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This is a transcript for dialogue with settler at one of the four Island settlements during Deadliest Catch.


1DLC03WorkshopRadiantOwned04HeadOutScene{called to a friend who's standing 30 feet away / Confident} Listen up, folks. It's time! Let's go get that crab!A1a
2{called to a friend who's standing 30 feet away / Confident} You ready? Let's go get that crab!A2a
3DLC03WorkshopRadiantOwned04Intro{Concerned} Interesting news. A giant hermit crab's been spotted, not that far from here.SettlementSpokesman: It'd be real dangerous if it wandered into the settlement. But it's also the biggest jackpot on the island, if we can take it down.A
4{Concerned} Another giant hermit crab's been spotted.SettlementSpokesman: It'd be real dangerous if it wandered into the settlement. But it's also the biggest jackpot on the island, if we can take it down.A
5{Concerned} Someone's located a giant hermit crab, not too far from here.SettlementSpokesman: It'd be real dangerous if it wandered into the settlement. But it's also the biggest jackpot on the island, if we can take it down.A
6FemaleEvenToned: Interesting news. A giant hermit crab's been spotted, not that far from here.{Thinking} It'd be real dangerous if it wandered into the settlement. But it's also the biggest jackpot on the island, if we can take it down.Player Default: Oh, I think I already killed that crab.A1a
7FemaleEvenToned: Interesting news. A giant hermit crab's been spotted, not that far from here.{Question} We were thinking of making a crab run. What do you think?Player Default: Oh, I think I already killed that crab.A3a
8FemaleEvenToned: Interesting news. A giant hermit crab's been spotted, not that far from here.{Question} Interested in trying to take it down?Player Default: Oh, I think I already killed that crab.A4a
9FemaleEvenToned: Interesting news. A giant hermit crab's been spotted, not that far from here.{Question} Want to help us take it down?Player Default: Oh, I think I already killed that crab.A5a
10Player Default: Oh, I think I already killed that crab.{Impressed} Took it out by yourself, eh? Not bad.SettlementSpokesman: I'll grab the others and we'll meet you there.A1a
11Player Default: Oh, I think I already killed that crab.{Happy} That's the spirit!SettlementSpokesman: I'll grab the others and we'll meet you there.A2a
12Player Default: I think it'd be better to leave it alone.{Depressed} Alright, if you say so.SettlementSpokesman: I'll grab the others and we'll meet you there.B1a
13Player Default: Too late, I already killed it.{Friendly} I promise, you won't regret it. Pretty fun, as long as nobody gets themselves killed.SettlementSpokesman: I'll grab the others and we'll meet you there.X2a
14Player Default: You have giant hermit crabs on this island?{Thinking} Oh, yeah. Tricky devils, they like to hide inside old vans. Can give you a nasty surprise if you aren't paying attention.Y1a
15{Conspiratorial} But they also like to collect stuff, so you never know what you might find when you kill one. Plus, you know, they're awfully tasty.Player Default: Oh, I think I already killed that crab.Y1b
16Player Default: Took it out by yourself, eh? Not bad.{Happy} I'll grab the others and we'll meet you there.SettlementSpokesman: Listen up, folks. It's time! Let's go get that crab!A1a
17Player Default: Took it out by yourself, eh? Not bad.{Happy} Give me a second and I'll be ready to go. We'll meet you there.SettlementSpokesman: Listen up, folks. It's time! Let's go get that crab!A2a
18Player Default: Took it out by yourself, eh? Not bad.{Happy} I'll meet you there. Just don't start without me.A3a
19DLC03WorkshopRadiantOwned04Outro{Happy} Now it's time for the crab feast!A1a
20-{looking forward to eating a huge crab / Happy} Looks like crab's back on the menu.
21{looking forward to eating a huge crab / Happy} This is going to be some good eating.
22{looking forward to eating a huge crab / Happy} Getting to the meat is the hardest part.
23{Happy} All right! Get it!
24{Happy} I can almost taste it already!
25{Happy} Just don't let it grab you!
26{looking forward to a crab feast / Happy} Oh, man, this is going to be good.
27{Happy} Here we go!
28{Happy} Careful now. That thing'll give you a nasty pinch!
29{Worried} Oh, shit, that ain't good.
30{Happy} All right! We did it!
31{Happy} We are going to eat well tonight.
32{Happy} Haha! Now we feast!