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This is a transcript for dialogue with Teddy Wright.


1DLC03DialogueFarHarbor _TeddyExam{InPain} Good to be hale and healthy, eh? Need anything else?A2a
2{InPain} Good, good. You need anything else?A3a
3{InPain} Good. What else?A4a
4{Examining someone's wounds. / InPain} Let me take... Oh, that's not so bad.A6a
5{Examining someone's wounds. / InPain} Mmhmm... Could've been a lot worse.A7a
6{Examining someone's wounds. / InPain} Nothing too bad. Still, risky... to leave untreated.A8a
7{Seriously concerned about the level of injury the player has suffered. / InPain} Oh, this is a doozy. Hold on, this may hurt. A lot.A10a
8{You're surprised by the extent of the player's wounds. / Surprised} Dear lord. This... is going to be tricky. Hold on.A11a
9{InPain} And you're still walking around? Let's get you patched up right away.A12a
10I can't afford to run a charity, sorry.A14a
11I'm low on supplies, I'm afraid I don't work pro bono any more.A15a
12{InPain} Take care.B1a
13{InPain} What? Ah, you're leaving.B2a
14{examining a patient, they just told you their radiation levels are normal / InPain} Someone on the island that's rad free. Must be my lucky day.X1a
15{seeing signs of radiation sickness / InPain} Well, let's begin the treatment, then.X3a
16{You're a bit reticent to perform this proceed. / Neutral} You might say radiation is my specialty. Let's begin.X4a
17{Reluctantly performing a medical procedure. / InPain} Everyone on the island's got a touch of it. Let's fix you up.X5a
18No caps, no doctorin'. Sorry.X6a
19If you don't got caps, I can't afford to treat you.X7a
20Player Default: Yeah, see what's wrong with me, doctor.{examining a patient, who says they are not addicted to any chems / InPain} Clean and sober, eh? Good for you. Need something else?Y1a
21Player Default: Yeah, see what's wrong with me, doctor.{Curing someone's addiction. / InPain} Let's get you settled then.Y3a
22Player Default: Yeah, see what's wrong with me, doctor.{curing patient's chem addiction / InPain} Take a deep breath, this may be some rough going.Y4a
23Player Default: Yeah, see what's wrong with me, doctor.{curing patient's chem addiction / InPain} With a bit of Old World chemistry, we can get that squared away...Y5a
24Player Default: Yeah, see what's wrong with me, doctor.I can't afford to work for free. Sorry.Y6a
25Player Default: Yeah, see what's wrong with me, doctor.If you scrounge together some caps, I'd be happy to help. Otherwise...Y7a
26DLC03DialogueFarHarbor _TeddyFinishedDone. Now, was there anything else bothering you?A2a
27And that's that. Anything else bothering you?A3a
28All done. Any other complaints?A4a
29DLC03DialogueFarHarbor _TeddyReactsToHealingAndre{Impressed! / Impressed} Well, I'll be. I think you may have done it.A1a
30{Grateful} I'll keep looking after Andre, but I think thanks to you, he's got a fighting chance.A1b
31DLC03DialogueFarHarbor _TeddyWrightYour patient, Andre, he's walking around. If I'm not too careful there's going to be two doctors in the Harbor. *chuckle*A
32Dark days. Lost another patient - Andre. It never gets easy. Please tell me you're feeling well, at least.A
33{Mistaken identity, starts irritated / Irritated} You another vulture circling over Andre's body? He ain't dead. Wait.TeddyWright: No, it's a mainlander. Welcome to my little clinic.A
34Need some doctoring?A
35Is this a social visit, or is something ailin' you?A
36Welcome to my clinic. You need anything?A
37You here for doctoring?A
