in a trade?A
22You hungry? Here, have this.Player Default: You interested in a trade?A
23Here, this is for your friend. Not often that I see other super mutants willing to travel with a human.Player Default: You interested in a trade?A
24Player Default: You interested in a trade?Hm.. maybe.A1a
25Player Default: Look, I'm honestly sorry about your dogs. I didn't realize.{Start heated, but back down. Trying to make peace with it. can't save every dog.} You know... just... don't be so quick to kill everything in sight next time.Player Default: You interested in a trade?X1a
26Player Default: Look, I'm honestly sorry about your dogs. I didn't realize.{Still angry, but trying to cut off the topic.} Just let it go. No point crying over what's done.Player Default: You interested in a trade?X2a
27Player Default: Look, I'm honestly sorry about your dogs. I didn't realize.Which one would you like?Player Default: I was interested in the dog.X3a
28Player Default: So, why don't you hate humans like the rest of your kind seem to?Started seeing things more clearly when we came here. Who knows, maybe it's the fog. I just don't see what the point of us all killing each other is.Player Default: You interested in a trade?Y1a
29Player Default: So, why don't you hate humans like the rest of your kind seem to?Yeah. As guard dogs. Not all can be trained though. Most are used to being kicked or shot at.Y2a
30I can only manage a few at a time though, so unless I find a new home for one of them, I can't really take on any more.Player Default: You interested in a trade?Y2b
31Player Default: So, why don't you hate humans like the rest of your kind seem to?My kind are mostly stupid brutes.Y3a
32Used to trade with a couple people in Far Harbor, but they don't leave the settlement much these days.Y3b
33The rest of the people on the island are worse.Player Default: You interested in a trade?Y3c
34Player Default: So, why don't you hate humans like the rest of your kind seem to?{Very neutral, this is just a connective line} Hm...Y4a
35DLC03_ADV017_IntroEndDogmeatHey.Erikson: Huh. That's a nice lookin' dog you've got there.A
36DLC03SuperMutantErikson: Hey.Huh. That's a nice lookin' dog you've got there.Erikson: Where'd you find him?A1a
37Erikson: Huh. That's a nice lookin' dog you've got there.Where'd you find him?Player Default: I found him in the Commonwealth, near Boston.A1a
38Player Default: I found him in the Commonwealth, near Boston.Hm. Long way. Got a good coat on him.Erikson: Here. Something for your pup.A1a
39Player Default: It's none of your business.Alright fine. You just be on your way then.Erikson: Here. Something for your pup.B1a
40Player Default: To be honest, he kind of found me.Hm. Yep, certainly had a few follow me home before.Erikson: Here. Something for your pup.X1a
41Player Default: Why do you ask?Just curious. Never seen one with that coloring before.Erikson: Here. Something for your pup.Y1a
42Player Default: Hm. Long way. Got a good coat on him.Here. Something for your pup.Erikson: Did you need something?A1a
43Erikson: Here. Something for your pup.Did you need something?Player Default: You interested in a trade?A1a
44DLC03_ADV017_IntroEndNormal{Talking to his dogs after getting home.} You guys alright?A1a
45{subdued happiness. your dogs are the only thing that make you happy, but you are being guarded around strangers.} Yeah, you're good.Erikson: Sorry about pointing a gun at you earlier, I just get a bit jumpy when a stranger might be killing my dogs.A1b
46Erikson: Yeah, you're good.Sorry about pointing a gun at you earlier, I just get a bit jumpy when a stranger might be killing my dogs.A1a
47DLC03_ADV017_IntroPlayerApproachAlright, that's a start. Now you just put your weapon away and I'll do the same. Then we can talk.Erikson: Good. Just come on down here and we'll talk.A1a
48Put your weapon away and we can talk.Erikson: Good. Just come on down here and we'll talk.A3a
49Look, if we both just put our weapons away this can stay peaceful.Erikson: Good. Just come on down here and we'll talk.A4a
50I'm not lookin' for trouble here. Put that weapon away and I'll do the same.Erikson: Good. Just come on down here and we'll talk.A5a
51Erikson: Alright, that's a start. Now you just put your weapon away and I'll do the same. Then we can talk.Good. Just come on down here and we'll talk.A1a
