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This is a transcript for dialogue with settler at one of the four Island settlements during Condensers Down.


1DLC03WorkshopRadiantOwned01Intro{Worried} We need your help.A
2{Worried} I hope you can help.A
3{Worried} I'm afraid we may be in some trouble here.A
4FemaleEvenToned: We need your help.{Worried} I just noticed that some of the Fog Condensers are on the fritz.A2a
5FemaleEvenToned: We need your help.{Worried} Some of our Fog Condensers are broken.A3a
6FemaleEvenToned: We need your help.{Worried} Looks like we've got some Fog Condensers down.A4a
7Player Default: I've already repaired them all.{Relieved} Oh, that's good to hear. Thanks!A1a
8{Worried} Still, we'd better keep an eye out for any fog creatures that may have been drawn here while the condensers were down.A1b
9Player Default: I've already repaired them all.{Relieved} Sounds good. If we work together, we can get them fixed faster.A2a
10Player Default: Sorry, I can't help right now.{Depressed} Okay, I guess we're on our own, then.B1a
11Player Default: How do we fix them?{Confident} Probably just broken wiring. A little spot welding is usually all it takes. If you watch my back, I can do the repairs.Player Default: I've already repaired them all.X1a
12Player Default: How exactly do the Fog Condensers keep you safe?{Concerned} The island creatures are territorial, and the Fog is their territory.Y1a
13{Worried} They go where the Fog goes, and when the Fog stretches into a new area, they come to claim it.Player Default: I've already repaired them all.Y1b
14{Afraid} This place is going to be a magnet for the island's creatures until we get them fixed.Player Default: I've already repaired them all.A2a
15{Afraid} There's no telling what might come out of the Fog. We've got to get them fixed.Player Default: I've already repaired them all.A3a
16{Afraid} We've got to get them fixed, pronto, or we're going to be swarmed by the island's creatures.Player Default: I've already repaired them all.A4a
17DLC03WorkshopRadiantOwned01Outro{Relieved} That could have been a lot worse. Thanks for the help.A
18FemaleEvenToned: That could have been a lot worse. Thanks for the help.{Relieved} The creatures shouldn't bother us much now that the Fog Condensers are working again.A2a
19FemaleEvenToned: That could have been a lot worse. Thanks for the help.{Relieved} The Fog Condensers should keep us safe enough, as long as they keep working.A3a
20FemaleEvenToned: That could have been a lot worse. Thanks for the help.{Relieved} We should be safe enough with the Fog Condensers all working again.A4a
21-{Relieved} Well... glad that's over.
22{Worried} Keep an eye on the Fog!
23{Worried} Do you see anything?
24{Worried} Maybe that's all of them for now.
25{Worried} We've got to get the Fog Condensers fixed!
26{Worried} They're not going to stop as long as the Fog Condensers are down!
27{Worried} Are the Fog Condensers fixed yet?