38DLC03MaleTeddyWright: You another vulture circling over Andre's body? He ain't dead. Wait.{Surprised and pleased / Surprised} No, it's a mainlander. Welcome to my little clinic.TeddyWright: If you need doctoring speak up. I wish I had time for some proper conversation, but my work's never done.A1a
39TeddyWright: No, it's a mainlander. Welcome to my little clinic.{Amiable / Friendly} If you need doctoring speak up. I wish I had time for some proper conversation, but my work's never done.A1a
40Came to the right place, then.A2a
41Well, speak up. What's ailing you?A3a
42Then speak up. I'm listening.A4a
43Tell me what you need, then.A5a
44Lucky you.B2a
45You take care, then.B3a
46Well, you know where I am.B4a
47I have a feeling we'll see each other again.B5a
48Sure, I can barter.X2a
49I can spare a few things.X3a
50Works for me.X4a
51What? Oh yes, trade.X5a
52Player Default: What's the diagnosis on your patient there?{Concerned for his patient / Sad} Poor Andre's my patient over there.Y1a
53{Grim - Andre is dying due to a very nasty illness / Somber} He spent too long a spell in the Fog. You may think you know your mainland radiation poisoning, but we got our own special brand here.Y1b
54Player Default: What's the diagnosis on your patient there?{Persuaded by the player, a bit hesitant (concern for patient) / Thinking} You say - what? You? Help? Well, poor Andre's got it bad. Good as dead... I suppose there's no harm letting you have a poke.Y2a
55{Gentle warning / Friendly} But I'll be watching you.Y2b
56Player Default: What's the diagnosis on your patient there?{Considering it, but he just can't / Thinking} You say - what? You? Help? I'm tempted, but if something goes wrong folk around here will get in a tizzy.Y3a
57{Considering the greater good / Apologetic} And they got enough mistrust of mainlanders. Sorry.Y3b
58Player Default: What's the diagnosis on your patient there?{Sympathetic / Somber} People around here have had a hard go of it.Y4a
59{Diplomatic / Amused} And manners on this island are a bit... sparse in the best of times.Y4b
60{Genuine / Friendly} Mainlanders tend to be a bit friendlier all told, so I always enjoy the extra company.Y4c
61-{Tired} All those people... Those synths...A
62I'm tired of stitching you rabble up.
63The Harbor's got a dim view of thieves.
64Not again.
65What? What? You say something?
66Certain medical conditions can cause loss of time like this.
67Sadly, I ain't got nothing better to do than wait on you.
68I fear something terrible happened to those synths by Acadia.
69{Philosophical, sad} It's hard to lose an appetite for hate. Might be best the Children of Atom are gone.
70A lot of blood spilt both ways between us and the Children of Atom. Not an easy thing to forget.
71{Sadly prophetic} DiMA's a poison. Give it time to take hold, and this island will tear itself apart with accusations.
72I suppose if we exiled Avery, she'd just be someone else's problem...
73You just couldn't keep Avery's secret? Dark days ahead.
74Might be the best damned thing you've done on this island is making some folk realize just how small Allen Lee is.
75People are coming around to you. Tradition is a powerful thing.
76{Deeply sad} Acadia did us wrong. But... So much blood.
77Heh? What? You have to speak up.
78You did good by Smalls and the dock rats.
79If something ails you, let me know.
80Not enough hours in the day to keep everyone patched up.
81We'll muddle on. Harbormen always do.
82The Harbor ain't for the weak of heart.
83Heard anything from Small Bertha? The dock rats went to the Lumber Mill and haven't been heard from since.
84I haven't heard anything from Small Bertha. I worry for that girl.
85Taking that Lumber Mill's the best news the island's had for months.
86Nothing good's going to come from those condensers that got sabotaged.