52DLC03_ADV017_IntroPlayerKilledDogsPlayer Default: Sorry, I thought this was just another trapper camp and that they would attack me if given the chance.{Heavy sigh. Sad, but predictable.} Well, at least you're honest. Damn shame, I had almost gotten them trained up right.A1a
53Player Default: Sorry, I thought this was just another trapper camp and that they would attack me if given the chance.Typical human. Can't leave anyone in peace.A2a
54Player Default: No, I just found them like this.Damn. Must have been trappers again.B1a
55Player Default: No, I just found them like this.Damn. Must have been trappers again.B2a
56Player Default: No, I just found them like this.You're lying.B3a
57Player Default: It wasn't my fault, they attacked me.{Heavy sigh, you had almost rehabilitated the dogs} Damn, and I thought I was making progress with them.X1a
58Player Default: It wasn't my fault, they attacked me.{Heavy sigh, you had almost rehabilitated the dogs} If you're going to lie, at least be convincing.X2a
59Player Default: These were your dogs?Yes, I've been training them. Did you attack my dogs?Player Default: Sorry, I thought this was just another trapper camp and that they would attack me if given the chance.Y1a
60Player Default: These were your dogs?Then we've got a problem. So, did you kill them?Player Default: Sorry, I thought this was just another trapper camp and that they would attack me if given the chance.Y2a
61Player Default: These were your dogs?Quit dodging the question. Did you attack them?Player Default: Sorry, I thought this was just another trapper camp and that they would attack me if given the chance.Y3a
62Did you do this? Did you kill my dogs?Player Default: Sorry, I thought this was just another trapper camp and that they would attack me if given the chance.A1a
63DLC03_ADV017_IntroYellingSceneCome on out stranger, this doesn't have to get messy.A1a
64Who ever's in there, you'd better come out quiet.A3a
65If you've hurt my dogs, this is gonna go bad for you.A4a
66If you're one of those trappers, I've warned you to stay the hell away from me!A5a
67DLC03_ADV017_LongfellowIntroErikson: Wait a minute, I know that voice...{Feigned Surprise. gruff joking, think Walter Matthaeu from Grumpy Old Men} Longfellow? You're still alive eh? Tell your friend to come on out here.Erikson: Mind telling your friend to ease off the weapon?A1a
68Erikson: Longfellow? You're still alive eh? Tell your friend to come on out here.Mind telling your friend to ease off the weapon?Companion: I've had dealings with him before. Not a bad sort.A1a
69DLC03_ADV017_LongfellowIntro2Longfellow. Good to see you're still kicking.Companion: Yeah, you too.A1a
70Erikson: Longfellow. Good to see you're still kicking.You vouching for him?Companion: No. Not from what I've seen.A1a
71DLC03_ADV017InitConversationWhat were you doing up there in my camp?Player Default: Easy there big fella, I was just looking around.A
72Player Default: Easy there big fella, I was just looking around.I'm plenty calm, considering you invaded my home.Erikson: Look, I don't really want any trouble. I broke off from the group I came here with a long time ago.A1a
73Player Default: Die mutant scum!Like hell!Erikson: Look, I don't really want any trouble. I broke off from the group I came here with a long time ago.B1a
74Player Default: Nice hat.Uh... thanks. I skinned it myself.Erikson: Look, I don't really want any trouble. I broke off from the group I came here with a long time ago.X1a
75Player Default: You're a super mutant? I'm surprised you didn't attack me.Yeah well, maybe you shouldn't be so quick to jump to conclusions.Erikson: Look, I don't really want any trouble. I broke off from the group I came here with a long time ago.Y1a
76Player Default: I'm plenty calm, considering you invaded my home.Look, I don't really want any trouble. I broke off from the group I came here with a long time ago.A1a
77I just... started seeing things differently when we came to the island and I couldn't stand how the other super mutants act to humans.A1b
78I keep to my self up here and train my dogs. Do a bit of trade with people too. At least those that don't open fire on me.A1c
79Don't see any reason we can't do the same. Come on up if you'd like.A1d