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This is a transcript for dialogue with settler at one of the four Island settlements during Trapper Attack.


1DLC03WorkshopRadiantOwned02EnterDungeonScene{Worried} This is it. I'll follow your lead from here.A1a
3DLC03WorkshopRadiantOwned02IntroScene{Worried} We've run into a bit of trouble with Super Mutants lately.SettlementSpokesman: Finally figured out where they're coming from at least. We could use some help clearing them out. What do you say?A
2FemaleEvenToned: We've run into a bit of trouble with Super Mutants lately.{Concerned} Finally figured out where they're coming from at least. We could use some help clearing them out. What do you say?Player Default: Of course.A1a
4Player Default: Of course.{Somber} Alright then. I can show you the way, if you want some company.Player Default: No need to worry. I already took care of those uglies.A1a
5Player Default: I can't help you with that.{Somber} Ok, then. I'll just have to take care of it myself.Player Default: No need to worry. I already took care of those uglies.B1a
6Player Default: Just point me to them.{Defiant} Actually, I'd be glad to show you the way. I owe those green bastards some payback.Player Default: No need to worry. I already took care of those uglies.X1a
7Player Default: Where's their hideout?{Confident} It's not far. I can come along and show you the way, if you want.Player Default: No need to worry. I already took care of those uglies.Y1a
8Player Default: No need to worry. I already took care of those uglies.{Happy} That's good to hear. We've got enough trouble around here without having to deal with Super Mutants on top of it.A1a
9Player Default: No need to worry. I already took care of those uglies.{Stern} Stick close.A2a
10Player Default: Those uglies are yesterday's news.{Relieved} Suit yourself.B2a
11Player Default: I've already dealt with those Super Mutants.{Confident} Come on, then.X2a
12Player Default: Are you sure you want to tangle with Super Mutants?{Defiant} I'd rather take the fight to them for once.Player Default: No need to worry. I already took care of those uglies.Y1a
13-{Relieved} I'm glad that's over. Thanks for the help.A
14{SinisterSmile} I guess we taught those greenskins a lesson.
15{Defiant} Let's get this over with.
16{Angry} Payback time, you ugly bastards!
17{Worried} I guess this is it.
18{Angry} Time to show these uglies what happens when they mess with us.
19{Angry} This one's mine.