87{A good natured teasing} If you need to convalesce after your epic fight against the Red Death... *chuckle*


88DLC03FarHarborM01 _100_Intto{Neutral} Change your mind? There's a way to make these damned fools respect you.Player Default: I'd love to change their opinion of me.A
89{Neutral - leading to impressed / Neutral} You are a curious specimen.TeddyWright: Despite our "friendly" town doing its best to chase you out, you keep helping us ingrates all the same.A
90DLC03MaleTeddyWright: You are a curious specimen.{Impressed by the player, but genuinely curious / Impressed} Despite our "friendly" town doing its best to chase you out, you keep helping us ingrates all the same.TeddyWright: I got to ask: Why do you keep at it?A1a
91TeddyWright: Despite our "friendly" town doing its best to chase you out, you keep helping us ingrates all the same.{Curious / Puzzled} I got to ask: Why do you keep at it?Player Default: You're good people in some dire straits. Figured you could use a hand.A1a
92Player Default: You're good people in some dire straits. Figured you could use a hand.{Mishears a bit, then is sardonic / Amused} Huh? *chuckle* You running for office? If that's the truth, we don't deserve you.Companion: Just mind you don't let 'em take advantage of you.A1a
93Player Default: I think I'm done helping you guys.{Apologetic, friendly / Apologetic} Well, hold on now. There's reasons for people's... color.Companion: Sounds like you just need to charge 'em more for your services.B1a
94Player Default: I help mainly for the caps.{Mishears initially, then respects the answer (a lot actually) / Friendly} Huh? What? Caps, eh? Make some money and help at the same time. Respectable.Companion: That's all the reason you need.X1a
95Player Default: Does it really matter?I suppose not.TeddyWright: Most folk here are set in their ways, yes? Makes no difference how hard you try to get in good with them.Y1a
96Player Default: Huh? *chuckle* You running for office? If that's the truth, we don't deserve you.{Doesn't like that, apologizing for his people / Apologetic} Most folk here are set in their ways, yes? Makes no difference how hard you try to get in good with them.TeddyWright: Heck, it took my family three generations before the Daltons would sell us a heel of bread.A1a
97TeddyWright: Most folk here are set in their ways, yes? Makes no difference how hard you try to get in good with them.{A story he likes telling / Amused} Heck, it took my family three generations before the Daltons would sell us a heel of bread.TeddyWright: But there's a way - a downright insane way, mind - that you can turn even the most stubborn fool around.A1a
98TeddyWright: Heck, it took my family three generations before the Daltons would sell us a heel of bread.{A little uncomfortable, thinks the player is crazy - and crazy enough to do this / Nervous} But there's a way - a downright insane way, mind - that you can turn even the most stubborn fool around.Player Default: I'd love to change their opinion of me.A1a
99Player Default: Do it right, and all mainlanders might get treated better.{Sharing island history - billboard Captain's Dance, and maybe even a little spin that he knows it sounds ridiculous / Confident} In olden times leaders were chosen by something called the "Captain's Dance."TeddyWright: Legends say the toughest, meanest, and outright craziest hopefuls would... chum the waters and lure out the worst the island could throw at them.A1a
100Player Default: I'd love to change their opinion of me.{Confident / Confident} Do it right, and all mainlanders might get treated better.TeddyWright: In olden times leaders were chosen by something called the "Captain's Dance."A1a
101Player Default: I'm not interested.{Thinks the player is making the right call, but still trying to be persuasive / Friendly} Prudent. But, if you change your mind... The Harbor needs you, even if they're too stupid to realize it.TeddyWright: In olden times leaders were chosen by something called the "Captain's Dance."B1a
102Player Default: Why are some Harbormen so hostile to outsiders?{He's irritated about his people / Irritated} Most of the folk on this rock believe they've been given the God given right to walk here.Y1a
103{Sharing some philosophy / Impressed} Way I figure it, if you got the moxie to survive - you earned your place.Player Default: I'd love to change their opinion of me.Y1b
104TeddyWright: In olden times leaders were chosen by something called the "Captain's Dance."{Enjoys telling a tall tale, savors it / Friendly} Legends say the toughest, meanest, and outright craziest hopefuls would... chum the waters and lure out the worst the island could throw at them.TeddyWright: Once the would-be Captain killed the Mirelurk Queen, or Fog Crawler, or what have you - they'd invite the whole island to feast off the bounty.A1a
105TeddyWright: Legends say the toughest, meanest, and outright craziest hopefuls would... chum the waters and lure out the worst the island could throw at them.{Tall tales / Friendly} Once the would-be Captain killed the Mirelurk Queen, or Fog Crawler, or what have you - they'd invite the whole island to feast off the bounty.TeddyWright: You do this, well, you won't be made Captain - but you'll earn respect. Everyone's respect.A1a
106TeddyWright: Once the would-be Captain killed the Mirelurk Queen, or Fog Crawler, or what have you - they'd invite the whole island to feast off the bounty.{Gets to his point, 100% certain / Confident} You do this, well, you won't be made Captain - but you'll earn respect. Everyone's respect.Player Default: I'm ready to be become a legend, then.A1a
107Player Default: I'm ready to be become a legend, then.{Mishears then cracks up / Amused} You what? Ha! You crack me up.TeddyWright: There's an old Mirelurk feasting grounds by Emmet's Causeway. A treacherous stretch along the coast.A1a
108Player Default: I'm not sure about this.{Sincere, a little nervous / Nervous} I'd think you were a fool if you were. But... if you want to do it.TeddyWright: There's an old Mirelurk feasting grounds by Emmet's Causeway. A treacherous stretch along the coast.B1a
109Player Default: Why are you helping me?{Sincere, philosophical / Confident} My job is to heal people. And not just from the physical type of injuries.X1a
110{Trying to be persuasive / Pleading} The island's in trouble like it's never been. And you might - just might - be the medicine we desperately need.Player Default: I'm ready to be become a legend, then.X1b
111Player Default: So if we throw this... dance it'll really change their minds?{Just a slight crack in his certainty / Nervous} The Dance hasn't been done in living memory. Some people think the tradition is dead.Y1a
112{Then regroups, he's certain! / Confident} But its history is soaked deep in this island. You do it, and it'll turn heads for certain.Player Default: I'm ready to be become a legend, then.Y1b
113Player Default: You what? Ha! You crack me up.There's an old Mirelurk feasting grounds by Emmet's Causeway. A treacherous stretch along the coast.TeddyWright: Go there and throw any kind of meat you got into the water. All that blood and viscera will be sure to attract attention.A1a
114TeddyWright: There's an old Mirelurk feasting grounds by Emmet's Causeway. A treacherous stretch along the coast.Go there and throw any kind of meat you got into the water. All that blood and viscera will be sure to attract attention.TeddyWright: And then wait. I'll make sure there's a witness or two. Prove to the rest of these clods you belong.A1a
115TeddyWright: Go there and throw any kind of meat you got into the water. All that blood and viscera will be sure to attract attention.{Grateful} And then wait. I'll make sure there's a witness or two. Prove to the rest of these clods you belong.A1a
116DLC03FarHarborM01 _500a_FeastIntro{RAISED VOICE (all these lines) - to a crowd of 10 people, getting people's attention / Confident} Everyone. Everyone.TeddyWright: Times are hard, but this here feast is proof that we can turn things around.A1a
117TeddyWright: Everyone. Everyone.{A rousing speech / Confident} Times are hard, but this here feast is proof that we can turn things around.TeddyWright: Now I know mainlanders have been responsible for all manner of harm.A1a
118TeddyWright: Times are hard, but this here feast is proof that we can turn things around.{Confident} Now I know mainlanders have been responsible for all manner of harm.TeddyWright: But this one is special.A1a
119TeddyWright: Now I know mainlanders have been responsible for all manner of harm.{This One - is the player / Impressed} But this one is special.TeddyWright: This one did the Captain's Dance.A1a
120TeddyWright: But this one is special.{Deeply impressed / Impressed} This one did the Captain's Dance.Witness: It's true, I saw it!A1a
121Witness: It's true, I saw it!{Stirring speech / Grateful} So in my book, he's not a mainlander any more.TeddyWright: He's one of us.A1a
122Witness: It's true, I saw it!{Grateful} So in my book, she's not a mainlander any more.TeddyWright: He's one of us.A2a
123TeddyWright: So in my book, he's not a mainlander any more.{Hopefully moving inclusion to the community / Grateful} He's one of us.F05Wanderer: *cheer*A1a
124TeddyWright: So in my book, he's not a mainlander any more.{Grateful} She's one of us.F05Wanderer: *cheer*A2a
125DLC03FarHarborM01 _500b_TurnIn{Amused / Amused} If these knuckleheads don't trust you now...TeddyWright: Well, fuck 'em, right?A
126DLC03MaleTeddyWright: If these knuckleheads don't trust you now...{Hopefully delivered to invite a chuckle back / Amused} Well, fuck 'em, right?TeddyWright: I expect folk will be more talkative now, might even have some more work for you. Maybe hit up Mitch at the Last Plank.A1a
127TeddyWright: Well, fuck 'em, right?{Really impressed by the PC / Friendly} I expect folk will be more talkative now, might even have some more work for you. Maybe hit up Mitch at the Last Plank.Player Default: Seriously, thanks, Teddy.A1a
128Player Default: Seriously, thanks, Teddy.{Genuinely doesn't know what to make of the PC / Puzzled} You are the most peculiar main... person, I've ever had the occasion to meet.TeddyWright: Take this. And, if you're inclined, socialize. It's your party after all.A1a
129Player Default: Haven't I helped enough?{Confused, then amused / Amused} Wha-What? *chuckle* Hell, I got no idea why you've done half the things you do.B1a
130{Very friendly / Friendly} If you're done lending a hand, can't say I blame you one bit.TeddyWright: Take this. And, if you're inclined, socialize. It's your party after all.B1b
131Player Default: Have any leads on a paying gig?{Thinking} What? Why yes, Mitch, he owns the Last Plank. I think his family is in a spot of trouble.X1a
132{Thinking} And I heard some of the dregs at the end of the dock were looking for help, too.TeddyWright: Take this. And, if you're inclined, socialize. It's your party after all.X1b
133Player Default: You need anything else, Teddy?{Belly laugh / Amused} Ha! You just don't quit. No, no I don't need a damned thing. Ha.TeddyWright: Take this. And, if you're inclined, socialize. It's your party after all.Y1a
134Player Default: You are the most peculiar main... person, I've ever had the occasion to meet.{Friendly} Take this. And, if you're inclined, socialize. It's your party after all.A1a
135-Hope you enjoy your shindig.
136You actually did it. Haha.
137Don't say I didn't warn you. The Dance is dangerous.


138DLC03FarHarborS02 _350b_BigQuestTurnInPlayer Default: You would? Then their odds are sure to be better.{Almost an order / Defiant} Give them the Fog Condensers, Avery.CaptainAvery: Well, I won't stop you. But until we deal with the Children of Atom - settling the island again... It could blow up in your face.A1a
139{Talking town business / Worried} At this rate, we may be running low on medical supplies inside a week or two.CaptainAvery: We're expecting another boat soon.A1a
140SmallBertha: Excuse me.{A little taken aback by this behavior / Irritated} Smalls, we got no time for you.SmallBertha: The mainlander cleared out Echo Lake Lumber Mill.A1a
141SmallBertha: But we're no good here. Harbormen need their own land. Something to protect and hold.{Thoughtful / Thinking} I was wrong about you.CaptainAvery: What?A1a
142CaptainAvery: What?{Dismissive at Avery / Irritated} Not you.TeddyWright: You.A1a
143TeddyWright: Not you.{Looks at Small Bertha and is impressed / Impressed} You.TeddyWright: Bertha knows this island better than you, Avery. We give folk some Condensers, materials, and a chance to build defenses and we'll survive all right.A1a
144TeddyWright: You.{Impressed, moved by Bertha's passion and plan / Impressed} Bertha knows this island better than you, Avery. We give folk some Condensers, materials, and a chance to build defenses and we'll survive all right.TeddyWright: And thrive even.A1a
145TeddyWright: Bertha knows this island better than you, Avery. We give folk some Condensers, materials, and a chance to build defenses and we'll survive all right.{Filled with hope / Grateful} And thrive even.Player Default: I can lend a hand, too.A1a
146Player Default: I can lend a hand, too.{Was not expecting that - and is grateful / Grateful} You would? Then their odds are sure to be better.TeddyWright: Give them the Fog Condensers, Avery.A1a
147Player Default: Anyone wanting to settle this island's crazy. It'll kill you.{Stubbornly amused / Amused} It's been trying all my life. Hasn't done it yet.TeddyWright: Give them the Fog Condensers, Avery.B1a
148Player Default: For the price of a few Condensers, you give people real hope. Sounds like a good deal to me.{Proud, defiant in the face of grim odds / Defiant} And even if they don't make it, they go out with their heads held high.TeddyWright: Give them the Fog Condensers, Avery.X1a
149Player Default: Could this really work?{Thoughtful reply, grim calculus - proud / Thinking} I don't see why not. And even if it doesn't, instead of starving on a pier they die on their own land.TeddyWright: Give them the Fog Condensers, Avery.Y1a
150CaptainAvery: Come, Bertha.{Friendly, billboard this - he's saying THIS IS A PLAYER SETTLEMENT now except in natural language / Friendly} You might want to check up on Echo Lake. Bertha's friends would no doubt welcome you.TeddyWright: And take this. You never cease to amaze.A1a
151TeddyWright: You might want to check up on Echo Lake. Bertha's friends would no doubt welcome you.{Amused and very impressed / Amused} And take this. You never cease to amaze.A1a


152DLC03IntroScene TeddyWright_01FemaleShopper: Meaning no disrespect, doc, but if he ain't getting better... Andre promised me his gun. I got a writ for it here. All official.{Hard of hearing, then disgusted / Irritated} You want his... what? Gun? His body's not cold yet, so what's his stays his until then.FemaleShopper: Mr. Lee's lined me up a deal. More than enough caps to get off this cursed island. I need that gun.A1a
153FemaleShopper: Mr. Lee's lined me up a deal. More than enough caps to get off this cursed island. I need that gun.{Disgusted / Angry} A miserable rascal like you doesn't deserve to be on this island. You should be praying for your "friend" instead of reading up on his will.TeddyWright: Now. Get the hell out of my clinic.A1a
154TeddyWright: A miserable rascal like you doesn't deserve to be on this island. You should be praying for your "friend" instead of reading up on his will.{More angry / Angry} Now. Get the hell out of my clinic.A1a


155-Be careful. I'm tired of stitching folk up.A


156DLC03MQ05_0400 _TeddyExaminesSkull{An odd request / Surprised} Not something I hear every day.TeddyWright: There are some tests I could run. Seems important to you. Hand it over.A1a
157TeddyWright: Not something I hear every day.{Curious / Puzzled} There are some tests I could run. Seems important to you. Hand it over.TeddyWright: All right.A1a
158TeddyWright: There are some tests I could run. Seems important to you. Hand it over.{Puzzled} All right.TeddyWright: This? This can't be? It's impossible, right?A1a
159TeddyWright: All right.{Shocked! / Disbelief} This? This can't be? It's impossible, right?TeddyWright: No, no. Avery's been dead for years now. Acadia's done rigged the game, haven't they?A1a
160TeddyWright: This? This can't be? It's impossible, right?{Dawning realization / Disbelief} No, no. Avery's been dead for years now. Acadia's done rigged the game, haven't they?TeddyWright: This proof you got there. What do you plan on doing with it?A1a
161TeddyWright: No, no. Avery's been dead for years now. Acadia's done rigged the game, haven't they?{Scared - this is a secret that can tear apart everything / Nervous} This proof you got there. What do you plan on doing with it?Player Default: I want to resolve this with the least amount of collateral damage.A1a
162Player Default: I want to resolve this with the least amount of collateral damage.{Hard of hearing, relieved / Relieved} Collateral what? Ah yes. You got good instincts there.Companion: So that cold-blooded synth bastard gets away with it, then. All thanks to you.A1a
163Player Default: I want DiMA to pay for what he's done.{Hard of hearing, then comprehends, but warning / Stern} Make him what? Pay. No argument here. It's... diabolical.Companion: You're goddamn right he's goin' to pay.B1a
164Player Default: If you were in my shoes what would you do?{Unsteady / Nervous} Have a good long drink is what I'd do first.Y1a
165{Thinking, still unsteady / Thinking} On one hand, people need justice, and criminals need to pay.Y1b
166{A little afraid / Afraid} But folk can go from god-fearing to lynchin' awful quick.Y1c
167{Nervous / Nervous} The real question, though, is what you're planning on?Player Default: I want to resolve this with the least amount of collateral damage.Y1d
168Player Default: Collateral what? Ah yes. You got good instincts there.{Sincere - nervous / Nervous} Listen, I ain't telling no one nothing. If a single word got out...TeddyWright: Well, it'd be whole mess of bad. If you have a powerful need to bear your soul... talk with Avery herself.A1a
169TeddyWright: Listen, I ain't telling no one nothing. If a single word got out...{Trying to convince the player - pleading / Pleading} Well, it'd be whole mess of bad. If you have a powerful need to bear your soul... talk with Avery herself.TeddyWright: I know she ain't human, per se, but I know her. She's a pain in my side but a decent sort.A1a
170TeddyWright: Well, it'd be whole mess of bad. If you have a powerful need to bear your soul... talk with Avery herself.{Pleading} I know she ain't human, per se, but I know her. She's a pain in my side but a decent sort.TeddyWright: Whatever you do, don't tell Allen Lee. Otherwise there'll be a whole lot of blood.A1a
171TeddyWright: I know she ain't human, per se, but I know her. She's a pain in my side but a decent sort.{Urgent, afraid of the consequences / Pleading} Whatever you do, don't tell Allen Lee. Otherwise there'll be a whole lot of blood.A1a
172DLC03MQ05_0500c _SpareAveryMariner: See the Hull? That's thanks to the mainlander. A true friend of the Harbor.You going to listen to Allen's hate-mongerin'? You even remember who did the Captain's Dance?CassieDalton: Mainlander cleared my farm. Avenged my family! More than the rest of you ever did for me.A1a
173Mariner: See the Hull? That's thanks to the mainlander. A true friend of the Harbor.You all remember Andre? He would've been dead for certain but for the mainlander.CassieDalton: Mainlander cleared my farm. Avenged my family! More than the rest of you ever did for me.A2a
174Mariner: But I believe the mainlander may be connected with his death.Smalls and Tony, and the others from the dregs. They went to the Lumber Mill.A1a
175On the word of this man. And nobody's heard from them since.AllenLee: Everyone's said their piece. It's clear what we have to do.A1b
176Mariner: But I believe the mainlander may be connected with his death.Smalls and Tony, and the others from the dregs. They went to the Lumber Mill.A2a
177On the word of this woman. And nobody's heard from them since.AllenLee: Everyone's said their piece. It's clear what we have to do.A2b
178-One way or the other, a doctor's gonna be necessary.A
179{Tired} If it must be done, might as well see it done right.A
180{Worried, nervous} That skull I looked at for you... It's better if it stays buried. Forever.